tonffotue vol 60 no 2 entered as secondclass nsaii the tribune stouffville ont may 13 194s fourteen pages four generations in one day served at this country store organizations urge council to action in renovating towns municipal hall manililj store here we have ohie the pro prietor about to dispense gaso line to the customer in front of altona store which he has operated for 27 years and almost 75 years old this country store at altona was first a hotel that dispensed the friendly suds over the old bar and offered shelter to the tired traveller making his way on foot or by horse and buggy through the district there have been some changes in the building but the old bar room is still intack dispensing groceries and- other goods by its friendly owner o m madili who opened the place as a general store 27 years ago after it had been closed as a hotel because of the coming of local option andy brown kept the hotel for a photo by johnstoni which in the old days dispensed the foaming suds and gave warmth in winter to the over night traveller who sought a haven there was harry wellman still a resident in the hamlet mr madili as a country merchant really enjoys an unusual patron- age he can boast of four genera tions buying of his wares and that all in one day recently if you please but of course they are regular customers the tran families it was noted a couple of weeks ago that mr george tran was making a purchase also his son d j tran and his son joe and little daughter of 1 years the child had an ice cream cone but it was enough to make individual pur chases to complete an unique half century but its last operator event that is seldom equalled ccf to contest north york riding production of natural silk he in tends to specialize in this branch of farming recently introduced to canada in his address to mr dickman described the ccf irst term program in regard to jack ii dickman 28yearold veteran of xorth york township was chosen ccf candidate for york fgneulutre labour healtii housing north which includes whitchurch township in the forthcoming pro vincial election by a convention of party members in the newmarket town hall on saturday night he won in a close contest with t a weaver of richmond hill the meeting took a collection of 325 mr dickman who is a member of the united church attended duke of york public school and earl haig welfare and automobile insurance as practical and sound eb lolliffe kc ontario leader of the ccf pointed out that there were only four hospital beds per one thousand people in ontario whereas there were six in saskatch ewan a loss wealthy province the present handling of hospitalization in ontario is a disgrace he said cllegiar- fo- hv yoarj prior to mxyv h the outbreak of the war mr briard market street for tr he was an mothers day were their daughter employee of silverwoods dairy in mrs c mcbrido their granddaugh- september 1939 he joined the can- ter mrs john wallwork jr their adian army signal corps and went niece mrs m walker of england overseas with the second division two great nephews masters anthony in 19lpho saw action at dieppe arid anci nicholas walker and mr dave in normandy where he suffered representatives from five organizations in town present council with brief urging im mediate action for better hall facilities representatives of live town organizations the womens insti tute the athletic club the busi ness mens association the lions club- and the horticultural society presented a brief to the stouffville municipal council on thursday evening in the first united effort to spur council to action in going ahead with the proposed renovating of the municipal hall in order to provide better accommodation for meetings and small gatherings it was proposed at a council meeting as far back as last summer that the present hall be carried back over the entire building the work to be done along with the widening of the fire hall doors and a new roof which is badly needed on the mun icipal building bert miller represented the hort icultural society mrs g kelling- ton and mrs g lemon the insti tute irwin borinsky the athletic club harold spofford the business mens assoc- and fred campbell the lions club mrs kellington president of the institute read the brief the communication stated that these organizations were all very proud of their town but not of its municipal hall speaking particular ly of the intitute it stated that this organization was forced to pass up many valuable courses because of inadequate accommodation and that the other societies represented were in a similar predicament in summing up the brief urged immediate action if a community hall project was not feasible at the present time at least have the present hall enlarged it has been suggested some the delegates i c ag0 saki reeve xolan iiwi l7ccd present hall be carried back over the entire building such an enlarged hall would handle seventy- five toeighty percent of the meet ings required even if a larger hall was erected in the future this hall would always be popular for smaller gatherings he said councillor scott said he was a hundred percent behind the idea the town is getting in a rut he said councillor ogden chairman of the town property committee stated that he hadnt found anyone stoiffyiiik farm soli mr peter ferguson has sold his 100 acre farm just north of town on the 9th concession to mr arthur reeve of toronto nephew of mrs james mccreight who recently moved to town from the 9th con cession of markham the property is conveniently located on a main concession heavily travelled and which will some day lie a paved thoroughfare the sale price for the property is fsnooo possession will be given june 15 in the meantime mr fer guson will hold a public auction ale of his stock and implements h w moyer negotiated the deal two broke into cottage pleading guilty to breaking and entering a cottage at musselmans lake april 20 fred aldman 20 and don morris 20 were sentenced to two years less one day by magis trate 0 m martin on monday in county court the tulip beds at the library and station have been especially nice this year- the hort society have had the library grounds landscaped with evergreens which should make it attractive throughout the year mr k w lymburner and family of fergus were weekend guests