the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 1 194s make these classifies advs your market place live stock bray started pullets started non- sexed or dayolds there are ready markets for what theyh sroduce later get summer price- st from agent mr watt stiver bros fred wise richmond hul articles for sale implements for sale cars for sale pram for sale english style al- wagons for sale owrubbertired 1940 bus coupe for sale sit no jion fniiiis nir- john bourne brock rd picker- c rtt mf ii vr white pekin duck and drake for sale vear old- ph claremont 2410 mrs jack morgan 3 lovely little black span iel pups for sale ph stouffville 61412 j coombs goodwood six pigs for sale six weeks old r mover dickson hill phone 05509- 18 pigs for sale ready to wean h gregg ph igoj claremont 12 purebred yorkshire sows for sale six months old bred also purebred police dog year oid w j dennie loi 30 con 4 markham mile south gormley 12 pigs for sale six weeks old also reg hereford bull year old winton white phone claremont 1012 attention farmers cricket hunter stallion standing at white pickets farm claremont fee to owners of healthy mares 1200 march 1 1019 or 1000 at time of service return privil eges visitors welcome ph 3 r22 wm pearson sth con pickering claremont most new 1700 also childs play pen and pad 500 mrs james norton claremont or ph 5w strawberries for sale fred baston goodwood ph stouff ville 01414 john bourne brock rd picker ing one power winch for sale i plymouth well cared for splen did condition walter crowder baldwin ont lfixfloso chev panel truck for make a buckrake or tow truck good cook stove for sale find lay oval good as new also three- apolv wm neilson farm brougi ph ham phone pick 5 r3 between v 030730 pm 102 1 sale 300 c o loveless agin- burner coal oil stove and oven potato sprayer for sale mh earl keith ph s205 make 4 row 12 nozzle in new real estate girls coat for sale with hat to match 7 vear old size lovely tur quoise shade mrs c cadieux victoria st drophood sewing machine for sale the seamstress tele phone 1509 claremont 1hreeburner coal oil stove for sale nearly new h mover ph s309 extension ladder for sale 32 feet like new w s wilson ph 00300 dining room suite cut oak for sale excellent condition h bickllecombe 4th wnitchurch just north of gormley ph 60411 old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbell phone aglneourt 18j12 collect agincourt rrj2 1ti notice to farmers i have a continuous year round market for holstein cows must be a good size and in good condi tion fresh or close springers duncan spang claremont ont ph sto 6616 60tf the olid reliable we are still in the market for close and backward springers and will pay top market prices l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 electric washer for sale 35 new and wringer s22 and one chemical closet practically new 800 a lome burkholder 9th con markham south of no 7 highway condition priced reasonable garage for kile 14xls on cedar grant barker weston rr3 ph 6x6 for sale must be remove weston 109 j4 102 j ambrose stover town a delicious cool drink directions make tea exactly as usual while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice add sugar and lemon to taste salada sgsl tea m h horse rake for sale good rummer cottage for sale at as new willis taylor ph 00211 j stouffville rr 2 cards of thanks set hardwood double trees j for sale oiled also pair of horse clippers and 2 fetlock clippers hand operated mrs c cadieux victoria st ph 3207 musselmans lake 3 bedrooms living room kitchen and screened charles hardy and family of porch immediate possession claremont and oshawa wish to 1500 apply to h- mover for f to their many friends re- willoughbv farm agency phone atives and neighbors their ieart- s309 stouirvilie 1087 two john deere binders for sale 7 ft cut on rubber with steel tranports any bundle car riers used corn ensilage cutter mccdeering good condition w j- oldham mount albert phone country up to 7500 2712 112 frank payce realtor bathurst st toronto phone ll 8423 we offer 00 acre farm in workin condition fully equipped will take large house anywhere in the good pickup baler for sale case make also 2 years supply of wire apply s h bishop care b p tavlor rr 1 york mills- tel mo s229 or hudson 1112 twoburner coal oil stove for sale monarch used only short time also ice box and cole man gasoline iron good condi tion mrs c h doner phone 06324 garden peas available fresh and nicely flavored 45c per 6 qt basket at the farm chas barkey altona ph 6606 upright piano for sale carved oak magnificent tone 7500 tele phone 66611 electric refrigerator fri- gidaire for sale 7 cubic ft capa city 60 cycle mrs earl tindau goodwood for sale mccormick deering s ft power binder nearly new massey harris hay tedder in good condition also truck body 7x12 racks 5 ft high new ph 07906 edglevale farms w tim bers sons 11tf we have clients wanting all kinds of properties cash buyers