the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 12 1949 spring square dance festival in varsity arena found betty barber left and connie rumney both of victoria square chatting with john lundy one of the three old- time fiddlers from the caledon area who played the tunes for nearly 100 dancers mending fences folklore axioms are often root ed in the verities and the state- iment that good fences make good neighbors is timetested the stimulusresponse mechanism of the human nervous system is an unpredictable and awesome con glomeration of dendrites and syn apses few environmental situa- ly and overwihelmingly than the began making farms in this new sight of a neighbor farmers cows land they used the material avail or pigs in ones field of corn or clover in olden days most town ships had a fence viewer to settle arguments when the peace of the countryside was in danger of dis integrating for thousands of years fences have played an essential role in tions rouse a reaction more swift- animal husbandry when pioneers eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied and picked up at your door for a reference ask your neighbors about our grade price and prompt weekly returns eggs in small lots may be left at carload croceteria for our pickup write or phone p hutton grover 8970 40 kenworthy ave toronto 13 ffixxx00000xxe30s05000000doooo cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 18601 you have cooperated well ontario employers and it looks now as if most of the under graduates from ontario universities needing summer employment will be able to find it by the end of the school year the situation with regard to permanent jobs for graduates is also promising however more summer opportunities still are needed for undergraduates and permanent openings for graduates especially for arts graduates whose training has not fitted them for any particular industry but who will react quickly to an employers advantage after brief training on the job through the clearance system of the national employment service the executive and professional liaison officer at your local office can locate a graduate or undergraduate from almost any course you can name either from within the province or neighbouring provinces the mis is a community service use your local office department oi labour humphrey mitchell minister of labour a macnamara deputy minister onurlo adl able stone walls lined the roads and climbed the pasture slopes of the northeast stump fences lasted for decades and were used over a wide area thousands of miles of rail fences were built in the middle west hedges were planted in many places then wire was invented and later the barbs devised that iheld stock in bounds by their sharp multiple points good farmers like to keep ahead of their work if a man falls be hind it seems as though he is for ever struggling to catch up a sunny april day when the soil is too wet to work is a good time to mend fence technically the work follows a familiar routine wires need to be stretched some new posts may have to be set frost- heaved rocks ihave to be replaced but theres more to mending fence than just making things tight for another season a man can lift his eyes to the april sky and the shaggy masses of white clouds he can study the trees and opening buds first violets are holding their faces to the sun and the deep green of winter rye and wheat is an encouraging promise of coming harvest the hoarse challenge of cock pheasants sounds from woods edge and the caws of crows from the meadow tells of the annual noisy spring conven tion bluebirds plaintive arias and robins rollocking calls tell man that winter is really over and a new season is at hand mending fence is a humble task but it gives one satisfaction to walk around his acres and see that all is well a fence according to webster is an abbreviation of defence it is a bulwark the guardian of ones home man is inarticulate before the miracle of life but his home is a part of it and the fences repre sent a bit of earth that is his own mending fence may be a mechan ical task but it has a deep meaning ottawa journal claim horses worked until they drop dead thessalon may 4 charges that more than 100 horses were worked day and night until they dropped dead or were killed in the bush are being investigated by ontario fred hare kingtp named returning officer york north in the 13 federal electoral dis tricts or constituencies in the greater toronto area hundreds of enumerators will begi knocking on doors may 9 to list the potential voters who may cast ballots in the june 27 election returning officers for the 13 ridings have been named and are now preparing their pro grams there is an average of about 190 polling subdivisions in each riding some with more and srac with less and alxmt 300 voters in each that means abou 711000 voters in greater toronto the two candi dates who had the highest ballot count in the last federal election may name two enumerators each for each polling division these workers will go about in pairs and will make repeat calls at homes whore no one is present to give the necessary information if nobody is found after a reasonable number of calls cards will be left which the householder and oceu pants may fill in and mail lists when they are completed go to ottawa