Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 14, 1950, p. 1

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full page classified ads totrfftrille twmm sports page eleven vol 61 no 21 the tribune stoufkville ont september 14 1950 saturdays a big day saturday this week and sunday too will be big days for reeve edw logan of whitchurch township this week the municipality which he has the honor to head will celebrate one hundred years of municipal government reeve logan is shown here looking over one of the centuryold municipal documents mrs re sanderson passes at victoria square home following an illness of five months duration mrs r e sanderson passed away at her home lot 21 con 5 markham tvvp on friday sept 8th death being due to thrombosis the deceased was born 76 years ago at lot 12 on the same concession one and a half miles from her late home her maiden name was lorllla w lundy her parents be ing william lundy and jane gamble lundy almost 53 years ago she was united in marriage with robert ernest sanderson who survives her also surviving is a daughter mabel at home a son clare having predeceased his mother and an only surviving sister is mrs rolph boynton of victoria square funeral services were conducted sunday afternoon sept 10th by rev austin huston in victoria square united church with inter ment in the adjoining cemetery pallbearers were messrs angus valliere arthur buchanan john snider harvey collard ross klinck and stanley boynton the late mrs sanderson spent all her life in the same vicinity she was identified with victoria square united church and as a girl with buttonville methodist church and was a life member of the womens missionary society svmpathy is being extended to dr e s barker of stouffville in the loss of his sister mrs henry black of regina who passed away suddenly on tuesday of this week route of saturdays centennial parade the grand parade which will herald the opening of the whit church township centennial cele bration on saturday and sunday of this week will take the follow ing route in arriving at its destin ation cedar beach park mussel- mans lake parade will form at 10 am saturday morning at huron and main sts newmarket thence through newmarket via main street out eagle st to yonge st south to aurora to moseley st east to aurora park then east on wellington st to the 1th con of whitchurch south to the whitchurchmarkham town- line east to stouffville along main st to the 10th con then north to lincolnville west to bloomington and north on the oth con to mussulmans lake a number of floats are being entered from stouffville and with the bands and numerous floats from aurora newmarket and the township will form a parade of considerable proportion the stouffville fire brigade with their new truck will join the ranks at stouffville and make the trip to the lake brief historical reference will be made to stouffville as the caval cade passes through and this will be replied to by reeve henry ogden the parade is expected to arrive here about 1145 am on sunday at newmarket the stouffville legion together with veterans from aurora and new market will parade to the arena for the mass service the service is in charge of rev norman rowan the welcome will be given by rev douglas davis and the address by rev levi atkinson an offering will be taken for the york county hospital more than 12000 attended local rower lovers win mat cm stouffville horticultural society completed a perfect entry at this years cne winning their fourth first prize on their fourth basket entered in the big fair on thursday the local society have won a number of prizes in past years but this is the first time they have ever carried off top spot in all four entries arena company appeals for lower taxes reg button secretarytreasurer of the stouffville arena company and c 11 bell vicepresident waited on stouffville municipal council at their regular meeting on thursday evening requesting some easement of what is believed by the arena company to be an exhorbitant tax bill against- the local concern the new arena erected for stouftville last year was assessed s1s00o for a tax bill of 72500 cost of the building was 12500 the arena company is trying to give services to the people of this community which the taxpayers might otherwise be called on to pay for stated mr button he stated that an unofficial estimate of the free time granted to local children and organizations amounted to 2500 last winter with the addition of tnis tax bill the arena has paid more than 3000 into the town in the first year it was revealed the arena is certainly a wonderful thing for stouffville and we must give it every considera tion reeve ogden told the dele gation thats certainly a terrific tax bill commented councillor spofford we want to find out the steps to be taken to obtain a fixed assess ment stated mr button ft was believed that a vote of the ratepayers would be taken on such a question at the next regular election date mr bell pointed out that while the arena had made a profit dur ing the first- fiscal year much time had been accorded freely to the young folks and only recently all the churches of the community shared in the facilities of the arena without charge the local baseball boys are also granted free use of the premises for visiting ball clubs the arena officials aid not feel that to tax the place to the hilt was a very fair appreciation of their generosity reeve ogden stated that some thing would be done to ease the situation for the current year and the matter of a fixed assessment will be studied hare i5keet of cattle win prizes for iocai owner wm sellers son lot 12 con cession 5 markham carried off the reserve junior championship for his red poll yearling bull at the cne last week mr sellers also won with a yearling heifer he told the tribune that this particular breed of milk cow is very rare- in york county they are an english breed which have been growing in popularity in western ontario the evangelistic campaign for stouffville area held from aug 20th to sept 3rd proved a great blessing to the whole community i rev john linton of wheaton illinois the evangelist brought stirring biblical messages every evening his strong belief in the power of prayer and in the necessity of people turning to godi and letting his spirit rule in their i lives was as a torch from which i others caught