Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 21, 1950, p. 13

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the tribune stouffviue ont thursday december 21 1950 business directory dental hktl c smith lds djxs graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commence telephone i 7 stouffviue m s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie jacks beauty parlor phone 27 4 u- aiarkliam every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffviue ontario telephone 371 xuay hoirs daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hoars daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tae3day thursday saturday 700 to 900 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometrical e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffviue datss of visits to stouffville office announced in local columns raymond e wass optometrist toronto ontario at stouffville every saturday 1000 am to 900 pm office located in same building as len wilkes clothes shop sobribplione 24 wl tor rcdfcrn 5000 insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario fefluraace in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service ptiones 259wl and 259w2 h 0 klinck phone 44w3 stouffville nn auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds jtsie standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a matoal company with 125 years experience strength and service unexcelled d a beer insurance of all kinds 20th anniversary ph pickering 241w2 address brougham ont f m pugh phoae 3svr2 stouffville life fire auto xbo mutual life of canada was established in 1869 and has always bean a mutual company it enjoy n asoellent reputation for outstand- as returns to policy holders prompt and courteous service f g alsop life auto fire j8iss and accident insurance phone 50w2 taxi service stouffville cleaners phone 343 otaaaiag pressing miner repairs pickup ami delivery scrvlco monument works stouffville orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone slwl brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street kast stouffviue auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph stouff 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere speclall- lng in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements household furniture real estate sales oui specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milllken po ph aglncourt 52w3 markham po ph markham 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a speciality address gormley po telephone stouffviue 67312 real estate consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st ad 0605 city and country homes farm and small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone s3jl stouffville when buying or selling reax estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87jl funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service dny or night phone stouffville 98wl llvuvvli j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service equipped to take care of modest funeral at the reasonable charge ag well as the largest and most exacting successor to the late r g clendenning telephone 90 markham ontario thos j wignall funeral director dignified efficient service -ambulance- 24 hour service call marioiam 230 stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 125 office phones 370 and iso coooooooooooooooe sunday school lesson lesson for dec 24 golden tevt fear not for be hold i bring you good tidings of great joy which shall bo to all i people for unto you ls born thisj day in thecity or david a saviour which is christ the lord luke 210 11 tiie lkssox as a whole approach lo the lesson each recurring christmas sea son brings again to men the reminder of the birth of our lord jesus christ who came into the world to save sinners we do not know exactly when his incarna tion took place scripture does not give us any record of the celebra tion of his birthday by the apos tolic church but early in the christian centuries this annual memorial seems to have been sub stituted for a pagan festival which was celebrated on or about decem ber twentylifth however we can surely thank god that in his divine providence he has permitt ed this it is well that from year to year mankind should be remind ed that god came down to earth in the person of his son to recall us to himself and to redeem us from our sins every christmas carol sounding through the air emphasizes this great and impor tant truth and is a challenge to all to heed the gospel message and to receive the saviour it proclaims luke the beloved physician col 114 gives us the fullest account of the nativity that we have in scripture but he is not alone in declaring the virgin birth of our lord matthew attests this very clearly matt 1 is and it is certainly implied in galatians 4 4 unbelieving scholars have attempt ed to invalidate isaiahs prophecy about the virgin birth isa 714 but these new testament records confirm its truth it was god the eternal son of the father who stooped in grace to link humanity with his deity and to enter the world which he himself has made john 13 through the gate of birth manifestly in the very nature of things he could have no human father but as man born on earth he was the son of god luke 135 he did not begin to live when he was conceived in the womb of the virgin but he came voluntarily from the glory he had witli the father before the world was john 175 into this new condition in order that he might become the redeemer of the world the historical setting the birth of jesus really took place about four years prior to the beginning of the account designat ed anno domini through a mis understanding as to the date of herods death chronologists dated christs birth too late later in vestigation revealed this error and we now know that jesus was born in the year which we would have to call bc and his death took place in the year ad 30 in stead of ad 33 as formerly sup posed as to luke the author of the third gospel and the book or acts we have no way of deter mining whether he was a hellen istic jew or gentile proselyte but the first view is the more prob able he became a companion of the apostle paul on the latters second missionary