the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 10 ii the stouffville tribune established 18ss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of september 30 2575 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 200 in usa s25c a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments send hordes back to work farmers and townspeople alike are still smarting under the recent abbott budget since it is generally felt for certain that taxes are being imposed on small incomes for another vear in order to be able to make a big showing in 1949 when there is every likelihood of a dominion electon at which time relief will be promised a reasonable reduction in income tax this year would have sent hordes of govern ment salaried individuals back to some productive work instead of being kept at a job on tax forms that is exasper ating to the whole of canada hair cuts and butler the price of a hair cut in alaska is s2 and at first thought the high price almost makes you hold your breath and perhaps a man might feel sorry that he was not born baldheaded however the price of a pound of butter in that northern territory is also 32 so that the barber there could exchange a hair cut for a pound of butter on even terms here in stouffville we may think that hair cuts at 50c are a bit high but the barber couldnt take his 50c to the store and exchange it for a pound of butter by any means for it would fall short by more than twenty cents figure out who is the best off the barber in the far north at s2 per cut or the tonsorial artist down here in ontario at 50c per clip back to the land a serious backtotheland movement is something to be expected within the next few years if it comes it will not be an organized movement it will be the result of some independent thinking by many different persons rich poor and mediumly welltodo who for different reasons will decide that for the one life they have to live the small town or the farm offers a better return in satisfaction than the city can possibly give this is not to prophesy that the cities will become depopulated overnight montreal toronto vancouver winnipeg and the rest will still attract from the country side the same types of girls and boys that have flocked there in the past they will come because some careers require a city atmosphere for both training and practice because there are more opportunities for mak ng a fortune because there is a greater variety of choice in the matri monial field and generally because life in a city is more exciting and therefore more appealing to adventurous youth those who return or emigrate to the countryside from the city will be those who have sampled the metropolitan delights that appeal to them and have calmly decided that they are not worth the trouble they involve the noise traffic smoke and crowds they will decide are things to be avoided and when it comes to theatres and any city convenience you may name it can be had outside the city and for less cost sunday observance the question of sunday observance has been in the news recently following princess elizabeths visit to paris many people in this country felt that criticism directed at the princess by the scottish association of the lords day alliance observance society was rather extreme however in view of this incident it is perhaps of interest to study a little of the scottish background on the subject of the sabbath as given by rev a ian burnett in an article published in st andrews church magazine ottawa my highland grandmother refused to set a fire on sunday the minister recalls it had to be set on saturday night or you went cold until monday morning blacking ones boots was a sin on this day while to whistle even a psalm tune was to tempt the devil yet there was no kinder humbler gentler soul in all the world sunday was precious to her and with a host of other faithfuls she fought hard to keep it holy but she lost out the railway train and the steamboat the motor car and now the airplane have put sunday madly on wheels just over a hundred years ago the presbytery of the church of scotland in the city of glas gow called a special meeting to consider a resolution of the edinburgh and glasgow railway company the second railway to be opened in great britain to run trains on the morning and evening of the lords day what strength and vigor was shown in the counterresolution passed by the presbytery let me quote in part from it for these fathers and brethren showed a spirit which we would do well to emulate the presbytery regard the carrying into effect of this resolution as a flagrant violation of the law of god as expressed in the fourth commandment a grievous outrage upon the religious feelings of the people of scotland a powerful temptation to the careless and indifferent to abandon the public ordinances of grace and most disastrous to the quiet of the rural parishes along the lines of the railway by the introduction into them every sabbath of many of the profligate and dissipated who inhabit the cities of edinburgh and glasgow furthermore the fathers and brethren resolved publicly and privately to warn their flock against travell ing on the lords day and to exhort them to discontenance the company so far as may be in their power while a resolution so sinful in itself and so disastrous in its conse quences is suffered to remain in their minutes that was the spirit one one hundred years ago but in the long run the railways won out and the motor car hurried on the defeat raising the death toll on sundays above that of any other day of the week by putting sunday on wheels we have literally and metaphorically put life beneath the wheels the wheels have become more valuable thaw the lives there in a nutshell is the situation which we face today the desecration of the sabbath has meant the degradation and destruction of man for whom the sabbath was made and that situation had better be stopped before we are all destroyed bv it vktkkax is drovxed