the tribune stouffviue ontario thursday may 20th 194s make these classified advs your market place live stock h piglets for sale 6 weeks old- mr bell phone claremont 1703 22 articles for sale implements for sale cars for sale thirty small pigs for sale lou morden stouffviue dont hesitate about buying may chicks if theyre bray chicks theyll catch good fall winter markets especially if you get started chicks most varieties pullets cockerels mixed ask us for special prices mr watt sliver bros stouifville ciucket hunter stallion standing again at white picket farm claremont fee s1000 to owners of healthy mare at time of service return privileges visitors welcome wm pearson claremontsth con ph3 r22 43tf 5 young sows for sale bred also young hog ceo hutehings hr 2 bickering 12 pics for sale 0 weeks old good thriftv litter earl keith main st stouffviue ph 1305 holstein and hereford cow for sale 5 years calf by side freshened may is phone pick ering os ro mervin annis brougham potatoes quantity seed pota toes kathadins for sale phone 05 stouffviue for sale cane back chester field newly upholstered oak lib- rarv tablel porcelain top kitchen table parlor table apply to mrs r m johnston ph 1407 melotte electric separator for sale mh- no 10 mower irisn fordson tractor 3furrow cock- shut plow phone 7s14 strawberry plants for sale earlv premier also pencil rod waxed beans for planting j l ogden ph 5s27 stouffviue 523 kindling wood for sale stove length earl grose phone mt albert 1616 27u l a r d bring in your container to be filled with lard schells meat market stouifville cabbage planter for sale farr condilion beamis make ed hoover stouffviue rr 4 con 0 whitchurch for salenew mccormack-deer- ing checkrow corn planter with fertilizer attachment last one of our allotment w d atkinson ph 290 stouffviue burrows garage brougham 1935 dodge coach firstclass condi tion 193s chev master coach al condition 2 visible bowser gas pumps suitable for farmer cheap ph pickering 5 r21 for sale 1930 ford coupe rum- ble seat good condition 22500 sanders garage east end stouff viue ph 0505 ze4cccct6 mined wood for sale 40 per cent hardwood cut foot length 2000 truck load delivered 8 single cords bernard burnell claremont ph 4r2 katahden seed potatoes for sale ph stouifville s510 findiay oval cook stove for sale 0 lids warming oven copper reservoir mrs walter pipher ph stouffviue 17007 eight pigs for sale ready to wean m johnson 1602 clare seven pigs for sale 7 weeks old also young sow bred w taylor lot 27 con 5 markham horse for sale general purpose geo abell ringwood phone stouffviue 344 100 hybrid pullets for sale 10 weeks old willis taylor phone 211 stouffviue 5 week old pullets while they last new hampshires rhode island reds white rocks 5295 black minorca x white leghorns anconas 5195 light sussex x barred rocks new hampshires x barred rocks barred rocks x new hampshires new hamp shire x light sussex 5095 assorted light or heavy breeds 100 per hundred less 6 week old new hampshire pullets 5795 also 2 3 and 4 week old pullets cockerels or nonsexed in many popular breeds day old cockerels may prices barred rocks light sussex new hampshires x barred rocks light sussex x new hampshires 895 white leghorn x barred rocks 250 send for complete pricelist tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbell phone aglncourt 18j12 couect agincourt rr2 10 notice to farmers i have a continuous year round market for holstein cows must be a good size and in good condi tion fresh or close springers duncan spang claremont ont ph sto 6616 50tf the old reliable we are still in the market for close and backward springers and will pay top market prices l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 ore ard grove farm baby chicks a breed for every need leghorns white rocks sussex x red highest quality breeding guaranteed to live we can still book a few orders for april and may a d grove phone stouffviue 7702 4stf order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs cedar posts lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 mt albert wanted wanted to buy a corner cup- board suitable for a dining room send your replies to box ii care of the tribune stouffviue mother and son is yrs want work on farm write box m tri bune office wanted grass sods ph stouff viue 7201 wanted scrap batteries stoves iron and metals of any kind high est prices paid sam foekier stouffviue ph 6s02 32 capable housekeeper de sires position in stouffviue apply tribune office box n b wanted house or 2 or 3 rooms to rent jack williams phone stouffviue 1112 wanted model t ford front wheel for trailer size 30x3 vi phone 9011 wanted aikhu 200 fence rails at least 12 feet long ken pent- land rr 2 pickering wanted to lease 2 small acreages one east side one west side in the township of whit church to be used as supervised public dumping ground owners please contact the undersigned giving description accessibility and rent required john w crawford clerk township of whitchurch vandorf ont 32 meat slicer for sale good con dition any reasonable offer accepted apply box p