the tribune stouffville ont thursday november 20 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock dorset sheep for sale eight good bred ewes and ram splen did foundation stock- w a jones markham 292 holstein bull for sale service age s hastings ph 3715 clydesdale gelding for sale 17 hands sound 12 years old ex cellent condition suitable for farm or bush best offer e r mcintosh ph richmond hiu 1 48 r23 3 yearling ayrshire heifers for sale vaccinated sam barkey claremont ph 1512 11 pigs for sale ready to wean also some chunks joseph b hoover phone 5513 pigs 30 chunks for sale carter ixjcust hill rrl on as choice grade holstein heifer for sale due last of the month vaccinated apply to howard snowdan zephyr phone mt albert 1821 articles for sale feeding troughs for sale one dozen rosco all metal 3 foot sale register coming events mongolia public school christmas i 18th j aozen kosco an mtiai thursday nov 20 10 acres concert will be held on dec 1 fjxeyssrl standing timber in acrelolat s pm mrs map- woodcock tion suitable for hogs calves or poultry save up to 2otc cost ofj new troughs wm j devins ph j 200 aurora wood for sale limbs slabs and body wood cut and deliver ed forfar bros phone stouff- ville 9212 20tf mapie at 15 5 cn 5 utbrid the lemonville wa are holding the p of esh rwlttr leir annual bazaar on wednesday to afot 194 to remove xov 26th from 2 t0 530 p gthehomeof mrs ross wintersteini sa1ada west main st stouffville washers electric and gasoline immediate delivery from s13950 transportation prepaid budget terms special discounts to deal ers christians electric hard ware oshawa ontario 274 wood terms cash john scott clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers j k in mind the ladies bowling saturday nov 22 auction sale club bazaar to be held in the tnun- cards of thanks miscellaneous shot gun for sale iverjohnson double barrelled hammerless s25 also a 22 rifle 1200 v green- bury phone 2712 of fresh cows horses pigs im- icipal hall stouffville saturday i plements near new furniture dec gih there will be a sale of hay grain cedar posts potatoes homeaking and homemade arti- etc at lot 5 con 5 scott twpcles afternoon tea will be served 1 vk miles east of sandford the i from 2 pm to 530 pm i property of harvey moore terms r rr we wish to express our deeo k1pps herb tablets give cash no reserve as owner giving f and z xvxv appreciation to all thekm friends quick relief for constipation u up farming sale atl pm sharp gi neighbors for expressions of digestion billiousness 25c 75c kindling wood for sale stove length earl grose phone mt albert 161g 27tf foxhound- sale ready best otfer chard x beagle pups for to start this winter h rawluk pine or- sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday nov 22 ladders for sale 12 1g 20 ft also brooder houses sxs and 810 new cedar posts poles and mixed wood apply harry boose phone 9 rl2 evenings only 2ss 75 leghorn pullets for sale laying phone 211 willis taylor stouffville rr 2 sussex ram for sale phone mt albert 2101 george smalley 250 rop sired barred rock pullets for sale g months old ready to lay harold hill gorm- ley ph 1520 hill view farm chicks for the 19 18 season we are hatching rop sired barred rocks approv ed nhxbr and lsxbr cross bred chicks we can offer you too quality chicks at popular prices all breeders double pullaram testedno reactors first test and govt banded write for price list now and find out about our large early order dis count on orders placed before jan 1st 1918 also free delivery harold j- hill gormley hillview farm 292 stouffville 1520 gurxey xortherx electric range 4 burner high side oven for sale in good condition mrs harold forsyth stouffville ixov 2gth goodwood loba xo 1090 tea important begins 230 pm bazaar opens at sale of garage and machine shop 3 charge all welcome equipment including turning lathe electric ark welder also i the date of the christmas con- entire lot of household furniture cert for bloomington school has etc on yonghurst road opiosite j been set for thursday dec is stop 24 yonge street a little l 77 7z j tt south of richmond hill property i a i goouw united of frank resentera terms cash i ch are wi af tea xo reserve property is sold and and bazaar in the church basement owner is moving to usa if bad on friday nov 21 tea to be served weather sale will be held under between the hours of 3 and o s everybody welcome covei it 130 nm shir i averyoouy welcome mrs ken laushway wishes to s nn a kvio t express her sincere thanks and qmith rwvc m tne buttonville womens insti- appreciation for acts of kindness mtn uuks vcn clarke t bazaar will be held in the flowers cards gifts and enquiries buttonville hall on wednesday i during her recent stav in hospital and neighbors for expressions of sympathy and for the assistance given us during our present bereavement in the passing of a beloved mother the hennie family mr e j davey wishes to thank the many friends neighbours and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy during his recent bereavement in the