and they are also posted in the subdivision those whose names have been left off may apply to courts of revision which will be held in convenient places to have their names added will notify voters each voter is notified that his name is on the list he gets a list which covers his polling subdivi sion and can see for himself among the jobs of the returning officers is to appoint deputy returning officers for all the polling places first the returning officer finds convenient voting places often the householders of these places or operators of stores be come the dros each dro has also to appoint a clerk for each poll all returning officers have been sent instructions on how to pre pare for the election enumeration ends may 14 and by may 16 lists must be in the hands of the various returning officers for printing on june 1 the preliminary list may be printed there is revision of rural lists on june 9 urban lists are revised june 9 10 11 they are reprinted june 17 but this is not done for rural lists woman is ro mrs zetta howe eastdale ave who has bean appointed returning officer for east york is the first woman so named in canada for any federal general election since confederation she also has one of the biggest ridings with 216 polling divisions another woman named after mrs howe is miss margaret m green alameda ave and her riding in york south she is the first single woman appointed other returning officers appoint ed in the greater toronto area are york north fred hare rr3 king york west charles ring mlmico broadview william hogg danforth w ii ford davenport william s rosen eglinton e w v scott high park l a leslie parkdale john e madden rose- dale b leslie shatipe st pauls leo b doheny spadina john kin- sella trinity harry gilbert jffor fone 4o ecoo7ct- pqig tvs exactly the same principles with large scale operations certain problems do arise which make the process more complex a recent publication frozen fruits and vegetables is now available at the division of horticulture central experimental farm dominion department of agriculture ott awa this publication was designed to assist in solving problems in the frozen fruit and vegetable indus try there are many householders who want to build their own freez ing equipment experimental units so built have now been satisfact orily operated for several years plans and construction details are available in a pamphlet entitled household freezer and storage this pamphlet can also be obtain ed from the division of horticul ture w c mcdonald ro optometrist at markham every thursday 1230 to 800 pm in former telephone office prescriptions filled glasses repaired fitted eyes examined lenses prescribed phone markham 4w see your favorite picture fiist at the stanley theatre sft friday and saturday may 13 14 cx embraceable you dane clark king of the bandits g roland frozen fruits and vegetables experimental farms news the garden fresh flavour and attractive appearance of frozen products are now familiar to can adian consumers what is not gen erally known however is the ease with which these products are pre pared if care is used in selecting humane society officials and police h qual ty oc ant goos in this lumbering community avail preparation becomes comparatively simple in relation to other methods about so miles southeast of sault stc marie humane society ofiicials said the o m death rate among 275 horses ji sfi by a logging company in the rocky lake area 80 miles north of here was the highest of any lumbering operation in canada rosario tessier a sudbury horse dealer who rented horses to the company estimated that 125 horses were killed by overwork in three weeks of hauling logs to lakes and streams harold allard district inspector of the humane society said two senior ofiicials of the society were coming from the societys head office at st catharines to help him mr tessier who has brought a suit for damages against the com pany said 30 of the 70 horses he rented to the company were killed and that 20 of the others were con demned by dr thomas young sudbury veterinarian i division of horticulture central experimental farm ottawa the housewife can save herself many hours of work over a hot stove during the summer she can also avoid to a great extent all the trouble ami worries of obtaining an airtight seal on preserving jars for fruits it is a question of nor mal cleaning and preparation as you would do for serving fresh sugar or syrup is added and the product is frozen and stored at 0f the only additional work involved with vegetables is that they have to be blanched this process con sists of a short dip in boiling iwator the commercial processor and locker plant operators apply a federal horticulturist said last week at ottawa that commercial strawberry growers in canada were faced with serious virus in- fectioas that stunts the plants and decreases yields a w s hunter of the department of agricultures central experimental farm said the disease was spread by insects and advised commercial growers to take more care in the selection of strawlerry plants and remove any plants suspected of infection ooooooooctoooooooc stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 1251 office phone 370 soooooocodoosmow fi monday anil tuesday may 23 24 you were meant for me jeanne crain dan dailey