the tribune stouffviue ont thursday march 18 1948 make these classified advs your market place live stock 2 black heifers for sale due w barkey ph claremont 8 r4 sale register real estate 3 holsteix cows for sale due march 27 april 15 and april 28 apply peter savoretti phone stouffviue 6822 ballantrae 452 cricket htxtkr stallion standing again at white picket farm claremont fee s1000 to owners of healthy mares at time of service return privileges visitors welcome wm pearson claremontsth con ph3 r22 43tf bray hatchery is ready with prompt shipment of started pullets and cockerels you can catch up with earlier buyers but dont stall the markets are good for canadian poultrykeepers at home and abroad get special prices and order from stiver bros or fred wise rich mond hill order dickmxcs xow mammoth white pekin dayold ducklings grow to 5 and c lbs in 8 weeks available march to september uxspring farms ltd uxbridge ont 464 gp good farm mare for sale also 5 tires and tubes good con dition size 525x21 apply a heise gormlev sow and eleven pigs for sale 2 weeks old nice litter wm morris ph 6700 for sale or exchaxge pure bred yorkshire serviceable young hog eligible to register rov moyer ph 5509 percherox geldixg for sale rising 9 years old and percheron mare 11 years ph 14 rl1 clare mont c mctaggart g p horse for sale 2 guernsey heifers due in april thorough bred yorkshire hog bert wil liams ph stouffviue 1112 six quiet well broken mares and geldings for sale j barry phone stouffviue 261 sevex chuxks for sale clloyd wideman ph stouffviue 5504 jersey cow for sale fresh milk george e barkev ph stouffviue 3704 orchard grove farm baby chicks a breed for every xeed white leghorns white rocks sussex x red highest quality breeding guaranteed to live few started chicks for immediate delivery a d grove stouffviue phone stouffviue 7702 miscellaneous swifts feed is now stocked by farrs elevator claremont ph 38w 24 dairy poultry con centrate laying mash pig star- ter 40 h concentrate 452 carpentering done houses and garages built altera tions and repairs by experienced man insulbrick and shingling done on short notice j li ogden stouftvillc rr 3 ih 5827 4cj we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market phone 3501 3810 interior painting bathrooms kitchens cellars etc a heaton son ph 7315 39tf mechanical work done on cars tractors etc- by expert ser viceman at wards garage gen erators magnetoes voltage con trols our specialty m e venn proprietor 462 cabinet making furniture repaired built and reflnlshed r j mcconnochie harold ave stouffviue 4113 be sure to see the new sunwor- thy wallpapers in our new sample book at cakes store lemonville old horses s 15 we will pay you s 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas campbell phone aglncourt 18j12 collect aglnconrt ril2 1tf joes harness shop harness made to order repairs done neatly and promptly enquiries welcomed whito pickets farm sth con claremont phone claremont 3r22 43tf radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf bell son phone stouffviue 2s1 our 1948 quota the following machines are all we have left now for 19 is selling 1 oliver 70 rc tractor 2 cockshutt sa tractor plows 1 cockshutt 13disc fertilizer drill with power lift and tracto hitch 3 cockshutt manure spreaders xo 4 1 threesec lever springtooth harrow 1 xo 2 hav loader 2 cocfchutt frost wood mowers 124x42 bell city thresher 2 cockshutt tractor disc harrows 2 fleury bissell tractor disc harrows 2 sets drag harrows first come first served bell son phoue 2s1 stouffviue thursday mar 18 important auction sale of accredited feder ally listed holstein cattle case tractor on rubber near new fa vorite thresher complete with clover recleaner etc farm stock first class condition the proper ty of geo brownlee lot 24 con 6 vaughan two 2 miles west of maple sale at 12 30 noon terms cash xo reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice aucts thursday march is entire household furniture organ dishes cooking utensils carpen ter tools at lot 16 and 17 con 3 uxbridge property of fred robinson watch for list in paper terms cash sale at one geo todd clerk a s farmer auc tioneer friday march 19 tractor percheron horses cattle pigs geese at lot 25 con 6 scott the property of thos harrison one mile north of leaskdale sale at one a s farmer auctioneer saturday march 20 auction sale of household furniture gar den tools etc the property of mrs h b barnes at the corner of rupert charles st stouff viue west end owing to the shortness of time there are no bills printed see this paper for list xo reserve property sold terms cash sale 130 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday march 20 entire household furniture dishes bedding cooking utensils in the village of claremont the estate of the late miss emma brown no reserve place sold sale at 1 john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer saturdaymar 20 auction sale of dairy cattle farm stock imple ments hay grain etc at lot 20 con 4 vaughan twp the pro perty of cliff lloyd sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday march 23 entire household furniture including dishes glassware at bloomington the estate or the late mrs alice vaughan terms cash no re serve as property sold sale at one a s farmer auctioneer tuesday march 23 auction sale fordson tractor case threshing machine horses im plements hay grain furniture etc