Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 2, 1948, p. 4

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the tribune soucvi2e on thursday september 2 194s the stouffville tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of march 31 1ws 2597 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa a- v nolan son publishers 525c notes and comments remain in your car if vou are driving along the highway when an electrical torm approaches and you seek a nice safe place to stay until the storm passes just take the advice of expert and stick right to the drivers seat the bureau of standards tells us that automobiles are practicallv immune to lightning despite the fact that rubber tires and the ear as a whole become very wet during the storm persons driving within a conducting enclosure are fairly safe against lightning and the auto body although enclosed to a considerable extent by glass approaches this condition the average motorist is probably safer in his car during an electric storm than in his home upon recollection there are few cases on record of autos being struck by lightning and this is rather remarkable when you stop to consider the hundreds of thousands of cars out in electric storms particularly in our larger cities vanished town mystery few mysteries touch the imagination more than the mystery of a vanished town there are the ancient towns mentioned in the scriptures some of which were lost for ages until the spade of the archaeologist brought them to light and others of which remain to this day undiscovered there is the lost atlantis the great city of the classical world which is said to have sunk below the surface of the sea and vanished from human sight there are the ancient towns mentioned in the doomsday book of old england some of which cannot now be identified and some which stood on land that the sea has since eaten away but lost towns and cities seem to be things of the old world which time in the slow work of centuries has buried away but the new world has its vanished town also its name is anstruther and it was located somewhere in the province of ontario irish solicitors wishing a settle an irish estate are now looking for the descendants of a certain irish gentleman who died at anstruther in ontario in the 1860s no one however has been able to find out where anstruther stood even the canadian geographical society with its stores and records of historical lore has been appealed to for an answer but no answer can be given the mystery is intriguing possibly an attempt was made to found a town of that name in some district in which a town could not be supportedand the settlement was abandoned and its few wooden houses fell to ruin long ago whatever the answer anstruther has dissolved and faded leaving not a trice here in the new world in the space of only some 80 years time has been able to work one of its impenetrable mysteries montreal gazette this little pig went to the carnival the spectacle of a greasy pig at a night carnival in aurora is received with mixed feelings by many people it borders too much on cruelty to animals judging from a picture in the era and express it was evident that every body was enjoying the fun seeing the pig run about in terror while a lad with a flying tackle landed on its back to down the animal uncomfortable from grease terrified with the crowd and chased by a number of lads in turn utterly exhausted the porker certainly suffered and plenty of people will question the propriety of the amusement indeed it is a case where the humane society might reasonable step in the tribune does not suggest that the aurora organ ization staging the carnival would injure any animal and certainly handled porker in this case with consideration yet the animal must have suffered great torment which could be as bad or worse than a stick beating surely there are other and more appropriate ways for service clubs to bring home the bacon than by calling in the aid of cur favorite breakfast dish the oil shortage fuels of the future may be made by synthetic produc tion of petroleum products but the processes are still in the experimental stage and too costly to compete with crude- oil according to the imperial oil review published today every year some prophet of doom raises his voice in the land to declare that the world is running out of oil the article says recently because demand for oil products has skyrocketed beyond the capacity of the industrys transportation refining and other facilities these prophets have been making more noise than usual this situation has aroused special interest in the work of scientists who are experimenting with substitutes for crude oil as a source of gasoline and other fuels their success has been publicized to the point where the public may make the mistake of thinking a kind of philosophers stone has been found by which men can turn practically any substance into oil witli little effort the truth is that synthetic production still is uneconomical and remains in the experimental stage this is in spite of the fact that science can produce substitutes for crude oil and the processes are being improved step bv step so that if the world should ever run short of natural petroleum synthesis will come to the rescue but at present there is still plenty of