Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 27, 1948, p. 16

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 27 194s make these classified advs your market place live stock cricket hunter stallion standing again at white picket farm claremont fee 1000 to owners of healthy mares at time of service return privileges visitors welcome win pearson ciaremontsth con ph3 r22 43tf 11 pigs for sale thrifty litter- st stouffville 6 weeks old good earl keith main ph 1305 eight pigs for sale t weeks old also 12 pigs g weeks old lot 29 con 5 oxbridge south of quaker hill- william moden ten pigs for sale 6 weeks old elmer grove 8th line markham ph markham 28 r32 or stouffville 6211 articles for sale im for sole j miscellaneous for sale kitchen range copper int cutting box for sale oil reewolr warming closet oil bath on rubber ernie carru- buraers installed 225 gal oil tank thers claremont 1503 cedar oosts poles stakes lumber ladders rabbits h bose clare- mont ph 23 evenings 34 3piece mans suit for sale gray also gray overcoat size 36 priced reasonable ph stouffville 5405 late model battery radio for sale rca reconditioned and new power pact 3000 rus grav brougham for sale 2 garage doors on double roller track is window spring tooth tractor cultivator for sale tractor hitch and lift good condition ph 1504 stouffville lost and found ixst in or west of stouffville saturday may 15 box containing took and pressure switch phone stouffville 2s12 frames with glass each approx l buick hubcap in vicinity of 23x52 in sets of three number w lake and stouffville fin- wanted about young ph 9203 10 goslings a of other windows can be seen saturday at dr h b freel resii dence main st stouffville found tire der please ph stouffville 362 bray chicks immediate delivery catch your fail and winter egg markets with started chicks pul lets cockerels nonsexed agent mr watt stiver bros stouffville fred wise richmond hill team of horses for sale good to work 10 years old mrs s irwin ph 5s14 two holstein cows for sale springers fred mortson phone stouffville 203 bop calf for sale also vicland seed oats o fretz ph 709 stouffville new hampshire pullet bargains while thev last g week old 5695 7 week old g195 eight week old 6g95 also 3 week old barred rock nonsexed 2545 pullets 3595 cockerels 2095 light sussex x new hampshires barred rock x new hampshires nonsexed 2545 pullets 3695 cockerels 2095 day old cockerels june prices barred rocks light sussex light sussex x new hampshires new hamp shire x barred rocks 995 white leghorns 100 white leghorn x barred rocks 250 send for com plete price list tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus on tario weekend specials sicilians scampers pr sl98 screen doors s49s wax beans 220 oz tins 23c lost we deliver i cakes store lemonville ph stouffville 9310 west of blooming- ton owner must prove property and pay for the adv willis tay lor phone 211 ladys coat for sale size 16 beige in stood condition phone stouffville 7103 would the party who pick ed up the tricycle on sideroal wet of bloomington please notify willis taylor phone 211 stouffville notice there is room for a few more carrot growers concerning our soup requirements phone r e brown son 17003 slabs for sale cut and deliv ered eckardt hopkins saw mill ph stouffville 9012 50ti banford wilson general redairs welding gas oil greases goodrich tires batteries charged gormley oxt 1tf ph stouffville 7304 we do custom killing alsc curing and smoking of meat fo farmers obovles meat market phone 3501 49ti hi w for sale 1 aladdin floor uimp like new also coleman gasoline iron never used- mrs lou help wanted i loover claremont mont 1504 ph clare girl wanted for general house work in a home with all conveni ences phone 377 girls coat fir sale size 12 mauve also girls coat and hat size 3 blue both in good condi tion apply mrs ell wood elson 1 door north of altona store old horses 15 we will pay you s 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbell phone aglnconrt 18j12 collect agincourt rr 1tf notice to farmers i have a continuous year round market for holstein cows must be a good size and in good condi tion fresh or close springers duncan spang claremont ont ph sto 6616 60tf cars for sale 1940 chev coach for sale apply oboyles meat market stouffville or house phone 254 1938 dodge coach apply knoxs store brougham 1937 graham or 1931 oldsmobile sedan for sale wm broad rr 3 stouffville at island lake 1937 plymouth opera coupe for sale good condition phone stouffville 7310 after 8 prni wanted young man for desk work and to learn linotype oper ating apply tribune office man wanted steady employ ment write box 143 stouffville wanted 1 