the property of mrs f j fisher on lot 19 con 3 scar- boro mile south of browns corners on markham rd sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm is rented sellers atkin son auctioneeres wednesday march 24 farm stock implements hay grain furniture at lot 7 con 8 whit church the property of earl davis no reserve owner giving up farming sale at one lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday mar 24 entire household goods furniture anti ques dishes glassware garden tools etc on huron street maple village near the rr station property of w j roberts sale at 130 pm terms cash no re serve ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday march 25 farm stock implementshay and grain at lot 24 con 5 uxbridge the property of walter miller terms cash sale at one alvin s farmer auctioneer thursday march 25 farm stock implements hay grain etc at lot 27 con 4 vaughan twp pro perty of j hutchinson on high way just north of maple sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken and clarke pren tice aucts thursday march 25 auction sale of tractor implements new milking machine horses cattle pigs durant car hay grain fur niture etc the property of howard nesbitt at lot 2930 con 7 pickering on atha rd no re serve farm sold ken nesbitt clerk sale 1 pm terms cash sellers atkinson auctioneers saturdaymar 27 auction sale of reg accredited federally listed holstein cattle rop records clydesdale horses near new case tractor on rubber farm stockim plements hay grain furniture etc on lo 3 con 9 vaughan twp 2 miles north of kleinburg on xo 27 highway property of fred g kearsey sale at 1 pm terms cash xo reserve proprie tor quitting farming ken clarke prentice aucts saturday march 27 horses cattle new implements etc be longing to john w langs at lot 7 con 5 east gwillimbury xo reserve sale at one a s farm er auctioneer saturday march 27 auction sale household furniture piano floor coverings odd dishes etc- belonging to the estate of the late h l vanzant on main street stouffviue near the cxr sta tion xo reserve property sold terms cash sale 2 oclock sharp sellers atkinson auctioneers moxday march 29 2 storey large frame building known as liberal printing office 42x53 upstairs apartments hot water heating bathroom fixtures and plumbing on yonge sticc rich mond hill ont 3 weeks to re move same after sale for full particulars apply to richmond hill amusement co ltd ted hill richmond hill phone 254 or prentice prentice auctioneers terms cash xo reserve as new theatre going up on property implements for sale case tractor model c for for cp annms vwvsy sale in good condition w j lo f 1 n ts i w ttnmu vn marihim 19 ri lst lot north of tenth st hydro lapcou pn markham 19 rzl le and water available twofurrow tractor plow phone 6505 for sale also small garden tractor empire nearlv new apply the evergreens stouffviue ph 7914 ford ferguson tractor for sale lights starter also 10 plow in good working order phone markham 75 r4 for sale good rebuilt mount forest machines and eversal combination also new mount forest machines and eversal shredders phone thornhill 76 james fisher 393m farm for sale 150 acre farm for sale at lot 26 con s pickering 3 miles from claremont excellent dairy farm well watered barn 101x36 hip roof steel steel and cement sta bling for over 30 head cattle good brick house with bath spring possession if desired apply on premises to chas gostlck clare mont rr 2 salam grain fertilizer drill for sale mccormackdeering almost like new apply clifford schell ph 6206 deerixg seed drill for sale also about 15 tons mixed hay 2 sows bred christmas 3rd litter 2 young sows just bred w e claughton ph stouffviue 9305 rubber tired wagox for sale e m sheridan claremont rr2 phone glaremont 1514 number of good sap buckets and stiles for sale ph stouff viue 2515 c doner for sale ford ferguson trac tor cultivator and plow also red brick house for sale rooms with bath furnace install ed hot and cold water heavy wired to suit electric range dou ble lot in nice localitv second st stouffviue phone 193 or write jack e brown box 17 stouffviue weekend specials salmon 1 lb tin i standard peas 2 tins for cocoa 1 lb cakes store lemonville phone stouifville 9310 200 acres for saiie ix the township of whitchurch west half lot 28 con 0100 acres vk miles from town barn 46x60 steel roof stone foundation cement floors water in stable straw barn 25xco steel roof stone foundation cement floors in hog pen will ac commodate 50 or more hogs milk househen house 12x44 brooder house 10xl2 silo implement hed 26x54 new 9 acres hardwood bush sroomed brick house cottage roof insulated 2 cisterns water in house new furnace built in cup- j artic for sale sty 25 ice 29 r box for sale rennie ph 4301 mrs w t cars for sale car sxaps 1947 dodge sedan like brand new 1916 pontiac sedan clean good 1940 mercury sedan original finish clean inside and out 1913 gm ton pickup excellent condition mole motor sales phone 372 stouffviue wanted position wanted at house work experienced apply ruth allard at ringwood opposite 9th of pickering top buggy also 1horse light wagon low farmwagon on gear 3furrow international trac tor plow good power plant 6 cylinder pulley clutch and gear shift starter and on skids levi drudge lot 15 con 9 markham ph markham 74 rl2 462 for sale allischalmers tractor power take off and lights with mower and cultivator to attach s 21tooth cockshutt