the tribune stouff ville ont thursday september 25 1947 business directory stouff ville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 8103 puller brush iroducts markham pickering uxbridge and scott townships phone g502 stouffville write to vic pennanen stouffville or call at house on main st e near 10th concession mail orders cod or express collect lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts ouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock dental neil c smith lds dd 3 graduate of university of t0r9nt0 office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 1g7 stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal collegt of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie jacks beanty parlor phone 27402 markham every tuesday medical brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical day and night service auctioneers sellers atkinson ph ag 201 w2 ph stoutf 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special izing in farm stock furniture tnd property sales all sales per sonally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted prompt service reasonable rates phone 290 stouffville ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rites dual services for the price of one milliken po ph agincourt 2w3 markham po ph markham k6 no sales too big or too small prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mali phone 19g coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 37l hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvill monday and friday 9 to 12 am insurance a s farmer licensed auctioneer tork county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 7312 birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies r reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffvlll h o klinck phone 3307 stouffvllli fire auto burglary sickness anc accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 year experience strength and service unexcelled f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurant phone 5002 stouffville ont stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs f m pugh phone 3805 stouffvlu insurance fire auto burglary in the last twenty years the mutual life of canada has paid their policyholders twentytwo dividends a record equalled by no other canadian company prompt and courteous service d a beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business phone pickering address 5 r22 brougham ont barristers r g clendening funeral director ambulance service markham ontario phone 9000 office phone residence phont 3160 3514 arthur w s greer kc barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlc wcpollardkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone 24 hollinrake bartrem barristers solicitors 49 wellington st east toronto el 6196 money to loan on mortgages stouffville office saturday morning by appointment sunday school lesson iesson for september 2s golden tevt fear god and keep his commandments eccles 12 13 the lesson a a whole 1 said in mine heart under the sun these are two of the key expressions in the book of eccle- iates it is the record of the efforts of a man to find the supreme good apart from divine revelation he looks into his own heart follows its dictates and after trying all that earth has to offer finds all is vanit or emptiness worldly folly never satisfied anyone who sought it frivolity may captivate the sense- for a moment but it leaves regret behind how many a devotee of pleasure has exclaimed at last life is not worth living solomon tried to find solace in the pleasures of the wine cup though determined not to act the part of a fool and allow him self to become a drunkard he would drink in moderation hoping in this to find what was good for the sons of men his book tell how vain was the effort to find lasting enjoyment in selfindulgence of any kind he had almost un limited wealth and he determined not to deny himself anything that his eyes desired or his heart craved he gave himself for a time at least wholly to the pursuit of self- gratification hoping in this to find perfect happiness but as he looked back upon wasted years and blight ed hopes he realized that the selfish life is the empty life all was emptiness and a pursuit of the wind nothing under the sun can satisfy a man made for eternity his final judgment is that the only worthy objective of life is to know god and to seek to serve him faithfully this alone gives lasting peace and satisfaction verse by verse eccles 12 vanity of vanities saith the preacher vanity of vani ties all is vanity the natural man finds himself as on a great whirling wheel with no power to stay the controlling hand of what seems like a relentless fate as the following verses show so he finds life to be all vanity and a pursuit after the wind but the spirit- taught believer looks up and sees an exalted christ at gods right and and knows that he is in him self the wisdom of god and so he can commit his life in confidence to his loving care and can exclaim with gladness for to me to live in christ and to die is gain verse 17 i gave my heart to know wisdom and to know mad ness and folly determined to try everything that seemed as though it might contribute to lasting satis faction solomon sought to enrich his mind with learning and culture and also to enjoy the vain empty pleasures of earth but each proved a disappointment and ended in vexation of spirit chap 2 1 i said in my heart i will prove thee with mirth there is a temporary excitement as one throws himself into the whirl of worldly folly but it gives neither lasting peace nor enduring happi ness after trying it all the verdict is this also is vanity it is the judgment of the disillusioned mis anthropist he who lives for self seeking to gratify his thirst for pleasure will awake at the end to realize his days have been wasted and he will loathe what once he thought so worth while verse 11 i looked on all the works that my hands had wrought and there was no profit under the sun even those things which seem useful and well worth while such as the erection