the tribune stourtvilie ont thursday september 2 ims audley glaremont and district by stag correspondent local dealers madius siore and overlands store miss doughty a former clare mont school teacher ha been visit ing with miss s k evans during the past week mr and mrs e k douglas of north dakota and mr ira calder of bayviue montana cousins and uncle respectively of mr and mrs john norton mr and mrs cecil redman and mr and mrs ail robinson have been visiting dur ing the oast week among the relatives and intend taking in the exhibition on monday they wu aiso accompany mr and mrs robinson on a motor trip starting tuesday to nova scotia for a coupie of weeks vacation mr and mrs gordon overland and son are holidaying for a week at the c a overland and david tran homes nearly fifty lime and fertilize spreaders a week are being sold by chas cooper equipment here in claremont the implements as advertised in this issue of the tri bune are finding a wide demand in the surrounding district we are sorry to report that mr will thompson has not been in good health for the past few weeks while mr frank hutchings has a severe attack of shingles miss olga rhodes of brampton has been visiting with her friend miss marian middleton dr and mrs n f tomlinson have returned from their vacation in muskoka w n palmer has finished tiie new look on mrs w cowies house a fresh paint job in attrac tive white and black miss jean gregg has arrived home after a tour of western canada and the united states she is one of a group of ontario teach ers who travelled west in three specially built pullman style buses in 55 days tne group covered about 9000 miles the farthest point being san bernadino calif the scenery was varied and extremely interest ing they saw prairies badlands mountains the pacific ocean the great salt lakes waterfalls forest of giant redwoods deserts canyons geysers hot springs and rich farmlands there were a few snowbanks at crater lake ore and ice on the water early in the morning at yellowstone national park wyo but ontario gave the girls a warm welcome home at 101 degrees in the shade mrs david gregg has been visit ing tier son gordon and wife at malartic que nearly a thousand pheasants were freed last week by the local township game committee and this should be quite an improvement over the past few years when so many losses were realized from the skunk hazard no dates for the annual pheasant shoot have been announced as yet rex w h rexton of toronto who has been conducting the joint church services in the baptist hot spell means short season for local canneries j the f loyst canning factory commenced operating last friday and expect to continue during this week the hot weather has played havoc with the tomatoes in some sections and it is feared that the seasons pack will be greatly reduced mr gordon hodgson th con reports the loss of his entire acreage of nine acres and ori would naturally assume that moi plantings would have been injured somewhat because of the intense heat wave of the past week cucum bers squash celerv corn withered while the drying up of buckwheat clovers saved for tire seeds and pasture lands will reduce the form ers income very considerably over near brooklin heber down prominent farmer with close to 20 acres of tomatoes will barely har vest enough to pay for his work williamsons claremont canning co factory expected to go into pro duction last weekend but the drought has set starting date back a few days and the running season when it does open will be a shoit one balsam and mt zion mr rodd appleby had the mis fortune to have the end of bis little finger taken of in a beettopping machine one day miss ruth carson is helping with the peach crop at grimsby mr and mrs cecil jones and mvrna attended the lewisharper wedding at goodwood on wednes day mr and mrs reg hoskms and linda and mr gordon wilson spent the weekend at muskoka mrs r day sustained a sprained ankle from a fall one day last week misses mavis kerry and eileen carson of oshawa spent the week end with mrs errol carson miss marion chidley of toronto spent the weekend at the appleby home mr and mrs lome parrott and allan of ashburn spent sunday at the carson home church and park during the month of august spoke of the value of teaching religion in the public schools basing his remarks on the passage in proverbs 22 train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it mr howard mills of toronto favoured with a solo as of last sunday morning entitled the lost sheep rev i e kennedy of the united church is expected to resume his services on september oth heres a holiday treat for the whole family mr blandings builds his dream house will be showing at the stanley theatre on labor day night next monday mount vernom lime and fertilizer spreader vrith obe as of ibnii toi 4re wbemvm n l hut oil start late matetiav v or regulate v ite- s settings lot adjustable stop t uniform distribution assured by specially designed aqitators round bottom hoppers diamond shaped holes easier cleaning agitators are quickly removed ioi convenient cleaning built to last all steel construe- ton bull dog heavy cast hitch disengaging wheel clutches chas cooper equipment claremdrit ontario