the tribune stouffville ont thursday august 21 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock jplllets for sale 6 months old starting to lay fishers strain white wyandottes wyandotte x hampshire 160 each allan manderson balsam ph clare mont 3s r3 134 is pigs for sale ten weeks old also guernsey bull eleven mos old don mccullough claremont phone 1613 is young pigs for sale apply harry stevens lot 7 3rd of ox bridge phone s713 stouffville bray hatchery has immed iate i vari futur chick stive fine young pullets s gs10 week old and to lay restock for ts i you want fall r now m waits articles for sale sale register real estate 6000 used bricks for sale good shape armon a storry ph 3620 claremont friday aug 22 farm stock six roomed frame house goodyear truck tires for sale s2ox20 12 ply slightly used tubes and flaps phone s502 bern preston ice box for sale cream with red trim apply mrs harold murphy church st x stouffville ice refrigerator for sale medium size ph 1s6 stouffville 5 collie pups for sale good heelers apply leonard brill- inger ph s514 stouifviiie 19 pigs for ale 10 weeks old also 6 pis- 15 weeks ui ralph craw ford lot 21 con i pickering tex pigs for sale 9 weeks old also 11 pigs about 65 lbs each dudley white altona ph 0906 stouffvile 130 barred rock pullets for sale 5 months old laying ph markham 72 r4 motor cycle for sale 1912 har- leydavidson 4z buddy seat sad dle bags e j hagg uniohville ont ph stouffville 4106 electric and water with three- quarters acre of land east end stouffville apply to 1hs queen st east gladstone 6475 a maskell ph implements grain hoistein cat- cockerels at lot 15 con 7 pick- tie yorkshire pigs hens and ering iu miles north of broug- ham and east the property of james mccauley terms cashv- roam ta rcvt i sae at 130 xo reserve john rl r0 ren ot scott clerk a s farmer auc- sfis toneer hydro being installed close to c lv ou store apply to geo sutton bal sa it rda al g 23 hignolass i furniture garden tools etc at corner xo7 high wav and church 6 roomed frame house fo iecccot4 m home rexdered lard 20c lb bring containers oboyles meat market stouffville madoxxa lily bulbs for sale r h stover peter street mark ham maxs ccm bicycle for sale like new chain guard and kick stand apply after 6 pm to bruce crowtler ha st stouffville implements for sale horse for sale sound every way priced soooo or exchange for baled hay firewood or anvthing useful ph 7907 stouffville 41 muscoya ducks for sale r martin rr xo 1 goodwood for sale 3 bob calves 5 cows 3 fresh also 1 sow and 10 pigs ap ply to ross madill m mile north of brougham pullets for sale 100 white rocks 100 hampshirerock hy brid beginning to lay mrs we claughton ph 9305 guernsey cow for sale clue to freshen one week second calf also hoistein bull serviceable age w e claughton ph 9305 rubber tired wagox for sale with box 616 tires also 130 cedar fence posts a salter phone 66 pickering masseyhyrris fertilizer seed drill 13 disc new spouts w j oldham mt albert phone 2712 n 152 used delaval milker complete with century motor and magnetic unit with stainless steel pail bar gain price s200 as good as new and worth over 500 immediate delivery on new milker and- cooler hoistein cows hay and straw taken in trade toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st toronto street langstaif ont the proper ty belonging to ernest nicholson sale at 230 pm sharp terms cash xo reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers hay and grain certified raspberry plants for sale write box 754 camp- beliford ont for illustrated fol der and growing know how dont delay supply limited 143 sale part hardwood inside con veniences large barn 2 chicken houses garage acre of land fruit trees drilled well total price 3200 reasonable down payment apply stouffville 9306 gardex l a x d fourteen to seventeen acres with barne in stouffville apply r dickson 02 indian rd- toronto ph lake 3093 wixter barley for sale ten- nesee variety good winterer and i high yielder weight 52 lbs to bushel wm wragg ph 56 rl4 markham also sold at markham elevator by rh brillinger 144 dawsons goldex chaff registered xo 1 in sealed bags third generation 250 per bus sample on request e a weir milliken phone agincourt 30j3 summer home for sale at musselmans lake on windsor drive completely furnished new well and electricity 0 rooms ph gladstone 5600 toronto or ad dress 705 danforth ave 16- barn for sale 60x3016 posts oak frame steel roof no rust w p cornwall vi