the tribune stouffviue ont thursday july 1 1948 the bowl 4mau hyp h econof diving into the lake at oak- ville ont to retrieve a friends hat william wilkinson 27 of bronte ont inset drowned trying to make shore the fat ality scene is shown here drag ging operations found the vic tims body 150 feet olfshore al though a strong swimmer wilkinson was unable to make any headway against a high wind and a strong current from the river channel eyewitnesses said that there was no lifesav ing equipment on the pier rod young ccf victor in federal byelection in vancou ver centre receives hug of con gratulations from his wice born in liverpool he came to canada at the age of six he helped form cooperative commonwealth youth move ment and became its first vice- president 14s crop prospects are good the ontario department of agri culture says crop prospects for 19is are considered very goon in deed the department in its monthly crop report says the cool wet month of may delayed completion of seeding of spring grains but that the dry weather over the past few weeks has made it possible for farmers to catch up on their work the report says that spring grain crops generally look excel lent and the fall wheat and rye stands indicate above average yields however in parts of lamb- ton kent and several other count ies a considerable acreage of pring crops was drowned out by excessive rains in the early part of may most of these fields have now been reseeded pastures are generally in good condition and milk flow is nearing its peak for the season hello homemakers there is a as homemade capers heat 13 cup long leaden interval between the vinegar 1 tsp sugar and 1 bay feverish days of spading and leaf to boiling point then par- planting and the proud day when tially cool meanwhile pick over green onions and radishes and the nasturtium seeds and put in lettuce can be blended into the small sterile bottles fill with vine- first tossed salad of the season gar solution and screw on the caps how good the first garden greens beat salad dressing with a dover beater to prevent curdling 3 salad greens should be tender and clean select the small spin- valley field inn dicksons hill dinners and receptions phone stouffviue 5503 taste we like them with a sharp french dressing perhaps with a dash of green onion and crumbled old cheese the best tip we can give you is toss the greens with the dressing jus before you serve them garden salad 1 cup raw shredded carrot 2 cups shredded raw spinach leup shredded raw beets 1 cup grated onion m cup shredded radishes vj cup well seasoned french dressing combine vegetables and chill in electric refrigerator drain well and add the french dressing toss together using a spoon and a fork and serve at once serves 6 chefs salad 1 head lettuce 2 tomatoes peeled and diced 1 cucumber peeled and diced 1 bunch radishes sliced 1 bunch green onions chopped french dressing shred lettuce by cutting the head in half and shredding pre pare other ingredients and com bine all together with french dres sing well seasoned serve well chilled french dressing vi cup vinegar 2 cup salad oil 1 tsp sugar pepper paprika 1 tsp salt place all ingredients into a chilled glass jar shake vigorous ly use as is or vary as desired variation for vegetable salads add 2 tbsps capers and 1 tbsp chop ped chives roiled salad dressing step up production wma duro mr farmer if you wane extra profits convenience and less work install t duro pumping system be sure to install a duro pump with full capacity for all your needs in barn poultry house truck garden cow stables home and tire protection for all your buildincs install the best install a duro e m c o fixtures and fittings 4iilj 1 vv r ar mode vu- tyi comforts of dailv living rfccf safegmk the health of j 2 cups milk va cup sugar 54 cup flour 1 tsp mustard tsp salt 2 eggs cup vinegar cup water heat lvi cups of milk in a dou ble boiler until a rim of bubbles appear combine the dry ingred ients add remaining cup milk and mix until smooth slowly add to the hot milk stirring all the while when slightly thickened pour over the beaten eggs return to double boiler and continue stir ring continue cooking until de sired consistency is reached pour into clean sealers store in the refrigerator makes over 2 cups take a tip 1 to preserve nasturtium seeds though a federal labor code pro vision to make union clues check off mandatory on employers was voted down in the house of com mons there are still whispers of discontent on parlianment hill a- gainst this decision by labor sup porters watch the label on your paper it tells you when your subscription ex pires 11200 fob london canada f7 your family scr us for e h c latest i n kitchen ljft- bathroom ard laundry installations j k agnew hardware stouff ville tmpififlflflssnifgcq w limrreo ionoonhatiiltontoftonto5uauiymvifcvajkouvc ms tocsoos ez former king miciiael of romania and his bride prin cess anne of bourbonparma are seen after the colorful marriage in the royal palace at athens michael and anne were married in the throne room of the palace in a greek ortho dox ceremony a huge crowd cheered the newlyweds as they left members of the royal fam ily of greece and queen mother helene of romania attended the ceremony ach leaves small dandelion leaves or beat greens to prevent bitter laste wash leafy greens in several waters lifting them out of the water to leave the soil at the bot tom of the dish dry greens by placing in a towel fold and shake two or three times chill in the electric refriger ator 5 vary the shapes of vegetables or fruits for salad slice the rad ishes cube cucumbers tear the lettuce or spinach shred raw beets grate carrots etc g select colour combinations even if you use orange and red with green 7 fo not place green mixed vege tables in a pattern they appear and taste better tossed together for fruit salads a pattern is at tractive the question box mrs j a asks why does our favourite layer cake recipe call for i tsp baking powder with 2 cups flour answer the additional eggs in the recipe act as a leavening agent too miss gg asks what makes the shortening turn grey i keep it in the refrigerator answer shortening may lose its colour in the centre of the pound if it is old or if kept too cold mrs b k asks can you use boiled milk for junket should you chill junket to set answer if the milk began to boil inadvertently while you were preparing junket cool it stirring frequently until lukewarm test by a drop of it on your wrist if it feels warm pour over the rennet and do not chill to set store any leftover dishes of junket in the refrigerator sunderland people awarded damages is accident case in a judgment handed down in county court and general sessions in whitby last thursday howard and jean stjohn of sunderland plaintiffs in an action against john ciemett lindsay were awarded 75000 damage plus costs by judge ab currey of manitoulin island the action arose from a collision in which clemens car struck one of mr st johns cows and is said to have caused injuries to miss st johns back and right leg the cow died as a result of the accident miss st john received sjooi damages for her injuries and the costs of her action and mr st john her uncle received s250 the value of the cow plus costs the beast was a pedigreed purebred durham shorthorn ciene had maintained that the cow had run into the side of the car rather than being struck by it and that miss st john had re ceived her injuries in a fall into a culvert the jury retired at 330 thurs day afternoon after hearing argu ment from defence counsel am fulton kc of lindsay and coun sel for the plaintiffs aws greer kc the verdict was returned one hour later car load of wire fence and fencing supplies poultry fence hog fence 8 line even space 9 line graduated steel fence posts s barbed wire brace wire no 12 soft galvanized wire barn yard fence stouffviue coop homemade cake readymixed fltt pbcll5 cake mix 3 flavors chocolate golden spice whats a picnic without a coke ask for it either way both trade marks mean the same thing port perry bottling works port perry phone 47 plu2t wartime taxes ami or jen