with his mother mrs jash rateliff and glenn muttoneating dogs caught and shot two marauding dogs caught in the act of killing sheep on the farm of wilmot brown sth concession whitchurch were destroyed after being caught by the farmer the canines believed to be a couple o strays permitted mr brown to get close enough to them to grab both and although one turned vicious and bit the farmer on the arm the animals were herded in the barn until a gun was secured and their destruction brought about sheep valuer almour clarke told whitchurch council that one sheep had been chased into a creek oh the farm and would have been destroy ed in a few minutes but mrbrown reached the scene just in time toj make a rescue mr clarke estimat ed that the two dogs were inexperi enced in the matter of destroying sheep otherwise they would not have been caught they evidently did not sense any wrongdoing however they were potential kill ers as once having been guilty of the act the sheep and dog act provides that dogs caught worrying sheep may be shot forthwith mr brown was awarded the township bonus of so per animal for destroying the dogs leslie named pc candidate in e york i the conservative candidate for york hast is the sitting member jack leslie who was chosen at a nomination meeting last week stouffville is the northern munici pality in east york which extends to lake ontario in scarboro mr leslie ehided the dominion government for softpedalling the communist issue they do not want to drive them underground but t say they are undergrounding now few communists will admit they are such he said that way of keep ing hands off the communists was just a means of getting around the issue mr leslie maintained mr leslie stated that under the system of educational and road grants instituted by the drew gov ernment the people of ontario had been spared since 1913 an additional tax on real estate which would have cost them s372ls000- referring to the provincial gsso- line tax of three cents per gallcn mr leslie said 12000000 hail been derived from this source last vear asks council to open somerville st from obrien through to lloyd avenue moh urges council to further improve town water supply to said wounds for which he receives a small pension mr dickman has been studying and doing experi mental work in connection with the fucker of toronto mrs mwalker has been spending a six weeks vaca tion with her aunt and uncle mr and mrs briard and she and her two little sons sail for england may 21st agreement reached for new vandorf subway as a result of all parties reaching an agreement the proposed improvements at the vandorf sub way on the 1th concession of whit church may now be proceeded with to straighten and enlarge this dang erous subway under the railway tracks when the cnr offered objection and the matter referred to the dominion railway board the hearing was at ottawa last weekand resulted in an order being issued for a new crossing or sub way on which the railway will pay 13 per cent of the cost and the toronto york road commission per cent estimated cost is sloi000 plans for the improvement indicate that the opening under the tracks will be enlarged to 5 feet with a centre pier allowing a one way passage each side of the pier of 20 feet phis sidewalk for pedestrians it is expected that there will be immediate action to proceed with some part of the work since the county of york had embodied a sum in this years estimate to meet part of the cost the present underway crossing or subway was constructed in 1919 replacing an old trestle bridge it was regarded nearly 30 years ago as a fine underway passage but that was largely in horse-and- buggy days with present heavy traffic between toronto and lake simebe the situation at vandorf is dangerous and has cost one or more lives there is no clear vision from one side of the subway to the other and motor crashes constantly occur the vision is obscured because of i the angle on which the subway was built second serious fault is that two cars cannot jxass the new layout will not only be wider but will he approached on the straight giving a clear view through the subway reeve i p evans of whitchurch as a county commissioner was along with the party visiting ottawa for the occasion able to take on the work im ready to go into the job with anyone who is willing to con sider the work he stated we certainly all feel the lack of a hall said councillor rateliff the council is giving it consider ation its not an easy job to do there are a lot of things that need doing said councillor raker an optimistic note was struck by the reeve when he stated that he had the word of one prominent builder that he would drop most any work to get this job done council thanked the deputation promised to deal with the matter milliken man found guilty william tapscott of milliken was fined s25 and costs or one month by magistrate frank ebbs in court at whitby on a charge of careless driving to which accused pleaded innocent george allison of maple leaf dairy waited on stouffvilie munici pal council at their regular meeting last week to request the opening of the street running from obrien to lloyds ave between e a button and elias hoover proper ties at the present time the street is blind and the lot which would be required to continue it to lloyds ave is owned by david watson who has a garage erected there but is understood to be willing to sell council told mr allison that he was at liberty to purchase this lot and take down the fence if he wished id be at considerable expense if i had to buy the lot to get the road open said mr allison if some other council opened it i might have my house right on the street ho said its a shame the street wasnt left open said councillor rateliff but we cant buy streets to improve private property he said questioned as to whether he could buy the existing street and build on obrien ave the reeve told mr allison that only the adjacent properly owners could buy the street without a resulting claim for damages the department of health is anxious lo know what your pro gram is to improve the reservoirs the moh dr freel told council he was informed that the reser voirs were to be cleaned the matter of rebuilding the north end of the newest reservoir looked into engagements mrs