mile south of goodwood salada tea bags card of thanks the family of the i ward gleesdh wish v portunlty of extending ite mr- ed- take this op- their appre ciation to the many friend- and neighbors for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy dur ing the passing of a beloved mother miscellaneous lard bring vour containers to schells meat market for pure lard while it lasts schells meat market stouffvile pigs for sale is chunks 75- 100 lbs also 10 pigs 6 weeks old jno symes claremont rr 1 12 pigs for sale 6 weeks old pilkey altona ph 9709 fred oxe gray percherox mare for sale 10 years old price 7500 also 1 set new chromium plated harness 6000 and 1 buck rake c tapscott milliken ph agin court 212 w2 twenty pigs for sale 6 weeks old art hobson second farm past gravel hill help wanted girl wanted for general housework good wages to right party phone 195 stouffville housekeeper general wanted capable woman or responsible girl for doctors home in rural district near stouffville all mod ern conveniences small family bus service to toronto state salary in applying at the tribune office lost and found old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at vour farm chas cambell phone agincourt 18ji2 collect agincourt rk2 1tf holstein cows and heifers wanted for export fresh close and backward spring ers- highest prices paid roytindall 64 phone 365 stouffville cars for sale 192s chev for sale complete- iv overhauled phone 1005 jack barkey 162 1939 ford coach for sale good running order white rose ser vice station stouffville phone 195 car for sale 1930 whippet sedan good condition apply r james goodwood car for sale 1933 chevrolet coach motor and tires in al con dition george maskell ring- wood on t estray came to our place last week a collie dog gray owner can have same by paying expenses and proving property a d morris lot 2con 2 ux- bridge lost a lightcolored collie dog answering to mike ph 6013 stouffville truck tire and carrier found size 720 on 3rd con whitchurch corner wilcox lake road apply gormlev garage phone stouff ville 7316 wanted room axd board wanted by a busines girl beat of references apply at the tribune wanted house to rent in stouffville apply at le oneiirs ph 9s01 six and eleven quart baskets wanted will pay 5c each for baskets in good condition lome gillion phone 1202 1930 chev sedan for sale in al condition price 20000 apply after six to joe stell kinsale used cabs for sale 1912 dodge business coupe 1941 chev club coupe 1939 pivmouth coach 1936 chev coach 1936 ford coach 1935 dodge delux sedan like new mole motor sales stouffville ph- 372 poultry wanted to buy j herold rr no 2 stouffville phone 5s10 144 wanted old worn out horses for slaughtering also pick up dead or crippled horses and cattle phone stouffville 7203 or markham phone llr3 h elson uxbridge phone 95r21 166 xew and used farm equipment for immediate delivery cockshutt stifftooth cultivator with power lift and tractor hitch new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt 2 and 3 furrow tractor plows new cockshutt no30 grain grindersnew cockshutt and fairbanks morse hammer mills new otaco rubber tired wagons new masseyharris 6 ft binder xo 5 used chorboy garden tractor near new potato digger used fleurybisse tractor disc harrows new woods gilson milk coolers new delxiva milking machines and cream separators new woods shur shock electric fen cers gilson snowbird gasoline washer dominion washwell electric wash er 60 cycle new good stock of both direct and belt drive pressure pumps hand pump- pump jacks etc in stock bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 2si waxted to rext house or apartment in stouffville or mark ham district apply box b tri bune office waxted suitable boarding house for lady teacher apply miss p stallwood so jamieson ave toronto 162 tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son sfassey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25102 excavatixg and grading work done veterans construc tion co phone stouffville 6503 47tf garden tractors we have on hand ivz and 3 horse empire garden tractors also bob- alawn lawn mow come in and see them henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tl stouffville phone 25402 stouffville ma1x street corner lot for sale owners eightroomed house modern con veniences newly decorated new furnace hardwood floors fire place venetian blinds immediate possession ph stouffville 6303 the family of the late mrs peter lehman