Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 9

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tne tribune stouffville ont thursday november is ims business directory sunday school lesson stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 8103 lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery qloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town deck brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hosoital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical day and night service dental veil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167 stoaffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie jacks beauty parlor phone 27402 markham every tuesday stand in his holy place it is the sanctuary of the lord that is here brought before us to stand in his holy place is to have- the golden text- he hath put a new lability to appear before god uncott miii in uiy mouth even praise demsed we are told in the first medical auctioneers sellers atkinson ph ag 201w2 ph stouff 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sale conducted anywhere specializing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements household fur niture real estate sales our specialty act fair and reasonable rates dual ser- vices for the price of one mllliken po sh agincourt 52w3 markham po ph markham 206 no sales too big or too dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 12 ajn tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer tork county uxbridge and pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffviue 67312 optometrical e a grubin ro optometrist picton ontario dates of visits to stouffville office announced in local columns real estate i consult j a wilkmghby sons i for complete real estate service bead office toronto 158 yonge st ad0605 city and country home forms small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone 83j2 stouffville dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 706 to 900 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffviue monday and friday 9 to 12 am- insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rate3 prompt service phone 25902 stouffviue when buying or selling rbaii estate farms residences business properties see george w allison bcgd real estate broker stouffville phone 38012 utt funeral directors rgclendening funeral director h o klinck phone 39wl stouffville fire auto burglary sickness and ac cident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 years experience strength and service unexcelled d a beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business phone pickering 5r22 address brougham ont f m pugh phone 38w2 stouffvule fire auto burglary in the last twenty years unto our god psa mkj the lemn a a whole approach to the lesson the bible abounds in poetry of the very highest character though this is not always discernible on the page of our authorized ver sion in the revised and other versions the poteieai portions are distinguishing from prose by being printed in separate lines hebrew poetry is quite different from that to which we are accustomed it does not depend on rhyme or necessarily upon rhythm as distinguishing characteristics but it is more like what we call blank verse very often one line express es a thought which is duplicated in the next under dicerent words or one line is in definite contrast to that which follows poetry is the language of the emotions and ex presses the deepest feelings of the human heart when in addition to this we have divine inspiration we can understand readily why the poetry of the bible rises above the very finest lyrical expressions of the natural mind the book of psalms is of course the outstand ing poetical portion of the old testament in this book we have set forth every possible spiritual experience to which the soul is is subject coupled with a great yearning after god and a recogni tion of the innate sinfulness of the human heart the book of job with the exception of the prologue in chapters 1 and 2 and the epi logue in the last chapter is a reat drama in poetic form in the inst chapter of the book of- eccle- siastes we have a beautiful poem in which the human body is liken ed to a house the figures used are very striking much of the pro phetic scriptures are also written in poetic form and isaiah espec ially abounds in figurative language as he depicts the glorious things which god has in store for israel in the days of the coming king dom for our lesson today our atten tion is focused upon the twenty- fourth psalm this is one of a tri logy psalm 22 presents our saviour dying for our sins and has well been called the psalm of the cross psalm 23 presents him as the great shepherd leading his people safely through this world of sin sorrow and danger it has been aptly designated as the psalm of the crook following this in beautiful order psalm 24 carries us on to the crowning day when our blessed lord having conquered death and put down all his foes will take the kingdom in power and glory and so we think of it as the psalm of the crown many of the psalms like these three are definitely messianic in them the spirit of god portrayed the suffer ings of our lord and the glories that shall follow it has been well said that the strings of the harp of david are the chords of the heart of jesus as we read the psalms with this thought in mind many of them speak to us with a new voice as they draw out our hearts to him who is their central theme the h istoricil setting while we speak of the book of psalms as the psalms of david we are not to suppose that all were written by him one at least the ninetieth is attributed to moses several are from the pen of solo mon others are ascribed to various writers actually there are five books combined into one and some of the later psalms were written evidently after the return from babylon who the final editor was we do not know but the name of david is attached to the entire collection because the great major ity were written by him verse by verse psalm 211 the earth is the lords and the fulness thereof jehovah is recognized as the lord of the whole earth he was not in any sense considered as a mere tribal god like the false deities of the nations of the gentiles to psalm that the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sin ners sis the congregation of the righteous in the new testament we read of this grace wherein we stand rom 52 he who has been justified by faith should be characterized by righteousness in the life verse 4 he that hath clean hands and a pure heart he who would approach god with confi dence would be conscious of his own integrity no matter what its profession a man may make if his life is unholy he will have no assurance of his acceptability be fore god verse 5 he shall receive the blessing from the lord a man who is honest before