journey joining the company at troas and gring with them to macedonia fron that time until the martyrdom of the apostle- he remained with him except for short intervals when he stayed behind in various places to confirm young converts in the faith he was pauls sole compan ion in his second imprisonment 2 tim i 11 verse bv verse- luke 21 all the world this expression refers to that part of the world dominated by the roman empire it did not include those lands inhabited by unciviliz ed or barbarous people outside the limits of romes authority the word here translated world was definitely applied in this way to the roman world verse 2 when cyrenius was governor of syria in years gone by certain critics thought they had detected a chronological error here but it is a wellknown fact that cyrenius was twice governor of syria and held that office at the rennies transport phone 121 stouffville sand gravel loam screened stone any size dally service to toronto phone wa 9003 toronto stouffville machine tool works telephone z53 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs very tini n indicated- verse 3 every one into his own city note how god over ruled in this way in order that micahs prophecy given 700 years before might be literallv fulfilled llic 52 verse 4 he was of the house and lineage of david the genea logy given in matthew shows that joseph though but a humble car penter was the direct heir to the throne of david through his marriage to mary before the holy- child was born he conveyed the throne rights to jesus verse 5 mary his espoused wife the genealogy given in luke 3 in which jqseph is spoken of as the son of heli luke 323 is evidently that of mary through whom our lod was lineally des cended from david through his son nathan heli was the father of mary joseph is said to be of heli because he was his son-in- law verse g while they were there the days were accomplish ed thus after their arrival in bethlehem to be enrolled for the taxation the fujl time came for the birth of the holy babe verse 7 to room for them in the inn what a pathetic commen tary on the attitude of this world toward its creator he who made all things found no welcome when he came unto his own here he took the lowest place born in a stable and cradled in a manger but that manger has become through all the centuries since the symbol of unselfish love and un dying devotion bethlehem was the first step down from the throne of glory to the cross of cal vary verse s there were shep herds abiding in the field all un conscious of the unspeakably great event that had taken place in the town that night these simple god fearing men were watching over their flock in a nearby pasture to them the first announcement of the birth of the king was to be given verse 9 the angel of the lord came upon them four hun dred years had- passed since angel visitants had appeared on earth then suddenly gabriel came to zacharias to announce the birth of john the baptist and then later to mary the virgin to whom he com municated the wonderful news that she was to be the mother of gods messiah now a glorious angel appeared to the astounded shepherds as the glory of god covered the heavens verse j good tidings of great joy this was the first gospel proclamation of the new dispensa tion a message for all the people of the world not for israel only verse 11 a saviour christ the lord though born to rule the universe in righteousness the emphasis was placed upon his saviourhood rather than upon his kingship though both were includ ed in the angels message verse 12 this shall be a sign not a royal child in a palace wrapped in costly garments but a peasant babe in swaddling clothes resting where the cattle feed verse 13 14 a multitude of the heavenly host saying glory to god in the highest all heaven was aflame with holy excitement while the people of bethlehem and or all palestine slumbered on unaware of the advent of the long promised de liverer the message of peace on earth good will toward men fell only on the ears of the shepherds verse 15 let us now go and see with humble minds and reverent faith the shepherds wended their way to the city that they might see for themselves the one of whom the angels had spoken verse 16 they came with haste and found the holy family mary the mother joseph her hus band- and protector and the baby saviour what emotion must have filled their hearts as they looked upon the little face and realized that the one of whom the prophets spake had appeared at last on earth the heart of the lesson at this happy season of the year our hearts turn once more to the wonderful story of the coming in to the world of gods beloved son our lord jesus christ whose advent in grace was predicted so definitely hundreds of years be fore his birth the city of his birth was foretold by micah chap 52 isaiah declared that he would be born of a virgin mother isa 714 both of these prophe cies were fulfilled to the letter but although the jews had been look ing for the coming of their messiah fof hundreds of years there were few who recognized him as the promised king when he came in- such deep humiliation as our colored friends sometimes sing in one of the tenderest and most touching of their spirituals- sweet little baby jesus dear little holy child they didnt know who you was let us challenge our own hearts as to wnether we have recognized in him the christ of god and have received him by faith as our own saviour and lord the seven wonders of the modern world are the airplane radium antiseptic antitoxins x- ray radio and the telephone we have a hunch mirrors were invented to show us who is to blame for most of our troubles watches enurgeb to show deiau ken wagg jeweller stouffvillie ontario i 4w4o christmas 1 sf nicest way to bring pleasure to all the family whether its the traditional poinsettias in a ribbonlied container or a magnifi cent bouquet of roses flowers to add zest and color to the christmas living room sre a must flowers cost little yet repay many times over in pleasure and remember if you are in doubt about the right gift to give dont hesitate send flowers stouffville floral co phone 70w stouffville sjekbsijjr53j535

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