tribune office white enamel annex stove for sale burns coal or wood in good condition phone stouff viue 1507 girls suit for sale size 1g good condition mrs claughton ph 9305 stouffviue for sale kitchen range copper reservoir warming closet oil burners installed 225 gal oil tank cedar costs poles stakes lumber ladders rabbits h boose clare mont ph 23 evenings 34 kitchen buffet for sale natural finish in excellent condi tion also ice box phone stouff viue 710jk for sale quantity of used boards planks scantling ph stouffviue 9306 strawberry plants for sale fairfax also raspberry canes button point variety peter savoretti phone stouff 6822 for sale a number of rake sills also posts and a litter car rier pole 40 ft long f whetter phone 9320 large size kelvinator re frigerator for sale w crossland 7th of pickering evenings s cattle stanchions for sale also 3 automatic water bowls ken pentland rr 2 pickering eaton iaclimax stove for sale warming closet reservoir good condition jos fockler ringwood for sale modern dinette or kitchen suite hardwood 9 pieces cabinet table extension and 6 chairs mrs j skinner phone 1006 stouffviue bathroom basin with taps and trap for sale also 2burner elec tric plate one large and one small plate used only one season oven for oil or gasoline stove mrs bert tait phone 2ss a bbotspor1 perennial plants early to late blooming 10 best named varieties all different 240 35 all different 575 50 all different s1100 dahlias 6 selected named varieties all differ ent s335 gladioii 50 bulbs 10 each 5 named varieties popular colors 350 100 10 each 10 named varie ties 050 roses 5 outstanding named varieties all different 535 12 al different 1025 shrubs 5 choice ornamental flowering shrubs all different 2 to 3 feet when shipp ed 325 10 all different 625 free delivery ontario county and east york abbotsford nurseries rri locust hill ontario side delivery rake and hay loader for sale only used 3 seasons on 60 acres apply roy farms claremont phone clare mont 20 masseyharr1s two row corn planter for sale also mh power- lift cultivator allischalmers model b corn sculller allischal mers model 60 combine and straw loading attachment heavy duty two wheel tractor trailer uxspring farms limited ux- bridge ont 22 lost and found lost papering tool kit lost east of town finder please notify frank mowder stouffviue lost fishing pole on townline between 2nd and 3rd of uxbridge will party who picked it up please return to mervyn bunker altona 9711 lost in or west of stouffvule saturday may 15 box containing tools and pressure switch phone stouffviue 2912 lost raincoat khaki coloured between balsam school and south myrtle friday may 7 finder please return to tribune office reward help wanted store and kitchen help wanted apply tremont hotel markham man wanted for general farm work ph stouffviue 4720 2 good men for outdoor work must be husky good pay phone 7320 gormley cement block co mill hand wanted jos farr claremont ph 38w four farm hands wanted 7000 a month room and board applv roy farms claremont ph claremont 20 help wanted girl wanted for general housework weekends free apply mrs david dunn main st wanted young man for desk work and to learn linotype oper ating apply tribune office help wanted capable woman or girl wanted for household duties in farm home for summer months mrs albert e drudge phone markham 49 rll stouff viue rr 1 girl wanted for general house work in a home with all conveni ences phone 377 real estate pasture for rent for accre dited herd only w appleby ph claremont s8 r22 weekend specials diced carrots or beets 20 oz tins 2 for 17c thrift soap flakes 2 lbs for 29c roller towelling 20 wide in at tractive stripes yd 59c we deliver cakes stoke lemonville ph stouffviue 9310 new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 2 manure loaders with buckrakea 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 21 walking plows 1 3horse electric grinder 2 3horse electric hammer milli 2 10i grain grinders 2 riteway milking machines 3 garden tractors 1 mower 5 ft cut 2 sets drag harrows 1 10 cu ft home freezer 3 1horse scufflers 2 bobalawn lawn mowers 1 washing machine 2 3sectlon springtooth harrows 1 water pressure outfit asphalt shingles and rolls extension ladders car batteries oils and grease 1 used 2furrbw tractor plow 1 used 3furow tractor plow 1 used 7ft grain binder 2 used disc grain drills 1 used delaval milk cooler 8 can universal lightning rods henry ogden son phone 25402 stonffvllle massey harris dealers 100 acre farm for sale priced for quick sale 60 acres clear 40 bush and pasture 2s acres spring crop is alfalfa hay bank barn good cement stables brick house hydro throughout new hen house 3 miles from fordwich ploughed road land in excellent condition possession 15 june price 4800 terms clifford pyke gorrie ont lot with good twostorey building for sale 26j18m suitable for con verting into house west end allen clossen ph 309 1tf 6 room brick veneer house for sale hardwood floors through out bathroom extra toilet in basementall conveniences imme diate possession apply to bert tait ph