the tribune stouffville onl thursday may 26 1949 the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized u mond cla null post office department otuw issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments should be taught lesson what would you do to a boy who deliberately dropped a lighted firecracker down the inside of a girls dress inflicting severe burns when the explosion occurred frankly one would hardly know what to do except that in our opinion that smartacting lad ought to get a taste of his own medicine not a firecracker perhaps under his clothing but he ought to be given a whipping that would be admin istered with due justice to the hurt he inflicted on an innocent girl the starlings nests during the spring nesting season the starling is busy adding to his unpopularity by nesting in any rural mailbox into which he can find entrance a pair of starlings will half fill one of these metal boxes in a day they favor the older models that had a small opening supposed to be covered with a metal flap time and hard usage has succeeded in removing the cover from the letter opening from most mail boxes of this tvpe just why a galvanized sheet iron box should be attractive as a place to bring up a family of little birds we dont know but these starlings never pass up a mailbox of the type that suits them they are persistant too and have no respect tor his majestys mail they will sometimes scatter letters along the roadside and they are heartily disliked by the mailmen cornwall standardfreeholder its great to be a canadian you bet its great to be a canadian says the elmwood man herald pointing out that canadians spent the sum of 822378000 on clothing alone in 1947 thats ifbo tor every man woman and child in canada the average can adian drank 178 quarts of milk ate 105 pounds of bread 28 pounds of butter 146 pounds of meat there is a house present conditions to the contrary for every four canad- while enjoying our good fortune let us not forget there is cause for alarm taxes are mounting to a point that could be ruinous to the country as a whole we have com mitted ourselves to legislation that cannot be easily gotten rid of in the future should the time come when the country cannot afford to hand out free money as is being done today then again municipal taxation in keeping with all other taxes is growing in most municipalities so that here in the county of york at least one municipality in the southern part will have a tax rate of 80 mills and it is predicted this will be 100 mills in a couple of years taxation could be a big stumbling block to happiness for all of us unless it soon reaches its peak whv do they continue mcgregor at the conservative nomination meeting for york east where r h mcgregor won the nomination over how ard of leaside a battle royal waged to keep mcgregor out of the contest this time lack of interest in his con stituents and the fact that his voice has never been raised from the floor of parliament in all the long years he has been there were points raised by the conservatives a- gainst continuing mcgregor in the office with such a seemingly poor candidate persons may wonder how it is he can be elected however the riding is preponderantly conservative and almost anything that can stand on two legs could be elected with the blue ticket label this paper does not know mcgregors capabilities but we are aware that in all the years that stouffville was in his riding we do not recall ever hearing of him being in the town or of having ever done any thing for the people he never took the trouble to acquaint his electors during the year with what was going on at ottawa and how he stood on any legislation it is a pity that men like this can be returned after the electors find out how little interest they take in them it could be that bob mcgregor takes an interest in the socalled machine in scarboro for it is from this cource that he obtained his backing to gain the convention recently held straining at a gnat a curious case appeared recently in a toronto court in which a tenant was evicted from the house in which he lived because he neglected to stamp his rentcheque the court upheld the landlord because it is the law that a cheque which is not stamped is worthless it is not enough to give three cents with the cheque or to add three cents to the value of the cheque the- stamp must be affixed to the cheque by the person who signs it this looks like straining at a gnat and the judge certainly took a poor view unless he was looking for a way to evict a tenant any bank would have cashed that cheque hence it was we think unfair to say it was worthless but so long as it is the law of the land we must know about it and heed it or we may find ourselves in the sad plight of the toronto tenant whose landlord has evicted him on a technicality the peterboro examiner says that the stamping of cheques is one of the many nuisance taxes which we all endure without complaint and without any hope that it will ever be lifted governments love these taxes for they are easy to collect and they bring in considerable sums of rev enue in peterborough there are seven banks which handle roughly a thousand cheques each every day on paydays the number would be much larger it is not hard to see what the stamps on those cheques would produce in this area alone for this money the government provides noth ing it simply rules that whenever money changes hands by cheque the dominion must get a small squeeze like the entertainments tax now in the hands of provinces it provides a good