mmsm i v rv j guttle breedij over 15jw0- cvl artlfiblahy bred by mapl assoclailori this year we know 6i no better example oc hevete strength than the maple cattfe reederv- association organ- sniasjtfdursho years i starting with four bulls ser 1 virinr v herds of 11 members l oreanizaudn fgg leaps i l jfssa iv th a partv of farmers and yo county offals -the-wricr- visited for iu firsv time the rfw ten or nvcniy acres in king town shin where the maple cattlx i i mm msuhr as starting in lif13 v ith one barni- t holding about 2b bulls the second vbuildtogitdvaccdmmddatevanotkbr 25 is just completed arid the bulls aibw in service number forty odd beginning with holsteias the breeders extended to ayrshires and- jerseys ahdiefore lorig they intend to take puernseyssjpl the buildings vsaw sbmepf the flnest bulls in canada- animals cb- muchiribre tharithe individual farmer could possibly afford vjjut collectively and by theyuseof artificial insemination these vanimalsare 7 availablelto farmers f heifers and shortly when femore elation- will- service 20000 coys sanriuallyv wefbund fiariiirials irivsleek condition stebies scrupulously clean and at thft one eiid vis administration offices and here onecan the details on- everianimalserviced lgkr lltiif v while the staff prlzertheir fine iibulls allwith high records bhlthe dambi side there is no sentiment for if one of these males fail to prove a producer be- wouldbe promptly cast outvi tewtfmt rr in addition to making- available pi the bse of the bestdalrystrains iiij isisgrne advantage jn riouhayingljb keep abull around thefarni any feglve to mrseveleabf irnaired 64yearoldrrsi mfi woodcarymg for asssjiuhhss smateurpaihter qfufea ihwedwn lwestem a vmmm mem aaam s ft ispenccrjust south of tovtt abolif seveii oclock orrtlxlday evehlrig a istfaw stack the rruildlngwasbri firellerbicyworlcw rieigb6rs the sbuildings f rbmabeingburried avater was scarcecand could not be brouglit up fast enbugn after the 250 gallbhs orithe fire wagon was used however pails cans and ihythingrthatfwould hold adrbp st eifnal battieahd itsucceededf in saving rings nan mgaooojpiibnstbfonf aeaiii abraham grove diesfj i funeral servlceswer6 heldjm lsunday forpabrapammij9 retired farmerviiavhbedfriayait theyifcrovehbmestead justi sbuthaf ssiwf fo teafedr lsss heyhas areonejbrotherjacobigrove tosyears vhaffibeeibhsecrtt iii