Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 12, 1949, p. 1

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2950 copies this issue mi ouffmlle mmtoum sixteen pages vol 61 no 4 the tribune stouffville ont may 12 1949 jack smith unopposed as liberal candidate again in north york ridin more than five hundred dele gates representative of all parts of the riding attended the annual meeting and nomination of the north york liberal association held at armour heights school north york township saturday afternoon jack smith editor and publisher of the liberal and mp for north york since 1915 was tendered the unanimous nomination after james colby of north york township only other nominee withdrew in his favour brigadier colin camp bell obk of woodbridge vas elected president succeeding ross linton of aurora and other officers include vice presidents james colby north york twp william kierstead north york twp charles vanzant newmarket bruce mcmillan queensville secretary peter burt 70 brooke ave treasurer coi ken stiver newmarket hon lionel ohevrier minister of transport was the main speaker and others who addressed the gathering included david croll kcmp d g mcnish president of the toronto and yorks liberal association n l matthews kc president of ontario liberal assoc iation and prominent liberals seated on the platform included hon w p mulock former mpp for north york and riding officers in tiis acceptance speech jack smith thanked the people of north york for their expression of con fidence and continuing said it has been a great honor and privilege to ihave served as the representative of this historic riding in the last parliament and i have tried hon estly and sincerely to serve you well i have tried to serve the best interests of north york and the nation as a whole i have tried sincerely to serve without fear or favor all the people of north york irrespective of party race creed color or religion and so this after noon i have no hestitation inappeal- ing to all the people of north york irrespective of party affiliation i have no hestitation in appealing at this time for the support of all the people of north york who serious ly and sincerely want a strong government in canada for the next five years i wish to take this opportunity too of acknowledging the many kind offers of assistance and sup port which i have received from members of other political parties who after a thoughtful survey of the present political situation in canada have come to the conclu sion the logical conclusion that at this time in this riding the best way to cast an effective vote for strong government is to vote for the liberal candidate let us not forget that we are living in a world still troubled and disorganized after a devastating war a world where peace still does not reign four years after the war a world where there are still threats of economic chaos and even threats of war itself at such a time 1 believe the people of can ada arc more concerned and right ly more concerned with having a strong government of proven experience than they are concern ed with partisanship or political stuntflying i submit that this is a time when in our political thinking we should banish partisanship and predjudice and vote in the best interest of the future welfare of canada i believe in all honesty and sincerity that the future welfare of canada can be served best at this time by the reelection of the government led by a great states man and a fine canadian rt hon louis stephen st laurent who has filled the high office of prime minister with honor and reputa tion with dignity and with credit to himself and all canada a gov ernment which has been tried and tested a government which gave the canadian people leadership during the dark days of world continued on page four j e jack smith richmond hill editor and pub lisher and mp for north york since 1945 who was tendered a unanimous nomination last saturday markham council should study situation now under complaint markham township lias a build ing bylaw but it doesnt help the locality of ringwood one would gather from the poor class of build- ins going up east of the hamlet on the road to stouffville if the township bylaw allows a situation to develop such as one sees in that area it would seem to be sadly lacking in some respect a citizen living in the locality was deploring the situation to the publishers last week and asked us to bring the matter to public attention in doing this the news paper would suggest that the build ing inspector for markham mr ross norton visit the district and if he finds that the townstiip bylaw does not regulate the situation then it would seem to be the duty of council to insert a clause so that farmers come under reasonable control as well as other residents of markham in the district east of ringwood the presence of low quality build ings will discourage a good class of homes being built consequently a shack town in a lovely location like this loses the township taxes by keeping away better buildings residents protest foulsmelling creek there is a foul smell eminating from the creek wnioh crosses main street west of the presbyterian church about 500 feet residents on main street appeared before coun cil on thursday night and protest ed the matter asking for some relief it was pointed out that house drains eminating wash water and some hooked to septic tanks were drained into the creek up on north church street one member said that these drains are emptying into the creek all down the street and the reeve said he believed there were many septic tanks or cess pools dumping into the creek illegally council didnt know just what to do about the matter but prom ised to send the protest on to the board of health dr freel said he had had notice already and sug gested that one solution would be to give each house the colouring test this is merely a matter of pouring a certain substance into the toilet and this would immed iately show itself at the outlet of the drain from each individual cess pool by this method it would be learned whether or not a cess pool or