the tribune stouffville qnt thursday june 23 1949 former hockey star is selected as father of the year ii hulctlmia unani nous to share his pleasure after he had been notified of his selec tion as father of the year by canadian fathers day coun- family of sylvanus apps one of hockeys great stars who was once captain of tor onto maple leafs gather around cil children are sylva two bob seven joanne ei and carol five nus ht make your ballot count for a strong united canada under the leadership of rt hon louis st laurent vote for greater security for you and your family individual security employment trade income are ail at new high levels taxes have heen reduced new factories new developments of oil mineral and other natural resources are creating more wealth more johs social security the liberals have put through all these social benefits old age pensions pensions for the blind family allowances hospital and health grants unemployment hht insurance floor prices under farm products the liberal aim is nationwide contributory old age pensions and contributory health insurance national security the atlantic pact against aggression and war has the complete support of all liberals rt hon louis st laurent was one of its first and strongest advocates canada stands united and ready in cooperation with other democratic nations to do her part in building peace and security safeguard your security your stake in canadas future vote inserted by naiional iiberal commote in north york vote for jack smith you can still find people who dont believe in banks who keep their cash in old coffee pots or hide it in the woodpile or carry it around but most folk nowadays keep their money in bank accounts they can get it whenever they want it and they can pay their bills by cheque canadians have more than seven million such deposit accounts in terms of canadas adult population that makes it practically unanimous the banks in turn know they must earn this confidence by giving you the best service they know how today you can take your account to any bank you choose and what is in your bank book is strictly between you and your bank it is your own private business bank petty larceny that is excusable this little greek was caught in the act of petty larceny by the camera when he raided a supply of sugar just arrived in lambia from the economic co operation administration the eca rushed the sugar and other foodstuffs to lambia shortly after the communist guerrillas were driven out by greek nationalist forces before the reds left they looted all the food and clothing and livestock from the village our little hero above was fortunate in finding a sugar bag that leaked he would have been less than hu man to have passed it by after lake superior lake vic toria in africa is the largest lake in the world lake aral in siberia is third and lake huron fourth swiss guides often insist on silence when crossing dangerous spots because noise can loosen mas ses of ice and snow china the country of tea pro duces more wheat than canada the great pyramid of gizeh col ors 13 acres and is 450 feet high danforth bus lines toronto east bound read down rkougham claremont published by north york liberal association pm pm daily pm am sun ex sun sun sat hoi hoi only hoi 945 545 200 1000 1010 610 225 1025 1020 620 235 1035 1035 635 250 1050 1038 638 253 1053 1040 640 255 1055 1050 650 305 1105 1100 700 315 1115 1105 705 320 1120 1110 710 325 1125 1120 720 335 1135 am am daily daily ex ex sun sun hoi toronto hoi 915- bay and dundas 840 940 danforth and luttrell 810 950 scarboro jet 800 1005 malvern 745 1008 browns cor 742 1010 town line 740 1020 markham 730 1030 locust hill 720 1035 green river 715 1040 brougham 710 1050 claremont 700 west bound am sun hoi 935 910 900 845 842 840 830 820 815 810 800 pm daily ex sun hoi 150 125 115 100 1257 1255 1245 1235 1230 1225y 1m5 read pm sat only 520 455 445 430 427 425 415 405 400 355 345 up v sun hoi 935 910 900 845 842 840 830 850 815 810 800 parcel express ox1383 doily redaction in fares effective sept 20th from toronto single fare return fcvire to locust hill 60 110 to brougham 70 130 to glaremont 75 140