the tribune stouffvilie ont thursday october 9 1947 bp tnirffmllf uribunr established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of march 1st 2553 issued every thursday at stouffvilie ontario subscription rates per vear in advance in canada 200 in usa s25c a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments storing heat charlottetown patriot did vou ever think on a winter day when the frost is nipping vour ears off and the wind is howling around your home how nice it would be if somebody could only release some storedup heat from the july or august period so it was amusing as well as a bit interesting to note the comment in a toronto paper to the effect that theres a fortune awaiting the man who can devise some means of storing up some of the summers heat for use in the colder months sure theres a fortune awaiting him but well grant that hell never get it this business of heat and cold seems to be something over which we have no control we can and do growl plenty at times about the activities of the weather man but thats about as far as we ever seem to get and that we suggest is about as far as well ever get so far as doing anything about it is concerned bread values compared edmonton journal an increase in the price of such a staple food as bread is not pleasant but canadians still are better off in this respect than are the people of other lands for they get more bread value for their money than those of any other country in the world a russian worker for instance can buy only 22 loaves with a full weeks income while an average worker in the united states admittedly more highly paid can buy about 300 onepound loaves to the russians 22- canadians at the new price can beat even this for they can buy just over 400 loaves for the same money the american would pay for only 300 get a nice obituary the ivanhoe minnesota times an obituary is no place for insults for that reason it might be well to do our insulting here and now while you the potential victim still have an opportunity to read them perhaps youre one of those drivers who thinks he can still do a good job behind the wheel of an auto after imbibing we think youre a fool if you do but we cant say that on your obituary perhaps youre a driver who thinks himself so clever and alert he can pass on the brink of a hill duck and dodge in traffic squeeze by on narrow margins and generally endanger every auto he meets if so we hope they bury you quick brother but we cant say that in your obituary maybe youre a driver with a hunk of junk that will run and little else a driver whose brakes work only on whim whose windshield wipers have long since disappear ed whose rear vision mirror is only a memory if you are youll probably live to try it again but theyll bury some innocent guy who happened to meet you at the wrong time but in the obituary we wont be able to say that it was your carelessness that killed the fellow and left a widow to worry about the children an those are but a few there is also the driver who never dims his lights at night the fellow who crowds the centre line the wise guy who wants to push the acceler ator to the floor and prove hes the biggest damn fool on the road if youre one then you have been properly insulted by these remarks dont take offence well make yours the nicest obituary possible federation regrets packing strike meeting in the face of the nationwide strike of packing house workers which already has cost the livestock pro ducers great losses the directors of the federation took full cognizance of the situation and after thorough dis cussion issued the following statement to the public the canadian federation of agriculture has been and is very reluctant to comment or pass an opinion upon the merits of any labour dispute it has every sympathy with the desire of labour unions to improve their conditions and has given full support to many social measures designed to improve standards of living its officers and members however view with the gravest concern the impact upon agriculture of the present packing plants strike which has already closed most of the plants across canada already farmers in all provinces have incurred severe losses and the continuation of this strike will daily result in cumulative losses to livestock and poul try producers which will in a very short time deal the industry a crippling blow the federation must express regret that a strike in an industry which so vitally affects agriculture throughout canada should have been called until every step provided by dominion and provincial law and practice had been taken a strike in such an industry should only be taken as a means of last resort and in full compliance with the laws of the land democracy can only succeed with full respect to law by all major groups of society the federation calls upon provincial as well as domin ion governments to join immediately in the most aggressive action to bring all parties to the dispute to an agreement with respect to arbitration and asks the unions involved to call back the men to work immediately pending such arbitration in the meantime as emergency measures to mitigate to some extent the losses to agriculture now mounting so rapidly each day the federation asks the dominion government first to establish immediately a dominion export control board to facilitate and supervise the movement of livestock to the united states such board to accept live stock at public market price levels in effect at the weekend prior to the cessation of slaughterings at canada packers burns and swifts plants resulting surplus funds to be utilized in the general interests of the livestock industry and secondly to remove temporarily any restrictions as to permit licence or otherwise to the slaughter and sale of livestock in any community and expresses a hope that cities towns and villages will remove any restrictions with respect to sale within their borders to the minimum inspec tion which public health consideration may demand some exemplary sentences are needed to stop bank robberies the tribune lines up vigorously with the brockville recorder and times and bowmanville statesman which recently published the editorial below on the question of bank robbers it is easy enough to pan the banks for getting robbed but too few breast the current like the brockville paper and insist that the real way to stop these robberies is to hand out really exemplary sentences in the- courts the recorder states ontario and other parts of the dominion are currently suffering from another wave of bank robberies and other serious crimes culminating in the murder of the manager of a branch bank in vancouver who apparently declined to accede to the demand of a masked man that he should hand over the cash to him within recent weeks we have been treated to a series of these robberies most of them in this province as a result of which not only banks but a considerable number of their customers are heavily out of pocket