the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 31 1947 make these classified advs your market place card of thanks live stock 350 leghorn pullets for sale 5 months old hollywood strain also 200 hybrid roosters weigh ing from 5 to 6 lbs milton gill- ham cedar vallev 122 number leghorn pullets for sale 3 mos old s a stouffer ph stouffville 706 19 pigs 10 and 11 weeks old for sale also sow and 9 pigs 0 weeks old bernard burneil claremont ph claremont 1 r2 pigs for sale six weeks old 5 young sows due in august 2 sows with litter of 20 three weeks old arthur hobson se cond farm north of gravel hill articles for sale sale register miscellaneous westinghouse electric rei friday august frigerator for sale co cycle in ex cellent condition- apply everett jones main st stouffville cattle kitchen cabinet for sale miss canada porcelain top 25 also lawn mower so thos scott claremont ph 5100 f1ndlay oval cook stove alex ratcliif ph 9912 stouff- for sale in good condition mrs ville pullets for sale 6 months old starting to lay fishers strain white wyandottes wyandotte x hampshire 160 each allan manderson balsam ph claie- mont s8 r3 132 sow strayed from my premises at altona finder contact dudley white ph 6906 stouffville woods coolers gcan autom atic dropin type 2s4 delaval milker with double unit s170 h and hp century motors 63 and ss2 electropail heaters s1675 holstein cows hay and straw taken in trade toronto radio sports ltd 211 yonge st toronto light sussex x hampshire pullets for sale starting to lay price right john a wilkie rr no 2 claremont 2 miles north of greenwood about 200 laying hens year olds new hampshire breed ph 9212 stouffville 125 yearling leghorn hens for sale fred nighswander ph 9010 electric washing machine for sale with wooden tub good phone 1701 mrs gordon holden mans bicycle for sale in good condition priced s2500 phone stouffville 1002 i i model a ford household furni- ture number of cedar posts and wood at lot 9 and 10 con 2 uxbridge the property of archie stewart sale at 130 pm terms cash lloyd turner clerk a s- farmer auctioneer saturday aug 2 household furniture at lot 13 con 9 14 miles east of claremont on the ninth of pickering the property of john maccallum sale at two oclock terms cash john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday aug 7 at the cot tage of a t hood ballantrae entire house furnishings dishes etc sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday aug- 16 entire household furniture dishesglass- ware cooking utensils at lot 27 con s pickering the proper ty of orville cox terms cash sale at one john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer i wish to thank all my kind friends and neighbors for their kindness shown me during my stay in the hospital and since my return home mr wm nesbitt lemonville custom plowing done sam barkey ph claremont 1512 122 notice chopping whites mill goodwood will bei closed for repairs from august 9tm f and relatives for ro sent 6th 13 their acts of kindness also the robert white i t lowers fruit candy cards books and letters which they sent to bar i wish to take this opportunity of expressing my most grateful thanks and appreciation to the to sept 6th help wanted wanted- good reliable man tq drive truck farmer preferred apply r h brillinger markhanj elevator phone 3 coming events keep in mind the mothercraft advice room in the united churck on tuesday august 12th sanitary work done cess pools septic tanks etc chas dadson bioomington- carpentering and cement work you get the material and well do the work j l ogden builders stouffville ph5s27 132 lumber for sale cedar posts and poles also mixed wood harry boose claremont even ings only 133 bara marilyn ami 1 while we were at home and in york countv hos pital especially to dr maopherson and the nurses at the hospital mrs jack beach maroon baby carriage for sale good as new can be seen at mrs e a grays main street stouffville power lawn mower for sale used for demonstration only priced right for quick sale bell sori ph 281 stouffville four quiet work horses for sale j barry phone stouffville 261 one black hog for sale orval fretz phone gg0s stouffville light sussexnew hampshire hybrid pullets for sale beginn ing to lay brad by an rop hat chery peter a jamieson rr2 uxbridge 7th con bray started pullets 3456 weeks also dayold and started chicks limited quantities but for immediate delivery inquire now and also place your order for augustsept chicks agent stiver bros automatic furnace coal stoker for sale in perfect condi tion 12500 4 bundles gentry asphalt shingles s12 some bc plywood two wheels and three inner tubes for s00 cwt army truck 2500 phone clare mont 21 rl2 implements for sale standard threshing mach ine for sale mount forest in good condition phone unionville 56 j4 hay and grain baled oat straw for sale ph 6004 stouffville 122 new potatoes for sale in any quantity at the farm e pegg just off the 7th of pickering 4v miles south and east of clare mont ten acres choice timothy for sale excellent for seed h a logan 1 mile north of stouffville phone 5609 for gooseberries and other fruit in season phone c davis 3s02 stouffville tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden sox massev harris dealers 4ti stouffville phone 25402 excavating and grading work done veterans construc- tion co phone stouffville 6503 47tf i wish to take this opportunity to thank all the kind neighbors and friends for the lovely cards and good wishes extended