septic tank is emptying into the creek where this proved to be the caseowners could be given a limited time to abate the nuis ance before legal action would be taken it is unlawful to drain a septic tank into a creek unless the drain is protected by a filter bed the drainage problem is grow ing more and more complicated in stouffville and because of this dr freel is urging the council to enact a bylaw governing all drainage in the municipality and forbidding the installing of a septic tank with out a permit and proper inspection steps will be taken immediately to formulate such a bylaw reeve nolan promised the moh engagements mr and mrs vincent baker stouffville wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh ter doris mae elizabeth to neil wilfred mclean only son of mr and mrs charles mclean wood- ville the marriage will take place saturday may 28th 1949 mr and mrs roy moyer an nounce the engagement of their daughter lillian edna to robert arthur mcdowell son of mr and mrs wesley mcdowell the mar riage will take place on wednes day june 1st 1949 at their home at dicksons hill unionville residence sold by auction the james camplin residence in the village of unionville was sold at a public auction sale of furni ture held on the premises there last saturday and conducted by prentice prentice auctioneers harry coatup was the purchaser and the sale price was 6200 mrs james camplin who came from a farm at greenbank with her hus band since deceased retired in unionville years ago she is 95 years of age and lives in toronto so had no further use for the home in the village it is interesting to note that this is the third auction sale held by the camplins where ken prentice officiated as auctioneer stouffville arena company formed shareholders vote to erect new building charter applied for capitalize at 100000 at a meeting of shareholders on wednesday evening the stouffville arena company was born the company will be capitalized at 100000 at the moment buyers signified in writing their willing ness to purchase more than 52000 worth of the stock mr button explained that the company could obtain a charter with authorized capital of 100000 at little additional cost over 00000 he thought it well to provide the 100000 even though the concern may never need this amount but one never knows what is in the future seven preliminary directors of the company were elected from fifteen candidates nominated they are messrs geo allison reg button morley symes bert bell dr bodendistel gar lehman and chas nolan following the election the meet ing was thrown open for discus sion and the question of erecting a new arena as against purchasing and repairing the present building was put to a vote and passed practically unanimously in favour of a new structure with this in view the directors will bring in figures on such a job at the next shareholders meeting which will be called on receipt of the company charter and prepara tion of the stock some estimates on changes possible in the present area will also he made available to the shareholders the matter of site should the erection of a new building be proceeded with will also be advised on by the directors rev d davis acted as chairman of the meeting and was assisted with the legal procedure of com pany formation by mr f l button messrs gib wright and everton smith acted as scrutineers for the election changes in parking restrictions after consultation with con- stable rusnell the local municipal council instructed the constable to restrict parking on the north side of main street between stouffville motors and the former ed davey property at all times j heretofore the restrictions had only been enforced on open nights the stretch of roadway west of the j former davey home and having a low curb will be again open fori parking on the boulevard victoria square farm in family 80 years sold the well known and attractively located farm occupied and owned hy mr and mrs ralph perkins 4th concession of markham at victoria square was sold this week to a brockville purchaser t webster the 100 acres place in the family for over 80 years was first pur chased by grandfather william lundy and was acquired by ralph perkins 49 years ago he now thinks it is time to retire but naturally he parts with the place with considerable regret the sale price was 20000 the property is not only in a fine dis trict but is equipped with hydro and necessary buildings in keeping with the district with a good brick residence as the sale has just been arrang ed mr perkins could not say where he would move but he has an open invitation to locate in stouffville heavy truck haulage dangerous in town the seemingly endless stream of trucks hauling gravel through town the past week is moving from the pits of stouffville sand gravel co at gravel hill north of town to the plant of the maclean pub lishing co on north yonge street where the company is completing a huge building program we understand the movement from the pit through town will ease off after this big order is filled the middle of this week heavy trucks hauling nine and ten tons a load are dangerous passing through the heavy traffic in town and while it would be safer to route then west from lincolville and down the 9th of whitchurch it would be a matter of choice for the truckers naturally they are going to travel the smoothest road and that brings them through town and so long as they obey the traffic laws of 30 miles and less in con gested traffic they are within their rights school tax 167 on 100 acres farmers are anxiously waiting for their tax slips shortly to be issued in the township of mark ham since it is well known that there will be a substantial increase in the overall tax rate mattels be yond the contiol of the council such as educational costs and county taxes are advanced in view of the fact that the bill will be quite substantial perhaps it is a good thing the payments will be divided into two instalments this year june 30 and october 30 under the 1949 tax levies a farm assessed for 6700 will be taxed 167 for education levies alone but the overall taxes