farm laborers 60c an hour apply to r g- roy per sonally and no one else clare mont wanted man or teen aged boy for general farm work no milk ing apply w j dennie lot 3 con 4 markham 1 miles south of gormley ont wanted a single man for gener al farm work must be good with horses and tractor good wages phone 4906 attention w o o l g r o w e r s we are government licensed wool collectors wool as yet is still under government control we allow as much as 20c a lb at the farm balance to be paid when graded at the grading station will pick up anv large amount 15 raxl1x sloiiftville phone 192 tractor repairs we are equipped to give yov prompt service on tractor repair henry ogdex son massey harris dealers 4ti stouffville phone 2540 the quality tea saiada orange pekoe ladies read this unwanted hair removed instantly from face arms legs with flash hair remover harmless leaves skin soft and smooth you cant lose money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked complete treatment 2 postpaid cods postage extra kapex products dept417 box 22 station b montreal que vivian canning co we will accept a few more acres of tomatoes by contract we also have a quantity of tomato plants for sale phone earl grose 1616 mt albert 1937 chev coach for sale- brillinger ph markham 3 rh for sale six 21 model a ford wheels complete with tires and new tubes coleman gasoline stove three burner evinrude sportsman outboard motor two horse 1 sixty cycle electric fan apply len keeping stouffville east end the old reliable we are still in the market for close and backward springers and will pay top market prices l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 1934 dodge coach for sale good shape throughout hugh gregg phone 1609 claremont ore arl grove farm baby chicks a breed for every need leghorns white rocks sussex x red highest quality breeding guaranteed to live we can still book a few orders for april and may a d grove phone stouffville 7702 48tf order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs cedar posts lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 mt albert hay and grain quantity of timothy hay for sale jos reesor ph 6005 1941 plymouth coach for sale excellent condition apply clar ence baker ph 9708 sale register wanted wanted to rent about two acres good land near stouffville suitable for growing of vegetables r e brown son phone 17603 stouffville wanted transportation from north markham to arrive yonge and eglington at s30 am and re turn at 5 phone markham 19r23 wanted to rent house or few rooms in or near stouffville by local christian couple apply box m care of tribune new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 2 manure loaders with buckrakes 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 21 walking plows 1 3horse electric grinder 2 3horse electric hammer mills 2 10h grain grinders 2 riteway milking machines 3 garden tractors 1 mower 5h ft cut 2 sets drag harrows 1 16 cu ft home freezer 3 1horse scufliers 2 bobaiawn lawn mowers 1 washing machine 2 3section springtooth harrows 1 water pressure outfit asphalt shingles and rolls extension ladders car batteriej oils and grease 1 used 2furraw tractor plow 1 used 3furow tractor plow 1 used 7ft grain binder 2 used disc grain drills 1 used delaval milk cooler s can universal lightning rods henry ogden son phone 2vi02 stuiftvillr massey harris dealers saturday may 29 household furniturebedding dishesantiques garden tools 1939 chevrolet car in good condition also the pro perty consisting of brickclad house with bath hydro good cel lar garage hen house and stable these buildings are fairly new and in a good state of repair also a good garden the property be longing to the estate of the late a h raymer stouffville no reserve on chattels terms cash terms on property made known day of sale sale at one pm sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday may 29 auction sale of household goods electric re frigerator ford coupe tools etc at bathurst st and lawrence ave north york twp west of yonge st the property of r g hines terms cash sale at 230 dst no reserve proprietor going to england ken clarke pren tice auctioneers wednesday june 2 import ant auction of holstein cattle m h tractor threshing machine farm stock implements house hold furniture etc at lot 4 on the 9th con of whitchurch twp h mile north of stouffville pro perty of peter e ferguson sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday june 5th auction sale of real estate and household furniture new moffatt electric stove the propertv of c e thomas victoria st stouffville terms chattels cash property sold subject to reserve bid imme diate possession a s farmer