the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 13 1948 red tape delays mennonite exodus difficulties fc documents has the leavetaking nonte- for pa i clearing official caused a delay in m iaitoba men- i their legal counsel ed last week originally fo h tween june 1 members of sard dubienski report- fr n winnipeg- eduled entrain ea- from winnipeg be- and june 7 the 1500 the iksrtv now have completed arrangements to sail from quebec june n the ss volendam official requirements became so overwhelming we had to change our plans mr dubienski explain ed as things stand now they will arrive in quebec june 24 delay in plans was caused when ithe importexport branch at ottawa cut down on the amount of stuff the mennonites could take out of the country mr dubienski saiu further delay was caused by a lastminute order from the argen tine government that every men nonite would have tobe inoculated and medically certified mr- dubienski said that an fd- vance guard of 41 mennordtes from the province would leave there by bus for miami may 15 where they would take a plane to asuncion paraguay 200 to 300 miles east of the land on which thev will settle mil 1 ion iukkkki ub1vg iliaxted iky lindsay may s wildlife inspec tor amhodgsoitannounces the 2i million pickerel fry have arrived j here and are being planted in the i lakes of victoria and haliburton counties mr hodgson says part of the fry will go into waters in the gooder- l ham area and pan into victoria county lakes he explains that the fry are planted either immediately red oxide metallic or after hatching or just as they are i about to hatch this is part of the large fish re- stocking program being carried out in this region this season it was announced earlier that plans were underway for increasing hatchery production at points serving this district i interior and exterior painting houses barns and roofs aluminum estimates finish free a h eaton son ph stouffville 7315 mrs l j barret of carmel cal- is shown alxve with her adopted daughter michele 2 told authorities when she arrived in washington dc that the plane on which she was travelling was buzzed by russian fighter plans over ger many the plane she said was about a half hour out of berlin en route to frankfurt when the incident occurred and the american pilot was forced to change his course ywj ww- llamt fltl the blue book your canadian a national time i he continental limited spans canada since 1920 this famous canadian national train has m canada provided dependable daily railway service the continental limited has all the comforts for modern long distance travel air conditioned coaches and through sleeping cars with various types of accommodations rooms and berths observation lounge cars delicious dining car meals thoughtful courteous service completely relaxed with ample room to move around youll enjoy your trip and youll discover canadas greatness for past your window flows a colorful panorama of cities lakes wheulields and mountains see canada this year go canadian national directly served by the continental limited are montreal ottawa toronto vcinnipeg saskatoon edmonton jasper vancouver r courtesy and service 0 d l jr going places w y yssfcju eoniacti u ilh canadi 1 j- sationatyou uill ex experienct courtesy and sen ice ga25dnational railways airlines steamships hotels express telegraphs sunday school lesson less m for may 16 golden tfi and why call ye uuvl i or lord ami 1 not the tbiugsj ivhich i i luke ti 4j tin- looii a- a whole personally 1 much prefer the term piety or godlines to religion as this word though a scriptural one act- 265 jas 120 27 has been so misunderstood that to many it means the same as sal vation whereas it actually refers to a system of life and doctrine maiaehi the last of the prophets until john the baptist stresses the importance of reality in connection with the things of god a strikin feature f this book is the eightfold controversy of jehovah with his people concerning charges brought against them and their brazen attempts to defend their own lack of faithfulness in each particular notice chapters 12 0 7 211 17 and 3 7 s 10 again and again the people are charged with grave departure in heart from the lord whom they outwardly professed to serve and time and again with xldest effrontery they dared to contradict gods testimony to their unhappy state asking for proofs of their delinquencies and manifesting an utterly calloused conscience it seems incredible that in so short time after the revival nehemiah and ezra the remnant should have lapsed into such a condition but has not the same thing occurred many times during the christian centuries it is so easy tor second or third generation believers to forget gods dealings with their fathers malachis words therefore should speak loudly to us today particularly to those who have to a certain extent inherited a place among any group of christians once distinguished by soundness in the faith and separation from the world we are almost at the end of another dispensation and we may well examine our ways in the light of cods word to his people of old verso by verse mai 11 the burden of the word of the lord to israel by maiaehi thus abruptly the book begins with no information con- erning the prophet himself he is hidden that the lord might be seen and heard xote that though the message is addressed to the rem nant of jtidah god calls them israel though the nation was scattered and divided the lord recognized one people still verse g if i then be a father where is mine honour jehovah was a father to israel they gloried in being recognized as his people yet they failed to give him the reverence due to his name when charged with despising that name they impudently asked wherein have we despised thy name they were so