safety deposit boxes in two or three banks having been broken into and rifled of negotiable securities as has been proved in the case of the vancouver bank robbery the people who engage in this type of crime are extremely dangerous criminals who are ready to shoot and to kill if need be included amongst them are three men with long and serious criminal records who have recently escaped from penitentiary this country used to be happily free of crime of this description and we are convinced one reason for this freedom lay in belief that in canada justice was swift and certain without the delays and technicalities which commonly surrounded prosecutions across the border unfortunately we cannot now say the same thing about the way in which our courts operate in more than one instance during recent months we have seen people charged with serious crimes escape the punishment clue them because of technicalities invoked by defending counsel and the idea seems to have gained circulation that justice in ontario is less swift and less certain than it used to be at one time not so long ago the city of montreal became infested with serious criminals who preyed upon banks and altogether made a nuisance of themselves the courts and those responsible for their administration grew tired of this just as we are growing tired of our own bank robbers and when a man in charge of a transfer of bank funds was shot and killed half a dozen men participating in the robbery were tried and found guilty of the capital offence and all of them were strung up for the death of the one man after that crimes of violence in montreal suddenly lost their popularity and bandits stayed away from that city we need an example on the montreal model to bring our own criminal situation under control if those respon sible for it are apprehended let them be dealt with sternly and severely by the courts let them be put away for an appropriate period of time the longer the better and let them suffer the lash along with imprisonment we have an idea that if the courts crack down with sufficient severity upon those who engage in bank robberies or other serious crime we will soon see a good deal less of it- the australians have developed a peoples car which it is proposed to sell for less than s900 the car will be a twoseater with a maxi mum speed of 50 miles an hourwith 15 miles to the gallon of gasoline some day the canadian or ameri can car designers will get around to a nonluxury low priced car notice to township of markham tax payers ratepayers should take notice that municipal taxes were due this year on octo ber 15th 1947 and must be paid by that date to escape a penalty being added the earlier payment will save the town ship money in bank charges chas hooper reeve chas hoover treas grouxd heat will be piped to dwelling home heating at a nominal cost of s55 a year with the source of heat taken from the ground is an experiment now being conducted by a ii bromley chief engineer for the city of kitchener and the incident will be watched with great interest everywhere the heat is pumped from the earth mr bromley explains by means of a heat pump which is actually built on the same principle as a refrigerator pump only oper ates in reverse pumps hot air in stead of cold a network of small copper pipe approximately 500 feet for the aver age sized home is buried in the soil below the frost level and pres to you turn on the electric heat pump and from then on your house is as warm as toast mr bromley stressed that there is considerable improvement to be made on the newheating system be fore it will be marketable in fact it iwill be at least three years be fore much will be heard of the heat pump he said several factors are responsible for thisfirst many materials and pans needed for its manufacture are scarce it is still in the develop ment stage and there is a shortage of power so the general pumc cannot entertai thoughts of own ing one for semi- years vet the engineer explained jt serd the tribune to absent friends editors mail dear mr editor as a subscriber to the stouffvilie tribune and one who enjoys read ing the same very much and i have told more than one person that it is the best small town paper in ontario to read and my opinion is still the same especially is your paper to be valued to the space that you give to items of a religious nature regardless of the religious group i want to congratulate you in recognizing the interest that your many readers have in reading something of religious interest in the issue of september 23 1947 and under the heading keep movies out of church conference says and the article that followed relating to the same and as a min ister and a member of the mbcj conference and one who wasi interested and took part in the dis- cussion at the mbc church at stouitville during the recent con- ference i want to voice my protest against the appearing of that article and whoever put it in did it i feel against the best interest of the church and the proper understand- ing of the same i in the first place it should never have appeared in your paper be cause of the amendment that came in and was accepted on saturday september 20 1917 in st cathar ines it has created a most unfavour- able impression and has created misunderstandings however in todays issue octo ber 2 of your paper 1 was very happy over the space you gave to the conference amendment on movies expained ami also i want to express to mr lambert stouffec my heartiest appreciation for his explanation to your paper as minister of the mennonite brethren in christ church in st catharines we use bible missionary and edu cational pictures of which our con gregation heartily approve ami have been made a blessing to young and old any pictures of bible and teaching value are only used as an aid or suppliment in a visual pre sentation and are not intended to take the place of the preaching or evangelistic message our prayer is that god will bless every honest effort that is used to present the gospel message in our churches whether by picture flannelgraph chalk drawings the message of song or the preaching of the word and in the final analysis as we read in proverbs 291s where there is no vision the people perish thanking you for publishing in the october the 2nd issue about the moving pictures which should have appeared in its amended form of the september 25th issue yours most respectfullv w cecil brown bcm9oaeooboooassosooooosoooooooooe d theadore watson dc chiropractor radionic and ultra short wave treatments opening office at residence on church street 6 doors north of main st opposite george ooooooooooooooooocooooocoooooooooa great service of welcome sunday afternoon october 12th for rev and mrs r p barley who will take charge of the gormley mennonite brethren in christ church time 300 oclock place gormley m b c church y friday saturday oct 10 11 jfe wake up and dream jungle flight mondav tuesday oct 2021 temftation adult entfrtalnmrnt