god is the one whom he can bless to him righteousness is imputed andi through the power of the holv spirit imparted that god may be glorified in his life verse 0 this is the genera tion of them that seek thy face o jacob the name jacob stands here for the covenant people it is gods purpose to make them a means of blessing to the whole earth in the psalms we do not have the present calling of the church set forth but rather is raels restoration to god and the blessing of the world through them verse 7 lift up your heads o ye gates and the king of glory shall come in in this verse we begin with x beautiful poetic description of our lords entering into his glory as the tri umphant king in order to pre pare the way for this the everlas ting doors or portals of eternity are seen to be opening up so that he the victor over death and the grave may take possession of that which he has purchased by his blood verse s who is this king of glory evidently this psalm was intended to be sung antiphonally one group of the sanctuary choir would put the question and the answer would come from a second group the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle we have no difficulty in recogniz ing here our triumphant savior having overcome him that had the power of death and leading all the hosts of heu captive at his chariot wheels verse 9 lift up your heads o ye gates and the king of glory shall come in this is a duplication of verse 7 and we can think of it resounding through the temple courts as a great chorus the singing levites leading the praises of the people verse 10 who is this king of glory again the question is sung by one portion of the choir and this time the answer comes back the lord of hosts he is the king of glory he who once was crowned with thorns comes before us here crowned with glory and honor the heart of the lesson the psalm divides into two parts in the first six verses we have the characteristics of those who know god in reality who approach into his presence with confidence be cause they are seeking to honor him in their lives as we meditate upon these verses we may see what god desires to find in those of us who have professed to be saved by his grace that grace produces righteousness in the life in the second part of the psalm verses 7 to 10 we have our lord himself presented as the king of glory entering into the throne room there to be crowned as sovereign over all this earth and recognized as the one to whom all honor is due let us look up in faith to where he now sits ex alted on the throne of god re membering that in a little while he is coming again to claim his own and to take possession of the kingdom and to rule in righteous ness over all this earth acquitted of murder instructions to hydro consumers it has come to the notice of hydro officials that numerous consumers in town are leaving their washing machine with the switch on when the power goes oil this is danger ous and hard on the system it m3y strip the cogs on the machine never leave any appliance turned on washing machine or stove when the power goes oil always turn the switch oil and after the current is restored to the lines turn on the appliance this is important to the hydro and o the appliance there were tears in the eyes of the jurors and the con vict as a verdict of no guilty was returned in the rise of howard lrquhart above on trial at kingston ont for the murder of john d ken nedy kingston penitentiary messenger he did not go entirely free as norman borins who defended the youth plead ed guilty to several other charges urquhart now has 27 years to serve he is seen leav ing the courtdoom good cooking is an art declares a chef yeah nice interior decorat ing how would stouffville like the shutoff hours in oshawa which are from 12 noon to 130 oclock for a time another cut from 7 to 715 in the morning also operated how ever just the noon cut is now being made kmm brings relief w j mother vou know what com forting relief you get when you rub on vicks vaporub now when your childwakes up in the night tormented with a croupy cough of a cold heres a special way to use vicks vaporub its vaporub steam and it brings relief almost iiistantly put a good spoonful of vicks vaporub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer then let your child breathe in the soothing vaporub steam med icated vapors penetrate deep into coldcongested upper bron chial tubes and bring relief with every breath vaporub rkc track mar ivanattapsd tr s ofthe unity of the holders twentytwo dividends a record godhead had been revealed it equalled by no other canadian company i w he alone wn0 having made the earth was to be recognized as eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied and picked up at your door for a reference ask your neighbors about our grade price and prompt weekly returns write or phone p hutton gfbver 8970 40 kenworthy ave toronto 13 5ooooooooooooooooooooqccooooooooo homemade cake readymixed mix chocolate cake in 60 seconds success every time with campbells cake mix just add a cup of milk or water- stir and bake light tender delirious try it today jkopbcllj cake mix v 3 flavors chocoiate golden spice prompt and courteous service ambulance service markham ontario phone 9000 l e oneill stouffville funeral dmector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night phone stouffvule 9s01 f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurance phone 5002 stouffville ont taxi service barristers its sole owner not only the mater ial universe but all living beings upon it belong to him t i verse 2 he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods this is of course poetical language the thought is not that the vast con tinents rest upon the waters but they are surrounded by water and yet are themselves firmly estab lished verse 3 who shall ascend into the hill of the lord or who shall office phone 3160 residence phone 3514 arthur w s greer ec barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner w c pollard kc uxbridge ontario branch ofhce port perry phone 25 albert brett co accountants and auditors toronto markham erin phone markham 211 george coltham ontario land surveyor municipal and farm surveys and general engineering box 43 aurora phone 8m2 stouffville machine tool works telephone 255 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery a contemporary hopes that the federalprovincial conference to be called for the purpose of filling up the gaps in the transcanada high way will have concrete results well asphalt would do alfalfa hay wanted best price for good quality sample reesors marmill limited markham phone 96 machinery repairs western canada y0ut1 enjoy 80ui6 by bus paris abi 10 s0umd trip tax imclidid regina calgary vancouver 8855 winnipeg 4650 subject to change stouffville motors phone 170w

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