while oct fishing virgil seers of point anne ont was one of two veterans drowned when their flat- bottomed fishing boat over turned off point anne in the hay of quinte the boat and oars were found the morning after the tragedy the other victim was rodwell parsons 21 both men left english war wives markham man caught stripping clothes lines 1 dont believe a word you tell me said magistrate o m martin to george bedard 43 markham who pleaded not guilty to selling more than fifty articles worth 1000 ih the past four months the magistrate remanded him to june s for judgment for having liquor in an illegal place bedard was fined s10 or one month- evidence was bedard stole articles from the yvyngate farm todmorden where he had one worked and resold them to employes there two youthful farmhands r j stewart and clement gerveis said they bought two radios and an alarm clock for 22 hardest hit victim was walter elliott agincourt garage owner who said his car had been stripped of all its tires and accessories mr and mrs r risebrough of milliken turned bedard over to police after they caught him steal ing clothes off their line uc ministers retiring in iilxihsav area four ministerial retirements in the lindsay presbytery were a nounced at the annual bay of quinte conference in smiths falls last week those on the retirement list in clude rev c v hollingsworth rev t wallace rev j r bick and rev newton bowles all with exception of one have over 40 years service behind them with the church visit from bcavertons reeve reeve bert hawtin of beaverton was in town last thursday and called on the local incumbent of the same office mr hawtin bought cattle in the stoufrville district ten and fifteen years ago in an exten sive way and held many auction sales of cattle here he held the confidence of a large cliental maritime minister to come east baby foxes of dundalk number thirteen ix lot the dundalk herald has an interesting story to relate about the way foxes produce up in that part of grey county as seen by a farmer and his son says the herald keith gallagher had an out-of- theordinary incident to relate to his little pals when he returned to school after the may 2lth holiday rambling about the field where his daddy was at work keith discover ed thirteen baby foxes at play sounds like an unlucky number for poultryowners these puppies are described as the cutest things about the size of an ordinary cat two mother foxes were also sighted by keith and his daddy and they hurried their little ones into watch the label on your paper it tells you when your subscription ex pires rev a e mackenzie of saint john nb has accepted a call to the pulpit of a tor onto ont church mr mac kenzie is president of the united church ministerial association in saint john and convener of the committee on evangelism and social service for the maritime conference m danforth bus lines toronto brougham ci- 1 rem ont east bound read down west bound read up pm pm dailv pm am am dally am daily am pm daily pm pm sun ex sun ex ex sun ex sun siinla sat sun sun sun sat hoi hoi onlv hoi hoi toronto hoi hoi hoi onlv hoi 945 545 200 1000 915 bay and dundas 840 935 150 520 935 1010 g10 225 1025 940 danforth and luttrell s10 910 125 455 910 10 20 g20 235 1035 950 scarboro jet 800 900 115 445 900 1035 103s 635 63s 250 253 1050 1053 1005 100s malvern 745 742 845 s42 100 1257 430 427 845 842 browns cor 1010 640 255 1055 1010 town line 740 840 1255 425 840 1050 650 305 1105 1020 cedar grove 730 830 1245 415 s30 1100 700 3 15 1115 1030 locust hill 720 s20 1235 405 s20 1105 705 320 1120 1035 green river 715 815 1230 400 s15 11 10 710 325 1125 1040 brougham 710 s10 1225 353 s10 1120 720 335 1135 1050 claremont 700 s00 1215 345 s00 p iuel express 13s3 day1 igrt saving time n illy it eduction in fares effective sept 20th from toronto single fare return fare to locust hill 60 110 to brousham 70 30 to ciaremont 75 140 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop longer life for your tractor with coop motor oils coop premium top quality motor oil with corrosion and oxidation inhibitor coop regular first grade regular typ motor oil 45 gallon drums 5 gallon steel pails quart cans at your stouffville- coop the qp hom town by stanley the dens when they sensed that human beings were nearby oddly enough just the day prev ious bruce wilson strolling about with his cousins from collingwood observed six young foxes on a farm near the wilson home while they quietly watched on the mother fox appeared with mrs somebodys fine white hen and carried it into the den doubtless intending it for the holiday feast j during the past several seasons the price of red fox pelts has not been high enough to justify a farmer in taking time off to hunt them the consequent increase in numbers is causing poultry raisers no little concern as they seek to estimate the number of chickens ducks and geese that will be required to provide the necessary breakfast luncheons and dinners to bring the young to maturity be sides the dens mentioned above at least three more are known to be located in the unmediatae neigh borhood however cute the puppies may be now one is led to question the wisdom of a law which gives them protection and one is inclined to agree with those who feel that a bounty should be given in grey for the destruction since red fox is so lacking in popu larity at present that the pelts are almost worthless while most farmers wives are not sufliciently bighearted to raise hens for foxes to prey upon 01v so coq to mix a spice cake just add one cup of milk or water to campbells cake mix stir and bake enjoy fresh homemade cake always light tender and delicious try it cake mix c 3 flavors s chocolate golden spice see your favorite pictuie first at the stanley theatre sflfofiyff friday ami saturday june 11 12 step by step lawrence tierney under the colorado skies m hale y0 f monday and tuesday june 21 22 fcfutf notorious inrid ikrgman bz7 adult entertainment issjjsjfjs