fire through the whole area more than 12000 attended the campaign during its two weeks duration a word of appreciation should be expressed to mr eldon lehman who came out from toronto each evening after his days work to lead in the service of song andi brought a succession of talent tci render special musical numbers as well mr lehmans enthusiastic leadership of congregational sing ing as well as numbers given by the choir of 75 voices under his direction created an atmosphere fitting to the presentation of mr lintons message gratitude should be expressed to the officials of the arena whose generosity made the meetings possible to the hallman organ company for the use of their splendid electric organ mr n fan- for taking care of the public address system mr clarion baker and miss alice barkey for presid ing at the organ and piano the youth for christ choir and mrs cake their leader the massed choir mr rusnell and his helpers for satisfactorily parking cars the horticultural society for seeing flowers were provided churches who loaned seats and truckers who brought them and all others who helped in bees and any other way hydro shutoff local users of hydro are asked to kindly take notice that the power will be shut off on saturday of this week sept 16th from 1230 noon until 2 pm the shutdown is necessitated to allow certain changes in the new transformer station at the west end of town presides at opening lllf t rahfisiffihralp 3p8 iftes sllll ai harold spofford new presi dent of the stouffville lions club who presided at the opening of the club on mon- dav evening local horses do well at cne among the numerous prizes at the canadian national exhibition just ended were a considerable number to farmers of this district and not least among them were winnings of vince baker altona who carried off nearly a dozen awards with his clydesdale entries mr baker won 2nd and third on brood mares first and second on foals first and third on 2-year- okls third on best clyde team fourth on fourhorse hitch third on sixhorse hitch junior cham pion and reserve grand champion another winner was mr and mrs w a clark 9th concession of whitchurch their chestnut gelding taxation ridden by mrs av a clark won a blue ribbon in a large class of hunters and jumpers in the horse show division i town road improvement may reach 7000 this year council finds total expenditures on town streets this year may reach 7000 it was reveaved by treasurer geo storey at the regular meeting of stoufrville municipal council on thursday evening to date expenditures have amounted to 533117 on which the department of highways will pay a subsidy of 50 70 councillors agreed that an excellent job had been done on the streets by the bruel paving co who scarified and oiled a great many streets earlier this season and it was not believed that the budget should reach any such pro portions next year an account was also received from the bruel company for 91313 for sidewalk resurfacing an account for 1400 for patching was severely criticized by council and the amount will be taken up with the bruel firm as it appears to be an extremely heavy charge for the amount of time and materials expended xew subdivision planned blue prints for a proposed new subdivision were placed before council for their approval on thursday evening the new residential extension is on mani toba street which runs east from church street opposite the bob bone residence the subdivider is a e heaton and the plans call for eleven lots five on one side and six on the other with a portion of the land being reserved for a turning road at the end of the deadend street part of the lots measure 50171 and the north lots 5x232 there wis considerable discus sion over the site and it was agreed that mr heaton would have to grade and gravel a satis factory street before council could approve a further stipulation would be the removal of several barns which would block the view of new home owners on the north side of the street subdivisions of this type are governed by the restrictions in the ontario municipal planning act the plan must also be approved by the ontario municipal board be fore lots may be sold the end of the proposed new subdivision is almost straight north of park road- north which many people have envisioned as being continued parallel to church street as the town continues to grow court of revision council sitting as a court of revision on the tax roll handled only two minor changes sanction was given for a rebate of 39 taxes to dr h b freel on his newly erected and then unoccupied dwelling oh main street a rebate of 5s1 was also mads to earl keith on a baker ave assessment due to error more than 30000 bags of potatoes expected from ballantrae farms ballantrae centre of the local potato harvest has an expectancy of better than 30000 bags this season some 150 acres of spuds were planted there this year in cluding early and late varieties the wallwork farm with thirty acres of chippewa late potatoes is the largest grower of this variety the ross hood and herb simpson farms are each harvest ing fifteen acres of early katah- clins which are turning out 150 to 160 bags to the acre among the other growers are the mulholland and peterson places adding another thirtyfive acres blight has been very bad in the area this season although a good many hundreds of dollars have been spent in dusting the early crop is bringing 95c a bag from truckers who take the potatoes direct from the field some truckers also do the grading on the wall- work farm an automatic sorter is employed this machine grades the potatoes as they pass along a con veyor where they drop into bags according to size some excellent turnip crops are also reported in the district and one stouftville eastend grower is understood to have received 130 a bushel for an early crop when shipped to the city market in small quantities miss phyllis clarkson is taking up a course in shaws business schools in toronto constable ron watt leaves whitchurch police force whitchurch township council meeting in regular session at vandorf on saturday afternoon accepted the resignation of con stable ronaid watt who has been on the township force for about two and a half yeavs the resigna tion will become effective sept 23rd prior to taking a position with whitchurch constable watt had been employed by the york county police department