of great build ings and the laying out of beautiful gardens vs 5 fail to meet the deepest needs of the soul of man taxi service telephone stouffville 37903 for prompt taxi service all our passengers are fully covered with insurance for passenger hazard passengers carried anywhere k laushway stouffville ontario consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st ad 0005 city and country homes farms small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone 8309 stouffville office phone elgin 7021 residence phone mo 6235 samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 306 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto ontario l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuons telephone service day and night phone stouffville 9801 it would be poor comfort to a dying man to look back over a life spent largely in developing natural resources or improving property if he was going out into eternity with out god and therefore without hope verse 21 there is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and enjoy good in his labour to this con clusion the philosophical mind naturally comes so long as one looks only under the sun for god himself has decreed that in the sweat of his face man should eat his bread labor is therefore a great blessing but true satisfaction is not found even in it no matter how faithfully and assiduously one per forms his tasks and no matter how temperately he conducts himself chap 12 1 remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth after trying every other object that might prove to be the supreme goini for man the preacher comes back to god he alone can satisfy happy is the one who turns to him in lifes springtime before the winter of life comes on when to a large extent the soul is no longer keen to res pond to the divine voice verse the clouds return after the rain these verses through s are a beautiful poem in which the body is looked upon as a house and it is seen going into decay because of increasing years the light is no longer bright for the mind is clouded youths spring and man hoods summer are ended and the days of winter are coming on apace verse 3 when the keepers of the house that is the hands shall tremble palsied with old age the strong men the legs bow themselves and the grinders the teeth cease because they are few and those that look out of the windows the eyes be darkened verse 1 the doors shut in the streets the deafness that comes with years the sound of the grinding it is really the grinding- woman that is the tongue is low the old man is nervous and rest less and is up with the birds and the daughters of musick the vocal cords no longer function as of yore verse 5 afraid of that which is high and fears in the way as he walks with uncertain steps the almond tree shall flourish cover ed with white blossoms like the hoary head and little things are troublesome man goeth to his long lit eternal home and the mourners go about the streets verse 6 the silver that is the spinal cord be loosed the golden bowl the brain pan be broken or the pitcher the lungs and the wheel the heart cease to func tion verse 7 then shall the dust return to the earth but the spirit as a distinct living entity goes out to have to do with god verse 8 all is vanity when life is over if one has forgotten god all is worthless and life a tragic failure verse 13 the conclusion of the whole matter is that man should fear god and obey him this is his whole duty verse 14 god shall bring every work into judgment man is to be judged according to his works therefore it is important that he know god and serve him then lie will not have to lewail a wasted life at last the heart of the lesson god has created man with capac ity to hear his voice and yeild to him this alone brings lasting sat isfaction to endeavor to find it in the world is only to be disappoint ed there is nothing under the sun that can give peace and rest all below is but vanity and like chas ing after the wind only when god is given his rightful place does the soul enter into and enjoy the peace that passes all understanding ooooooososeoooooc spray painting expert workmanship free estimates given jack lcary gormley ont ph stouff 6321 50sepu 31 noooodooooooodsoc albert brett co accountants and auditors toronto markham erin phone markham 211 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamerv cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 1sg01 open tuesday and saturday evenings alfalfa hay wanted best price for good quality sample reesors mai mill limited markham phone 96 what is life insurance life insurance is a great social plan which merges the individual into the mass and puts behind the fraility of man standing alone the immeasureable strength of men stand ing together do you know 1 that in the life insurance companies of america ill 1945 70450 policyholders died in less less than one year from date of policy 2 that in the same year 502000 persons where declin ed most of whom could probably have obtained insurance at some time 3 that each and succeeding year 35 of the new busi ness transacted by the mutual life of canada comes from old policyholders low cost life insurance since 1869 for further information consult your local representa tive of the mutual life of canada fred m pugh phone stouffville 3805 tribune classified ads give results the best handyman 1oueyerhiaed our pi a limp i ivestock need plenty of fresh clean water to maintain high production so let duro carry the water for you in stables barns poultry houses greenhouses and truck gardens duro adds extra profits through extra production and the savings in time and labour alone will soon pay for a duro pump installation modernize with emco fixtures and fitting designed for ttyl and utility or availobu for simple economical installation in kitchen bathroom and laundry safe guard the health of your family add to the comforti of daily living s ut for full particular j k agnew hardware stouffville tmpifle bflfiss mfg ca limitd toaoonmamiltontoaontosudtuovujinnimcvancouvco quautv emed biusi0s