the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 13 194s make these classified advs your market place births live stock two good quiet work horses for sale j barry ph stouff ville 2c1 articles for sale i implements for sale for sale 2 fuel oil stoves 2 oil barn for sale 3sx4s also thoroughbred holstein bull for sale serviceable age ted hall goodwood ph 7613 stouff ville piglets for sale 6 weeks old mr bell phone claremont 1703 10 small pigs wanted apply ray farms claremont phone claremont 20 care of mr rice six tigs for sale six weeks old alo a sow and six pigs don lehman main st stouffville drums 45 gal fuel oil tank 225 gal thousand cedar posts poles slakes lumber ladders harry boose claremont ph 23 even ings only 51t strawberry plants for sale early premier also pencil rod waxed beans for planting j l ogden ph 5s27 stouffville 523 woods electric chopper 25 cycle 1 only 15000 and 3furrow massevi harris plow practically new 135 2 used tarpaulins in good condil tion size 10x22 ringwood farms ph 37013 12 kindling wood for sale stove length earl grose phone mt albert 1016 27tf two bob calves for sale ed williams ph 7 507 stouffville uptodate kitchen range for sale in 2 tone porclain enamel progress isa spencer foundry n good condition phone stouff ville 3910 ccm ladys bicycle for sale nearly new phone stouffville c906 jersey cow for sale due may 20 excellent family cow third calf i s j dunning ph claremont 1010 a quantity of seasoned pine planks suitable for making 2 durham steers 1 vear old for ae phone pickering 9s r5 mervin annis brougham window sash for sale edgerton pegg claremont ph 11 rl4 bob calf for sale roy mover phone stouffville 5509 bray may chicks can be good investments they mature to still catch profitable fallwinter mar kets immediate delivery meat varieties chicks pullets cocker els some started get your order in now agent mr watt stiver bros fred wise richmond hill cricket hunter stallion standing again at white picket farm claremont fee s1000 to owners of healthy mares at time of service return privileges visitors welcome wm pearson claremontsth con ph3 r22 43tf pullets bargains while they last 5 weeks old new hampshires white rocks 5295 barred roclts light sussex x barred rocks 5095 black minorca x white leg horns 5195 assorted heavies 100 per hundred less- also six week old pullets nonsexed and cocker els in many pure breeds and cross breeds day old cockerel bar gains white leghorns black minorca x white leghorn 100 white leghorn x barred rocks 250 per hundred also heavy breed cockerels at bargain prices send for complete price list tweddle chick hatcheries limit ed fergus ontario old horses 15 we will pay you s 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbell phone agincourt i8j12 collect agincourt rr2 1tj 3 rosco metal feeding troughs for sale like new 10 wooden feed racks suitable for sheep or young cattle wm j devins aurora phone 200 masseyharris two row corn planter for sale also mh power- lift cultivator alliscnalmers mode b corn scuffler allis-chal- mers model 00 combine and straw loading attachment heavy i duty two wheel tractor trailer uxspring farms limited ux- bridge ont 22 draper at the brierbush hos pital stouffville sundav mav 9 1 194s to mr and mrs fred draper claremont rr 2 a daughter pig came to my premises on sun s lbs o day owner prove property and ramer aithe brierbush hos- pay for adv pindlev thompson pilal stoutfville mothers dav goodwootl corner 4h of uxbridge 9 i9ss to mr and mrs reg a no i j ramer markham a daughter slack mrand mrs stanley slack of goodwood are happy to an nounce the birth of their daughter at the brierbush hosuital stouff ville on mondav mav 10 194s ratcliff at the brierbush hospital stouffville wednesdav may 12 194s to mr and mrs harry ratcliff stouffville a daughter cars for sale lost and found lost holstein heifer 2 vears old nearly all white elmer wells i 193 phone stouffville ss04 1933 ford sedan deliery for sale 1 cvlinder good condition phone markham 55 rl3 w d smith whitevale cars for sale 2s ksex new motor and tires 3s ford vs white rose garage f r grover ph stoutrville 195 1930 chew coupe for sale new v new paint radio and heater good running condition w gl drewery ph stouffville 1111 after six miscellaneous sign painting by expert brusto- man have your signs renewed now w wright mill st uhon 2s1 la slabs for sale cut and deliv- ered eckardt hopkins saw mill ph stouffville 9012 50tf in memoriams lost male beagle hound black and white with some tan on face finder kindly phone frank rrumwell stouffville 1015 wood turning lathe for sale with chisels face plate com plete b cober gormley combination speed cooker for sale also 2 imported tennis rackets and cresses sj dunn ing ph claremont 1010 help wanted truck driver wanted ren- nies transport stouffville ph 4301 plymouth coach for sale new motor good bodv lome hoover ph 4912 stoutfville 1930 desoto coupe for sale good tires and brakes sealed beam lights phone stouffville ss03 192s poxtiac sedan for sale new tires ph claremont 700 1930 pontiac sedan for sale in fair condition perfect fenders and bumpers r wilson 7th of pickering hill in loving memory of a dear mother and father eliza and murray hill who passed awav at stouffville on mav 10th and mav 12th 1942 ever remembered by son jack allen in loving