death of his wife at storeys drug store girls white figure skates for sale size 5 in good condition phone 9312 congoleum rug 9x9 for sale 10 yds congoleum runner both good lard and sausage press 2 gal size phone 504 kitchen range for sale moores treasure in excellent condition new grates phone 7103 ivory enamel findlay vega range for sale in good condition w w jacob ph 9312 wanted poultry wanted i pay best prices for all kinds of poultry joe herold phone stouffvilla 5810 25tf old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas cambell phone agincourt 18j12 collect j agincourt rr 1tf wanted old worn out horses for slaughtering all horses well cared for and humanly slaughtered prices run from 2000 to 5000 according to size also pick up dead horses and cattle phone markham hr3 phone stouffville 7203 238 or h elson phone uxbrldge 95r21 fresh and springer cows wanted l kahn sons phone claremont 85r2 21tf 35 downed trees for sale beech and maple good body wood apply fred robinson goodwood childs rocker for sale radio lyric mrs hopkins ph 1902 seamstress sewing machine for sale also childs play pen and gocart ph stouffville 26303 car heaters 3 hotwater heaters for sale in good condi tion aylmer carter locust hill rr1 cook stove for sale finlay oval medium size coal or wood alex brown orchard view street clothing for sale ladies black coat for sale with brown fur trim nearly new size 38 also girls brown tweed winter coat size 14 good condi tion phone 3610 mrs jos wide- man pair of white snow boots for sale size 7 fur trim nearly new ruth davis glasgow ph 6913 girls 3piece winter outfit for sale blue with white fur trim size 3 good condition mrs rowan ph 7220 mens black coat for sale fur lined also 2 mens black cloth winter coats one grey and black plaid fall coat all in good condi tion mrs h j sawyer main st stouffville cars for sale 1933 ford coach for sale nearly new tires good running condi tion a e staley goodwood phone 2002 chevrolet army truck 1500 weight fourwheeldrive spare lire clearance lights al condi tion ux spring farms ltd ux- bridge ont 273 1935 oldsmobile sedan for sale motor overhauled 4 new tires new paint job real good condition snap 375 eddie ortiz ph no 1 claremont 1937 dodge for sale good slip covers heater tires good runn ing condition phone 4016 1931 international truck as- with rrantfordanthony dump for sale good running order howard rateliff phone 4s20 292 fined ov- chew truck for sale two pen mr bronttrsjake body good condition time on monday rrfumbers ph 7910 relumed and a relghh r the commotion shot o tribune to absent truders a neighboring for sale tire 1100x13 set tire chains for army truck 800 wt set tire chains 32x6 rear axels brakes housing army truck s00 wt phone claremont 3501 a j sutherland empire cook stove for sale cream and green new grates per fect condition phone 4016 girls snowsuit for sale pink and white size 1 year phone 3305 findlay combination for sale coal and wood range with warm ing closet in excellent condition new grates new bricks and new lining apply mrs len keeping east end stouffville goodwood public school christ mas concert will be held dec isth at s00 pm admission 25c and 10c mrs josephine wagg teacher real estate two rooms for rent furnished and heated anns lodge mussel- mans lake phone 9204 board and room accomodation apply to mrs mcgrogan 1 door west of post office wanted 4 or 5 roomed house with all conveniences mr f tractor mh hoover scarboro jet po 282 i wish to express my sincere appreciation to all the kind friends and neighbors who sent me cards and also to everyone who made in quiries or visited me during my recent illness mrs geo lewis i take this opportunity to express my thanks and deep appreciation to all my kind neighbors friends and relations also goodwood united church and sunday school and goodwood baptist church for their kindness to me in my recent ber eavement in the loss of my dear wife joseph crawford implements for sale cook stove for sale small size with warming oven ph 2110 washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son hay and grain feed oats and mixed grain for sale also hand corn cutting ibox hand turnip pulper quantity oac 181 seed peas art hobson phone 5812 lost and found lost tail gate for truck finder please notify howard rateliff phone 4820 strayed from roy brignalls farm on brock rd claremont 1 year old black heifer white v in forehead 2 white front feet hind legs white up to the hock finder please phone claremont 3rl4 loss hill found came to my pasture on the brock rd north of brougham a small holstein heifer owner can have same by identification and paying expenses w ii tapscott milliken rr1 phone agincourt 212j2 want to buy a small house 4 or 5 rooms with all convenien ces phone 7820 house for sale on obrien ave immediate posses sion can be given one half each have 6 rooms with furnace and bath one has hardwood floors throughout and each in good state of repair apply at the house or phone 3310 for appointment tractor for sale or trade model 203 al condition also 