the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 22 1m8 body of woman found in uxbridge mill pond by his order the association from using the deductions for the retail or wholesale distribution or process ing of milk the former act enabled the board the bodv of miss mary card 44 beatrice maclean is not p- tq the priced to t0 pr a pfof- dmribu- of uxbridge was found in elgin as fast as her friends would like her f toeve t germinating the purchase tv pns rvhrm m n to lne p i ti 1 i of milk from a producer the bill thurdbv a hyoo crew who mr and mrs l crvderman of n l tive bar- conumes tws d adds ocre w wh0 hampton visited with the percy faming or arbitration bet ween pro- drodueer from terminating the jciarke family here h a rsafe of milk to a processor or distri- pecihcan without just cause greenwood j bargaining with the robertson family spent last dairies truckers sunday afternoon in the city j the new mi control act now we are sorry to report that miss the ontario legislature pro- g33 for the control of price to the producer of whole or coneen- jtrated milk through collective bar- were working li the vicinity coroner dr r b- wilson who is rten ha under conducting the investigation said the docto eare lhis wee there was no indication of fouli mr and mrs smith of toronto play she is reported to have been spent the weekend at the fred dueer and processor the bill does not provide for the fixing of the price i in ill health horses byers home seeding operations are not com ing along very fast due to the unfavourable weather canning peas is about the oplv sowing that even race as been done of being we regret to say that mrs ander- to son wastaken to the oshawa hos- cats noes cows ali- fair game cats dogs cows and horses are in danger declared fair game according section of the game and fisheries pital last saturday for observation act now before the ontario legls- don for the sugarfoot min lature this was discovered in the legis ship hall at brougham this friday stre show to be given in the town- night april 23rd starting at 815 uature last week while an amended and sponsored bv group one of the game and fisheries act was going through committee of the whole one section of the acts states game shall mean all furbearing animals and the act listed a number of animals which might be classed as furbearing ending up with the statement or any other animal which the lieutenant gov- enor in council may declare to be a furbearing animal neighbours of the lieutenant governor are requested to keep their pets from bothering him he might decide that theyre furbear ing and declare an open season waof greenwood thi show has another new clause gives the to the consumer but permits the first claim on anv milk controal board to prohibit tne sale of milk by retailers and others at less than or more than the cost thereof and a reasonable margin for handling and profit this clause may not apply to distributors until amended last fall the act provided for the fixing of consumer and producer prices by the milk control board patronage returns the bill omits the section of the old act which prohibited the pay ment to consumers of a patronage been given a number of times to rebate or dividend on milk large audiences se be sure to attend to be popular insist on serving maxwell house coffee its packed 2 ways in supervacuum tin drip or regular grind or glassinelined bag all purpose grind stewing beef hamburg smoked fillet fresh fillets salmon steaks scotch kippers pair side bacon smoked back and peameal smoked ham picnic hams boneless picnics cottage rolls smoked 29c 29c 39c 35c 48c 25c 63c 70c 57c 47c 53c 62c oboyles meat market stouffville we deliver phone 3501 to a b a b leaves daylight toronto 715 am 925 am 350 pm 820 pm a except sun hoi c sat only stouffville saving time to uxbridge b 1225 pm c 240 pm d 705 pm b 1140 pm b sun hoi d fri sat bus connections at toronto for montreal ottawa and north bay halifax quebec st john- fares are low round trip tax included 5610 winnipeg 2610 regina 4320 calgary chartered buses for private parties at low rates tickets and information at 4660 5780 7785 pur chases the board may require financial statements and other information from producers transporters pro cessors and distributors and may provide for the regulation and control of the delivery routes of distributors including the number of deliveries that shall be made in each week and the days upon which deliveries shall be made marketing agency the act permits the producers serving a market to establish a marketing agency if at least 75 per cent of the producers join in the agency and it is assumed that this would permit the establishment of not only local marketing agen cies but also of a provincial market ing agency as discussed by the annual meeting of the ontario whole milk producers league the advantages of establishing a marketing agency do not appear clearly from the wording of the bill without forming a marketing agency a group of producers or a producers association may bargain collectively and failing successful collective bargaining may require arbitration similarly without forming a marketing agency a producers association may still secure a license fee from its members to be collected by the distributors or processors as at present the minister of agriculture still deter mines the amount of this deduction the association still has to present a petition the act formerly said that the minister should be satisfied that the association is fairly milk a producer may hive in addi tion to that required to be supplied uncier an agreement or award when additional milk is required the producers have the right to supply such milk in both cases additional milk would be supplied and purchased in accordance with the existing agreement truckers bargain too the bill provides for collective bargaining or arbitration not only between producers and processors or distributors but also between producers and transporters would jail directors ok coops cooperatives are forbidden from making any contributions to a political party under an amendment to the companies act given first reading in the ontario legislature last week the amendment introduced by secretary michener makes it an offence for a cooperative to con tribute either money or in any other way to a political organization conviction under the section could result in a fine of up to 500 or a maximum of three months in jail for each director and officer of the cooperative mr michener said the change has the approval of the ontario cooperative union twooosooeeseoeooosoooooeoosooooooo less than half price 25 ladies suits size 12 to 20 dairy farmers state case for butter dairy farmers of canada through their own organization last week put forward some of the planks in their argument against government removal of the ban on margarine most of their points stress the danger to farming if margarine manufacture is permitted the pamphlet issued by the dairy farmers of canada says that over the years there has been no need or demand for a butter substitute and that the industry was able to supply the huge quanti ties of butter demanded at a price whioh caused no concern the dairymen maintain they are not trying to put any industry out of business or lower the living representative of the producers standard of any canadian when supplying the area concerned the they ask that the ban on margarine bill substitutes the words at least 75 percentum of the producers funds limitation remove be continued we are simply seeking to protect the livelihood of many thousands this section of the bill omits the of established farmers the means clause which formerly enabled the of livelihood of thousands of urban minister of agriculture to prevent dwellers and keep on an even keel reg up to 3250 reduced to clear for 1250 fur coats if your fur coat needs remodelling or repaired now is the time to have this done if a tradein is anticipated on a new fur coat we can use yours for alterations this is a slack time in the fur trade bring your 0t to the store or phone and we will call at your home jgoldens clothing store stouffville phone 183 oooooooooaeoooooseoooooosooodoofloa why its the finest car in the lowprice field vm smarter silver streak design ilnisteel body by fisher with nodraft ventilation jai multiseal hydraulic brakes smooth and economical six eight cylinder lhead engines shockproof kneeaction triple- cushioned ride ttruarc safety steering available with cortln trtodtlt at extra cost pontmc with hydramatic drive stouffville motors phone 170 chas cooper ciaremont ontario