will be 26362 it will be readily stated that the educational costs alone present tax enough for any 100 acres but the fact is it is just one item farmers and others are find ing that unless there is some curb put on mounting educational costs they will be taxed off the land according to one farmer speaking to the press in unionville on mon day misses betty and eunice wood land were in hamilton over the weekend visiting their aunt mrs irvin lockie lightning struck stump threatened farm barns this is the day thursday of great excitement down on the j a mccreight farm south of locust hill on the scarboromarkham itownline for the auction sale of stock and implements will be held according to announcement in this paper the past few weeks i last week when a thunder storm passed over this district a stump fence on the mccreight farm was struck by lightning and started a lively fire since the old fence is within a few rods of the farm buildings there was some excite- ment before it was put out and so this thursdays commotion on the same rounds follows the excite- iment of last week leslie frost new premier of ontario and cabinet sworn in the firegutted old swift garage building on main street opposite miss gertrude todds residence is leing torn down by mr don bacon the unsightly building has been an eyesore but in its place we under- stand the canadian oil co will some day creel a modern service station here hardtop mile of town streets considerable time was spent in discussion on this summers road program at the regular meeting of stouffville municipal council on thursday evening- there was no hardsurfacing done last year but considerable gravel and oil was used on the streets still untreated this year the council is contract ing for a mile of pavement at a cost of approximately 3000 with the completion of the 1949 program only a very few streets will remain unsurfaced a small amount of oil or calcium will be used on a few of the short streets mr earl keith and mr harris solicitor of uxbridge and port perry interviewed council con cerning the taking over of the 120 feet of roadway running east from baker ave to the fred chessman residence- mr harris stated that the strip of road had been deeded to the town however reeve nolan stated that while this might be true the municipality had not accepted the roadway since it was not properly ditched and gravelled a condition governing all such undertakings mr keith told council that he had had five prospective buyers for lots along the road and that he would have ditched and gravelled it himself if the ownership had been left in his hands after considerable discussion it was agreed that the road com mittee should meet oil the ground with the other property owners adjacent to the street and work out an agreement in which all would share cost of gravel and grading delbert booth enquired as to the restrictions governing the erection of a processing plant in town mr booth was informed that there were no building restrictions in this regard but he would be governed by the health act council agreed that a bylaw would be passed for the proposed plant on the present booth pro perty at the east end when architects plans had been approved by the department of health the booth poultry plant was recently amalgamated with the marshall hatchery at kettleby and the new firm hopes to erect a fine new building here costing in the neighborhood of 50000 the booth property contains 6 acres of land south of the present buildings a move to have the pillars at the entrance to memorial park re built up at main street is await- in further investigation by coun cil the pillars are in a very bad state of repair but council hesitated with giving the go sign on the job when it was found to be going to cost from 300 to 400 council acknowledge the fact if no pearing can be done in some town departments the 1949 tax rate will definitely be increased due directly to increased school costs over which council have no control three tenders were received for the laying of 450 ft of new side walk on orchard park blvd at the westend the interested ratepayers will be advised of the cost and if they agree to go ahead with the work a properlysigned petition must be presented at the next council meeting no sidewalk com mitments can be- undertaken following the striking of the tax rate swearingin ceremonies took place at toronto ont when ontarios premier leslie frost and his new cabinet took the oath of office with two exceptions the members of the cabinet are the ones who served under tom kennedy retiring premier the changes in personnel involved leslie blackwell and welland gem- moll mr blackwell dropped out- as attorneygeneral and mr gemmell came in as min ister of mines two of the port folios education and reform institutions have been filled only temporarily ontarios new cabinet is shown here from left front row george dunbar municipal affairs and reform institutions t l ken nedy agriculture premier frost george doucett high ways and public works back row welland gemmell mines louis cecile travel and pub licity harold scott lands and forests w griesinger plann ing and development charles daley labor dana porter attorneygeneral and education w a goodfellow welfare arthur welsh liquor control board lions begin eye survey jor pupils in both schools beginning this wednesday stouffville lions club is sponsor ing an eye survey of the nearly four hundred pupils in the local public and high schoolsthe project is being carried out by the lions health and welfare committee under the chairmanship of dr nell smith arthur a m stemp optometrist will conduct the work over a period of approximately a week mr stemp has handled similar surveys in leaside and markham with considerable success our childrens eyes are a precious possession and if only a minimum of defects are discovererd the survey will have been worth while parents will be advised by the committee if any of their child rens eyes require attention one week from next tuesday will be the 21th of may and a public holiday

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