the tribune stouffviile ont thursday august 21 1947 sports pitcher dales for xewmarket and sphilman for stouffville partici pated m three of the playoff games within the last week 0 the three games sphilman saw action in thirteen innings and dales in four teen aurora juveniles who have a bye the local fans have supported j into the oba juvenile playdowns the junior ball team to the limit a juniors win chamionship jksaioust newmarket in rubber game played in aurora markham midgets winners of the xorth york group are standing by waiting for the next oba round oakville whom they were to have played next have dropped out of the running especially since the playoffs started they turned out in throngs to aur ora on monday night and its to be hoped they keep it up so long as the boys are in the running it really help- were rained out on monday night in their first game with whitby only one inning- had been played when time was called for the second successive year stouffville junior ball team ha ousted newmarket from the oba playoffs in the third game struck out three batters in the one and a half innings in which he of tneipjjcjied final series with the score tied 55 the h leam off going into the last innings stouff- start in vm j x both pitcher dales of newmarket and tirstsacker miller of stouffville received injuries in the final gamejhibiikm game here last week and on monday night but both were were runnersup in the softball able to continue in the game dales tournament at mount albert suffered a twisted ankle in going after a loose ball and miller was l uoolittle big talkative junior nicked by the spikes of a newmar- hardballer with aurora this year ket runner made an extra good showing at the i recent toronto leaf baseball school bill mundell starrv forward with a was picked as one of the four aurora junior hockey club lastjbest attending the school winter is another of the local lads i who has made good in the recent duii all c hockev trvout at bavina sink for baseball allmar the scottish league and bill win be selections made leaving along with the other one hundred and fifty plavers on sept the following are the cth ville came through with three runs to clinch the group championship s5 jewett came through with a double ken schell and carl seilars each singled to notch the three winning counters lanky fred i sphilman set down two of the last stouffville girls softball team are j three newmarket batters on strike- 1 not letting any grass grow under j outs and blight for newmarket their feet even though their sche- had given his supporters newj dule is over for this season the hope by getting on by an error girls downed agincourt in an ex- market pushing across three runs to stourt villes one however pitch ier brown was hard hit in the second innings posenko campbell and wilson touched him up for a double and two triples in that order and couplet with two walks tied up the game at fourall nick posenko made himself a hero in the third and fourth in the died on third base when his team xk preparing to steal failed to come through with horae p dales wtndup a similar stunt to that wnich he pulled in uie first game at newmarket however it was a nip and tuck battle all uales h pitch and tne way and the game wa mates a hit in doubt right up until the final out new- i posenko was pitch by umpi this run fly was caught jack watson member of mark- ham millionaires hockey club was wed on saturday to miss kathleen stunden of richmond hill sister of jlror-n- ioftsn norman stunden also a hockey lvuioia lb oman all star selections for the junior this season as handed out by lenlplate after a ion simmons league president and to even the score oba representative rouse started the game on the first team- c mac clement mound for stouffville but was re- on vaved in idyer behind the plate market took the lead in the second slouffvme a eige ln the innings 20 when hopper and fcnmhinniijj g blight tagged a ball thorns singled and dales got on byj a hne fo cemre fieu wnich was an error stouffville came right for ulree hunirel feet back in the top of the third io ran some d and score four runs and send newmar- j into the air w spear ne irive ket pitcher brown to the showers the av brough a big ovation newmarket added another run to f i s their total in the third and theni took the lead in the fifth 51 in s ouffvlle batters were definitely oft the beam after dales took over control and managed to get but two hits in four innings seven going down on strikeouts six errors by the local nine proved a costly total newmarket committed only three andrews i ij a stunden player of note gait red wings of the oha junior a group have signed an agreement with the philadelphia rockets of the american hockey league making them a farm team of this american pro outfit the philadelphia club will also operate a farm team at belleville sphihnan the third innings by bonerg hitting was spread with the bowiieks the mens provincial lawn bowl- aurora 2b grant blight new- thl oughout lne local te with no marketi 3b keith jewitt stouilljr ville ss jimmv rutledge newj p ge i tlh s market outfield loring doolitttle hopper was- the most potent battel tournamem in tron a in iv for kmvmnrtm ypttin i sinule l 1 oui nameiu was neiti in loion- aurora don campbell stoufli ivewmaikei a insie ville tommy mchale new- and a triple in three trips to the market plate second team c ken schell peelings were tense through the stouffville p tommy dales tj ame aml wag evidenced by newmarket lb stan miller brown i newmarket the following choices were given out by grant nighswander for the midget series first team c schell stouff- goulds cup trophy series set ro go on thursday evening the ux- bridge team arrived ingoodwood to play ball and before the first innings was over the local boys had ville i p ringwood markham 11 them20 and in the second 50 patterson richmond hill 2b from there on the game it was all petcli markham 3b watson goodwood as the game ended with markham ss hillaby richmond goodwood 0 to 2 now they are hill outfield roberts markham really headed for the playoffs and ward stouffville steffan rich- will play at uxbridge mondav mond hill evening the game was fast and second team c black mark- due to the umpiring of g pinkham ham p gerry simmons aurora entire game stouffville 2b ron simmons a l j aurora 3b mickey sutton ill b recalled that last year aftet aurora ss keith kyle aurora i successive protests and counter