4furrow ace bottom inter plow on rubber geo constable ph 700 or 2s20 claremont 10 inch cockshutt no 30 grain grinder for sale near new priced right for quick sale bell son ph 281 stouffville 26tf farm equipment for immediate delivery pulpers cylinder and side wheel number of wheelbarrows r n water pressure systems 60 and 25 for sale central toronto c3cle z house 11 rooms brick posses- bea hand pumps electropails sion downstairs hardwood floors j grain binders and 7 selfpro price s6600 5075 cash balance lled combines if ordered now mortgage or other terms will valuvaults fireproof for valu accept good softwood bush any size as part payment box m tribune office prentice auctioneers tuesday nov 25th auction sale nov 26 at i00rtertviilrahactherurnle of farm stock implements hay i home baking aprons handkei- furniture etc the property ofj chiefs white elephants quilts mis- leslie white lot 4 and 5 con 2cellaneous and a fish pond after- whitchurch at wilcox lake sale noon tea admission free at 12 oclock sharp terms cash l s mount and l j harper clerks f n smith auctioneer wednesday november 26 important sale of almost new modern household furniture con sisting of walnut dining suite complete chesterfield suite new combination electric range and coal stove chest of silverware set of dinner dishes electric washing machine cooking uten sils on lot 18 conl vaughan twp on mill st richmond hill 3rd house west of the water tower property of percy h harlock anyone needing furniture would do well to attend this sale as all the furniture is real good having been purchased new within the last 12 months some has never been used see posters or can be i inspected at any time sale at l pm sharp no reserve terms f cash property sold ken and clarke prentice auctioneers friday nov 28 extensive sale of herd of dairy cattle fresh cows springers young cattle ford tractor farm stock im- plementshaygrain etc on lot 21 con 10 markham twp property of h n foote terms cash no reserve as proprietor is quitting sale at 1230 noon sharp ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday nov 29 auction sale of furniture carpenter tools lawn mower 1horse equipment 20 single cords dry hardwood 12 long barrels trouglis etc the property of ira rusnell on main st stouffville no reserve terms cash sale at 130 pm sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday nov 29 important extensive sale of holstein cattle ihc tractor farm stock imple ments hay grain etc on lot 18 con 4 vaughan twp near maple property of r d macnaughton sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve ken clarke pren tice auctioneers saturday nov 296 acres of standing timber consisting of maple oak beech at lot 17 con 6 whitchurch the property of mrs wm rateliff 2 years to remove wood all brush must be piled in workmanlike manner terms cash sale at 2 pm a s farmer auctioneer tuesday dec 2 auction sale 3 acres or more of standing tim ber mostly maple and beech small white ash and elm sold in lots to suit customers on lot 1 con 5 scarboro twp property of thos reesor sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve as all wood must he removed by the 31st march for erection of hydro line ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday dec 3 auction sale of tractor and horsedrawn farm implements equipment etc at lot 35 con 1 vaughan twp on yonge st at langstaff corners property of wm g milne estate sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers see sale bills saturday dec custom work wood buzzing plowing cultivating arthur hob- son stouffville phone 5s12 2s4 auto glass installed pis ton pins fitted valves replaced and reseated while you wait paris auto supply ltd richmond hill phone so 272 quantity of dry hardwood for sile phone ss07 stanley brown roofing caulking done for particulars see ross hill claremont for sale in markham twp 149 acres good buildings running stream fall plowing done wheat in possession arranged apply d a clendenning clendale farm lot is con 9 markham good 200 acre farm for sale or to rent also other farms for sale at reasonable prices special 100 acre at 5000 of choice open bottom land with good brick house and bank barn hydro passes door call or write sheldon bricker 229 glasgow street kichener or phone 24060 264 for sale in markham to close estate vacant 5 roomed red brick bungalow and large lot north side church street last house in village limits 2 bed rooms bathroom hardwood floors hot air furnace laundry tubs garage and henhouse terms cash make offer box 736 newmarket 282 150 acre farm for sale 9 room brick house large bank barn 75x80 ft water in stable garage 25x20 hydro throughout 145 acres of good working land good tractor farm spring creek never goes dry farm tiled drained 80 acres fall ploughed for spring crop 9 acres fall wheat 21 acres sod alfalfa and timothy balance for pasture price 10000 mort gage for part 1vs miles from fordwich possession march 15 1948 paul heise fordwich ph 34rl2 fordwich after 8 pm 282 order now for immediate delivery hard body and limb