tse tribune stouffville oat thursday january 1 1952 editors mail claremont ontario january 10 1952 stouffville tribune stouffville ontario dear charles ai the annual meeting of the pickering township film council last tuesday evening jan sth tao or three times the stouffville tribune was thanked by different committee chairmen for their co operation in publicizing our act ivities during the past year without the press said rev monknun the film council could not have accomplished what they did he went on to mention the stouffville tribune and the pick ering news for all they had done for us peg hoskins in his report as 2nd vice president also stressed how important the press had been in helping the film council become known to so many throughout the township as a result we now have 31 members and most of them have signified their intention of joining again for another year now that we have purchased our second projector we are in a position to accept a few more applications a couple months ago however we were discouraging memberships as we had all the members that we could handle with only one projector comic films are another feature of the library in clareniont for a very small daily fee our members are able to rent comic films for showing in their own commun ities you may be interested in know ing that last year we had 260 films showing in pickering township and adjacent communities the library handled over 150 films dur ing the year and more than 12000 attended the showings the national film board feels that for the first year of operation we have done an outstanding job and mr win proctor nfr field representative in this district said in his talk roth the stouffville tribune and the pickering news deserve a great deal of credit for the formation of the pickering townsihp film council in publi cizing our activities and keeping the public informed as to what we are doing let me add my own personal thanks to the above all you have done is most certainly appreciated youna sincerely clare keevil hotstove sessions plentiful overseas too by george abell of stouffville here it is january again so doubt most toys and all xew years resolutions are well broken by now with the elections over j the standard topic of conversation around les wilsons furnace and shiners little stove will of course be hockey i never could figure how women got their reputation for gossiping and doing a lot of talking because in my time i have heard thousands of hours of con versation in garages and around various hot stoves in ontario with out ever hearing anything worth listening to and its just the same here the britisher is even more of a gregarious animal than canadians and to fill this need there are any number of establishments which provide a warm place to gather and discuss profound questions in epsom as in all towns there is a variety of clubs liberal labour conservative working- mens comrades legion fire mens photographers and at least half a dozen athletic clubs at which the most strenuous athletic events are billiards darts and making big pints of four x ale dis appear conversation is generally on tin same high plane as any place men gather in our part of the world with the main difference being that as epsom lives by for and cedar grove thusday jan 10 do you have friends living in the city who come out to cedar grove in july and august and say its lovely out here in the sum mer time but dont you find it lonely in the winter whatever do you find to do you might sug gest they try our life out here for a week right about now they will go back to the city exhausted and glad to be living in the compara tive qufet of urban life there is so much to do in our village that if we take in every thing a great many jobs laid aside to he done during the winter still remain undone when its time to get tlie sweet peas planted last friday evening the community club held their annual meeting this time in place of the usual pot luck supper they had a turkey dinner over eigluly people who ate the quantities of turkey vege tables cranberries and pies will agree that the dinner was a huge success so good in fact that we hope it will become an annual tradition in cedar grove added to the enjoyment of the delicious food was the group of coloured slides shown by mr arnold wyt- tenback taken on a trip to his native switzerland naturally we expected to see mountains but such mountains mr wyttenback is an artist with a camera and every picture showed the mountains at their most majestic their most interesting and their greatest his love of his country and his love of colour and composition was appar ent in every slide following the swiss photographs we saw a few taken in canada these were so beautiful that they gave a wonder ful feeling of pride to every can adian present the election of officers did not include many changes from 1951 president lloyd clendenen vice president archie little treas wally reesor secy myrtle hamil ass secy helen little lunch conveners myrtle milroy jean carr lillian dean marion mccowan works conveners stan milroy archie little bob lapp and austin reesor sports conv scotty crichton and wynn bridges ass louise carr press secfty pat moclennan auditors jack walton and jack olten it was decided at the meeting that the partition be removed in the clubhouse at cedarena making the building all one big room this should meet with the child rens approval and also with the daddies who take their small daughters skating and speaking of that kind of daddies we have two more recent little girls in the village mr and mrs jack walton and mr and mrs bob lapp both have now daughters congratulations to the new par ents and welcome to the new arrirau on thoroughbred race horses most talk is loot concerned with them j one breezy day some weeks ago i heard this brilliant sample ail oratory in the local legion hall j one exercise