memory of a dear son howard allen who pass ed away may 11 1946 just when your life was brightest just when your years were best you were called from this world of sorrow to a home of eternal rest gone but not forgotten sadly missed by mother and father baxford wilson general repairs welding gas oil greases goodrich tires batteries charged gormley oxt ltf ph stouffville 7304 we ix custom killing also curing and smokinc of meat for farmers oboyles meat market phone 3501 49tf to our claremont customers starting the 24th of mav we will be around claremont with plants as usual victor smith greenhouses goodwood rr phone s703 electric grills for sale a two plate and oneplate size john stons studio main street stouff ville 50 cedar posts for sale apply leroy lippert phone claremont 2603 pea special standard quality 30 oz tins each 12c at oboyles meat market phone stouffville 3501 modern for sale kitchen cabinet ph stouffville 2511 range shelter for sale never used w d parker stouffville phone 2710 young man or girl wanted 1941 ford deluxe coach for for desk work and learn the lino- sale good clean ear price right type operating the stouffville harry spang ph 6616 tribune 1937 ford vi ton panel for sale very clean reconditioned motor 4 new tires 475 or best offer r roxborough ph 3902 real estate lot with good twostorev building for sale 2618 suitable for con verting into house west end allen clossen ph 309 1tf house and lot for sale at glas gow frame house good condition good cistern hydro available x acre good garden land fruit trees strawberry bed price 100000 apply george brown stouffville rr3 12 premier strawberry plants for sale 150 per hundred spe cial price on larger quantities r cordingley phone uxbridge 9s r23 notice to farmers i have a continuous year round market for plolstein cows must be a good size and in good condi tion fresh or close springers duxcax spang claremont ont ph sto 6616 50tf the old reliable we are still in the market for close and backward springers and will pay top market prices l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 ore nrd grove farm baby chicks a breed for every need leghorns white rocks sussex x red highest quality breeding guaranteed to live we can still book a few orders for april and may a d grove phone stouffville 7702 4stf weekend specials shortening lb 29c clarks pork and beans 2 for 27c new cabbage lb 7c poultry netting 30 high 1 mesh yard 26c we deliver cakes store lemonville ph stouffville 9310 brooders for sale warner electric brooder slightly used jamesway coal brooder slightly used jamesway coal brooder new 2 jamesway oil brooders new altona feed and supplies phone stouffville 0706 6 room brick veneer house for sale hardwood floors through out bathroom extra toilet in basementall conveniences imme diate possession apply to bert tait ph stouffville 28s 23 1930 reo for sale in good running order excellent tires priced to sell melvin johnson ph clare mont 1602 l ton panel fargo 1946 for sale in perfect condition john ston outboard motor in perfect shape several used lawn mow ers also new power mowers wards garage ph 16s stouffville xew and used farm equipment kid kangaroo gang plows new and used ihc low clown wood wheel farm truck good as new diamond drag harrows new frost and wood horse drawn and tractor mowers waterloo garden tractors and equipment new delaval woods and condie milkers new delaval magnetic milker used fairbanks morse hammer mills new renfrew cream separator near new westinghouse 6 foot 25 cycle refrigerator new beany bros oil burning chicken brooders new- electric motors new and re conditioned beatty and fellows electric pressure systems hand and power pumps pump porks cylinders etc etc bell son stoultvillc ont phone 281 order xow for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs cedar posts lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 mt albert 13 inch drill press for sale bench model ball bearing equipp ed four speed balanced pulley mounted on a six splined steel spindle capacity jacobs chuck also special pilot wheel handle special work table good machine and only slightly used priced right apply phone stouff ville 0612 hay and grain foundation a katihdin pota toes for sale apply mrs roy hopkins rr 1 claremont 6 tons good quality timothy hay for sale 1200 per ton phone stoutrville 3910 pink eyed early seed pota toes for sale j barry ph stouff ville 261 clean buckwheat for sale apply the evergreens stouffville phone 7911 wanted female help wanted week ends and holidays apply sunnv valley musselmans lake wanted to buy 100 good leg horn yearlings or will trade 100 lsxnh yearlings s j dunn ing ph claremont 1610 man wanted for farm work for three months opportunity for school student apply r- tor rance markham 57 rll watch the label on your paper it tells you when your subscription ex pires new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 2 manure loaders with buckrakes 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 21 walking plows 1 3horse electric grinder 2 3horse electric hammer mill 2 lott grain grinders riteway milking machines 3 garden tractors 1 mower 5vi ft cut 2 sets drag harrows 1 16 cu ft home freezer 31 horse scufllers 2 bobalawn lawn mowers 1 washing machine 2 3ection springtooth harrows 1 water pressure outfit asphalt shingles and