crude oil oil fields are diminishing assets once the oil is taken from tho earth new fields must be discovered and they are becoming more difficult to locate but todays great exploration pro gram is finding new deposits the present tight situation is not due to any lack of oil in the earth it developed as a result of an unprecedented demand for oil products entitled fuels of the future the review artce states that erection of synthesis plants would not solve the present peacetime problems of supply synthesis however will provide fuels in the future and is important on this continent because of considerations of national defense bliame ottawa for sugak bekt shoktagk canadian sugar beet growers are blaming federal controls for the steady decline in production i according to canadian thev contend the restriction importation of raw cane sugar at the rate sugar has been con sumed in canada during the first part of 194s it is calculated that about 130000 lbs of the refined grocer product will be required to satisfy is favor the nations swce tooth sunday school lesson golden tem be not forgetful to wrought pau had learned this aquila if as generally supposed contact those who are in need of trade evidently before his eonver- timothy was in ephesus at this further instruction is as real a son he was ever ready to labor text be not entertain strangers heb 132 the ion a a whole approach to the lesson it is a delightful thing when husband and wife are both deeply ruth of god and stressed the for its aissemto- churches to time or as some others think in pulpit k some gift to be used for christs nmistrv as to preach from the xo child of god is without interested in the laboring together ation abroad in aquila and pris- cilla tentmakers and warm friend of the apostle paul we have such a couple wherever we read oi them and wherever they mada their abode they seemed always to put the things of christ first in other words to paraphrase an expression of william careys their business was serving the lord and they made tents to pay ex- with his own hands if missionary funds were no forthcoming he k u evident that did not fee that he was disgrac- godly couple had aaain left rome glory and to all he opens some doon lug the cloth as same might put and gone over to asia minor here of service however humble it maj it today by manual labor 1 cor paul used the more forma name seem it is ahvavs worth while tt j2 2cor 1 thess 29 acts prtsca rather than the diminutive accepted as his will milton well i bile he recognized and priscilia probablv as more suitable wrote they also serve who onlb responsibility of the to one who bv this time must have stand and wait support those wio become a somewha eluerlv woman ministered in spiritual things land one to whom he was sending why oh whv cor 914 he never insisted upon his last message again we note ner forty rive subscribers to this this for himself though he appre- name comes before that of her hus- newspaper had to be notified last elated it when the saints were i band as giving honor to the wife week that their subscriptions woutd considerate of his temporal needs for her faithful witness to christ be discontinued unless immediate phi 11417 land her care of the saints as the renewals were made hunting out verse is paul sailed thence one who directed the home aquila lhe delinquents on the mailing list into svria and with him priscilia doubtless was in full accord witn sending out notices all takes lixaa and aquila when the apostle his gifted consort jand money when these reader started on his journev back to an- the heart of the lesson could readily learn the expiry date xhh his two friends accompanied again we are reminded that godof their paper by referring to tha penses moreover their home him on tne fj 0 his journey has use for those who serve in i quiet yellow label on the address seems always to have been open to j 19 he came to ephesus ways and hidden places as truly as the tribune has tried to main the lords servants and particular- an i ly to paul for whom they had a p on the very warm affection and whose behalf they took what the jj work would think of as great ephesus later on risks in order that they might a- certain few named nwrx hsm whe0 pr cameti ephmn when adhere aquila and his pdence of god this earnest hem there aquila and for those who occupv the public ain te per year remained at ephesus patform to maintain a true christ- prevailed here for when paul continued his journey lian home where hospitality is was to meet them again in shown to gods servants and where his people are ever welcome is in rate which ha over 20 year and has appealed for the coopexa tion of subscribers to renew thels ubscriptions before they expire so wife were led to a saving know ledge of christ we are hot told but happily both of them knew the lord and therefore could enjo holy fellowship together in a christian home in their employ ment and in witnessing for the lord in a wise and gracious way they were enabled to lead apollos into a fuller knowledge of thei truth and in their association with paul they proved themselve- invaluable helpers in the work of giving the gospel to the nations in home we may be sure they continued their faithful witness backed by godly lives and paul looked forward to meeting them there