for sone years he is a steamfitter by trads and will return to this work clerk john crawford was instructed to tender a letter of appreciation to constable watt for his services during his time on the whitchurch force messrs gardner and ainsworth waited on council with a view to having repairs and ditching done adjacent to lots 30 and 31 on the sideroad between the 2nd and 3rd concessions reeve edw logan promised the delegation that tna township road committee would look over the situation and see if something could be done before winter sheep claims amounting to 150 were passed for payment they included three claims two from j a clark 6th con each for two sheep killed and one from geo drewery con 3 for one sheep killed all the dogs in the action were reported killed there was some discussion con cerning the erection of a new bridge between lots 25 and 26 in the 2nd concession known as the wm coltham sideroad the department has advised a cement structure hut with materials in short supply council is skeptical as to whether this can be done road supt davis reported a portion of the 9th con from stouff ville to musselmans lake torn up continued on page six two lumbermen injured in fall on thursday of last week percy- wilson proprietor of the coal lumber yards of locust hill and brotherinlaw of mrs robert snowball was injured when the scaffold on which he was working gave way letting him fall to the ground mr wilson was removed to the toronto east general hos pital where he is being treated for a broken hip floyd malcolm son of howard malcolm was also on the scaffold when it collapsed and was xrayed at the east general five stitches were neces sary to close the wound in his chili and he suffered two broken wrists which will keep him off work for a month or six weeks but he was allowed to- return home distinct honor for local show dog noble ladys mona harlequin great dane owned by mrs f malcolm of stouffville brought district honor to her owner and to stoutfville at the cne dog show last week when she copped the canadian championship with two points to spare this local great dane has half her points now required for the american championship and when this is achieved she will have the distinction of being only the second dane of her kind to receive the honor of an international champion margaret and paul barry com menced their studies at normal school on tuesday this week buster the english collie belong ing to the barrys who was 12 years old and had escorted the children to school for eleven years was killed by a car a week ago sunday gives lions accurate picture of local school problem speaking before the opening fall meeting of the stouffville lions club which was largely attended on monday evening clerk john crawford of whitchurch township presented a most comprehensive and unbiased picture of the present high school question in the markhamstouffville area in order to approach the sub ject of the evening intelligently one must go back to the prelimin ary meetings prior to the forma tion of an enlarged high school area in this district you will remember that at no time did the village of markham and the village of stouffville desire to be included in the same area and for a very definite reason which i will explain later but rather did try in the case of markham village to establish an area with part of markham township and part of the township of pickering in the case of the village of stouff ville we tried to establish an area along with stouffville of part of the township of whitchurch part of the township of markham and part of the township of uxbridge in the county of ontario and were assured by a representative of the department of education that they would not object to pupils crossing the county bound ary but what happened in the case of uxbridge and pickering they were told likewise by a representative of the depart ment of education that they could join with the stouffville and markham areas if they so desired but if they at any time became dissatisfied with that arrangement it would be exceedingly hard to break away in that legislation would have to pass two county councils ontario and york what happened was that uxbridge sent their pupils to the town of uxbridge pickering township to pickerirtg as soon as the new school is completed the only means open for markham and stouffville was to join together in one area in order to acquire sufficient assessment now this was not according to the master plan of the depart ment of education it is pretty common knowledge that the department wanted all of the township of markham and mark ham village to attend richmond hill high school all of the town ship of whitchurch and the vill age of stouffville to attend aurora high school any negotiations that have been carried on or future negotiations between markham and stouffville this fact must be kept well in the foreground at the opening meeting of negotiations on a new school in this district held in stouffville april 26th 1950 the board recom mended to the councils of the various municipalities that a large school be erected on the mount joy sideroad on a 7 acre parcel of land partly in the village of mark ham and partly in markham town ship at an estimated cost of 500000 which would require ah annual debenture payment of 35000 over a period of 20 years markham twp paying approx imately 148 whitchurch twp paying approximately 246 markham village paying approx imately 1532 stouftville village paying approximately 1528 the plea of the board was that one large school could be operated more efficiently and more econom ically than the present method in vogue that the markham school was obsolete and that the stouff ville school was badly over crowded as well as being located in the same building as the public school which was not recom mended by the department of education to much of the boards argu ment the representatives of the municipalities concerned agreed where there would not be much reduction in teaching staff for one school over two the curriculum could be changed so that the student body would have more of a choice in alternate subjects and still qualify for matriculation the big objection came from the stouffvillewhitchurch group on the proposed location of the new school and is the main reason continued to page two

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