auctioneer tenders wanted girl wanted for general house work weekends free mrsdavid dunn main street stouffville real estate house for sale stouffville main st 4 bedrooms suitable for duplex nice sunroom balcony all conveniences recently decor ated and insulated hot water heating lovely garden summer occupancy owner leaving district box 165 stouffville phone 1603 42 for cemext blocks place your order now with everett jones main st stouffville east end 3tf let us load your tires goodyear solution 100 h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tl lard 20 lb pailspure home kettle rendered 390 mail orders filled promptly on receipt of money order freight charges extra pickering farms ltd 692 queen st east toronto also available at pickering farms whitby sunday milk delivery during the summer months and commencing next sunday may 30 there will be regular milk delivery for seven days a week delivery each day will also be one hour earlier than heretofore maple leaf dairy stouffville in memoriams wood for sale limbs slabi and body wood cut and deliver ed forfar bros phone stoufl ville 9212 20ti 6 room brick veneer house for sale hardwood floors through out bathroom extra toilet in basementall conveniences imme diate possession apply to bert tait ph stouffville 288 23 tenders will be received by the undersigned up to june 5 194s for the redecorating of clare mont united church write jas farr or lloyd pugh claremont ont 42 general trucking i am prepared to fill your trucking requirements for livestock gravel etc reasonable rates long and short distance hauling a storry agpnt for maple leaf feeds phore 5 til pickering brougham 23mos new and used farm equipment kid kangaroo gang plows new ana used ihc low down wood wheel farm truck good as new diamond drag harrows new frost and wood horse drawn and tractor mowers waterloo garden tractors and equipment new delaval woods and condie milkers new delaval magnetic milker used fairbanks morse hammer mills new renfrew cream separator near new westinghouse 6 foot 25 cycle refrigerator new beatty bros oil burning chicken brooders new electric motors new and re conditioned beatty and fellows electric pressure systems hand and power pumps pump forks cylinders etc etc bell son stouffville ont phone 281 coming events brougham softball team dance in brougham hall on saturday night may 29th to raise funds for club friday may 2s aurora branch 385 legion dance aurora high school don gilkes orchestra tickets 100 proceeds for building fund 32 mothhrcraft tag day a well trained baby means a happy home a community of happy homes can be your investment if you support the mothercraft tag oav saturday may 29th come and enjoy the goodwood school musicale on june 4th at s15 pm in the township hall admis sion 25c 42 interior and exterior painting houses barns and roofs red oxide metallic or aluminum finish estimates free a heaton son phone stouffville 2709 ti empire garden tractors 1v4 and 3 horse tractors in stock also bobalawn lawn mowers h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tf washing machines over hauling and repairing don by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son cabinet making furniture repaired built and refinished r j mcconnochie harold ave stouffville 411j radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tj bell son phone stouffville 281 stephenson in loving memory of james a stephenson who pass ed away may 29 1945 and mildred stephenson who passed away may 11 1940 one by one they go before us they are fading like the dew but we know theyre watching oer us they the good the fair the true they are waiting for us only where no pain can ever mar dear ones who left us lonely watch us through the gates ajar there a father there a mother gone within those gates ajar ever remembered alex family constable in loving memory of a dear mother maria m con stable who passed away may 28 1946 her smiling way and pleasant face are a pleasure to recall she had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all some day we hope to meet her some day we know not when to clasp her hand in the better land never to part again remembered always by son george and daughterinlaw greta and grandson jack ontario riding candidate chosen progressiveconservative candidate for ontario riding tho3 k creighton was born at dorches ter ont in 1892 attended tha university of toronto and osgoode hall law school enlisting in 1914 he served as a captain with the 75th battalion cef during world war i and was severely wounded joes harness shop harness made to order repairs done neatly and promptly enquiries welcomed whito pickets farm 8th con claremont phone claremont 