vol 59 no 35 the tribune stouffville ont dec 81 1947 eight pages l p evans on being acclaimed as reeve of whitchurch without opposition on monday declar ed that he intends to retire at the end of 194s no election in whitchurch as old council returned about fifty ratepayers assembled n uie hall at vandorf on monday afternoon for the nomination meet ing when reeve 1- p evan- deputy reeve ed logan and councillors l j harper fred timbers and ivan mclaughlin were returned without opposition as they were a year ago only other name placed in nom ination was that of p s legge resident in the northwest part of the township who said that he believed in elections since he would be the only extra candidate he would not force the issue this year he warned that he would be back next year seeking a contet take a pool of water and if there j is nothing coming in and nothing going out it becomes stagnant said mr legge amidst laughter from the audience he was nomin ated by harry west and harry pen rose mr evans in thanking his supporters said he had served the municipality for 11 years and 1948 would be his last year he reviewed county matter referring to the high school areas whereby the township had been divided into two areas with aurora on the west and stouffville on the east under the high school areas our children will be given equal privilege with the children in town and city he declared he explained his opposition to the proposed health unit whereby whitchurch would be assessed about 2500 per year as against 500 at present and get probably little more than they are getting now a school nurse would however be provided he said under the unit system mr logan prophesied that when the new township rrjaintainer arrives which is due in january there would be a great saving made in the cost of shovelling snow probably 5u per cent he advocated tarvia top roads around the lakes and increased assessment in those areas to cover the extra cost present gravel roads were inade quate in those areas of heaviest traffic he said he promised that a tax sale would be held at an early date to collect some 37000 of tax arrears he also referred to the likelihood of a new bridge at vandorf at an early date since the toronto york road commission had referred to it re cently and promised something would be in their budget for this item next year the job has been held up by the cnr for various reasons mr logan has been on the council for eight years school costs have jumped 10000 was the startling statement made by councillor l j harper who ex plained that almost without excep- tion every section in the township mrs j mcquame passed was calling for more money a matj a ule brierbush hospital tor over which the council had no stouffville on december 2sth just control on the threshold of womanhood mr harper who had been men- hor 2 year- for tioned for a move up said that he somo i sho uas overcome with was willing to remain in council peculiar sickness and had been another term l onto hospital prior to being ivan mclaughlin councillor for a patient in the brierbush pickering reeve mrs silverthorn passes i on wedding day the death of mrs fred silver- thorn on dec 23 in her 70th year came with shocking suddenness following an illness of only a few week- she had been a resident of stouffville for eleven years coming here from the farm in markham township at mongolia where her husband died 14 years ago a woman of very happy disposition and cheery manner she will be greatly missed by many friends born near beaverton she was the former annie teer and following her marriage there to mr silver- thorn in 103 the couple continued in that district for some time when they located in markham mrs silverthorn passed away on the anniversary of her wedding day and is survived by an only daughters freda mrs jos trail and by one son bert living on the farm at mongolia another son jack met a tragic death when he died from burns received in a fire in his garage in stouffville some years ago the funeral service on saturday proceed from the late home on markham retired main street to the united church farmer dead for service thence to cannington telephone co petitions for increased rental rates w h westney given an acclamation for reeve in picker ing township has been in pub- lie office for seven years application has been made bv the bethesda stouffville telephone store holidays co for permission to increase their in addition to new rental charges ail over the system as from the first day of february next unless serious opposition was made to the ontario municipal board immediately the request of the local company is likelv to be granted forthwith telephone rates have remained stationary for years and it is to be expected that with increased costs the company would be seeking the authority they have now applied for in order that they may meet these additional charges the tribune has tried to get the feeling of numerous subscribers and we find that not one person interviewed offered any opixsition years day being a public holiday merchants association of stouffville has decided to remain closed on friday january 2nd as well places of business will be open wednesday afternoon and while stores are closed on friday as well as xew years day garages and factories will carry on as usual baptists extend call new minister a call from the stouffville and 9th line baptist congregations has been accepted by rev j k about the proposed increase sc j pequegnat of courtwright who long as good service is given four whitchurch farmers were contacted who did not wish to be quoted but each of them said the same thing give us service we are not kicking about the rates in claremont one business man said the rates could