tractor cultiva tor power lift new last year international 13disc grain drill lawn mower grinding machine 2 used threshing machines also new dion threshers and en silage cutter john l gillman ph pick 98 112 brougham out coming events more or less barn 45x66 stone foundation good cement stables 6roomed house 20x30 could be repaired 5 acres cedar swamp good hay and pas ture farm excellent dairy farm will sell separate or togethev albert e tames son 462 uxbridge ont tenders wanted goodwood loba are holding a euchre party in the township hall on friday march 19th at 815 pm refreshments admission 35c tenders for asphalt dust layer whitchurh township sealed tenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon friday april 9th 1948 to supply and apply 2 tank cars of asphalt dust layer approximately s00 gallons per car around wilcox and musselmans lakes the lowest or any tender not necessary accepted john crawford clerk township of whitchurch 453 vandorf ont want to rext house or apartment in or near stouffviue on bus line phone toronto may- for sale barn 36x30 matched lumber well painted 7 windows also leanto hen house 30x8 8 windows frank harvey gorm lev ph stouffviue 7303 crazy patchwork broadcloth and flannelette quilts for sale bloomington ladies aid phone 205 mrs c lemon secy furniture sale oak diven- ette that can be made a bed reed rocking chair xo 3 wilkinson plow new black dress size 34 will sell reasonable mrs menno grove markham lot 16 babys play pen for sale also folding carriage e smith east end stouffviue 10th con mark ham fair 6601 j pike reverse charges mr wanted to rent house or rooms in stouffviue or east dis trict mrs sandiford phone 2s01 stouffviue 46tf poultry wanted i pay best prices for all kinds of poultry joe herold phone stouffvilla 5s10 25tf wanted antique glass china furniture phone or write mclean trading co yonge st thornhill phone 12 444 hay and grain quaxtity timothy hay sale ph 211 willis taylor for the mothercraft advice room will be open in the united church basement from 1030 am to 5 pm on tuesday march 23rd all mo thers and babies welcome announcing a special gospel song service to be held at the wideman mennonite church on monday evening march 22 at 730 pm a double male quartette from eastern mennonite college from harrison burg virginia come and enjoy this service with us applications for deputy clerk and treasurer whitchurch township applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon friday april 9 1948 for a male deputyclerk and treasurer applicants will state age previous employment applications to be filed in own handwriting duties to commence at once john crawford clerk township of whitchurch 453 vandorf ont sale at 230 pm ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday march 30 fully ac credited ayrshire cattle blood tested horses implements at lot 13 con 3 pickering on green wood road or 1 miles north of pickering village the property of j i steward terms cash sale at one w knox clerk alvin s farmer auctioneer tuesday march 3035 head of dairy cattle fresh cows spingers heifers 11 store hogs hay milk ing machine also 6 can cooler at lot 24 con 7 king twp 1 mile south of pottageville property of arnold dove terms cash no reserve as prop quitting milk business on account of ill health ken clarke prentice aucts wednesday march 31 furni ture electric washing machine radio dishes bedding woollen blankets kitchen utensils garden tools etc the property of mrs alfred pugh main st stouffviue east end no reserve property sold terms cash sale 1 pm sellers atkinson auctioneers friday april 2 farm stock implements hay and grain at lot 27 con 4 scott 1 4 miles east of zephyr the property of mrs geo langstaff terms cash no reserve a s farmer auctioneer saturday april 350 acre farm by auction at xe quarter lot 13 con 2 uxbridge one mile south goodwood on the property are frame house 2 barns silo good well see display notice for more detail a s farmer auc tioneer saturday april 3 accredited herd of holstein cattle farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc at lot 10 con 8 vaughan twp property of j w wallace sale at 1 pm terms cash xo reserve ken clarke prentice aucts saturday april 3 7roomed brick house bath hvdro hot water heating builtin cupboards good cement cellar newly- decor ated garage m acre land garden located on main st stouffviue belonging to jas greenwood sale at 3 terms made known at sale sellers atkinson auctioneers wedxesday april 7 dairy cattle farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc at lot 28 con 4 king twp property of geo paxxon sale at 1 pm terms cash xo reserve as farm is sold ken clarke prentice uctioneers whitchurch tow nship applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon wednesday march 31 1918 for a fulltime chief constable toge ther with the duties of truant offi cer relief officer sanitary inspec tor and inspector of public build ings applicants will state previous experience if any previous em ployment age applications will be made in own writing duties to commence at once john crawford clerk township of whitchurch 453 vandorf ont hay for sale around 10 tons of timothy and alfalfa good condi tion in stack on lot 8 con 8 whitchurch belonging to albert e hoover 10000 cash apply to mr gordon ratcliff for purchase 452 wood for sale limbs slabs and body wood cut and deliver- ed forfar bros phone stouff viue 