stouffviue 2ss 23 mole motor sales 1930 plymouth coach radio heater 1937 chev standard coach clean 1933 ford coach good 1933 plymouth sedan heater sealed beam lights 1912 gmc 1 ton pickup good phone 372 stouffviue salada tea cso7tvetei cards of thanks 193 ford coupe for sale new nibtor good tires etc edward williams ph stouffviue 7407 new and used farm equipment kid kangaroo gang plows new and used ihc low down wood wheel farm truck good as new diamond drag harrows new- frost and wood horse drawn and tractor mowers waterloo garden tractors and equipment new delaval woods and condie milkers new delaval magnetic milker used fairbanks morse hammer mills new renfrew cream separator near new westinghouse 6 foot 25 cycle refrigerator new beatty bras oil burning chicken brooders new electric motors new and re conditioned beatty and fellows electric pressure systems hand and power pumps pump forks cvlinders etc etc bell son stouffiile oat phone 381 cars for sale 2s essex new motor and tires 3s ford vs white rose garage f r g rover ph stouffviue 195 tractor and car 1931 chrysler sedan for sale good shape also a 1020 tractor thor oughly reconditioned generator lights etc apply mel venn at wards garage stouffviue 1932 reo for sale in good running order excellent tires priced to sell melvin johnson ph clare mont 1002 1936 ford truck for sale stake body and rack in good running condition t s henderson ph 6007 1930 desoto coupe for sale good tires and brakes sealed beam lights phone stouffviue 8803 1940 chev coach for sale applv oboyles meat market stouffviue or house phone 254 1934 buick sedan for sale good running condition russel grove phone stouffviue 6211 1934 plymouth coach for sale phone 7602 i wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for flowers candy and cards also inquiries dur ing my stay in the general hospit al and to thoe who helped in any way at home mrs harry noble we wisli to thank the brougham fire brigade and everyone who helped us when our barns were destroyed by fire mr mrs d tweedie and family we wish to thank the 2nd mark ham baotist church and mission circle and the lemonville w a for their floral tributes and our neighbours and friends for their kind acts and words of sympathy during our sudden and recent bereavement in the loss of our dear mother and grandmother mr and mrs walter gray and family i wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from many friends during my bereavement in the death of my wife hedley b feir sale register thursday may 20 cowhorses implements hay new electric refrigerator at lot 20 con 9 pickering the property of walter death terms cash sale at 130 pm john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer friday may 21 modern walnut furniture electric frigerator household goods garden tools etc at iso greenfield rd lansing ont property of mr keevil sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve property sold kenclarke pren tice auctioneers wednesday may 26 combina tion sale implements furniture electric washer stove tools dish es etc at jack millers kingston rd rouge hill terms cash sale 130 sellers atkinson auctioneers wednesday may 26 auction sale of farm machinery property of king farm machinery co-oper- ative to be held at harry fmills lot 28 con 3 king twp terms cash sale at 2 pm tlst e s reddick clerk ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday may 29 household furniturebedding dishesantiques garden tools 1939 chevrolet car in good condition also the pro perty consisting of brickclad house with bath hydro good cel lar garage hen house and stable these buildings are fairly new and in a good state of repair also a good garden the property be longing to the estate of the late a- h raymer stouffviue no reserve on chattels terms cash terms on property made known day of sale sale at one pm sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday may 29 auction sale of household goods electric re frigerator ford coupe tools etc at bathurst st and lawrence ave north york twp west of yonge st the propertv of r g hines terms cash sale at 230 dst no reserve proprietor going to england ken clarke pren tice auctioneers wednesday june 2 import ant auction of holstein cattle m h tractor threshing machine farm stock implements house hold furniture etc at lot 4 on the 9th con of whitchurch twp mile north of stouffviue pro perty of peter e ferguson sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday june 5th auction sale of real estate and household furniture new moffatt electric stove the propertv of c e thomas victoria st stouffviue terms chattels cah property sold subject to reserve bid imme diate possession a s farmer auctioneer i wish to extend my appreciation and thanks to the claremont com munity club and all others who presented me with the wellfilled purse on my return from hospital especially the collections mr w lehman rev i kennedy mr w ward smr j farr and mr r faulkner a friend in need is a friend indeed again i say thanks roy morgan i wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my neighbours friends and