the tribune stouffviue ont thursday may 6 194s our capital correspondent written exclusively for the siouff- vill tribune by m l schwartz every whisper heard backstage in ottawa suggests that there is a possibility that provincial elections may occur in five provinces across canada during the next twelve months and that a genera election may be in the making either this fall or early summer of next year with the result that the political air is now what may be termed overcharged with political rumors to uch an extent that the man-in- thestreet can easily be confused unless he is told what is really be- ing talked about in wellinformed circles along parliament hill it can be reported that the gen eral election machinery is definitely being put into shape here so that an appeal will be possible within three months after all the current amendments to the dominion election act are passed in this session in other words the mechanics for calling a nationwide vote should be ready before long however these are only the mechanics the machinery and the maninthestreet must be told blunty that the recurring rumors suggesting a vote this year are by no means supported by veteran observers on parliament hill in face of all stories the government says political observers in this capital is not likely to call an election on the hot freight rate issue it is true that the government has received support by a comfortable majority of its policies on the freight rates issue but it is also true that resent ment against the increased rates is known to be far from dead con trols and prices are hot right now so that an appeal during this year is voked while excited feelings exist on the questions with the expecta tion that these will exist for some time yet when a new liberal leader is chosen in august this year at the national convention in ottawa it is more than likely that he may want some time before leading his party into an appeal to the people campaign there are several other important angles which now suggest delay in the calling of a general election this year however with less publicity than it deserves the greatest likely cause for a delay calling a vote is the tense international situation which appears to be more critical upon observation inside ottawa than when viewed by the man-in- thestreet elsewhere across this country if the present glowing crisis in europe will reach an emergency state or climax it is quite unlikely that a general elec tion would occur in 1918 or even 1919 during the early months in particular this is predicted by veteran observers on parliament hill where the european situation is considered as grave and momen tarily charged with explosive pos sibilities more than generally realized evidently it is a fools paradise to guess or speculate about elec tions being called at any time in 1918 unless all the abovementioned considerations are taken into account even if five of the pro vincial governments should be pre paring for tests of public opinion this year or early in 1949 their position it must be said with strong emphasis is far different than that of the government in ottawa where the shadows of a deepening crisis overseas are cast ing serious reflections which may wipe out all thought of domestic politics during a crisis or emerg ency on the international scene small boy ready for big dog contest incomparable liig enough thats his name was a big entry in the national kennel club dog show held at los angeles calif the st bernard towers over michael stearns the snow featured an exhibit of stage and screen dogs in addition to childrens handling contest and the judging of dogs seldom seen i dont think there is anything more satisfying to a man in the country than a warm sunday in may i always manage to either cut my afternoon nap short or issues else dispense with it altogether j the reason for this is that i want notirkel7tobe pro- go for a walk back the ianewav to the bush the trees are breaking into bud and leaf the grass shows green on the hillsides theres a sense and a smell of growing in the air if you meet somebody on your walk youll find that theyre optimistic- you can find excuses for pessimism during the other seasons but its impossible to do that during spring take the matter of auction sales most sales are the result of trouble sometimes this isnt so especially in the case of a man who is retiring on the other hand auction sales in the fall are usually held on cold wet days when the chill goes to the marrow of the bone in the spring even if you hit on a chilly day theres a note of clieer i suppose its because you realize that in a few weeks well have summer weather the children on their way to school seem to be enjoying the season just as much as anybody youll find them scrambling through the thickets plucking pussywillows or looking for marsh marigolds even the thoughts of spring examinations is not enough to dampen their enthusiasm the mailman on the concession told me the other day that he can notice a difference in people about this time of year tie has to buy money orders for most of the folks to be sent away to the mail orde- houses theyre thinking of paint to brighten their places up or new curtain br new clothes old josh the united states government has made no request that the royal canadian air force should be expanded and it is almost incon ceivable that such a request should be made defence minister claxton told parliament when he was asked by an mp if any representations had been made the struggle today in many obliged by the agreement to lift the ban a genuine fire test has been made in the famous parliamentary library here with flames and all to see if the firefighting equipment and precautions can stand a fire with success being reported for the new sprinkler device in the 1916 fire of parliament only the iron doors at its entrance saved the library the government here is studying closely health insurance legislation which if enacted would effect the daily lives of canadians as never before providing a much talked about protection the royal canadian mounted police are conducting a campaign for several hundred recruits to bring the force up to normal federation want county fox bounty restored although york and ontario counties do not pay a fox bounty j it is different in other parts of j ontario in waterloo county no bounty is j paid and on being urged to impose j a bounty the county councils answer to a request from the waterloo county federation of agriculture for the restoration ofj fox bounties was a suggestion that the department of game and fisheries be asked to remove all restrictions on foxhunting