the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 28 1947 ibp jstmifftrillp ilribunr established 18s8 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of march 1st 2553 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance id canada 200 in usa s250 a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments seek beverage room and liquor store the town of tweed ontario is apparently feeling very dry this summer for the citizens or a great majority of them have asked their council to submit a vote to the people on establishing both a liquor store and beverage room in the place yes they want a brewers warehouse too one reason submitted for wanting these things is that the tourist business that should go to tweed is passing by and landing up on the doorstep of neighboring towns the dry element in tweed will come back with the punch what about it if we do lose that trade who wants it anyway just as soon as the sanction of the ontario liquor board is obtained the decks will be cleared for the battle of the ballots when the fight is over tweed will be singing that old refrain oh my how dry i am but if the vote is for the return of the booze daysj in that snappy town then we may hear them singing therell be a hot time in the old town tonight the rising cost of living in can ada is causing an undercurrent of much gossip on parliament hil where prices appear to le moving ui and not down os anticipated in unofficial quarters earlier in 19 7 when a break in these peak prices had been expected official information indicates that for example average hourly and week ly earnings in manufacturing of xith durable and nondurable goods abrupt embargo caused through this american officials move espec telly since it is recalled that it was j not so song ago that thousands and thousands of canadian grain cars were stranded in the united states at a time when the canadian authorities were anxious to use them in order to rush grain ship ments abroad but the canadian authorities did not impose any embargo there is considerable gossip ini ottawa in speculation why graj ham towers has paid a quick visit to washington whre the governor j of the bank of canada called on i state undersecretary robert j iovett oi the united states govern- ment many people here did not like the fact that a legless war veteran rudy lacasse was summoned to court for a parking offence though he was subsequently freed of the charge in court it was extremely unlikely that i r stouffville high school fall term begins tuesday sept 2nd uch as the action taken by the british government f5 canada would impose a heavv tax moved up at the midyear mark and on movic fun the united the costs of materials advanced sojg it i on i that a break in prices must be ruled out in fact at june 1 1947 learned here in face of rumors average hourly earnings in manukj possibility v nts as canadian and against 691 cents at the same time facturing showed 79s american military 1 experts are engaged in exchanging last year and average weekly earn- kieas in the fiew of armament at ing zln l2 as conferences in ottawa with 2902 last year with tne in- not fit dress for main street owen sound suntimes there is a time and place for everything but the time for young women walking about the main streets of owen sound in the scantiest of beach attire is not noon of an august day and the business section of owen sound is not the place to the credit of owen sound women it must be said that there are few who step over the line of propriety the very few who do however are very noticeable the briefest of shorts and an equally brief bra arrange ment with accompanying bare midriff are simply not the proper garments for walking on owen sound streets no matter if the thermometer does register 100 in the shade similar garb on any of the district beaches would not attract the slightest attention that is the place for such costumes they were designed for beach wear they are healthy carefree garments which if they are not exactly the height of modesty at least do not offend the sensibilities when worn in the proper setting as the old oklahoman told his fellow ranchers after his return from kansas city theyve gone about as fur as they can go some of these women have done just about that in the maltter of summer dress at the risk of appear ing prudish could we respectfully suggest that the beach costumes be reserved for the beaches and if shopping has to be done an appropriate costume be worn no good can come of women walking around owen sound streets with not enough on to flag a train creases in both durable and non durable manufactured goods classes leing impressively latge with labor and materials increas ing a decline seems unlikely but even worse as a cause is the con tinuous boosts in the cost of living index apparently labor has no choice and it is even whispered that prices of everyday items are climb ing at a faster rate than labors returns with the whole affair seem ingly a cause of much ttnpublicized concern among officials along parliament hill canadas role in international affairs is growing rapidly and no better proof can be offered than the report that the department of external affairs in ottawa is seek ing larger quarters and getting it now with a bigger concentration of personnel in thls departments quarters in the famous east block of the parliamentary buildings on the hill here as branches of other departments move out to make place report that american tourists have not been getting the same courteous treatment in passing through customs at canadian air ports are flatly denied here may be it was the heat or some other cause but the freight rate hearing before the board of trans port commissioners here have been rather more exciting than the news reports would seem to indicate be ing adjourned for several weeks now the man who used to direct the publicity for the wartime prices and trade board in ottawas head quarters of this diminishing organ ization has left his job to take up the post of publicity director for canadas first international trade fair to be held in toronto next year reproduction prohibited 1947 federal