pro- outfield nick procenko stouff- tests stouffville defeated newmar- ville eric smith aurora don ket on the same aurora diamond there was no lagging or stalling in the field a good crowd was on hand to see the game and the ttoys played well witli al cooper on the mound and walt todd catching the boys in the field gave them good support with no errors g todd playing his first home game since his accidtnt was in high and scored 2 runs goodwood lineup foskctt rf hopkins 2nd s slack 1st g stales- ss w todd c a cooper p g todd cf a taley lf d cooper 3rd s mcguckin alternate uxbridge lineiip bradbury c knight st john 1st frederburg p hochberg shier butcher clarke neadisk umpire g pinkham bases r st john lb brown markham 2 b ron simmons aurora 3b wilkins newmarket ss mcarthur rich mond hill outfield shea mark ham i waters richmond hill thom newmarket canadian railways used about 700000 gallons of paint products each year to protect their property and rolling stock from all kinds of weather we learn from canadian paint and lacquer association al of which is very interesting the figure may look fabulous but would dwindle into significance if it were placed alongside the figures spent on painting the faces of railway female customers in a similar period for the championship again this year the first game was thrown out due to a dispute and again stouffville came through to squeeze the newmarketers from the runn ing h r e stouffville 7 s 3 newmarket 5 51 sfouffvilles one big innings too much for newmarket juniors tfiefcfyt hoovek converts instantly with a the hand from a rug cleaner cleaner for draperies uph shades bare floors and linoleur come in for details on the new hoover cleaner model 281 riches hardware stouffville ontario the second game of the two-out- ofthree oba playoff between stouffville and newmarket juniors ran true to form in pantry park on friday night newmarket suffered one bad innings in which stouff ville batters slammed pitcher hopper around plenty scoring six runs enough to win the game the big innings was the very first one and the local lineup batted right around jewett rouse sel lers and sphilman banged out a single two doubles and a triple and were aided by three field errors by newmarket freddie sphilman went the seven innings on the mound for stouff ville and gave up six hits striking out four sphilman was in trouble on numerous occasions and seven men were left stranded on the bases stouffvilles fielding support was poor although they came through with two double plays which drew a big hand from the crowd the one play was a line drive to sphilman who doubled the runner off second by tossing to minton the other twin play was minton to miller and miller to jewett on third red palmateer went in as a pinchhitter for newmarket in the fifth innings when the bases were loaded but sphilman disposed of the threat via the strikeout route miller got his third homer of the season in newmarket driving a high one well out of the park in the second innings there was no one on bases at the time but the fourbase clout increased stouff villes total to seven runs only three men faced sphilman in the last of the seventh two be ing fielded out and one struck out to end the game ss ii r k stouffville s s g newmarket c 5 1 juniors go down 85 in first official playoff game stouffville went down s5 before over three hundred fans in the first official playoff game with new market here on wednesday night the first game played in new market the week previous was thrown out by the oba officials stouffville led 55 going into the sixth innings when newmarket bats cracked out a double and a single which coupled with three errors gave the visitors four run enough to win pitcher dales on the newmarket mound turned in one of his best efforts and only seven stotiffvthe men faced him in the last two innings four of thesi bej in fc down on sxrikeotits sphiii man reheved iorre scheli on thej hill for souffviiie in the sixth and to last week and the ladies section entertained the american ladies who were in toronto witli their husbands on invitation from mahon of mimico lakeshore club mrs wmiiirkett and mrs g lemon attended the tournament their rink skipped by mrs lemon was in the money being high for two wins of is please keep in mind the mixed treble tournament this thursday evening at 7 pm in stouffville elsie the cow coming from new york scheduled for 13 days of personal appearances elsie the cow will return to the canadian national exhibition this year her last visit was in 1911 when she made exhi bition history by drawing an un ending line of spectators for two weeks she was introduced to the editor of this paper back in 1911 at the worlds fair in new york with elsie this year will be the latest addition to her growing family a baby brother for beulah making his first official appearance in canada the calf has not yet been named elsie is appearing at the ex in support of two welfare organizations the toronto hospital for sick children and christmas cheer for british children the evening telegram operates the latter fund no charge will be made for admission to see her but cash donated by her visitors will be equally divided between these two funds collection boxes supervised by hospital attendants will be placed in her booth to receive con tributions hospital officials will bank and distribute to the two funds every cent donated elsie the bovine carrer girl got her first break at the new york worlds fair in 1030 and was seen by the editor of the tribune at that time but if we happen to see her again at toronto its not likely she will recognize us sx the a b c of better baking aurora belle cake pastry flour aurora flour feed mills ltd for touch going gutta percha multiservice tire broad flat tread sturdy tread membaqs strengthened by adequate supporting bars to prevent concave wear heel- andtoe action and cupping multiservice truck tires provide all the traction you need drop in and see for yourself stouffville garage chrysler plymouth and fargo trucks stouffville ont ph 272 august 23rd lo september 6th except sunday keduced a ap round farc si o d tr children si 00 includes exhibition admision and bus transfer direct into and from the grounds leave stouffville s25 am leave toronto daylight time 1100 pm exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at toronto bus terminal to buses running into the grounds tickets and information at stouffville motors phone 170