members of the agriculture and j conservation committee pointed out there had been some abuses under the fox bounty system possible diflieulty tendency on the part of some bounty claimants was to bring then- foxes to the county paying the high est bounty whether or not the foxes were from the particular county asked to pay reeve amos wilkinson indicated that with wellington county pay ing s3 for foxes and 150 for pups and waterloo county not paying anything the likelihood would be that the wellington county treas ury would be paying bounties on some waterloo county foxes council consensus was that the menace to farmers engaged in rais ing poultry is erious and that some thing more than a mere county bounty system should be devised to bring about the extermination of the animals members felt the bounty system was wide open to abuses such as had been experienced in this county last year reeve 0 j wright woolwich township contended a resolut n asking the department to remove all protection of foxes under the game laws would be a satisfactory solu tion of the problem under present game laws some hunters have paid fines for fox hunting but if the regulations were removed there would be every possibility of hunters solving the problem deputy reeve w j kinnaird felt the problem really belonged to the townships as settlement with farmers for poultry losess resulting from fox raids on poultry shelters came out of township treasuries reeve wilkinson insisted that unless some effective measures are adopted the price of eggs and poul try will advance due to losses ex perienced by farmers and also due to farmers abandoning poultry rais ing ramuauwiuiiiiniimiimiiqiiiwmnidiiimmiiiinmiimuhpnnittin wmm needs equipment its fun to garden but to have a line garden you must be well equip ped with needed tools we carry a complete stock of gardening equip ment for easy and pleasurcable gardening there are the larger tools shovels of all kinds rakes and hoes then small gardening tools for weeding lawn mowers power moweisand lawn rollers agnews hardware stouffvillb ontario niiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiihiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii iiamiu lindsay doctor attends six generations of graham family there arent many doctors who can boast of attending six genera tions of one family but such is the record of dr w j henderson lindsay during the doctors 33 years practice in cannington he attended five generations of the graham family and recently after 19 years residence in lindsay he was called on to usher in a six generation member of the same family unfort unately he was unable to be in attendance for the birth of the sixth generation baby but two days later he visited the hospital ex amined the child and gave the mother some tried and proven advice on how to make it thrive the first generation of the graham family for dr henderson to attend was mrs thos graham who lived at that time in 1896 in the derryville district and later moved to cannington a son thomas graham was the second generation and the third his son also a thos graham who lives in lindsay the fourth his daughter mrs herb skinner nee mae gra ham the fifth tier daughter mrs wilfred madge nee norma skin ner and the sixth her son rich ard david madge dr henderson attended five gen- richmond hill retired business man dead funeral services for frank e sims former member of the rich- erations of the mcdonald family monc hill village council and active originally of cresswell baby in the gr0 business there for madges maternal great grand mother mrs thos graham was the former mary mcdonald and four generations of the skinner family mrs john skinner the babys paternal great grand mother for real results try the tribune classified adv columns attention farmers we repair tractors gas engines etc cars also cracked heads blocks etc valve inserts made to order magnetos electric motors all makes and sizes generators starter voltage controls etc what we cant fix is not worth fixing mel venn at chas wards garage stouffviue more than 30 years were held on monday to richmond hill cemetery a lifelong resident of richmond hill he had been retired five years he served two years as village councillor and in his younger daya he was a lacrosse player he attend ed the united church surviving are his widow the former florence hopper two daughters mrs r dibb jefferson and mrs e mans- bridge richmond hill and a son lewis sims richmond hill lands and indeed it has become a strength now estimated at about world struggle is again the age- 3000 with display ads being used long one between freedom and to get their men tyranny between democracy and a national convention here had totalitarianism premier king told a huge banner above the door of the the house of commons here in entrance in chateau laurier hotel emphatic tones thus may well be the last annual meeting prior to a general elec tion forecast r a bell national director of the progressiveconser vative party at a meeting in this capital of party followers if we want peace we must pre pare for war warned the british high commissioner to canada sir alexander clutterbuck during an address here not being a scientist i am not able to express on the food value of butter substitutes remarked agri culture minister gardiner discuss ing dairy matters at a meeting senator wishart robertson government leader in the upper chamber has stated the legal view- on oleomargarine in the light of the geneva agreement emphasizing that it was that canada was not on this hot question near parliament reading halt communism ltgen r a wheeler chief of engineers of the united states army stated in the capital that canada and the us linked by geography and common ideals were now standing together against any aggression with the political talk along parliament hill seemingly becom ing more and more intensified late ly veteran and impartial observers are now hinting that when the canadian governments coming annual budget is presented in the house of commons by finance minister abbott shortly there may be a tipoff whether or not there will be a general election in this country late this year this being based on the theory that important tax cuts might prove informative f j save you money they last longer buythea1 by- the carton at your hydro office stouffville high school may dance may 7th max boag and his orchestra admission 50c 8 p stewing beef hamburg smoked fillet fresh fillets salmon steaks scotch kippers pair side bacon smoked back and peameal smoked ham picnic hams boneless picnics cottage rolls smoked oboyles meat market stouffviue we deliver phone 3501