wood dry soft wood and slabs lageer bros 22tf phone 4120 mt albert holstein cows wanted springers and fresh cows blood test need not be consideration duncan spang 6715 or c6i6 stouftville furniture repair all classes of furniture repaired by experienced mechanic medicene cabinets hnd tables etc made to order unpointed f jackson church sl stouffville phone 2204 16tf extensive sale of herd of fully accredited and listed holstein cattle farm stock implements hay grain roots etc on lot 31 con 7 vaughan twp property belonging to wilfred maginn sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve as lease has expired and proprietor is giving up farming ken clarke prentice auc tioneers farm for sale 120 acres more or less rolling clay 6 important loam two pasture fields a stream radio appliances complete repair and servicing by expert technician all work fully guaranteed 20tf bell son phone stouftville 281 keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf nearly s000 people read the tribune each week thats what makes advertising in this weekly so valuable in each about 5 acres of mostly hardwood bush large barn stabling underneath sheep pen hen house stone pig pen brooder house gar age well also brick 9room house fireplace built in cupboards five clothes closets cistern pump in house a summer kitchen covered with imitation brick siding a cis tern pump woodshed some small fruit bushes apple trees nice lawn some trees perennials for particu lars call and see john ii midribton rr no 2 claremont ont for sale vacant today open for inspection lovely 7roomed insulated home with 3piece bath large sunroom both back and side of home 4 cut oak floors throughout good hot air furnace situated in residential dis trict of georgetown included are kitchen range jacket heater light fixtures drapes and approximately 7 tons of coal if buyer should wish to rent upper 3 rooms a party in georgetown is willing to pay 1500 per month for same apply box 144 or phone 237 georgetown ables milking machines electric and en gine drive vacuum cleaner used f w binders repaired now wagons cut down for rubber goodyear dunlop tires tubes i 3 foskett son goodwood ph 5906 new ami used farm equipment for sale at the old regular prices 1 cockshutt no 6 tractor spread er new 2 cockshutt no 4 spreaders on steel new 3 cockshutt cylinder pulpersnew 3 cockshutt no 30 grinders new 1 cockshutt no 30 grinders used 1 otaco rubber tired wagon new 1 fairbanks morse hammer mill new 1 lister 10 inch grain grinder used 2 feed mixers new 1 ihc horse disc harrow used several briggs stratton and john son gas engines new delaval electric cream separator near new delaval magnetic milker 2 units used riteway milker 2 units used woods electric grinder used cockshutt no 6a tractor disc har row near new c h bell son phone 281 stouffville new implements on hand 1 all steel wagon 1 13run fertilizer drill 1 springtooth cultivator 1 water pressure pump outfit 17 ft grain binder 2 manure loaders with buck rakes 1 no 21 walking plow 2 no 51 walking plows 1 cement mixer 1 3horse electric grinder 2 10horse grinders 2 riteway milking machines used implements 2 binders 2 mowers 1 kangaroo gang plow 1 masseyharris gang plow- also garden tractors asphalt shingles and rolls car batteries oils and grease henry odoen son phone 25402 stouftville massey harris dealers the cgit girls are serving a tea in the school room of the united church stouffville on saturday afternoon nov 22 3 to 5 pm wanted ctjkh rabbits cats frogs luktt anali tail pluti nuvtruikt tu a bonded singer representa tive from your singer sewing center wutbe in stouffvlllegood- wood unionville markhamclare- mont and district every thursday and friday for information re garding new machines used mach- ines repairs and services write or phone singer sewing machine company box 20 phone 1075 newmarket 283 baling we are prepared to do your custom baling standard and pickup edgevale farms stouffville 7906 w timbers sons 20tf tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouftville 5112 1tf custom grinding commencing immediately we are prepared to do custom grinding crushing mixing and shelling etc from 830 am to 500 pm dally sat urdays 830 to 1200 noon wors picked up and delivered at nom inal cost dicksons hill mills 29a help wanted wanted woman or girl to help with housework in farm home modern conveniences sundays free mrs d rumney victoria square stouftville 6104 household assistant required four or five days a week all city conveniences apply r bruce wilkes unionville seed seed sun ray feeds we are agents for sun ray buttermilk feeds for horses cattle poultry and hogs special 35 per cent laying mash to mix with home grown grains sure gain concentrate and minerals oyster shell grit etc semisolid buttermilk in bran and shorts american cement barrels markham elevator 294 r h brillinger ph 3w wanted dead horses cattle telephone for free pick up telephones stouffville 255 claremont 41rl4 markham 43 r uxbridge 27 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd toronto ad363a