the tribune stouffville ont thursday december 2 194s the annual meeting of the progressive conservative association ontario riding town hall whitby 8 pm december 9th 1918 for the election of officers and the convention to select a canoidate for the next dominion election mr j m macdonell k c mp muskoka will be the prin cipal speaker vol are cordially invited r d humphreys k c president e marks secretary aofcxvivvxxvvvvvxvxxvvvwwtts r m m m m m mm mmmmmmmmmmm save money save milk feed master calf starter grower you get cleancut strongboned growthy calves with master calf starter- grower a special formula of pellets and carefully processed cereal grains designed to replace whole or skim milk it is fed dry no gruels no mixing no scrubbing no waste from spilling ls danger from scours it pays to feed master calf startergrower if you have never tried this feed for your calves we suggest you order some now we are sure you will be pleased with the results obkikx ave visitors mrs ab willmoit miss eleanor wulmott mr and mrs a r wilimou of cobourg mr and mrs h a sanders of weston were weekend visitors with mr and mrs h vv sanders mmmmm uf ifuacltcdli i i master balanced feeds for all classes of poultry farm uve stock fur bearing animals dogs feeding directions avail able from t h paisley bethesda bethesda womens institute will meet at the home of mrs f rat- cliff wednesday dec sth at 230 oclock exchange of christmas gifts last friday afternoon the teach er and pupils of bethesda school held a bazaar our thanks to miss ieary for the very pleasant after noon and the social time spent with our neighbours and the dainty lunch served i am sure everyone present extend thanks to miss a leary we extend our deepest sympathy to mrs albert scott and family on the death of mrs scotts father mr john spence the special meetings at the church are being carried on all this week at s oclock each even ing bethesda womens institute will iiold a crokinole party on friday evening dec 10th in cakes recreation hall on the 7th line please come and bring tables and boards and see the new room notice please do not steal will the people who usually ttjl their christmas- trees in the township of j whitchurch please buy thera this year j or steal them somewhere else we are taking appropriate action to check tree stealing and other destruction of wildlife in the township f h van nostrand pres j w crawford sec whitchurch wildlife conservation club church hill sunday visitors with mr and mrs herb pegg were mr and mrs dick wright and joan of isling ton mr and mrs bruce maclean betty and helen of markham and mr and mrs denzil oldham elaine and phyliss of hartman sorry to hear mrs denzil old ham is not so well again and is going into the western hospital at toronto this week mr and mrs ray holden had supper with mr and mrs gordon taber on sunday mr and mrs e a loveless and family visited with mr and mrs e teece of ellesmere on sunday mr and mrs bruce maclean and girls of markham whose home was burnt on monday evening received a lovely shower at the home of her sister mrs roy flewell goodwood goodwood wa meeting will be held at the home of mrs eari tindal on thursday dec 9 at 230 oclock devotional by mrs john ashenhurst program miss elderkin all ladies welcome bazaar in united church base ment on friday promises to be well patronized open 230 pm a good sized congregation was out to greet the new student min ister in the united church who will have charge for the summer season a gideon speaker comes next sunday evening mr harry reid roy and wife were guests at the reid home other visitors in this section of the village were witli mr and mrs d mcdonald bert tindall is attending the chicago international live stock exposition the serious shooting affray east of here last weekend brought our district into the limelight through the daily press we hear that marlin hopkins is improving and may recover a splendid attendance at baptist prayer meeting at the home of mr and mrs fred baldwin profitable time was spent in study last sun day the gideons had charge of the church service at goodwood when the congregation learned much about the work of this organization who place bibles in hotels hospi tals prisons and schools a collec tion of over 21 was given for this work and while we are on church matters be sure and contribute well to the bible society when called on soon dogs return to kill at gravel hill after slaughtering several sheep on the farm of arthur hobson at gravel hill ten days ago the muttoneating dogs returned to the locality a few days later and killed rive animals on a neighboring farm for mr wm hewlitt mr hobson reports that another