boy l 0 years old and four foot ten high was standing in front of the fire warming the lower part of his back when another wanders up windy today ennery tis an all sam boy twas jest such a day twelve l years ago ennery when chalky white and 1 was exercising them two stallions of lord roseberrys on the downs when they tuk to fightin and on and on and on for twenty minutes about this episode with all the details of everything that happened until both horses were in canvas slings having their wounds treated and both riders- had had a severe dressing down from the head trainer one old chap of eighty who spends most of his time halfway between the fireplace and the bar of another club has a wonderful memory and sense of humour like most old fellows who hold forth to a young audience his favorite theme is how soft the people are today why when he was a boy people worked seventy- two hours a week for two pence an hour and were happy as if they were in their right minds eggs were a penny a dozen and beer a penny a pint but why go on im ure weve all heard it before his favorite anecdote however con cerns three widows at the turn of the century who lined up each tuesday morning at a local church for their two shillings a week poor allotment and who then sedately tiled into the pub across the road to each buy a round of gin at four pence a glass to ward off rheuma tism this old gentleman can and will if nobody is quick enough to stop him i recite without a mistake the name owner trainer jockey and time of every derby winner since 1s95 its fascinating to hear him spin stories of the days when the nobility thought nothing of a wager of ten or twenty thousand pound- on a horse of their fancy since income tax and estate duties have got so heavy these same gentlemen and their wives are too busy showing visitors around their ancestral homes at half a crown each to attend race meetings each club subscribes to half a dozen morning papers and a lot of men find time to drop in mornings and try to pick a winner or two for the day and bet a few shillings on them with their favorite book maker i notice the bookmakers drive nice cars and smoke cigars while most of the punters in canada they spell that word sucker ride bicycles and roll their this superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup salada 01ah9e pesos own cigarettes the various clubs all have teams i playing cribbage chess bridge darts billiards and even canasta so that a much higher percentage of adults participate in organized recreation than in canada a feature that i feel is lacking so far as i know at home is the weekly family nights at each club here when the wives and children come and entertainment is provided for them altie has a lot better chance of getting out four nights a week if his good wife knows shes going with him to the same place on saturday night so long for this week must close now and rush to southampton to give this letter to winnie to de liver and so save the stamp all that a wallflower needs in order to blossom out is some son subscribe to the tribune today motorists get drivers licenses after making the grade and then get oi i and make it too fast skinny men women gain 5 10 15 lbs get ne pep vim vigor what a thrill bony limbs fill out uflr hollow oh up deck do longer scrawny body loeoe halt starved sickly beanpole look thousands oi girls women men who never could rata befare are now proud or shapely healthytooling bodies they thank the special visorbuildinc oeabbuudlxtf tonic ostrex its tonics stimulant inrtgoratera iron vitamin bi calcium enrich blood improve appetite and digestion so food gives you mom streoetli and nourish rieat put flesh on bar bones dont tear setting too fat stop when youve sained the 3 10 15 or so lbs you need lor normal weight costs little new get acquainted alia oni eoa try famous odtrez tonic tablet for new vigor and added pounds this very day at all druggists t a spectaciilar new dnaljranm perfofiiiaiiee vtokvvia engines luxurious interiors and cbiorlfosembtesl the power you want when you want mt where you want mt 5s q uigh cosipression engines new dualrange hydramatic ok powerglide automatic transmission 0 new economy axle gjgl ileamlful ew silver streak stylittit dn cblo of dclaxc itphoiafery to ilnrroonize fjjl willi uoily color ilzi complete w color kiucmbli inrtldc and oat gsj cliolrc- of or u cylinder kndnea ph twindart ilulllfn ventilating syxtrra gjjj inmatrned ileeord for long tronblefrre life jj dualrait llrjrafattc drirt optional at txtra rati an ckirftain srrl vouvrgliat optional on fltrtltaarr drluxt moowl at txtra rat f45ia only when your own eyes have feasted on the luxurious new interiors and color harmonies of the great new 1952 pontiacs will you know the full story of their beauty and only your own foot on the accelerator can demonstrate the eager response of the highcompression pontiac engines for horsepower has been steppedup on both the pontiac 6 and the pontiac 8 treat yourself also to a demonstration of pontiacs spectacular new dualrange hydra- malic drive set it in traffic range and feci how the highcompression engine strcakd you out ahead then flick over to economy range and relax in effortless silent riding case or if you prefer you can choose a 1952 mole motor sales stoaffvilie ontario pontiac equipped with silksmooth power- glide for pontiac and only pontiac offers you a choice of tioo completely automatic transmissions combined with the new econ omy axle above all dont forget to check the pricetags on the wonderful new 1952 pontiac line in original cost as in all else youll agree that dollar for dollar yon cant beat a pontiac come in and sec for yourself a- ocnual motoks vauie pontiac mr 2s rinsing v- txbrifle rontact ire 1 they are out because if theyre in i would sake a mile more interest ceo hendricks i theyll be out anyway in the leasjue l i i uj