brougham congratulations to mrs t c drown who celebrated her sou birthday on aug 27 when she was at home to her family and several friends who called on her mrs v wright of georgetown ls visiting with her brother mr bert beer and other friends mr and mrs h malcolm also mrs robt miller and little daugh ter visited mr and mrs john knox and also attended the reopening of their newlydecorated eldad church on sunday the flower show on sept lgth which was to be sponsored by the womens institute will be cancelled owing to the extreme hot weather of the past week mr russell gray has been busy during the past week wiring the buildings on the farm of mr carte of scugog island mrs lemmon and mr ross middleton visited with friends in toronto on sunday mrthornton of woodstock called on his sisterinlaw mrs t c brown one day last week mr and mrs allan miller of toronto spent last week with his mother mrs john miller mrs sheppard spent a few days last week with her daughter in toronto mr and mrs e l crocker also mrs r w witter of toronto visited mrs l matthews one day last week mr russell gray spent the week end with friends at oshawa and also attended the hamps picnic held there on sunday mr and mrs wm duncan of green river called on mrs f c brown on sunday afternoon mr donald wannopp spent the past week at bobcaygeon visiting with his old school mates the lamb bros it seems like fall and the opening of school when we hear that the cod liver oil has been ordered through the red cross for the usual distribution through the schools mr and mrs h philip and family also mr and mrs al harvey and john and mr and mrs frank barclay and beverley returned after spending a pleasant holiday at tall pines carnarvan miss brown is visiting at the home of her aunt mrs m harlock john harvey and dickie wannop spent monday at the exhibition brougham fire brigade drew two calls the end of last week a sum mons for help came at about 2 oclock sunday morning for a brush fire at cooks bush green river while the local firefighters answ ered another call on saturday on a sideroad near brougham where it was believed careless campers had left a smouldering fire the call to green river was somewhat delayed when the party in need of assist ance failed to ask the telephone central for the correct party all one needs to do if they need us is call for the brougham fire brigade and the call will come in all right choif annis told the tribune the recent hot spell has done considerable damage to pastures ora and the canning crops such as tomatoes mrs cox had he misfortune toi break a bone tri her arm lately t this is the second home fractur- this season miss olga erickson a missionary from alaska bowed some colored slides illustrating her work and the local settings there before several si the home of syd and mrs wonnacott last week messrs c s bryant w h westney and f m chapman haw had a bulldozer clearing creek bottoms and levelling land recently chas morden sold some of his dairy herd to buyers for shipment to the us many of our cattle are being sent over there at gooj prices seven young men from pennsyl vania called upon our local jersey herd last week and selected some animals for delivery to their homes there alfred baggs of edgeley accompanied them f m and mrs chapman attended services at brooklin and at solinu on sunday last the reopened eldad church at solina makes it one of the finest rural churches in canada mr a l pascoe chair man of the board there is married to a former resilient here in the person of miss minnie bray who lived on the farm now owned by urban blake word has just been received of the death in edmonton of mrs luella kennedy mother of orvis kennedv the organizer of the social credit party in the province of alberta in her early life she was known here as miss luella orvis and lived near the four corners sympathy is extended to walter brown to our south upon the recent death of his mother her nephew principal ballard of the moose jaw high school who happened to be on a visit east attended the funeral john and mrs logan of cleve land ohio an engineer in the erection of a two million dollar cement plant in illinois was a recent caller at grasmere we congratulate the horticui turalists of ajax upon the excel lence of their recent flower show nearly everybody here at one time or another will be in attend ance at the cne local directors of the oshawa fair board met this week to get ready for their big fair which thu year comes at the end of the week instead of on the beginning days as formerly during the hot spell mr sheri pickering village discusses water supply about so of the pickering village ratepayers attended a public meet ing recently to hear an address by dr berry of the provincial depart ment of health on the question of water for pickering it is generally known that many of the wells in the village have gone dry during the past few years and that most of the wells tested are unfit for human consumption some negotiations have been made with ajax village to pump water through thier lake channel into the village little was done on the project for some time as it was not definitely known whether or not ajax would be a permanent village dr berry suggested