wish to express their ap preciation to the kind friends neigh bors and pall-bearer- for their kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral remembrances which proved so comforting in the loss of a loved mother in memoriom onto motored to tobermory oveij the weekend mr and mrs paul murphy and john of dearborn mich spent a few davs with mr and mrs earl tindall las week 200 acre farm for sale on pickeringuxbridge townline 100 acres in pickering being rear of lot 22 con 9 on which is a good eight roomed frame house wood shed attached hard and soft water in house also furnace hip roof barn 51 x 78 with straw shed 30 x 50 attached separate box stalls is x 30 and a garage 16 x 24 xew cement silo 12 x 30 and new milk house water and litter carrier in stables 50 acres workable balance pasture and bush with spring creek the topper in loving memory of a dear son clayton topper who passed away aug 21st 1934 when evening shades are falling and we sit in quiet alone to our hearts there comes a longing if he could only come walking home friends may think we have for gotten when at times they see us smile but they little know the heartache our smile hids all the while always remembered by mother father brother find sister gray in loving memory of a dear son husband and father win allan gray who passed away august 19th 1913 time may heal the broken hearted years may make the wound less sore engagements mr and mrs hannen jones an nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter alta eileen to har old ross badgerow son of mr and airs charles badgerow stouffville ont the marriage to take place saturday august 30 in stouffville jlenrionite church mrs henry ferris of weston an nounces the engagement of her only daughter mary ann to haroldi eldon bolender eldest son of mr and mrs eldon bolender stouff ville ont the wedding to take place saturday septemler 6th atf 230 pm in weston baptist church other 100 acres is across the roadfeut it cannot fill the longin with a barn 36x90 with stabling lpv ba llv ntrv k rock ed by violent storm continued from front page of percy tarr cecil wagg harmon hoover and to the mennonite church in town is covered by insurance with t birkett son to the dwellings the removal or plaster forms the chief claim and ofi course at the church the chimney will have to be rebuilt george taylor 10th concession farmer and john frisby sth con cession markham each lost a cow by lightning at atha the house of 0 j trail was struck causing some damage similar to what was caused in the good well at corner of barn so acres workable balance hard wood bush this is a good grain and dairy farm jas coates claremont ph 1903 152 for saxie gilson fnrnaces immediate delivery electric shallow well water systems fairbanksmorse pump jacks electric fencers fencer batteries waterloo double disc 7 and 8 ft 1 belle city grain thresher 24x42 delivery in one week gilson woods milk coolers e j stickiey phone stouffville 7513 washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 belx son wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up telephones stouffville 255 markham 43 r3 claremont 9rl4 uxbridge 27 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd toronto ad3636 keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf debekture issue for sale the township of markham are offering a debenture issue of 16- 000 for the purpose of an additional room in school section no 1 any bidder interested may obtain parti culars from the township treas bids to be submitted to the under signed before august 28 1947 chas hoover treasurer unionville ont 152 farm for sale 100 acre farm on good road extra good state of cultivation with run ning stream bank barn brick house hydro water in house and barn driving shed hen house milk house with coler two silos twice daily bus service at the gate to toronto close to school and church ph w d atkinson stouffville for the loved one gone before who shall say the grief is lessoned though thesmileunay hide the tears memories keep the wound still open despite the passing of the vears sadly missed by mother father wife helen and children jennie and patsy goodwood real estate 11 acre poultry farm a growing concern 1500 chickens truck 2 retail routes good buildings runn ing water apply to w d smith whitevale piione markham 55 rl3 162 notice a meeting for the bloomington congregational christian church cemeterv will be held in the church on wednesday august 27th at 830 those who