again and sent heartfelt greetings as he recalled how they had actually hazarded their own lives on his behalf thus putting all the churches of the gentiles into their debt a debt of gratitude that could never be repaid in this life but which the lord will liqui date in full at his judgment seat in the day of manifestation the historical setting aquila and priscilia the dimin utive of prisca were a jewish- couple who had been living in rome but were expelled from there in ad 52 by the decree of claudius caesar who regarded the jews as enemies of the empire aquila was a native of pontus where many of the scattered jews lived he and his wife were tent- makers and seem first to have met with paul at corinth he became a member of their household and worked with them at their trade which he himself had learned whether they were christians al ready when paul met them or were led to christ by him person ally we are not told later they were together in ephesus when permission was given for the jews to return to rome aquila and his wife went back to that city and were living there when paul wrote the epistle to the church in that city verse by verse acts ism paul departed from athens and came to corinth this was on pauls second missionary journey and after his ministry in philippi tliessalonica and berea he left that region because of per secution and went first to athens then to corinth verse 2 found a certain jew home of priscilia and aquila see named aquila with his wife also pilemon 2 priscilia having left rome be- i cor 16 19 aquila and pris- cause of the dict of claudius this cilia salute you with the church jewish coupie with greek names preacher who had received the message from john the baptist but was ignorant of what had tran spired afterward came to the place where he could be further instruct ed in the truth of the gospel verse 25 this man was in structed in the way of the lord knowing only the baptism of john had accepted johns mes sage and had evidently gone out to proclaim it to the jews of the dis persion calling them to repentance and baptizing those who received the word in token of their recog nition of their need of the remission of sins verse 2g whom when aquila and priscilia has heard they expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly in the revised version the name of priscilia here precedes that of aquila this is in accordance with the best manu script authority priscilia was apparently the one who took the initiative apollos was invited to their home and there they opened up to him the truth that they had learned concerning the death resurrection and present ministry of christ apollos accepted the teaching and went on to corinth to become identified with the church there rom 163 great priscilia and aquila my helpers in christ jesus note pauls grateful acknowledg ment of the assistance this couple had been to him in his work of making known the gospel here too priseilias name conies first while this may indicate a fine courtesy on pauls part in thus mentioning the wife before the husband it also seems to suggest what we have mentioned above that priscilia was the more active of the two in connection with the testmony of the lord verse 1 who have for my life laid down their own necks they had risked their very lives in caring for and protecting paul and so had put all the churches as well as the apostle himself in their debt he thankfully acknowledges this verse 5 greet the church that is in their house- as yet there were no special buildings in all probability set apart and occupied exclusively for christian worship in rome some if not all of the believers met in assembly in the had settled for the time being in corinth where they pursued then- trade of tentmaking with them paul found a lodging verse 3 he was of the same craft he abode with them and that is in their house in the city from which 1 corinthians was written most likely ephesus though some say phillipi they were hosts of the church as later on in rome 2 tim 1 19 salute urisca and these new eurekas are years ahead of all other cleaners in design construction and performance theyre superpowered light quiet and so easy to use choice of upright or tank model by actual test either model outperforms any other cleaner of its kind regardless of price sea eureka before you buy any cleanar phone now for ftee home demonstration stouffville radio electric xorm farr prop stouffville ontario itself a great and precious privilege to voii being notified ami there and to seek to help by personal adding to the cost of the news paper seed fall wheat and fertilizer we offer for sale cornell 595 order now for delivery any lime you need he wheat cornell wheat has outyielded all varieties for the past 2 years be sure to treat your wheat against smut wiih ceresan we find that in 9 out of 10 cases of ball smut this seed was not treated last fall so that it definitely pays to use ceresan note watch for our custom spraying announcement this issue stouffville coop phone stouffville 209 see your favorite picture first at the stanley theatre jk friday and saturday sept 3 4 blondie in ihe dough p singleton speed to spare richard arlen fl monday anil tucmlay sept ii 1 1 sainted sisters veronica lake joan caulficld

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