appointments can be arranged at ballantrae hay and grain 1947 combine allischalmers model 00 with scourkleen speed counter and straw loading attach ments uxspring farms limited uxbridge ont 112 for sale geo white threshing machine 2442equipped with grain thrower clover attachment and straw shredder nearly new ph 67906 edgevale farms w tim bers sons h2 wanted good used piano wanted phone mount albert 4111 mrs loveless wanted to rent house with three or four rooms furnished or unfurnished not necessarily in town ph stouffville 6213 b gamble mark 102 work wanted boy 14 wishes summer employment on farm near stouffville ph 61309 2 coal oil stoves for sale two and three burners perfection and two large size ovens mrs roy wilson claremont rr2 7th of pickering cakes weekend specials shredded wheat 2 for 25c shortening lb 28c eagle brand sweetened con densed milk tin 23c complete line of canning supplies cakes lcmonville we deliver for sale mh transplanter excellent condi tion frost and wood 10a oil bath mower good as new electric wash ing machine 25 cycle new ihc 5 ft cut mower firstclass condition c h bell son phone 281 stouffville hay for sale in field about six acres of standing timothy clover mixed and about 4 acres of sweet clover good crop and a team of good horses mrs sam irwin phone g5s14 stouffville felt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes exteii- ln memoriams hoover in loving memor of cpl gordon hoover killed in ac tion july 4 1944 you are not forgotten brotherdear nor ever shall you be as long as life aiid memory last we shall remember thee ded o them in their recent bereave- ever remembered by brother mel i los t a a allan sisterinlaw reva nephews rev r warren of port credit fo his comforting words i wish to express mv sincere thanks and appreciation to the wo mens institute stouffville christ ian church relatives and neighbors for flowers fruit cards and en quiries received during our illness mr and mrs edwip a lloyd bobby and billv miscellaneous custoji plowing cultivating discing harrowing scuffling and sowing done on short notice b- hill ph claremont 2002 602 custom baling i am prepar ed to do your custom pickup bal ing at reasonable rates john mcgillivray mount albert ph 1401 112 custom work done with my pickup baler hay and straw handled jos tran ph 1502 claremont 9tf help wanted personal bob calf wanted holstein or beef type willis taylor phone 60211 a house urgently needed to rent if you have one in mark ham village if at all possible con tact allan raymer markham phone 82j wanted calves to veal also well bred twoyearold holstein bull for sale and reliable work horse phone 63507 jk tranmer stouff ville wanted bob calf holstein or beef type preferred j dowling claremont ph 3612 tortured- by constipation try proven fruitatives fam ous herbal medicine used success fully for 45 years brings relief quickly tones up liver keeps bowls active restores good health reliable sale register coming events the middleton reunion will be held at couchiching park orillia on july 1st all members of the middleton family are cordially in- vited to attend come and bring your basket 102 attend the strawberry garden party at mt pisgah church 3rd of whitchurch just north of gorm ley on friday july 2 tea from 630 on the lawn program includes a play by buttonville group en titled the secret society of cab- bageville admission 75c child ren 35c in case of inclement weather will be held indoors 102 bethesda womens institute are holding an ice cream social on friday evening july 2nd in rat- cliffs park good program adults 85c children 20c 102 decoration service at the clare mont union cemetery on sunday july 4th at 230 oclock rev i e kennedy will be the guest speaker and special music will be supplied by the baptist male quartette a public address system will be in operation in case of rain the ser vice will lie held in the claremont baptist church owing to wet weather the straw berry festival under auspices of the anglican church is postponed to mondav july 5th on thebwn of stouffville floral co come all keep open the date of wednes day july 21st for the annual ice cream social under auspices of the w a of lemonville church 112 notice furniture for sale the following goods will be sold for storage unless redeemed by the owner arthur vine on or be fore july 15th 194 several ar ticles of house furniture harry wellman june 30 194s 112 friday july 2 auction sale of household furniture garden tools etc in richmond hill arena pro- pert belonging to estate of the late w h lever sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve as house is sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday july 3 auction sale of dairy cattle ford tractor farm stock implements hay grain piano furniture etc- on lot 20 con 3 markham twp at head- ford property of archie watts sale at 130 pm dst terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday july 10 household furniture