cemeterv in brock- townsbin 9e retired farmer living in mark- still be higher than what is being vctwas csnduced bv her naftor nam viliage cnas w fle died asked if only the service is improv- vis conaucted by her pastoi in toronto on monday night follow- ed rev d davis businessman suffers fractured shoulder tripping over a plank in the rink at unionville mr frank stiver ing a critical illness mr fieghen was in his 74th year and is surviv ed by his wife and by two sons w h in toronto and brantford will assume his new duties beginn ing on sunday jan 11 rev mr pequegnat proved to be the choice of the officials after he preached here recently on the call and comes with high expectations of a profitable ministry a married man with one small child the family will occupy the house recently vacated by rev d mac- the companys answer to this is gregor former pastor that just as soon as the work can be done an entirely new switch albert s in board system will be installed with much speedier mechanism that is designed to take care of the grow ing system with a service second to none t b rae secretarytreasurer of neighbors honor the well known head of stiver bros bride axi groom of stouffville unionville and on monday evening obrien ave aurora suffered a broken shoulder friends and neighbours gathered at thevomtjanv stetedvfewdavsago held uirtshor uu j h that the new mechanism that is to how fiiv 3 u muc neo klnck following a work on installation was to start rkin lfzlfi one arm is musical program mrs borinsky in february but the contractors hpl- liitlfno the conv the good wishes of the are not t0 be on time and otnet aim will be capable of doing a group to the bride and groom who there will be some delay this is were presented with a lovely gift beyond the ability of the local i company to prevent as they have rs v t v iiuhib ui wi aim ans n u that tne new mechanism that is to up for a snoir time klinck in honour of the newly mar- he n i service had been titerwiwhn m c mrandmrs l03ner ron fifed for this winte in fact tiver will beabout very much nee phyllis klinck following a l installation was to start reat deal the doctor described the break as an impacted fracture a clean break that will readily heal j given another acclamation on monday as deputyreeve of whitchurch mr ed logan said that he looked forward to stepping into the reeveship another year provided the rate payers would grant him that privilege victor wagg was native of uxbridge cars crash headon near claremont all quiet ix uxbridge about fifty ratepayers attended the nomination for uxbridge town ship when the 1917 council was returned by acclamation reeve stewart ball deputyreeve isaac gatherwood councillors wendal alcoek ralph faulkner berton tindall young wifes untimely death firemen called to gokmley at 11 oclock monday night the fire brigade was called to the home of r s stanfield in markham township at gormley where em bers from a chimney set fire to the roof of the dwelling neighbors rushed to the home of alvin farmer and secured garden hose ladders to reach the roof presented a problem until the brigade arriv ed however the blaze was put out before it got out of control the alarm was given by frank harvey who sav flames on the neighboring roof from his home found fresh deer meat a brother to dr a b wagg tor- ly smashed the other car a ford company had in force this prompt onto and two surviving sisters are driven by harold brooks of clare- payment discount system but for hiw se m s her mont sun less damage and the the last fourteen years the discount beit wetheial of unionville passengers were only shaken up method of payment was not in use captive deer shot by camera three years said that he also look ed for decreased snow costs this year especially if the new equip ment arrives last year half the road budget was spent for snow removal fred timbers defended the coun cils action in setting up a fire area with stouffville he made a person al investigation after one of the two fires since the area was creat ed and was satisfied the house he examined would have been lost had it not been for the service of the brigade i am glad to be in the stouffville fire area said mr tim bers wife of our east end merchant mrs mcquarries maiden name was violet jean ross she was born at inglewood in the brampton dis trict and prior to her marriage taught school at malton for four years since coming tr stouffville she frequently acted as supply teacher a bright affable young woman she was always a pleasure to meet in the store here which the mcquarries purchased two and a half years ago surviving besides her husband is her father living at inglewood and one brother robert a service will be held at the late home on main street east this tues day evening at s oclock and on wednesday the funeral will proceed to inglewood for service in the united church there interment will be made in the inglewood cemetery county sold 11000 christmas trees eleven hundred christmas trees were sold from the york county pj d c forest during the christmas season rred keesor former the shipment being made to the markham man dead windsor district where they prefer pine to cedar or any other ever- port perrys reeve fred e reesor green for decorations i died at memorial hospital there the removal of these trees all on christmas eve he was 02 audi scotch pine from the forest is part had been reeve of the village for of the thinning operation carried on two years and a councillor for four each winter and a special effort is years made to do as much thinning just mr reesor was well known before christmas as possible since throughout port perry and ontario the culled trees have a value in the county he was district warden of santa