calloused in their con science that gods word did not move them verse 7 ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar and ye say wherein have we polluted thee they had lost all sense of what wa suited for the altar of the lord but again when charged with their offense they flippantly replied in a way that showed they were utterly indifferent to the wrong done to god when people got into a low blackslidden state they do not respond to reproof or correction verse s if ye offer the blind and lame unto thy gover nor will he be pleased with thee they brought to the altar of jehovah decrepit and blemished beasts such as they would not have presumed to oiler to any earthly ruler yet god is the supreme gover nor of the universe verse 9 and now i pray you beseech god the prophet speaks ironically how could they expect god to hear their prayers when thev were behaving so inconsist ently chap 2 13 covering the altar of the lord with tears with weep ing and with crying they made a great pretense of penitence and of grief as they prostrated themselves before the altar but there was no reality they were but adding to their offenses by their vain obla tions verse 14 the lord hath been witness oetween thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou hast dealt treacherously where the fear of god is not in the heart one soon learn- to think lightly of the most sacred of all contracts so that even the marriage vows are forgotten and looseness is mani fested in every relationship of life is it not so today wherever gods word is despised broken hornet abound with all their attendant evils and the end will be increasing misery and wretchedness chap 3 7 return unto me and i will return unto you saith the ixird this is always the way to lasting blessing god is quick to respond to the penitent soul but israel saw no reason to return so unconscious were they of their true condition before god verse s will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me in tithes and offerings the tenth of all their income belonged to god but this they had fonrouen by uing his tithes for themselves they were guilty of robbing him is not this alsa true of many today surely if thk show mist to ox the greatest show on earth thrilled tickled and amazed kids from six to sixty and over recently at the own ing of its regular seasonal run in new yorks madison square garden true to the traditions of her profession mrs lulu adams billed as the worlds only woman clown appeared in her usual role despite the tragic and sudden death of her husband albertino famous veteran clown on the eve of the shows opening seemingly con cerned only with the crowds laughter she presented a brave- hearted example of the tradi tional the show must go on her husband with whom she had toured the world as a clown team died of a heart attack while making radio broadcast the picture allows mrs adams in her dressing room after the show putting away her props while gazing sadly at a portrait of her late husband a jew under law was obligated to see that the lesson is not lost uion us but that we ever sanctify the lord god in our hearts and honor him in our lives give the tenth to god a christian under grace cannot do less and be guiltless verse ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed nie even this whole nation the law pro nounced a curse on all who violated its precepts no such curse is invoked under grace but shall we as christians forget our responsi bilities to give as god has prospered us because we are not under law but under grace verse 10 bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse and prove me now if i will not pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it it was a challenge to test the word of the lord he stoixl ready to bless if they were ready to acknowledge his authority over their lives and their possessions verse 11 i will rebuke the devourer for your sakes when god is duly honored he will see to it that his people do not lose by what they do for or give to him that which would blight and ruin he will deal with in a way to insure blessing verse 12 all nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delightsome land unhappily malachis message fell upon deaf ears at least in the main and so the day came when israel lost their land and became wanderers among the nations where instead of being a blessing they have been the means of grief and harm jer 249 the heart ttf the lesson men are prone to think that god is pleased with empty religion forms and ceremonies while the heart is far from him his contro versy with israel was on this very account they pretended to great love and respect for his name and his holy temple but they were living in selfishness and indiffer ence to his revealed will therefore he could not do for them that which his loving heart desired yet he called upon them to repent and to get right with him promising to undertake for them if they but sought his face in sincerity let us faveqf united states existing regulations make it illegal for any canadian resident to retain in his possession more than 10 in united states cash you are required to turn in to your bank for ex change into canadian money any amount you have in excess of 10 in united states funds without delay theres a reason the reason is that canada must have the us dollars spent here by tour ists in order to make them available for the payment of imported goods and ser vices needed to keep pro duction and employment at a high level foreign exchange control board ottawa rr i ggabbbbbbi stewing beef hamburg smoked fillet fresh fillets salmon steaks scotch kippers pair side bacon smoked back and peameal smoked ham picnic hams boneless picnics cottage rolls smoked oboyles meat market i stouffville we deliver phone 3501