that a survey could be made of the ajax water source at not too great a cost and then it would be known where the village stood on the cost of bringing water from ajax to pick ering all that is needed in order ta cook the beanery gang said a visitor to the newspaper office on monday is an application of the strap on a few of the smartalec lads and the whole thing would disiritegate over night amen but unfortunately a magistrate can not order the strap for this offense hence there should be no time lost in changing the ontario statutes in this regard exhibition service from claremont and intermediate points to exhibition grounds 7 am bus on childrens day monday august 30th on manufacturers day saturday sept 4th on agricultural day wednesday sept sth s am bus on labor day monday sept- 6th will operate direct to exhibition grounds bus will return from exhibition grounds on the above dates at 11 pm danforth bus lines limited auction sale farm stock implements grain pigs household fuknnure the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at lot 32 cox 9 pickering twp wednesday sept 8 the following property belonging to james e wilton horses cattle gray mare aged black gelding aged bay gelding aged black cow full flow freshened in july black jersey bred june 17 black cow bred april 11 black cow bred june 11 durham bull 18 months old blue heifer g months holstein heifer 2 months old hogs sheep 1 fat hogs 3 ewes and 3 oneyearold sheep wheat quantity of goose wheat quantity of improved victor 33 rows of turnips 30 rows of mangolds implements double set harness and collars binder 7 ft mil no 5 mower 0 ft cut to five mh 3drum steel roller buggy 13disc drill mh horse rake cultivator 12 tooth md good oliver corn cultivator sacks turnip drill mh riding plow light wagon double mould board plow bags fleury riding plow 2 cutter set bench sleighs root pulper speight wagon and box set of low trucks neckyokes cutting box fleury trip chain doubletrees fanning mill set horse clippers sling ropes set of 1 sec harrows iarge grinding stone 2000 lbs scales gang plow 2 furrow jamesway coal oil brooder new and pipe quantity of scrap iron quantity of fence wire separator md no 2 fcrnitlre extension table library table 5 dining room chairs findlay oval stove with top oven like new 2 rocking chairs dishes morris chair good jars brass bed spring mattress single bed spring and mattress clothes dryer curtain stretcher pair quilt frames large kitchen table crocks number of lamps numerous other articles salo at 1 pm terms cah no itosfnr farm sold john scott cerk s farmrr auctioneer claremont north pickering legion field day and dance at claremont on monday sept 6th labor day beginning- at one pm races for the kiddies softball mens ladies football enniskillen vs claremont at 7 pm street dance music by the best bands of amor ica lucky draw prizes dan was sleeping out under the trees on his lawn when after mid- night a truck drove in to his lane near his chicken pens when ne awoke and approached the pair they i took off rather unceremoniously the hydro workmen are string ing new wires on the new feeder line to our west and will then carry power to many of our people over this line which will remedy the low voltages that many have been complaining about man uses 31ykybolo ticket the new haven railroad out of new york is looking for one of its passengers who took 31 years to complete a gomile trip it wants to give him a cake the railroad publicity office said the man boarded a new york- bound train at south norwaik conn a few days ago and handed the conductor a ticket bought in 1917 for a trip from ridgefield conn to new york it said the ticket had been punched for the ride from ridge field to branchville conn over a line which has since gone out of existence and for the trip front branchville to south norwaik conductor dante l del vecchio was so surprised he failed to ask the passengers name 4 anyhow the railroad thinks his use of the ticket after 31 years takes the cake and thus wants to present him with one if the rail road can find him blamed the lowly worm the lowly worm took its place among detroits traffic hazards after making itself comfortable in the upholstery of james alex anders automobile it had the ill luck to be discovered by alex ander girl friend she made a wild pass at the critter lofting it neatly on alexanders neck alex ander five feet nine and weighing 173 pounds told traffic referee andrew wood frankly lie couldnt take it i just let out a yell and the car crashed into a parked automobile he said im seared to death of worms wood placed alexander on probation for 30 days with loss of driving privileges its big news its the radio event of the year as of september 1 station cfrb toronto and all your favourite cfrb programs and person alities move to a new spot on your radio dial 1010 where you hear them over cfrbs powerful new 50000watt transmitter now 50000 watts a new high in good listening lilian lo radio theatre ic inner sanctum je spotlight rovue jim hunter and wei mcknlght at 1010 on your d- follow all your favourites to 1010 on your dial cfrb follow your favourites to 1010 on your dial now 50000 watts fa new high in good listening a ioio