rolls extension ladders car batterlea oils and grease 1 used 2furrow tractor plow 1 used 3furow tractor plow 1 used 7ft grain binder 2 used disc grain drills 1 used delaval milk cooler s can universal lightning rods henry ogden son phone 25402 stouffvliio massey harris dealers new machinery on hand farmers attention 1 2846 john deere thresher 22442 white thresher 1 no 62 hay chopper and ensil age harvester 1 no 2 blower wl pipes 3 no 4 mowers 6 ft bar 2 sulky rake 3 306a hay loaders part of quota 2 potato planters- wl fertilizer attht 1 and 2 row 1 potato digger 2 row wl pto also 1 row 1 rubber tire wagon timken bearings heavy duty 2 8blade disc tiller steel wheels 2 10blade disc tiller rubber steel wheels 2 cc field cultivators rubber steel wheels 1 integral cultivator 2 row for h tractor 1 no 77 vegetable potato duster pto above can be mounted on ford- ferguson 1101 corn picker wl pto mounts for all row crop tractors 3 hammer mills 10 agency for george white soas hanson spraying equipment mar- val grain throwerherrogott shred ders for all makes of threshers and other allied lines white rose oil and grease good rich and dominion tires and tubus repairs for tractors and machinery prompt service on repairs not yet in stock give parts numbers in quiries invited john deere dealer byers sales and service phone 27103 fred e byer prop 12 stouffville west end sale register allen in loving memory of a dear brother and uncle howard allen who passed awav mav 14 1946 just of you today im thinking but then thats nothing new 1 thought about you yesterday and the day before that too i will think of you tomorrow and each clay ail through the year if all the world were mine id give it yes and more to see the face of my dear brother come smiling through the door sadly missed by sister reva brotherinlaw allan nephews bobbie and billie tractor repairs we are equipped to give vou prompt service on tractor repair henry ogdex sox masscy harris dealers 4tl stouffville phone 25403 carpentering doxe houses and garages built altera tions and repairs by experienced men insulbriok and shingling done on short notice j l ogdex stouffville rr 3 ph 5s27 504 let us load your tires goodyear solution 100 h ogdex sox massey harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tf wood for sale limbs slabs and body wood cut and deliver ed forfar bros phone stouff ville 9212 20tf cards of thanks we wish to thank the kind neigh bours and friends for their acts of kindness and words of sympathy expressed in the passing of our bro ther frank daniel wagg mrs j maye mrs m rodman mrs t watson i the family of the late mrs flavius reesor wish to take this opportun ity to thank the many friends and neighbors for their assistance kind words and sympathy during their recent sudden bereavement in the loss of a loving wife mother and grandmother i get your seed grain cleaned earlv 10c per bag greenwood chopping mill pickering 7r31 458 a j morden prop i wish to extend my sincere thanks to my friends neighbours and to the bethesda wms for the many cards flowers and letters i received while in the hospital mrs leonard brillinger general trucking i am prepared to fill your trucking requirements for livestock gravel etc reasonable rates long and short distance hauling a storry agent for maple leaf feeds phone 5 r41 pickering brougham 23mos thursday may 13 household furniture carpenters tools etc on lot 26 con 3 markham twp near victoria square the property of levi b heise sale at one pm terms cash no reserve a s farmer auctioneer saturday may 15 household furniture some antiques glass ware dishes garden tools etc on euclid ave unionville the pro perty of d f carmichael sale at 2 pm dst terms cash no re serve ken clarke prentice o l j rt f l q r a p j 0 saturday may 15 combination sale electric refrigerator find lay cook stove including many other articles back of the rat- cliff block stouffville sale at 1 pm terms cash watch for list inext week anyone wishing to list articles do so before next tuesday a s farmer auct wednesday may 19 large auc tion sale of consigned household furniture electric refrigerator garden tools lawn mowers tools farm implements wagons racks etc at prentices auction rooms franklin house markham terms cash no reserve sale 130 dst ken clarke prentice aucts wednesday may 19 auction sale of general electric hotpoint electric stove good electric washer furniture beddingdishes etc the property of fm smith on no 2 highway west end of pickering village no reserve pro perty sold terms cash sale 130 ross murison clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers thursday may 20 cowhorses implements hay new electric refrigerator at lot 20 con 9 pickering the property of walter death terms cash sale at 130 pm john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer friday may 21 modern walnut furniture electric frigerator household goods garden tools etc at 180 greenfield rd lansing ont property of mr keevil sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve property sold kenclarke pren tice auctioneers saturday may 29 household furniturebedding dishesantiques garden tools 1939 chevrolet car in good condition also the pro perty consisting of brickclad house with bath hydro good cel lar garage hen house and stable these buildings are fairly new and in a good