deal of money for nothing sunday school lesson lesson for may 29th watching and praying in gethsemane safety first cuts bruises and burns occur in the best regulated households and the wise- homemaker keeps a well stocked firstaid kit on hand to deal with such minor emergencies prompt treatment may prevent a small hurt from developing into a major infection your family doctor will be glad to advise you as to what firstaid supplies should be kept in the house modern sealing wax contains no wax at present rajes a railway box car has earned less than so per cent of its replacement value by the time it is retired from service canadian railways arc turning to the use of diesel locomotives in order to reduce high operating costs in 1917 net profits of canadian corporations were 3i cents on every dollar of sales of which more than 2 cents wore plowed back into business golden text watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak mark 438 the lesson as a whole to understand in some measure rhe travail of soul that our blessed lord went through in gethsemane it is necessary that we remember that he was god and man in one person he united his deity with our humanity that he might be come our kinsmanredeemer and involved his taking our place in judgment and enduring the wrath of god which our sins deserved although he came from heaven for tills very purpose it was not something to be entered into eas ily or without deepest spiritual exercise a little before this time of his suffering in the garden he had said i have a baptism to be baptized with and how am i strait ened till it be accomplished at the jordan he had pledged himself to fulfill all righteousness their own sinfulness and inability to meet the just demands of a holy god now he was about to fulfill that pledge he had made as he knelt in that garden all the horror of calvary came before him and his holy soul shrank from the dreadful or deal through which he must pass as the sinners substitute he could not have been who he was if it had been otherwise sin was to him a hateful and terrible thing now he was about to be made sin to endure in his own soul the sense of the divine displeasure a gainst iniquity was there no other way by which propitiation could be made had the father any plan hitherto held in reserve whereby reconciliation could be effected his agonized petition if it be possible let this cup pass showed how gladly he would have had the father disclose some other method of settling the sin question but there was no other way he must drain the bitter cup of judg ment that the sins of a world had filled so in acquiescence to the fathers will he submitted to all that the cross involved saying the cup which my father hath given me shall i not drink it so he gave himself up to those who came to arrest him knowing that the cross was for him inevit able he could not save himself if he would save guilty sinners he must endure the wrath of god himself in order to save others from it the historical setting following the scene in the upper room jesus went with his disci ples judas having left the com pany out of the city across the brook kedron to a garden on the western slope of the mount of olives called gethsemane the olive press there he had often re sorted for rest meditation and for prayer so the place was well known to his followers it was the night preceding his crucifixion and then jesus faced the full meaning of the cross verse by verse hark 1432 sit ye here while i shall pray these words were ad dressed to eight of the disciples whom jesus left at the entrance of the garden while he went into its gloomy shadows to speak to his father about that which was press ing upon his spirit the drinking of the cup of divine wrath against sin verse 33 he taketh with him peter and james and john these three seemed to have entered more fully into an understanding of his mission than any of the others on several occasions they had been selected to share special experien ces with him verse 34 tarry ye here and watch giving them some explan ation of his deep exercise lie bade them to watch and pray because of the solemnity of the hour he was about to face and which to a certain extent would involve them likewise as sharers with him in his rejection of the world verse 35 he went forward a little passing deeper into the garden yet apparently near en ough for the disciples to see and hear something of what he was going through he fell upon the ground and in agony of soul prayed that if it were possible the hour of judgment he had in view when he must endure all that our sins deserved verse 3i not what i will but what thou wilt coming into the world he had said i delight to do thy will o my god now when the supreme test came and the cross in all its terrors rose before him while ho shrank from its horrors yet he was subject as ever to the fathers will if satisfaction for sin could have elfccted in any other way he would have rejoic ed in it but if not he was ready for all that the cup meant verse 37 simon sleepest thou he who had professed his prayer verse 38 the spirit truly is j ready but the flesh is weak how considerately jesus looked upon the failure of the chosen three in that hour of testing although he elud ed them gently for their lack of watchfulness and for failure to continue in prayer he neverthe less recognized the fact that they really loved him and meant to share his sorrows but they weak through the flesh verse 39 again he went away and prayed and spake the same words it is not wrong to contin ue to