relatives for the lovely cards boxes of fruit chocolates letters flowers and kind enquiries during my stay in the hospital and since my return home and also to the boys who offered to donate blood for my operation lois king i wish to extend my thanks to mrs malcolm and nurses for the wonderful care given me during my stay in the brierbush hospital if prayers are answered mine certainly were its service with a smile also thanks to my many friends and relatives for the beauti ful flowers cards and letters the goodwood ss and class for the box of fruit and card it was all greatly appreciated mrs les mitchell in memoriams peck in loving memory of a dear husband and father george andrew peck who passed away may 23 1947 ever remembered by wife and family tenders wanted tenders for school addition tenders will be received until 5 pm on may 25 1915 for the erection of a basement hall and tworoom brick addition to unionville public school ss no 10 markham ixwest or any tender not necess arily accepted plans and specifications may be procured at the office of the archi tect k noxon 1073 yonge street toronto or the secretary of the board to whom tenders should be submitted e appleton box 18 uniortille cook in loving memory of a dear wife and mother aurilla maude cook who passed away may 19 1946 just a thought of sweet remem brance just a memory fond and true just a token of affection and a heartache still for you more and more each day we mis you though our thoughts are not revealed little do they know the sorrow that is within our hearts concealed ever remembered by husband and family hay and grain quantity hay for sale baled clover j maunder phone 4107 stouffviue pasture wanted for about 25 heifers fully accredited homey farms phone markham 49 r2 school meeting ratepayers of ss no 9 whitchurch lemonville are notified that a meeting will be held in the school on friday may 21st at 800 pjri to transact business of immedate importance of the school all rate- pavers please attend 22 merlyn baker secy miscellaneous sign painting by expert brush- man have your signs renewed now w wright mill st phone 2sl m slabs for sale cut and deliv ered eckardt hopkins saw mill ph stouffviue 9012 50tf isa x fori wilson general repairs welding gas oil greases goodrich tires batteries charged goumley ont 1tf ph stouffviue 7 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market phone 3501 49tf attkxtiox w o o 1 r o w k r 8 we are government licensed wool collectors wool as yet is still under government control we allow as much as 20c a lb at the farm balance to be paid when graded at the grading station will pick up anv large amounl b raxlix stouffviue phone 192 tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repair henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tt stouffviue phone 25401 carpentering done houses and garages built altera tions and repairs by experienced men insulbrick and shingling done on short notice j l ogden stouffviue rr 3 ph 5s27 504 for cement blocks place your order now with everett jones main st stouffviue east end 3tf let us load your tires goodyear solution 100 h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffviue 25402 49- wood for sale limbs slab and body wood cut and deuver- ed forfar bros phone stoufl- ville 9212 20tl interior and exterior painting houses barns and roofs red oxide metallic or aluminum finish estimates free a heaton son phone stouffviue 2709 it empire garden tractors 1 and 3 horse tractors in stock also bobalawn lawn mower h ogden son massey harris agents phone stouffviue 25402 49ti washing machines over hauling and repairing dons by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffviue 281 bell son cabinet making furniture repaired built and refinished r j mccoiinochie harold ave s 4118 radio a ppm a nces complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20li bell son phone stouffviue 281 joes harness shop harness made to order repairs done neatly and promptly enquiries welcomed white pickets farm 8th con claremont phone claremont 3r22 43tt coming events general trucking i am prepared to fill your trucking requirements for livestock gravel etc reasonable rates long and short distance hauling a storry agent for maple ieaf feeds phone 5 r41 pickering brougham 2-3mos- friday may 28 aurora branch 3s5 legion dance aurora high school don gilkes orchestra tickets 100 proceeds for building fund 32 the mothercraft advice room will be open in the united church basement on tuesday may 25th from 1130 am to 5 pm all mothers and babies welcome the semi- annual ive feast and communion services of the brethren in christ church will be held in heise hill church at corm- lev on saturday may 22 1000 am dst all are welcome mothercraft tag day a well trained baby means a happy home a community of happy homes can be your investment if vou support the mothercraft tag day saturday may 29th canning factory opening we will be ready to accept custom work at our factory canning asparagus and rhu barbon and after may 27 vivian canning factory phone mounl albert icig 3tf earl groe prop