state of repair also a good garden the property be longing to the estate of the late a- ii raymer stouffville no reserve on chattels terms cash terms on property made known day of sale sale at one pm sellers atkinson auctioneers wednesday june 2 import ant auction of holstein cattle m h tractor threshing machine farm stock implements house hold furniture etc- at lot 4 on the 9th con of whitchurch twp i mile north of stouffville pro perty of peter e ferguson sale vit 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers pasture wanted for about 25 heifers fully accredited homey farms phone markham 49 r2 combination auction sale of house furniture electric refrigerator electric pop cooler to be sold by public auction at stouffville ox market st rear ratcliff blk on sat may 15th persons who may have additional goods for this sale should notify the undersigned and have articles at place of sale by 11 am on day of sale medium sized 6 lid round fire box coal or wood range with warming oven and reservoir new grates 3burner coal oil stove black and cream enamel with warming shelf good oven with thermom eter 3burner coal oil stove with oven electric stove national 1burner heavy duty with automa tic control electric mcclary stove 3burner coal oil stove new williams sewing machine drop head hand washing machine eatons playmate coleman iron good as new 2 colemans lamps good condition 3 large 4 small coal oil lampscom- plete in working order kitchen cabinet in good condition swivel office chair kitchen chairs washing maihine fairbankmoore power washer heater oven for electric stove acme cook stove with warming closet good electlic washer and motor 3burner coal oil stove 1 large oven and 1 small oven chesterfield in firstclass condition pullout couch fallleaf table several wash stands wardrobe number kitchen chairs kitchen cabinet chest drawers complete set wear ever alumium 10 pieces camp couch and mattress round extension table leafs leather rocking chair 3 odd chairs 2 clocks victrola 75 records odd dishes old fashion bake tray kitchen table dresser wash stand tinned metal churn butter tray ladle a number of bread pans glass cake stand 3burner gasoline camp stove 2burner coleman oven coal oil lamps coal brooder stove hover 500 cap acity combination laundry stove and jacket heater near new 2 square tables 4 round tables extension table 27 wooden chairs electric refrigerator 0keefes cooler moffat electric stove master climax kitchen stove show case ice box 2 horse collars new garden seeder all atuchmenl jacket heater quebec cook stove coai or wood 3burner oil stove iron bed and springs brass bed and springs 2 dressers 2 wash stands twin reds and mattresses i wooden bed and springs ova table large mh binder 7 ft no 5 chesterfield and chairs and numerous other articles terms cash a s farmer auctioneer interior and exterior painting houses barns and roofs red oxide metallic or aluminum finish estimates free a heatox sox phone stouffville 2709 tf empire garden tractors ivi and 3 horse tractors in stock also bobalawn lawn mowers h ogdex sox massev harris agents phone stouffville 25402 49tf washing machines over hauling and repairing don by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 2s1 bell sox cabinet making furniture repaired built and refinished r 3 mcconnocliie harold ave stouffville 4113 radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tl bell son phone stouffville 281 im joes harness shop harness made to order repairs done neatly and promptly enquiries welcomed white pickets farm 8th con claremont phone claremont 3r22 43tf coming events friday may 14 legion bingo in the aurora armouries at 800 p m 15 games for admission price extra games good prizes lucky door prize general admission 35 cents proceeds in aid of aurora branch 3s5 building fund melville wa are presenting a play the secret society of cab- bageville by the browns corners ladies to be held in melville church friday may 14th at s15 pm ad mission 35c and 25c 12 you are cordially invited to attend the anniversary services of the goodwood baptist church which will be held on sunday mav 16th at 300 pm and 730 pm rev l wenham of claremont will be the guest speaker and there will be special music by the forwardaires boys quartette from toronto at both services toronto east rural ypu var iety programme contest will be held on thursday may 13th and friday may 1 1th uxbridge zeph yr and sandford will compete at mt albert on may 13th at 8 pm markham cedar grove unionville dunbarton will compete at mark ham church hall on may 1lth at 8 pm each union will present a 40 variety programme tenders wanted texders for school addition tenders will be received until 5 pm on may 25 1915 for the erection of a basement hall and tworoom brick addition to unionville public school ss no 10 markham lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted plans and specifications may he procured at the office of the archi tect k njoxon 1073 yonge street toronto or the secretary of the board to whom tenders should be submitted e appleton box 18 unionville school meeting ratepayers ofss no 9 whitchurch lemonville are notified that a meeting will he held in the school on friday may sim at k00 pm to transact business of immedate importance of the school all rate payers please attend 22 merlyn baker secy