9212 20tf easy gasolixe washing machine for sale used one year also a red ski jacket size 16 good condition phone stouff viue 6305 power orchard sprayer for sale with so gal tank complete with hose and gun clifford winger ph stouffviue 1509 connor electric washer for sale roy moyer ph 5509 kindling wood for sale stove length earl grose phone ml albert 1616 27tf for sale little girls blue tweed coat and hat size 5 good as new also boys blue serge coat and beret size 5 mrs jack fris- by markham rr 2 50 bags of no 2 good clean potatoes for sale would make good pig feed socper bag 75 lbs norman paradine lot 28 con 9 whitchurch rr2 stouffviue 462 baled hay and straw for sale john mounder ph stouffviue 4107 get your seed grain cleaned early 10c per bag greenwood chopping mill pickering 7r31 458 a j morden prop lost and found lost large black dog with tan markings tag 608 ph markham 83 r3 r e spademan notice to creditors markham township sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until noon on saturday march 20th 1948 for a rubber tired tractor 20 hp or more with a front cut mower and attachments with hydraulic con trols suitable for cutting roadside weeds also a front end hi yard bucket loader to go on said tractor tenders must enclose specifica tions and date of delivery signed w g maxwell road superintendent markham township markham ont order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs cedar posts lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 ml albert tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tf stouffviue phone 25402 washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffviue 281 bell son fresh and springer cows wanted l kahht sons phone claremont 85r2 21tf holstein cows wanted springers and fresh cows blood test need not be a consideration duncan spang ph sto 9w6 claremont 0l and others all persons having claims against the estate of julia vanzant late of the village of stouffviue county of york widow who died on october 14th 1947 are requested to file par ticulars of same with either of the undersigned on or before april 12th 1948 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to any claim not filed dated march 16th 1918 mrs ida kidd executrix george j storey executor 463 stouffviue ont colony house for sale 12xl2 double boarded and double floor also 2 holstein heifers due right away campbell anthony ph markham 30 r2 slabs for sale cut and delivered eckarcft and hopkins sawmill ph stouffviue 9012 for sale used magnetic de- laval milker with horse elec tric motor and large size pump excellent condition bargain for quick sale bell and son phone stouffviue 281 402 used electric range for sale general electric 1 burner with oven and warmer in good condi tion may bo inspected at the store of n w byer son f l button phone 2403 452 help wanted wanted girl or woman to do washing ironing and cleaning once or twice weekly ph stouff viue 2s102 462 woman to help with housework tuesday and friday 10 am to 3 pm 50c an hour mrs cliff salmon ph 173 township of whitchurch applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon friday april 9th 1948 for a assessor collector of dog tax and building inspector for the township of whitchurch duties to commence at once applicants will state age experi ence i fany present employment john w crawford clerk twp of whitchurch 463 vandorf ont dion stkkii threshers the farmer who is considering the purchase of a threshing mach ine should investigate the merits of the dion thresher before plac ing an order thousands of mach ines made by dion bros are giving outstanding service in canada and the united states before leaving the factory each dion thresher must pass rigid tests to prove its abilitv to do a real job diox threshers embody all modern improvements result ing from constant research timken roller bearings are used through out diox gets all the grain and re quires less power it is a high quality machine unequalled in principle design and strength the same oulstandlng qualities are embodied in the diox exsil- age cutter local dealer harold w mortson massevharris agent 5 arnold st richmond hillf 462 telephone 93w wanted 2 men for cement car penter work stan thompson phone 9004 helper wanted for garage must be good driver moles ser vice station ph 372 3 or 4 men wanted part time work maple syrup making howard ratcliff ph 4820 single man wanted for gen eral farm work phone 2101 reg rennie truck driver wanted nies transport ren- wanted mechanics class a good wages good working con ditions good hours apply mole motor sales stouffviue ph 372 lightning rod salesman waxted for stouffviue and district must live in district no objections to other lines good commission give full information in first letter u e traversy sons 4 alameda ave toronto ont 452 new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 2 manure loaders with buckrake 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 21 walking plows 1 3horse electric grinder 2 3horse electric hammer millj 2 104 grain grinders 2 riteway milking machines 2 sets of sleighs 3 garden tractors with snow plow 1 0 oneway disc 1 16 cu ft home freezer 3 1horse scufflers 2 bobalawn lawn mowers 1 washing machine 2 3section springtooth harrows 1 water pressure outfit asphalt shingles and rolls extension ladders car batterlet oils and grease henry ogden son phone 23402 stonfftllie massbt harris dealers