henry j ford announces the engagement of her daughter marion grace to mr adam bud dimming of toronto marriage to take place saturday may 15 at 330 oclock in stoullville united church rev norman and mrs rowan announce the engagement of their daughter margaret amy peggy to david almour clarkeson of mi and mrs 1 a clarke stouffville the marriage to take place in se cond markham baptist church june 12th at twothirty oclock mr and mrs roy carter locust hill ont announce the engagement of their eldest daughter mildred irene to leonard norman barrett son of mr murray barrett and the late mrs barrett of pickering ont the wedding to take place on sat urday may 22 in whitevalc united church the dump that wants councillor baker if you bar everyone except iwo truckers youll create a monopoly suited the reeve you make it hard for poor people if they cant take their own trailer load up said councillor scott id have no objection to anyone going up with a whole truck load from town if they contacl focklers first continued councillor baker mr walter brillinger asked that the east ditch on the 9th cpn be cleaned councillor scott agreed that his road committee would endeavor to have the markham alo n goodwood lost one of its lifelong also asked for a sidewalk on his residents in the recent passing on newly opened subdivision and he monday may 3rd of frances agreed to bring i a petition from frank wagg eldest son of the the interested ratepayers so that isaac anl phoebe wagg in his cnurch member over forty years lost to goodwood could bo called for the tenders work the reeve advised council that the cost of the newly proposed health unit for the northern municipalities of york counlv would cost stouffville 107 mills however he stated that whitchurch and e gwillinibury townships were not favorably so that the plan might not go through negotiations are underway to establish a fire area in markham township to he served bv stouffville council agreed to ban parking on the north side of main st through the bottleneck from the cnr tracks to snowballs barberins shop b council agreed to give mr jones rapscott collided with a car new owner of the former tarr home parked on highway 2a near the at the entrance to the ceme- liverpool cloverleaf march 20 at erv lane two weeks to sign an pm he testified that he was agreement to dispose of the old building on the corner of his pro- driving east and did not see the tail light of the car owned by vincent ocarroli of pickering who had lieen forced to stop by mechanical trouble tapscotts wife was injured when her head struck the wind shield you should have seen the car long before you did said his worship in imposing sentence he said it appeared that accused dd walter scott 94 buried on wednesday the death of walter scott which occurred in st catharines where he had been living revives old memor ies of an active personage in the victoria square district less than half a century ago mr scott died on sunday and is being buried this following in the melville he was in his mh ing the matter before theraihy i not h h ca rlf c board he reports that the decision of the railway board entirely met with the approval of the warden and commissioners of york county much of the traffic between toronto and lake simcoe points passes under or through this sub way where a crash three of four years ago caused the death of a toronto motorist nor was he keeping a proper lookout because two witnesses who passed the car a few minutes before said they saw a tail light perty for which demolishing he i wwlnosda ft r u would receive s150 and s300for a jlo m tezlv strip of land which the cemetery a public service commission wishes to use to widen united church the entrance in preparation forly building the williamson vault after n the time limit the offer is no ion- l rin active days he farmed ger good jusl north of victoria square and in reply to a complaint from mr fw kccn inerest in lh life of hueh beckett westend the clerk t yand municipality in was instructed to instruct the y was for onjs stouffville planing mill to remove with the rethesd- 68th year having resided with his parents on the former wagg homestead about a mile and a quarter north of goodwood until the year 1020 they retired to the village of goodwood previous to his death he had made his home with his sister mrs j mayo mr wagg was a member of the goodwood baptist church for over forty years and will be greatly missed in the village for his will ingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need until his declining health prevented him doing so he had not enjoyed good health for quite some time and had boon con fined to bed for the past few months the funeral was held on thurs day afternoon from the home of his sister mrs j maye service being conducted in the baptist church by a former pastor rev caleb harris of toronto with a goodly number in attendance to pay their last respects interment was made in the goodwood cemetery the pall bearers were all nephews of the deceased being elmer rodman carson wauson alger maye norman maye lloyd wagg and luther watson the flower bearers were delbcrt rodman harry wood land and harvey bunker surviving are three sisters and one brother mrs thos watson edith marsh hill mrs marvyn rodman may oxbridge mrs john maye dora and daniel wagg both of goodwood stolffviiie ioof iitrirt church parade sunday may ifith meet at lodge room 700 pm service at 7m in the fnhed chqrch stonff title ah brother akel in torn ont umber piles which are objection able to the adjacent househoulders and which are described as a fire hazard and are piled out on town property an offer of dumping privileges near ballantrae at a rate of 100 was accepted from mr m fockler i wouldnt let anybody run into and stouffville telephone co and a member of the direciorate and rev and mrs r simpson black of bonar church toronto visited with miss ab duncan on monday district stretching from 1885 to 1927 his wife predeceased him some ffis ok k and three dauglv ton r t v v crs awl ones surviving uie fu via r tale- falher they are misses renl jes- o ri y mc sie and jan scott- a high school 1 teachers also walter who has been in church life he served as elder principal of richmond hill public at melville all his long life in the school for thirtv years