the tribune stoufsfvitte out- thursday september m 194s the stouffville tribune established 1s8 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation a of march 31 vms 2597 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa 525c a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments chicken thieves certain persons seem to have made the chicken stealing business a specialty and the farmers are tired of losing in the course of a night the results of a seasons raising with the approach of fall season we may expect a resumption of this kind of thieft again in a few weeks which has not been so bad the last two seasons as hereto fore in stouttville area at least these thieving wanders responsible for the wholesale lifting of chickens who fatten on the labor of others require drastic punishment when apprehended that will cause others inclined to engage in the businessto pause and do some thinking before they start into the game a changed woman from out of the tennessee hills comes this remarkable story of a fool saver from his own folly according to the wall street journal an exceedingly conscientious and pious farmer looking for a wife turned away from all gentlenaturcd complaisant maidens of the countryside and took the meanest and most contentious woman he could find asked to explain his peculiar choice the religious farmer said that life was running too smoothly for him aria he felt that he needed to have some cross to bear something that would act as a scourge to keep him humble and contrite a shrewish wife he thought would suppy the deficiency but the farmer didnt reckon with the stubbornness of womankind his wife learned his odd reason for marrying her and greatly offended decided to revenge herself upon her bumbling mate she accordingly became the most agreeable and dutiful of all wives no man can use me for a pack horse to carry him to heaven she declared it makes no difference a western weekly unable to find some other reason for feeling exalted over the choice of st laurent as the next premier of canada sees hope for the family man because st laurent has a large family of his own nothing to that to feel especially grateful about for after all as we recall it a bachelor by the name of king put the baby bonus over in canada perhaps by the same token protestants across canada will have hope of getting a better deal when any religious issue comes before parliament than they could hope to obtain from a protestant leader mr king is a presbyterian and mr st laurent is a roman catholic how about turning back to horse and buggy days alberta was plagued in the pioneer years with horse and cattle thieves it was a serious matter in those times for a homesteader to be deprived of his hors3 for those animals provided him with draft power and transportation cattle rustlers were a menace to the ranching industry too and their thefts were becoming increasingly bold arthur sifton was chief justice of the province at the time and he took effective measures to stop livestock steal ing those guilty of such thefts who were unfortunate enough to appear before judge sifton usually got a peni tentiary term of around five years that method proved effective as the way the law is administered today it might be well to ask the judiciary to get back to the horse and buggy days more cars are stolen than horses ever were and while one car would cost as much as ten horses the thief gets off today with only a nominal sentence of six months let us mete out a sentence such as judge sifton did and fewer cars would be stolen or would the jails become filled up too quickly a strange 2 charge a few weeks ago the job printing department of this newspaper was advised to commence collecting 8 per cent tax on all job printing done on the premises and sold to the public- that was a command which somewhat dis turbed us we said to the official is it not three years since we were at war and is the time not ripe for reduction in taxes instead of adding on new ones of course one is foolish arguing with government officials since they cannot change the law any more than we can however our ire was really aroused when after being supplied with a lot of instruction on how to collect the eight per cent tax and make monthly remittance to tiie dominion government office in toronto we were told that we must annually subscribe two dollars for a license what said we do you mean to say that in addition to being forced to collect taxes for the dominion government we are asked to pay 2 annually for the privilege smil ingly the clerk said that was just what was expected and demanded thinking it over we came from the taxing office saying that it is no wonder canada is breeding a lot of communists could anyone think of a more offensive law than that which commands the humble business man to collect taxes for a wealthy government without compensation and pay an annual fee in the bargain for the doubtful privilege of being a tax collector if we have overstated our case we call upon the genial member for north york to put us on the correct road again in the meantime our readers will sympathize with our position as a tax collector and that of all other business concerns who are forced under penalty to collect this tax for ottawa and pay 200 annually for the privilege axgluaxs to hear bishops a chance to hear first hand and correct details of the lambeth conference and an opportunity to welcome the canadian bishops who have only recently returned from the conference will be given the people of toronto and district on thursday evening september the icth under the direction of the missionary society of the church of england in the diocese of toron to the affairs will be held in con vocation hall the story of the lambeth con ference will be dealt with briefly by the rt rev a r beverley dd dishop of toronto rt rev r j renison dd bishop of moosenee rt rev j s moyes dd bishop of armidale australia and the rt rev m h yashiro pp bishop of tokyo and presid ing bishop of nippon seikokwai mayor h k mccallum will ex tend an official welcome the choir of st simons anglican church wiil be in attendance this is an opportunity for the members of the church of england in stouffville area to pay tribute to these bishop- for real result try the tribune classified adv columns conservatives to choose leader on oct 2nd niss canadawide interest is steadily increasing as the