features syndicate this school is equipped and he staff qualified to teach home economics shop work agriculture will be taught in grades and 10 english history french physics chemistry geometry algebra trigonometry will be given in the upper school students must register on sept 2nd in person by phone or letter in order that no conflictions may arise on the time table y fridiiy a saturday aug 2 30 ramrod joel mccrea it is no secret that many can adians outside of this capital have been puzzled by the lack of news of the operations of the newfound land delegation which has been in ottawa for weeks dealing with top officials of the canadian govern ment including members of the cabinet about the possible means whereby newfoundland could he- come 10th province with numerous inquiries for such information indi cating that somehow an air of mystery has surrounded the pro ceedings however it can be report ed that no one in authority here is surprised at the developments it is quite true that the arrival of the delegation some weeks ago was accompanied by a loud pro clamation and much publicity with this being followed suddenly by almost aa total blackout on news nevertheless it must be explained that this was only a factfinding delegation and nothing else though this was not perhaps emphasized sufficiently then again it must be explained that the whole thing in volved far more dedicate dinlomatic discussions than appeared on the surface to the maninthestreet across canada finally the discus sions have been in camera in regard to the terms of such a union naturally veteran observers emnhasize such activities in ott awa always produce an air of mystery though in reality there may be no real cause for it and the discussions have taken place in proper unpublicizcd ways as re quired in such delicate diplomatic affairs passing almost unnoticed canada and italy have arranged to ex change ministers and to open lega tions in each others capitals and this is significant since it means that for the first time since world war m canada has arranged peace time representation with a former i enemy country leaving japan and germany alone without such representation among major former enemies though military missions do carry on now in the latter countries and are accredited to the occupying forces there with the removal of the ameri can embargo which had prohibited shiomem of coal over the cnr from that country into can ada tt is hinted here that no seri ous loss of coal supplies had result ed from this action by the ameri can authorities in washington and strangely enough now criticisms are whispered here not only of this action by the americans but of the slowness of the canadian railway system in returning enough cars within successive deadlines set by the us authorities the action of col 1 munroe johnon head of the office of de fence transportation in imiwsing an embargo on the movement of muchneeded american coal over the cnli was not merely looked uon in ottawa as unnecessary but rit in accord with the kind of action expected under the circum stances in face of his claim that the cxr had failed to act properly when warned about the boxcars being kept in canada longer than essentia in act it can be reported tbt a lot of unncftssary resent ment in ottawa was left as this 400 pound safe found on whitby sidekoad finaddy identified the four hundred pound safe found on a sideroad between the third and fourth concessions in whitby on wednesday afternoon and at present being held by the ontario provincial police detach ment in whitby has finally been identified as the one stolen last week from the cnr railroad station at cannington 35 miles north of whitby provincial- con stable gordon campbell who in- 1 day vestigated said that the identifica tion had been made officially and that the safe would be sent to cannington according to constable campbell the safe was discovered on the side miss g campbell ba miss b davie ba miss e goodyear ba mr robinson ba mr t pherrill ba mr p sherk ba l c murphv ba d r chaclwick chairman latin art home economics french history phy education shop work guidance geog english math agric phy education principal chemistry math h 0 klinck secretary wavv money orders and railway tickets road at about five pm wednesday i as far as could be ascertained the afternoon by an unidentified farmer j safe had not been opened although who was cutting the grass on the jit was evident that an attempt had verges of the road the incident been made on it it is understood that the safe was of the old fash ioned type which opened with a key and not by combination constable campbell said that al though an investigation into the matter is proceeding police were so far deficient in clues as to how the safe got where it was found or who dumped it there was not reported to provincial police until midnight on wednes- town truck had to be en gaged to get the safe into town according to cnr officials the safe contained no money at the time it was stolen but did contain nearly half the homes in canada still use wood as heating fuel wmm if ottr 2000 toks of totertu art pcurtj jjjly hit this hyjro dam 200 tut bizb half a rtifi harnessing another 81000 horsepower for hydro dssssmmp tuctsictlt people sometimes ask us what we are doing about providing more electricity for ontario many know how close we are now fo using up all our present supply since the end of the war hydros peak load demand has increased approximately 500000 horse power or more fhan 25 of the highest wartime demand and is still mounting what are we doing about it above is a part but only a part of the answer it shows the great power development at stewartvillo on the madawaska river in eastern ontario which was started many months ago when materials and labor were in even shorter supply than now it will give you 81000 horsepower commencing next year with other hydro developments being rushed to completion an added 500000 horsepower will be available in the next five years in the meanwhile we must ell use hydro sparingly so there will be enough jo go around i tssi the hydro electric power commission g ontario