the tribune stouffville ort thursday june 10 194s patsy parr crawls under piano to fix pedals at carnegie concert beak dkek axi wild cat seen ix scott township if the indians ever take back this country the firs township they will possess will probably be scott township as the game seems to be coming back fast last week mr john tindall reported a black bear being seen crossing the nen- dick farm over into bert collins and down to the swamp on satur day a deer came down across the ame way sunday morning a wild cat came in the luke lane and down into the swamp and up over the hill were tracks of a coupla more ixbridge times tenyearold patsy parr of toronto well known pianist was the carnegie hall pop concert soloist recently as she made her debut at the big new york concert stage the capac ity audience was amused when she crawled under the piano to test risers placed on pedals because of her short legs then gave a skillful and self- assured performance well known to concertgoers all over canada patsy surrounded by some of her dolls and teddy bears is seen with a favorite story book sunday school lesson lesson for jne 13 igolden text who knoweth wether thou art come to the king dom for such a time as this esther 1 11 the lesson as a whole the bok of esther is the book of divine providence the name of god where do we find esther in the aw and the answer given was i will hide my face deut 3220 bo in this remarkable record of gods care for his people in the lands of their captivity we can see how he wrought for them even though he did not connect his name with them they were in the is not found in it nor is there any pronoun fox god neither do we read anything about prayer to him on the part of his people in the hour of their great danger and per plexity but the hand of god is seen throughout the entire ten stirring chapters he was behind the scenes but moving all the scenes behind which he wrought the ancient rabbis asked the question omat 405060 man youre crazy foczet your mjel thousands aro doppy at 70 try pepptoe up with ofltrex contains tonic for weak rundown feeling due solely to bodys lack of iron which many men and women call old try ostrex took tablets for pep younger feeling thli wry 6j now sot acquainted else emit 60a tar mis m all qrag stoma ovary whom profits are bigger when shes free of insect shell livestock spray tormentinc flics can cut your caules weight and milk yield shell livestock spray is the sure way to rid your herd of insect pests clear the air at milking time morning and night spray shell live stock spray directly on cattle before putting them out to pasture and before bedding them down insects and flies arc repelled round the clock with shell live stock spray si 65 an imperial gallon shell ddt barn spray get the jump on flies this year by spray ing their breeding places with powerful shell ddt barn spray on stalls on doorways on inside surfaces and eaves on manure piles shell ddt barn spray forms a longlasting film of death dries hard stays put wont blow away for lasting protection against flics kill them where they breed with shell ddt barn spray 225 an imperial gallon get shell livestock spray and shell ddt barn spray from your local dealer right away path of their own choosing god had opened the way for all who desired it to return to the place where he had set his name only a remnant availed themselves of this privilege the great majority prefered to remain in the lands of their enemies hence they were exposed in a special way to the malice of hainan the agagite who was a royal amalekite one of the hereditary enemies of israel but when he thought he had perfected a plan to destroy all the jews as adolph hitler in our own day the lord under took on behalf of his people and delivered them through the faithfulness of mordecai and the devotion of queen esther he rhastens his people because of dis obedience and selfwill but he never forsakes or forgets them verse by verse esther 4 10 again esther spake and gave him command ment unto mordecai the previous chapter tels how chiming haman the jews enemy contrived to have king ahasherus sign an edict con demning all the jews in his dominions to be pht to death on a sperified date when mordecai who had brohght esther up as his own daughter heard of this he put on sakcloth as a sign of mourning and atempted to contact the young jewish queen to acquaint her with the plot against al her people and to urge her to intercede with the king on their behalf not under standing she at first sent new clothing to mordecai to replace the sackcloth this he refused to accept through hatach one of the palace chamberlains she sent a second time to explain why she did not fel free to go into the roya presence uncalled for verse 11 whosoever shall come into the inner court who is not caled there is one law of his to put him to death doubtless this stringent rule was intended to pro tect the king from assassination but it debarred esther as well as others unless indeed the king shal hold out the golden sceptre esther herself had not been called for a full month and so feared to go in unsolicited verse 12 they told to mor decai esthers words which how ever only revealed the fact that she had as yet no realization of the peril in which she herself stood as belonging to the hated nation that haman moved by satan was determined to destroy had the plot succeeded the prop hecies concerning the son of abra ham and son of david who was to come to bless the whole world could never have been fulfilled verse 13 think not that thou shalt