progressive con servative party go forward with their plans for their convention on oct 2 to name a successor to john bracken last appearance as leader of the progressive conservatives saw mr bracken above photo graphed with ted conover ypc president centre and gordon gray- don mp figuring prominently in the convention will be ontarios premier george drew john dief- enbaker of saskatchewan and pre mier maurice duplessis of quebec they burn a million a day by ronald williams in financial post ever actually had your hands on a million bucks i did just the other day ah what a wonderful wonderful feeling piles and piles of that crisp green stuff what sweet dreams james go buy me another cadillac with gold fittings this time then they bundle up the whole million bucks worth and toss them in the fire thats when you come back to earth and realize where you are and why where in the cloistered heavily- guarded precincts of the currency division of the bank of canada in ottawa there five days a week one million dirty old dollars are des troyed and a million fresh new ones issued in their place the daily turnover at this money mecca is something like 2 million a day why are you there to find out something about money how much of it is there floating around how long does it last before it wears out who turns it in who watches who while its being counted also if junior chews up half a sawbuck or somebody starts a fire in the greenhouse stove where pop hid his bankroll can you get your money back you certainly can if you can prove it the mother of the baby who munched half her 10 bill got replacement so did the man who was using the greenhouse furnace for a bank so do hundreds of others whose cases come to the desk of the chief of the banks currency division greying kindly c elmer campbell hes had charge since 1935 the big business of the currency division of course is the 1 million a day replacement for the chartered banks the meticulously careful counting recounting checking and doublechecking of millions of 1 2 10 and other bills whose ufa expectancy has been reached but the nickelanddime transac tions frequently pathetic often humorous and now and then ou right larcenous get just as much perhaps more thoughtful attention because they involve such human factors the human side of the mint heres what campbell believes is the most pathetic case nes come across in his years with the bank one day not long ago a nova scotia minister walked into his office after getting by the rcmp guards at the ironbarred door leading to the division proper he had a charred cash box under his arm inside were charred bits of bills hardly recognizable the min ister was representing a nova scotia farmer whose barns had been wiped out by fire kindly neighbors passed the hat and raised 700 to help him get started again that night tragedy struck again this time his house went up in smoke the 700 cached in a tin box went up too could the bank do anything the minister asked the bank could not to the extent of the full amount because redemption regulations specify that even before there can be a partial redemption there must be a definite remnant in the farm ers case many bills had been totally destroyed but he got a big chunk of money back in the extreme cases when the remnant cant be identified by the bank experts it can oe sent to a bank note firm which can even identify what look like embers to the naked eye that kind of identification wasnt necessary in dealing with the case of the baby and the 10 a char- lottetown mother sent in half of a 10 note the other half she said had been chewed up by junior while she was out shopping satisfield with her affidavit and evidence of credibility from a responsible citizen both are the old home town by s ii 4- o wis stuff vjh at can i do t y i away you the cof lfakf v ajs n bicxklkh traffic va on my soap stock anoyou gst ioos jj mobh suds 4 soft fj water al know it j5ain1 38 ohbctfiti ooe u3 exdsr kaver me bi economy lzh t stock required the bank paid off in full but the case didnt end there as a hedge against a bit of larceny the currency experts always make a tracing of the outline of the bili sent in for redemption if somebody tries to pull a fast one by sending in the other half this trick upseta the apple cart in this case it did a couple of weeks later the other half turned up a bank had redeemed it at hail value and wanted a refund from tie bank of canada investigation showed no criminal intent to defraud the mother fully believed her baby had swallowed half the note instead he had mere ly torn it in two and dropped one half on the floor the finder picked it up and got half redemption where 1 people hide money such cases are typical of the relatively small but important prob lem which cross campbells dess every day people he says hidemoney in all conceivable places theyve had cases where money had been hid den in ovens even in toasters one even hid a roll under a pita of ashes in the cellar and they all went mildew another put his wad in the furnace ash pit someone else threw live ashes on top and the whole thing went up in smoke ho got partial redemption right on campbells desk when the post called was a pile of charred notes there were 07i all damaged in varying degrees tha owner had hidden them in a small greenhouse furnace along came bis son and started a lire he got 100 redemption the bank has numerous cases of wives hiding money from their husbands but few the other way round one vancouver woman had been salting money away for years there was a flood and her cache of about 000 got soaked so afraiil was she that her husband would find out she refused to make a statutory declaration this obstacle was finally hurdled when her lawy er did it for her another woman applied foij redemption of 5000 under similau circumstances she didnt want hen husband to know about her neali egg these cases of course are tha highlights of the currency divi- sions business the bulk of tfia work is methodical painstakingly careful handing of millions of new and old currency notes its a big complicated and highly important business and its getting bigger all the time at the moment theres 12 billion continued on back page see your favorite picture first at the stanley theatre friday and saturday sent 17 18 mr district attorney d okeefe california firebrand monte hale monday and tiuiliy sept hazard iiulctte goddflrd m carey