of ins flock has died ince he reported the first attack hewlitts sheep were torn in a shocking manner and the torture by the dog is blood curdling aside from the financial loss dogs do a cruel act in the manner they torment sheep it would appear that they get firm hold of the sheeps woo and if they are big dogs they tear them in shreads the sheep aid in this destruction by doing all in theft power to tear away from the dog or dogs thus the cruelty imposed on the innocent animals is shocking to say the least mr hobson is still of the firm opinion that if police would cover the nearby territory the guilty dogs would be located on examin ation of their mouths which would show wool in their teeth indivi dual farmers who suspect their dogs should make this examina tion in this killing the dogs came from east of gravel hill mr hob son stated three battle for reeveship in markham township fruit vegetables local washed sweet turnips 2 for 15c fresh cut xo 1 quality mushrooms lb 49c ontario crown xo i quality onions 3 lbs for lie in shell brazil nuts lb 49c in shell mixed nuts lb 49c bc extra juicy mcintosh apples 18 in bskt 49c canada xo 1 grade potatoes 10 lb 29c potatoes 75 lb 169 florida size 21g oranges doz 29c florida marsh seedless size 96 grapefruit 6 for 25c florida easy to pool size 130 tangerines doz 35c ontario xo 1 spanish onions 2 lbs 19c california fancy fating dates 8 oz pkg 25c california cello lkg tomatoes lb 20c xovj scotia rod firm cranberries lb 45c local hard green cabbage 2 for 19c ontario xo i greenins apples 6 qt bskt 63c zoo wavtzd cf thippat ui inki ocr atorva atziii for ucuiam rat lrfcdlf kalloe 6- tajaw effmutt tkandar ktw dmator i 4 pork and beans red cherries br choice peaches m tomato juice lemon juice spanish olives mixed pickles cranberries a s0ckeye salmon c0h0e salmon tx pink salmon w keta salmon f kam pork loaf lamb stew corn syrup arwr raisins currants pitted dates s3 mixed peel t walnuts tss almonds coffee heinz vinegars plum pudding spaghetti choice peas fancy peas baby foods honey 2s25c california nitachra aoatrakan vaeotxn c1mw4 kreah slulud rlcluivlla frrahly onwa4 n 4 blur 1 ild lwa11 jr 1 htillf- blot labai too tin 33c ttn tin 24c o wo jl tin 21c o j no 25c mo jar 29c no jar 27c loa tta 31c 43c vi 36c tt 25c 11 41c 110 tta 43c tt 22c 29c 25c 19c to mit oacta dominions continued from front page work done especially snow plow ing where it cost more to hire one- third done last winter than the remaining twothirds done with eur own equipment and men i intended to run for deputy- reeve last year but stepped aside for mr rumney i expect he will move on this time as i did for him said mr timbers at the close of his address which very well covered his stand on township issues councillors fred wicks and harry barber covered various matters each maintaining the acquisition of extra machinery was the right course to follow former reeve charlie hooper claimed the new planning board was only a senate beyond the reach of the electors great author ity but being a purely appointed body they are beyond the reach of the electors i say the 5man coun cil could run our township we have a good building by law aside from the planning board he declared we heard criticism about the weeds on private property yet no one can build on less than nearly a quarter acre he said referring to assessments mr hooper said the first thing we know we will have a riot if they carry this thing too far he was in favor of a card system to the extent of measuring buildings and some other regulations he criticized council for paying si 700 for a tractor when they had a tender as low as s1000 the reeve said the tax rate increased two mills should have gone on two years ago he was on the council then but i didnt hear the suggestion then mr griffin opposed two road superintendents as a councillor but as reeve he increases their salaries he claimed robt rae said he was of the opinion that the increased assess ment this year should have been sufficient to look after increased costs i think it is time a thrifty scotchman was on the council to keep a hand on the purse strings he stated in closing his brief address albert reesor a former deputy tyled himself as a middle man when reviewing the expenditures of the council agreeing here and disagreeing there with the remarks of reeve griffin and mr hooper everett harper declared himself opposed to the planning board we dont need one and i doubt very much if the farmers want a build ing bylaw when reeve griffin talked at some length in reply to his critics the big crowd began to move out of the hall in considerable num bers the hour was getting late and those who