3r22 43tf canning factory opening we will be ready to accept custom work at our factory canning asparagus and rhu barb on and after mav 27 v1viax caxxixg factory phone mount albert lfilfi t-tf- earl gror prop for real results births mad1ll at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on mondaymav 24 194s to mr and mrs kenneth madill claremont rr 2 a daugh ter bonnie ruth ashton at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on wednesday may 2g 1948 to mr and mrsfred ashton nee margaret dunbar myrtle station a son hall at the brierbush hospital stouffville in wednesday may 26 1918 to mr and mrs ted hall uxbridge a daughter cards of thanks i wish to thank my many friends and relatives especially miss ban- nerman for the cards fruit candy and kind enquiries during my stay in the hospital and since my return home mrs edna johnson we wish to express our sincere thanks to those who assisted in helping to put out the fire and also for the quick action of the stouff ville fire brigade mr and mrs wm eckardt classified adv columns claremont rural residents of ontario riding will have an opportunity to hear one of ottwas topflight speakers on saturday night gordon graydon mp for peel will be speaking at pickering in the interests of feder al candidate frank mccallum and try the tribune provincial candidate keily creigh- st john in loving memory of our dear husband father and grandfather clarence wesley st john who passed away may 25 1946 gone dear husband and father gone forever how we miss your smiling face but you left us to remember none on earth can take your place a happy home we once enjoyed how sweet the memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never fill lovingly remembered by wife mary and family uxbridge is sure auto here to stay one horse trouble still needs law uxbridge may 23 the automo bile uxbridge town fathers are quite sure is with us to stay but there are still quite a few horses on the towns streets in order to keep its traffic situation as tidy as possible the town is issuing a six- page pamphlet containing the by law governing operation of vehicles and horses the bylaw has one or two clauses not likely to be found in the traffic regulations of urban municipalities for instance the bylaw stipu in heavy fighting at vimy ridge after the war he continued an out standingly successful career in the legal profession moving to oshawa in 1919 he married esther holmes kemptville in 1927 mr and mrs creighton reside at 342 king st east oshawa a member of the canadian legion since its inception he was so highly regarded by his comrades in the oshawa branch that he was made a life member several years ago he is an active rotarian and past president of the oshawa club was president of oshawa general hos pitals board of directors for live years and is still a board member and has been president of the ontario county bar association mr creighton served as oshawa police magistrate from 193034 is today city solicitor and was made a kings counsel in 1938 aurora girl is wed io man from hawaii the former geraldine king daughter of mr and mrs lee king most aurora became the bride of i reuben tarn new york city in riverside church new york miss lates that no person shall break king a graduate of mcmaster uni- in or train anv horse mare or geld- 1 versify hamilton recently received ing in anv street or public place per masters degree in arts from there is also some restraint placed teacher s college columbia univer- on the towns firefighters a clause sity referring to them says that tne groom is the son of mr and the driver of anv fire apparatus mrs tarn kee kapaa hawaii when returning from a fire or any j an instructor in paintin alarm of fire shall not travel at an brooklyn and the shall not travel at an brooklyn museum art seriool he excessive speed and must use the is a graduate of the university of and has done graduate of iver- ton care and diligence as other hawaii traffic the bvlaw doesnt mention work at the california school what the driver is supposed to do fine arts and at columbia unn oinj to i fire isiy next week these booklets are to the brides sister elizabeth on be distributed to motorists using e staff of the 1 niversily of tor- the towns thoroughfares as hints onto was bridesmaid not to doublepark or otherwise impede the free movement of traffic- a market centre for the sur rounding farm districts uxbridge sometimes gets a hit congested just the same it i evident the town lawmakers welcome their cus- than most urban municipalities the bylaw yets a parking limit of six hours on most of the towns main streets globe mail

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