modern furniture elec tric frigidaire property belonging to geo mcconnell fomerly owned by f f robins in village of claremont on brock rd sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctio neers john scott clerk wednesday july 14 import ant large auction of dual purpose shorthorn cattle farm stock implements grain etc also en tire contents of large house on lot 11 con 6 king twp the property of wm moseley sale starts 1230 noon terms cash no reserve as farm is sold and owner going to bc ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday july 15 reg and grade guernsey cattle ihctrac- tor 1020 milking machine imple ments furniture at lot 29 con smarkhamthe property of got gamble terms cash sale at 1 no reserve farm sold a-sfarm- er auctioneer saturday july 17 auction sale household furniture garden tools etc property belonging to the estate of the late wm michael on main st markham village sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve as property sold ken and clark prentice auc tioneers men wanted for carpenter work apply to les ogden ph 5827 stouffville teacher wanted for ss no 22 markham mongolia pro testant duties to commence with fall term in september state sal ary and qualifications apply to clark bunker secretary stouffville rr no 1 h2 girl wanted for general house work in stouffville apply to box b stouffville concrete block e jones son 94 main st e stonffville washing machines repaired any make of washer also vacuum cleaners cleaned oiled and repaired agent for beatty washers j a fleming unionvllle 92 ph 109 and i will call notice to creditors and others notice is hereby given to all persons and others having claims against elizabeth ann hutchinson late of the village of stouffville in the county of york widow deceas ed who died on or about the 9th day of april 194s are required to file the same with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of august 194s after which date the execu tors will distribute the assets of the said estate among the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which tney shall then have had notice dated at toronto ontario this 29th day of june194s winnifred ethel hutchinson stan ley stafford ball executors by their solicitors weldon bruels 17 queen st e toronto 1 ont hoover in loving memory of our dear brother and uncle cpl gordon hoover who died in ac tion july 4th 1944 a token of love and remembrance of one we shall never forget his memory to us is a treasure his loss a lifetime regret lovingly remembered by sister flossie alvin and family arundell in loving memory of our dear daughter betty who passed away june 22 1947 fondly remembered by mother dad and brother alfred flewell in loving memory of mary eva flewell who passed away july 2nd 1917 god knew that she was suffering that the hills were hard to climb so he closed her weary evelids and whispered peace be thine away in the beautiful hills of god by the valley of rest so fair some time some day we know not when we will meet our loved one there sadly missed by husband family joes harness shop harness made to order repairs done neatly and promptly enquiries welcomed white pickets farm 8th con claremont phone claremont 3r22 43u order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs cedar posts lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 mt albert general trucking i am prepared to fill your trucking requirements for livestock gravel etc reasonable rates long and short distance hauling a storry agent for maple leaf feeds phone 5 r41 pickering brougham 2-3mos- new and used farm equipment kid kangaroo gang plows new and used ihc low down wood wheel farm truck good as new diamond drag harrows new frost and wood horse drawn and tractor mowers waterloo garden tractors and equipment new delaval woods and condie milkers new fairbanks morse hammer mills new renfrew cream separator near new electric motors new and re conditioned beatty and fellows electric pressure systems hand and power pumps pump jacks cylinders etc etc bell son stonffvhie ont phone 281 canning factory opening we will be ready to accept custom work at our factory canning asparagus and rhu barb on and after may 27 vivian canning factory phone mount albert 1616 3tf earl groso prop births slabs for sale cut and deliv ered eckardt hopkins saw mill ph stouffville 9012 50tf banford wilson general repairs welding gas oil greases goodrich tires batteries charged gormley ont 1tf ph stouffville 7304 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market phone 3501 49tf tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repair henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tl stouffville phone 25402 wood for sale limbs slab and body wood cut and deliver ed forfar bros phone stouff ville 9212 200 empire garden tractors 1 and 3 horse tractors in stock also bobalawn lawn mower h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tf let us load your tires goodyear