the tribune stouffville ont thursday october 20 1949 sports news and views each new york yankee took june a world series bonus of 884 while each dodger got 10i not bad pickings for only re games del bissonnette of winthrop aine has resigned as manager of e toronto maple leaf ball club ter only one season shareholders and others interest- in the new arena are reminded the general company meeting at e arena this friday evening at oclock merv broughton former new- arket junior last season with alt as will play this winter in ie michiganontario league bud watson blond unionville jnior and with stouffville inter- lediate ball club for a time has sen sent over to stratford for a ial after failing to make the ade with barrie flyers polly minton will probably line p with unionville intermediates lis winter he along with some the other boys have been turn- si out for regular practice with dth the millionaires and clippers id they should be in fine shape hen their team is formed some decision is expected to be ached this week on the date of ie official grand opening of the ew arena it will no doubt be irly in november ice will be mailable however several weeks store the official ribbon is cut by ime government dignatory eric smith who turned in some ne goaltending performances for urora juniors a couple of seasons ack when they collided with touffville and then again last ear with aurora intermediates as decided to retire jack andrews who has been lifted here and there to ontario nd american hockey spots this ill has finally wound up with st atharines junior a club ndrews signed the now famous form with buffalo bisons of the merican association who rdered him away from gait with choice of either fort erie iuffalo or st kitts season tickets for the forth oming hockey season will be on lie shortly over a thousand seats ill be reserved and tickets xactly similar to those used at iaple leaf gardens oshawa iarrie and other wellknown renas are being secured season icket holders for junior and enior hockey series will purchase fie entire schedule of nights with layoff privileges no doubt infor- lation re rates etc will be nnounced in december its about time the oba put its nger on the publics pulse and id something to shorten the play- ff season so that teams can wind p the season when interest in aseball is still high in holding hampionship games at this time the year teams are finding it ifficult to draw the support they eserve and having a headache try- ig to keep their players together 0 says the kitchener record bookings for ice time at the new rea are fast reaching the satura- ion point many contracting for ime throughout the entire winter he thl one of the largest ontractors for ice time will alone se up ten hours a week from ecember through to may local nthusiasts interest is not being orgotten either ten hours a week iave been set aside by the com- iany for the youngsters and teen- gers of the town in addition to ime which will also be provided or them to play their minor lockey league games because of the work going on at the new artificial ice arena only a few turned out to the curling club meeting on friday evening walter brillinger reports that another meeting will be called in a couple of weeks and it is hoped that the local communities come to some agreement will bud watson has hit the hockey trail this year with that same deter mination that has made his puck handling ability a highlight with unionville jr for the past few seasons yes bud is teamed up with stratford junior a club and made his debout on wednesday night the short but stalky fore- ward was unable to play the open ing game because he had not obtained his release from union ville he will no doubt be watched with much interest by both fans in his home town and the sur rounding community aurora juniors and north tor onto lions who will make noble- ton their home ice look like sure starters in this group with the local junor b entry managed by cec hendricks uaionville intermediates like our local club has nothing too definite to report for this weeks issue but president ernie lemasier says in another week coach charle nesbitt should have some certain prospect in mind manager oneill of the clippers will have a probable lineup of our stouffville intermediate club for next issue ross hockberg flash kelly baker murray wagg sr field champ champions of the local high school field day events run off last week are as follows girls joan haines jr shirley schell intermediate phyllis clarkson sr boys geo lintner jr stewart wideman inter murray wagg sr local hockey gossip stouffville hockey club worked out at oshawa arena on friday night and again this tuesday their squad of thirty players was culled down considerably after friday by coach bert fife and there was considerable new blood out on tuesday night offers have been dangled at several of last years clippers by the markham millionaires and it is understood jack drummond austie that four have accepted markham les ciarke bill bradbury is minus four of last years club don smith are probable starters and is out for strong replacements another dozen players are expect- replacements are being brought in ed to be picked from this weeks by both stouffville and markham practice by coach fife markham millionaires have gotten down to brass tacks and cut their team down for this year manager harry watt and secre tary john wegg both agree that some changes in the lineup will be certain to follow as the season progress but up to press time these are the boys who may take to the ice since markham still has too many players some will either be released or sit out certain games goal carr stunden defence b baker george scott clement perry fred scott for wards 1st line brennan single ton j watson 2 nd line jewett sluce bell jr a gait 3rd line g rumney j rumney b forgie h forgie j radcliff and nes bitt the third line has not been definitely decided upon but will be made up of the last six players mentioned carr and stunden will alternate in goal during the season to make sure the team is in keeping with oha regulations four players are moving into town order reserved seats now royal winter fair nov 1523 urn as the supply is limited reserved seats must be obtained immedi ately by outoftown visitors reserved seats afternoons friday nov 18 lo wednesday nov 23 100 including general admission 150 includ 175 200 including gnrol dmlnlvfl rrvd 5atc nlghli endow a selfadd rcssed envelope with your cheque or money order to royal agricultural winter fair royal coliseum toronto ont w c mcdonald ro optometrist at stouffville every saturday 200 pm to 900 pm complete visual service at rear of marie jack beauty salon phone 176w from toronto markham manage