are interested are urged to attend as there is to be a treas urer appointed this is urgent vincent wagg chairman aliss eva latcham of toronto visited mr and mrs daniel wagg over the weekend after spending a week in muskoka 90 j miss grace wagg is with her par- 1- ents for the remainder of her vaca tion air benny jones recently spent a week at camp kwasind on skele ton lake in the muskoka district air wm beard is enjoying holi days and reuben middleton is re lieving on the cnr tracks during his absence air fred robinson has sold his house to air arbuckle of balsam whom we understand will be mov ing soon air blake robinson has returned to the west to assist with the har vest air and airs earl tindall and mr and airs k davidson of tor- i stouifviiie homes that were hit the baptist church at green river whieh is undergoing repairs was hit causing slight damage it is rather strange that two churches where improvements were being proceeded with were both struck by lightning over uxbridge way damage was quite severe a cow was killed on the charlie gould farm near the town the roof was blown off a barn at udora and a barn was burn ed near saintfield custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 1tf semisolid buttermhk 75 barrels of semisolid buttermilk now in stock order supplies promptly ideal for fattening poul try and hogs altona feed supplies phone 9706 144 ioexoe 30doe furniture repair all classes of furniture repaired by experienced mechanic lawn chairs made to order also other pieces f jackson church st stouffville phone 2204 16ti farrs elevator claremont phones office 3sw res 3sj we have molasses order eariy barley oat and wheat chop pig grower and dairy feed be sure to start your pullets on the right laying alash master feeds are proven and guaranteed hardwall plaster insulating wool and batts roofing bc shingles and asphalt shingles prepared feeds master and maple leaf binder twine wattled vhri and rye for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rri deaths pixgle at alarkham on sunday aug 10 1947 alma law beloved wife of ernest pingle and sister of dent law in her 66th year funeral on tuesday aug 12 johnstone on saturday aug 9th 1917 at her home 33 fair- lawn ave toronto anna john stone in her 92nd year beloved wife of the late francis john stone al buchanan of oshawa has grown a cucumber twin style weighing 4 pounds 11 ounces it grew from two cucumljere aoe girls softball game claremont vs uxbridge friday sept 5th at 600 pm vic rcid and hi cwih- entcr- iiinmint at 800 pm in clirrmonf community park in case of rain will be held in community hall sponsored by claremont girls softball team tribune audited circulation ass umes you of best results when us ing classified advs 2553 paidinad vance subscribers attention farmers and horsemen get in tne money now raise colts in big demand inspect at your convenience cricket beautiful bay 16 hand hunter stallion standing at the white picket farms claremont ont cricket is the first stallion pro duced in canada from registered hunter stock under the plan which the light horse improvement society have been carrying on for a number of years to produce a dis tinct breed of canadian hunters he has been inspected approved and registered by the society and is also registered in the live stock record stud book he was pro- duced by the sifton stables toron to his manners are good and dis position wonderful imp his sire nougat imp 157 an imported french coach stud has sired many good hunters throughout canada his dam iona g thoroughbred 3533 was a preformance jumper winning events of international importance cricket i himself an excellent jumper and on several occasion has hunted with the hunt club to owners of sound healthy mares any breed the fee are s10 00 at time of service with return privileges mares boarded 50c a day if desired- eggs wanted highest prices free pick up cases supplied w g birtiry rrfc no mi west hill ontario 134 egyptian amber seed wheat positively killing resists smut rust and winter very- heavy yielder available throughout he season at regular prices at dicksons hill mills stouffville phone 26302 markham rr oc ioe ioe ioe something new vts here the new farmau cos its the biggest little tractor bailt today utt right for farms of 40 crop seres or lesv full lioc of matched implement for ercrj farm ooerauon ask us about the farmalj gib now skk is im yd buv 54500 fob factory international w d atkinson mcdfr arfut motors stolffviiie