escape even the kings house could not protect a jewess from hainans venegeance if his plot was allowed to be carried out versell who knoweth wheth er thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this mordecai das confident that israel would be delivered if esther failed to accept responsibility another would be raised up to thwart hamans plan but might she herself have been placed in her position of nearness to the king in order that she might be the chosen instrument for the deliverance of her people verse 15 10 fast ye for me and so will i go unto the king and if i perish i perish we have here no word concerning prayer nor any mention of god yet it is evident that both were in esthers mind she called upon the people to fast as an evidence of their deep sense of the need of divine help that her own confi dence was in the unnamed one is clear she was ready to face the king trusting that his heart would be moved to receive her graciously but if otherwise she was ready to lay down her life for her people verse 17 so mordecai did according to all that esther had commanded him thus the three days and nights of fasting began and the people waited to see what god would do for them the follow ing chapters tell how god inter vened and delivered the jews chap 9 2022 mordecai wrote these things that they should keep the fourteenth day of the month adar and the fifteenth day of the same thus a new annual feast known as purim was estab lished to be celebrated joyfully be cause of the way in which the jews had been delivered from their enemies these days are kept by the jews to this day as the most joyius festival of the year verse 2g they called these days purim after the name of pur which means the lot iemember- ing how haman had cast lots to obtain a favorable day upon which to put his nefarious scheme into execution he had to learn that the lot is cast into the lap but the gormley june 3 194s mrs geo bitten of regina sask and her daughter miss rita bideri are visiting mrs bidens niece mrs geo leary rev and mrs barley and girls had monday evening supper in the home of mr and mrs j t john son congratulations to mr and mrs jim kennedy uiee hazel steckley on the birth of their son last thursday in grace hospital we are pleased that mr delbcrt baker is making favourable pro gress following his recent operation at st michaels hospital mr paul jones spent the holiday weekend with his mother mrs e jones miss irene douglas of toronto spent the weekend with miss margaret polling sorry that mr bond is not improving very fast we hope this nice warm weather will help him improve mr and mrs chas cobb johnny and bruce of lakeview quebec spent a few days with her mother mrs c- pelling mr jas stevens spent a souple of days in toronto last week he is quite a smart man for his age and takes great pride in his flower beds and gardens mrs w wilson spent monday evening visiting in the wilcox home glad to see mr don doner around again after his illness with the measles mr and mrs lloyd harvey moved on may 21th into the former parsonage rev and mrs barley moved several weeks ago into the new parsonage purchased from mr and mrs frank harvey mr and mrs harvey are living in their new garage awaiting the comple tion of their new house down the fourth concession mr and mrs melvin baker leroy and jean had sunday din ner with mr and mrs allan doner j save you money they last longer livestock spray ddt barn spray buy the by the carton at your hydro office jfywq united states existing regulations make it illegal for any canadian resident to retain in his possession more than 10 in united states cash you are required to turn in to your bank for ex change into canadian money any amount you hove in excess of 10 in united states funds without delay theres a reason the reason is that canada must have the us dollars spent here by tour ists in order to moke them available for the payment of imported goods and ser vices needed to keep pro duction and employment at a high level wft foreign exchange c0htr01 board 0ttiwi abb3bhb3 b i w i b bm whole disposing thereof is of the lord prov 1633 verse 27 the jews ordained that they would keep these two days according to their writing and according to their appointed time every year thus this annual cele- bation is a reminder of gods un failing care for his people even when they were scattered among the nations the heart of the lesson we may not always be able to understand gods dealing with us but we may be certain that an over ruling providence is ever watching over us and that whether we realize it or not he who has taken us into covenantrelationship with himself always stands between us and our foes he can be depended upon to make all work out for our blessing if we but trust and serve him and when disobedience has destroyed our communion he cares for us still and is working all things for our good this is the outstand ing lesson of the book of esther for real results try the tribune classified adv columns i are yon going to work or play this summer 7ue aeut faster precision bullt garden tractor romp through hic kb r e k i n r tasks with the chqrem aster garden tractor banish drudgery and get niorr out of lifr this sum mer the chorkmastfr plows seeds discs cultivates cuts brass cuts weeds bulldozes plows snow etc with lowcost attachments pow ered with economical ij4 hp motor and balanced on easvriding pneu matic tire the choremaster as easy to handle a a golf club come in or call us for a no- obligation demonstration of the chorenf ast fr alt0ha feed and supplies