ment met with the stouffville chiefs here last week to discuss league setups but word comes to us this week that the markham club has changed their mind from a senior b entry to an inter mediate a card the markham men at last weeks meeting urged stouffville executives to reach for a senior b entry but apparently have decided to go their separate way stouffville on the other hand could place in intermediate b which they yet may do and be included in the yonge st league which included last season sutton newmarket aurora and bradford all clubs to draw a good crowd the high bracket hockey will necessitate long trips of perhaps fifty to a hundred miles to play a game which is tough on the clubs resources stouffville is coming up with a comparatively young team one which if held together should make much faster company another year but nevertheless a team which could fill the arena every game if entered in their right class with towns not too far away which carry a good support ing crowd ice ice when it will be ready everybody asks this same question continually well the nearest we can come to an answer would be monday oct 31st providing everything operates smoothly once the machinery starts to roll naturally it will require longer to start up icemaking this season greenwood we are sorry to report the ill ness of mrs e trimble we hope for a speedv recoverv rev and mrs mutton of brant- ford called on a few of their friends last thursday afternoon mrs a pegg is spending a few holidays with her daughter at ravenna a number took in the ploughing match at burford last week mrs e lageer and daughter amy of stouffville visited at the stanley byers home last wednes day afternoon rallv day will be observed this sunday at 1115 dst a birthday party was given at the home of mr glen eastwood last saturday evening in honor of mr john brown who celebrated his 91st birthdav congratulations the wa met last thursday pm in the church with mrs e pascoe in charge of the worship service plans were made to serve lunch at a federation of agricul ture meeting in the township hall at brougham on nov sth it was also decided to try and have the quilt top ready for the november meeting the meeting closed with the benediction lunch was served by mrs p clarke and mrs elmo disney the wms for the circuit met at the home of mrs g wilson of mt zion with a good attendance in the absence of mrs r hoskins who had charge of the program mrs m pegg took over mrs a pegg took the first two chapters of growing with the years a committee was appointed to do the morning worship service for the autumn rally at brougham oct 27th christmas cards were distri buted to members to sell to help our mission work woollens were collected and sent for blankets the november meeting will be at mrs a peggs mrs wilson served lunch at the close than any future season since the machinery is all new and untried and motors developing nearly 100 hp cant be just started up and left however no stone is being left unturned to get the plant operating just as quickly as possible practice time booked for this weekend has had to be cancelled as has the exhibi tion game which markham booked up many weeks ago for oct 27th owing to the chance of lastminute delays with new and untried equip ment the date of the first hockey match will only be known on short notice that game when it comes will be played between the two local clubs stouffville clippers intermediates and the maple leaf juniors junior b dancing saturday evenings commencing sat oct 22nd at veterans memorial hall stouffville dances will continue every saturday night through out the winter unless otherwise advertised music by gary lewis and his band admission 50c i special notice saturday october 29th only stouffville office hours 10 am to 3 pm w c mcdonald ro optometrist at rear of marie jack beauty salon phone 176w the new rio theatre uxbwdge thursday friday saturday october 20 21 22 guy madison and rory calhoun in massacre river joe yule and renie riano in jiggs and maggie in court now picking wealth i es will have later baxters greenings mcintosh snows talman sweets mann northern spies baldwin our crop is exceptionally good quality this year bring your containers save some money 227 greenbrae orchards 1 mile east and 1 mile south of balsam ph claremont 88rl3 unionviliie veterans township haxli offer accepted by council the old markham township municipal hall at unionville will become a home for veterans as a result of a decision reached by the township council at a special meeting an offer of purchase for 2500 cash was made by the veterans and accepted by council with reeve vern griffin being author ized to sign the necessary docu ments agreement to let the town ship leave its garage on the pro perty for a period of five years was reached constable appointed vaughan township council has appointed ernest bone as special constable in an effort to stamp out hunting in restricted areas of the township reeve john host- rawser said last week barbara allen has had one of the longest runs on the hit parade of british ballads it was mention ed in pepys diary a new camera for studying brain surgery at montreal neurological institute requires 5000 volts of current for each exposure ilipleciric think of this before you buy an oil burner you are about to make an important investment already you are convinced that an oil burner will give you clean automatic heat with complete freedom from furnace tending but you want one that will give you efficient troublefree safe service for many years it must be dependable a general electric oil burner is backed by fifty years of ge engineering skill its precisionbuilt backed by a name you can trust economical too it converts every drop of oil into heat and it is completely equipped with adequate safety controls general electric oil burners are installed by k h middlem1ss electric stouffville hardware phone 367 house wiring from one wall plug to a complete house job radio appliance repairs monday tuesday wednesday october 24 25 26 irene dunne and william powell in life with father in technicolor thursday friday saturday october 27 28 29 glen ford and william holden in man from colorado in technicolor two shows nightly first 7 pjn coop concentrates hatch concentrate poultry concentrate hog concentrate dairy concentrate added to your homegrown grains coop concentrates will produce an economical feed with the essential proportions of minerals vitamins and proteins homegrown grains supply only a few of the elements necessary to produce healthy stock rely on coop concentrates to sup plement your grains and provide your stoek with a balanced feed stouffville coop association two phones for your convenience 209 and 122