solution 100 h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tf martin ted and yvonne marth nee meyers of newcastle ontario are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at bowmanville hospital friday june 25 194s a sister for laverne and murray spofford at the markham nursing home sunday june 27 191s to mr and mrs randa1 spofford stouffville a son barrett to mr and mrs geo barrett gormley on june 26th 194s a daughter a sister for joan haliv to mr and mrs ted hall goodwood on june 23 1948 the gift of a son barley at the brierbuah hos pital stouffville on friday june 25 194s to rev and mrs p r- barley of gormley a daughter flavia jo nesbitt at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on sundayjune 27 1948 to mr and mrs murray nesbitt whitchurch township a son washing machines over hauling and repairing don by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son the salvation army social ser vice truck will be in stouffville on friday and saturday of this week to pick up your salvage this is their semiannual collection help them if you can 00oooooood004 farrs elevator claremont phone 38w res 38j western whole and chopped grain buckwheat seed and seed corn master growing mash for pigs and chickens maple leaf laying mash and chick feeds are good lime salt wooden and asphalt shingles hard coal soooooooooooooooo auction sale household furniture walnut antique modern furniture electric frigidaire the property of geo mcconnell formerly owned by f f robins in village of claremont on brock road sat july 10th walnut dining room extension oval table solid walnut buffet 6 solid walnut dining room chairs blue velour upholstered above mentioned suite is m excellent condition chesterfield 2 chesterfield chairs walnut dining room extension table good walnut dining room buffet 4 cane bottom dining room chairs good good cheer kitchen range com plete with warming closet and water reservoir 2 kitchen cupboards 3 kitchen tables number of kitchen chairs 2 rocking chairs 2 arm chairs 2 jardiniere stands small round table 2 dressers number of pictures stool or bedroom seat number of good rugs number of good scatter rugs library table antique jardiniere stand 2 electric floor lamp number good mirrors hall seat oval parlor table cupboard occasional antique chair real antique bronze electric lamp antique settee and chair secretary or writing desk good upholstered bedroom chair 2 carpet sweepers dresser electric vacuum cleaner 2 chest of drawers hall mirror and coat rack modern bed and springs spring mattress modern dresser single brass bed springs mattress clocks mantel range boiler kidney shaped table glass top small high round table walnut general electric refrigerator good small size 2 table lamps electric 2 lawn mowers shovels number garden tools frigidare electric home freezer or cooling unit 500 lb capacity com plete with electric motor 3 electric irons cushions electric fixture 2 pairs of drapes number of cooking utensils water basins dishes glassware numeraous other articles all articlts in this sale are good and in splendid condition anyone needing furniture would do well to attend this sale sale at 2 pm sharp dst terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers john scott clerk radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf bell son phone stouffville 281 notice of closing and selling the freehold of a public highway known as leon ard avenue according to registered plan no 203 whitchurch take notice that the council of the township of whitchurch will consider at a meeting of the coun cil at the township hall at vandorf in the said township on the 10th day of july 1948 at the hour of s oclock in the afternoon a bylaw to close up leonard avenue accord ing to registered plan 203 and to sell the freehold of same the council shall hear in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent any person who claims his land will be prejudicially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard dated at the township of whit church this 7th day of june 1948 94 john crawford clerk new implements on hand 1 10 grain grinder 1 used clipper combine 2 new rubber tire wagons used motordriven case combine used 28 favorite threshing machine 1 no 21 walking plow 1 manure loader with buckrake 2 no 21 walking plows 1 3horse electric grinder 2 3horse electric hammer mill 2 riteway milking machines 2 garden tractors 1 mower 5 ft cut 1 16 cu ft home freezer 3 1horse scufflers 1 bobalawn mower 2 3section springtooth harrows 1 water pressure outfit asphalt shingles and rolls extension ladders car batterle oils and grease 1 used 2furrow tractor plow 1 used 3furow tractor plow 1 used 7ft grain binder 1 used delaval milk cooler 8 can universal lightning rods 1 new 7 grain binder 1 new dump rake new cream separators henry ogden son phone 2102 stouffville massey harris dealers stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone s8m office phone 370