bring before god that which distresses us jesus again cried to his father for deliverance if in accordance with his will while protesting his readiness to do that will verse 40 he found them asleep again once more they had failed to heed his admonition to watch and pray overcome by drowsiness and not realizing the tremendous issues involved they had dropped off to sleep when they should have been lifting their hearts to god in fervent prayer in fellowship with their suffering master verse 41 he cometh the third time he had gone away to pray again and on his return found them still asleep his own pertur bation of spirit was over he had gone over everything with his father and he was quite ready to drink the hitter cup looking com passionately upon them he ex claimed sleeping still and taking rest then sensing the approach of those who hart planned to arrest him he addedit is enough the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners verse 42 rise up let us go lo he that betrayeth me is at hand thus he went forth to meet with judas and those who had come to lay hands upon him in order that he might e condemned to death verse 43 judas one of the twelve the traitor will never for get this to all eternity he had been one of those chosen to be with jesus his opportunities had been of the best but he had renounced the heart of the lesson atonement for sin was not effect ed by chrisfs sufferings in gethse mane it was in anticipation of the work to be accomplished on the cross that his soul was exceeding sorrowful even unto death the very fact of his perfect sinlessness his absolute holiness made him shrink from the terrible ordeal ol taking the sinners place and being dealt with by god as though he himself were the guilty one but when it was evident that by no oth er method could the sin question them all and sold out to the enjbe settled he acquiesced in the fathers will and so was prepared to go to the bitter cross there to endure the tiiding of gods face when he was made sin for us how our hearts should be moved by love like this vious chief priests for the paltry sum of thirty pieces of silverknow- ing well where jesus might be found he led a hord of ruffians as well as the leaders of israel to gethsemane where jesus had so often resorted in company with the twelve judas among them verse 44 whomsoever i shall kiss that same is he take him and lead him away safely and so he betrayed the son of man with an outward token of affection to which he was a stranger what did he really mean by the last sugj gestlon did he hope that after all no harm would come to jesus or did he mean that they were care ful to lead hun away securely fearing lest a riot might result stirred up by the eleven faithful disciples we may not know what was in his heart but we do know that when the full result of his per- a modern motorgoing gadget is fidy burst upon him he was filled an accelerator unit attached to the with remorse and so became a sui- steering wheel maybe well get cide the spark lever back too no color difference herb william white 34yearold social worker became the first negro ever to run for election to the house of commons when he wa nominated thursday as ccf candi date for spadina in the federal election next month at least this indicates there is so color animosity in the ranks of the ccf for which they are to be commended iouis st laurent prime minister of canada as in all democracies the personality of the prime minister is one of the major facts of canadian politics and inevitably a major issue in a national election at the polls on june 27 the voter must ask himself ahead of any tiling else who should be head of the state considering the alternatives available the answer to that question should not be difficult in louis st laurent canada has found not only a great national leader but the most typical canadian in its public life that he had high abilities of the mind was proved by his career in law that lie had wisdom in cabinet unique gifts in parlia mentary debate and a quick grasp of large affairs became clear as soon as he entered the government in international affairs as one of the original advocates of the atlantic pact he made himself overnight a world figure who spoke out as no canadian before him in the councils of the nations but he has also revealed something much larger an understanding of ordinary people because he is one of them this warm and essentially simple human being is the real st laurent the product of the small town of humble beginnings hard work a big family and the friendliness of country neighbors in blood language and instincts he is the compact of our two great races in character he is the quiet homely and practical stuff of which the nation is made to the voter it is equally important that st laurent is the leader of a truly national party with proved strength from coast to coast the only party which can hope to form a stable government after the election and not merely by office but by unchallenged mastery of government he is the leader of all the canadian people st laurents achievements as an international statesman his govern ments achievements of debt reduc tion tax reduction and increasing social security alone justify the election of him and his government inserted by national uberal committee readiness for any suffering in ho- i half of his master was manifesting the weakness and slbthfulness of the flesh by sleeping when he should have been watching unto in north york vote for jack smith i published by north york liberal association