waits market trees thinned the oddfellows lodge mr reesor out in january represent a loss operated a fuel and lumber yard at thus as much of the thinning as port perry and was active in busi- can be done is carried out when nessuntifa few months ago when there is a market for the tops i he became ill the help situation is still a primed a former resident of markham factor in thinning operations as village he also took an active it is in cutting wood that should be interest there and was regarded recovered from various stands on as a man who had rendered more county propenv there is still a public senice in mavkham than definite scarcity of the right kind any other citizen of help for wood cutting according surviving besides his wife the to official information handed out former irene ralney are two sons charles and gordon and two bought lemoxville farm daughters dora mrs m dowson mr b k padget who has been and alma mrs r vernon emploved with the jupp construe- tion co for some years is return- j mis- bertha davenport of toronto ing to the farm and last week was the guest of mr and mrs jos purchased the 115 acre property at cayman over the holiday other iemonville from mr alger maye j visitors at the cayman home were mr padgett will get possession next i mr and mrs willis lehman and spring and will move at that time mr harmon lehm3n of delhi to wait their turn since many other rural companies are also in line for new installations the new rates will mean that a resident in stouffville will pay 10 returning from a masonic lodge per year for business phone and active farmer on the outskirts function at claremont on saturday per year for residence phone of markham villagefor over 20 night mr jos borinsky collided individual service a rural party- years victor wagg died at his headon with a car travelling east lin in whitchurch will cost the home there on monday in his 64th jguss outside claremont he sus- farmer 22 for residence phone and year he s survived by his wife tained several broken ribs and the for business phone the former alma pearl douglas and front seat passenger william individual business or residence pj one son douglas and two daugh- griffiths was thrown into the wind- phone in claremont will cost 21 tars mrs gerald rose and miss shield with such force that he was and a phone on a 4party line will mary wagg badly cut and was brought to the cost 19 m n r v township brierbush hospital where stitches rental charges are payable quar- northeast of goodwood in what is were required to close the facial terly and are subject to a prompt w h nesbitt and edward known as the w agg settlement de- wounds harvey moyer and son payment discount of 1 per quarter i nesbitt whitchurch were jointly ceased spent all his life in the- don in the rear seat escaped un- or 1 per year from the rates charged with possession of illegal neignoorhood hereabout he was hurt but the borinsky car was bad- quoted above prior to 1933 the venison and fined 25 and costs or ten days in police court at new market the crown did not proceed with a second charge illegal posses sion of a muskrat pelt game warden ben smith said that accompanied by two other officers he had searched the premises of the two accused on november 29 and had found a quantity of dark venison in a summer kitchen they also discovered a second lot of ven ison fresh and still sweating in an unused oven the officer presented some ribs taken from the two lots of meat and showed that they were from two different animals the officer said that edward nesbitt had said that the first lot of venison was all that he had before the fresh meat was found w ii nesbitt said that he did have a license to hunt and that the old venison was given to him by his brotherinlaw william over and that the second lot of venison was givan by a mr mowder jos vale counsel for defense asked him why he did not show the fresh venison to the officer i wanted to have some left to eat he replied william over testified that he had given the accused the first lot of venison which he had shot in peterborough county and that he had also brought mowders deer which had been shot later in the same district from the north magistrate hollinrake said that the second lot of meat was found ten days after the season had closed joseph vale said that the onus of proof is on the donor and not the accused magistrate hollinrake said that the accused should have a certificate from the donor saying that the meat was lawfully pro cured and that william over had testified regarding the first lot of meat but that the meat that mow der had given the accused was found fresh ten days after the season had closed john mcgillivray mount albert farmer and former glas gow resident just east of stouff ville caught this young deer with his bare hands the animal was exhausted running ahead of the farmers car for a mile and when it attempted to jump the fence fell back when the farmer closed in on the flying hooves mr mcgill ivray telephoned tha tribune who rushed to the farm for this photograph two young neigh boring farm girls enjoy the excitement the deer is con fined in the big barn and will be made a pet reeve chas reesor acclaimed in markham reeve chas reesor was given a second acclamation by markham village ratepayers on monday at the annual nomination- the old coun cillors were renominated together with mr ed roffey he had until nine oclock tuesday night to sign up for a contest the former coun cillors who signed for another term are robt mcdonald edw reeve jos fry and o b hisey miss sadie and archie stewart received word last week of the sudden death of their eldest bro ther james a stewart at victoria bc born in uxbridge township james went west many years ago