remained after the shuffle listened to the candidates argue with one another clerk chas hoover as chairman spoke at some length at the outset of the meeting outlining the fin ancial statement mr w c conn thought the township might le buying too much equipment attempted murder charge laid after uxbridge shooting earl hopkins 27 was charged with the attempted murder of his brother as a result of the farm house shooting on friday mid night in uxbridge township which jwlice state began in an argument over a woman hopkins is being held in custody at the county jail in whitby martin hopkins 32 earls brother is in toronto general hos pital riddled with shotgun pellets from his chest to his knees hos pital officials who earlier described his condition as grave said his condition is now improved provincial police said the brothers attended an impromptu party with five other persons at the farm home of george matthews in uxbridge township near the intersection of the brock road and the uxbridgegoodwood highway at the foot of bootjack hill 2v6 miles east of goodwood guests at the party told ipolice earl was the only man who did not have a woman companion an argument started over one of the women and earl is said to have taken exception to statements made about her another theory is that the brothers were not the best of friends because of a difference be tween them over the settlement of the fathers estate in any event it was established they quarrelled and earl went out of the house he walked due east to the home of his mother only five minutes from the matthews cottage he returned with a 10guage shotgun and went up on the verandah of the matt hews home he fired the gun through the window at his brother who was seated on a couch with one of the women about five feet from the window police said earls mother told police he had come home and seized his shotgun she had tried to prevent him from leaving the house again but he hurried out in a rage dickson hill miss kathleen walker spent the weekend here at the home of her brother mr and mrs chas hoover doris mrs levi hoover and ruth visited at the moyer home satur day evening greetings from the markham township sunday school associa tion were extended by mr james of hedford one of the visitors appointed by the convention to our local sunday school he was accompanied by mrs james and little david they were dinner guests with mr and mrs win timbers and family mrs ward hallman and janet left for rochester last wednesday to join the hallman family there in thanksgiving festivities miss doris lott of toronto visit ed her mother over the weekend quite a number of families are interested in the stouffville high school and enjoyed the fine pro gram of the commencement held in the veterans hall we extend hearty congratulations to all our boys and girls who received certi ficates and diplomas especially to carl grove who completed his upper school course with honours special services in the mt joy church closed sunday evening with splendid interest and the messages of the new pastor have been greatly enjoyed evening church service was withdrawn here and joined in the closing service ringwood you can make money by collecting club ordn for nw blanfcft mait from old wootltnt brand new all wool or pur wool lull i blankli in newet eoloun- d1rect from mill to you satisfaction guaranteed alao oolainam without turn in oi old woollent write for catalogue today midland mills oet midland ont 5j mrs james oldham was a tor onto visitor last friday miss belle mitchell closed her home last friday and will spend the winter in toronto mrs kenneth campbell is spend ing a few days in hamilton with her daughter mrs dan kelly mrs tillie barnas is spending some time with miss ada barkey who we are glad to report is now greatly improved following her recent illness mr albert hoover and daughter mrs myrtle davis also r e noble spent saturday with rela tives in oshawa the excelsior class held their monthly meeting at mrs roy groves on thursday afternoon of last week the program was in charge of mrs harry kennedy during the program a presentation of a lovely signet ring was made to mrs robert filyer teacher of this class in the sunday school and organizer of the monthly afternoon meetings of the same group in 1930 her leadership will be greatly missed when she and mr filyer leave our district in the near future to take over a business near the trenton airport our ringwood village was given publicity at 115 sunday afternoon by ckdo oshawa in their pro gram visit with the neighbors they told of the passing of the ringwood harness shop the infor mation having been gained from i lat weeks tribune