to me on mv birthday geo j trail lewis wells wishes to express his sincere thanks to his friends and relatives for the beautiful cards and also the lemonville wa for the lovely box of fruit sent to him during his recent operation in memoriam tenders wanted woods threshing machine for sale rebuilt by goodison rea sonable selling price apply chas ratcliff stouffville phone 2914 old horses s 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm chas cambell phone agincoiirt 18j12 collect agincourt rr2 1tf holstein cows and heifers wanted for export fresh close and backward spring ers highest prices paid roytindall 64 phone 365 stouffville cars for sale 1929 nashcabriolet for sale serial no 46s365 good running order good tires owner has got sedan price 12500 geo kelly gormley ph stouffville 1512 hudson 1936 eight cylinder coach for sale ph 3cs stouff ville binder for sale m h 7 ft cut fair condition don lawson claremont ph 3012 low farm wagon for sale in good condition also several 40 rod rolls of wire fence carl reesor ph 3621 stouffville 132 binder for sale masseyharris no 5 7 ft cut in good running order ph stouffville 6703 132 s ft binder for sale tractor hitch mccormackdeering david sauer 10th con of markham ph markham 49 ring 2 goodison wood threshing machine for sale 2s16 recondi tioned rodman welding works uxbridge phone 9 buck rake for sale with 72 chrysler also pole hereford bull 3 vears old- morris hardy clare mont phone 3306 1939 dodge panel truck for sale ij ton license top racks good all round ready to go to work dandy for roofer painter etc will accept small trade or cash phone 19703 stouffville car for sale 1935 chevrolet standard coach new paint body firstclass economical transporta tion apply white rose station stouffville d dunn ph 195 192s ford coach for sale recon ditioned motor five good tires in good condition serial no 6w 264 john maccallum claremont phone 6 r4 1931 pontiac sedan neater lawrence gray for sale ph 8 r3 markham 7th con pickering one ton 1936 gmc truck for sale new tires tarp and racks in good condition price 550 a heaton gormley phone 7315 stouffville 1937 federal 2 ton 14 stake tires good running order phone mt albert 2316 1937 federal 2 ton 14 stake bqdy s ton license good tires and spare new paint job ready for the road s50 dicksons hill mills 132 1931 ford coach for sale in good condition 3 new tires ph stouffville 7306 heavy utility personell army truck for salegross weight 7000 1942 model new engine as sembly serial no 2s445097ss four wheel drive ph uxbridge 163 rll truck for sale 36 diamond t stake body phone 9212 stouff ville light chevrolet truck for sale 1500 runs well apply to h douglas mile south stouffville on 9h lf3i ford roadster for sale motor overhauled apply to mrs gordon while ringwood 1941 dodge coach for sale in good shape and good lires phone claremont 2216 ifcs chev for sale also a car radio ph 2504 stouffville send friend the tribune to absent farm implements for sale binder mh 5 ft disc harrows rake riding plow steel wheel wagon seed drill electric fen cer new harness cream se parator tools etc articles too numerous to mentionalso house hold furniture princess pat cream enamel stove coal or wood all articles must be sold and very reasonable mrs wm stone vivian 8th con 2 miles north of ballantrae county of ontario applications will be received by the county of ontario for the office of county treasurer or the office of treasurer clerk applicants to state age and qualifications salary to be set by the county council applications should be clearly marked and mailed to mr j a hawtin chairman of the commit tee beaverton ontario on or be fore august 15th 1947 r donald ruddy county clerk court house whitby ontario garden tractors we have on hand 1m and 3 horse empire garden tractors also bob- alawn lawn mowers come in and see them henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4ti stouffville phone 25402 for sale gilson furnaces immediate delivery electric shallow well water systems fairbanksmorse pump jacks electric fencers fencer batteries waterloo double disc 7 and 8 ft 1 belle city grain thresher 24x42 delivery in one week gilson woods milk coolers e- j stickley phone stouffville 7513 lost and found jones in loving memory of a dear husband and father ernest jones who passed away aug 1 1944 he suffered patiently and long his hope was bright his faith was strong the place of jesus filled his breast and in his arms he sank to rest ever remembered by his loving wife beula and familv toronto east rural pres- byiery ypu will sponsor a play- party at markham arena wednes day aug gth at s30 pm directed by john madsen nationallyknown folk dance instructor everybody welcome collection refreshments the wa of the goodwood un ited church will hold their monthly meeting at mrs norman waggs on thursday aug 7th at 230 devo tional will be taken by mrs ted hall and program is in charge of mrs ed sheekev washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf announcement wi hem axs church summer bible school august 4 is give your children the advantage of this course in bible instruction pick up cars will run on regular routes as in previous years for further information phone the dir ector of school a d grove stouffville 7702 coax tenders one carload of eureka egg coal or equal quality wanted delivered to claremont school tenders close august 1 1947 send tenders to miss a forgie secretary clare mont tenders tenders will be received up to august 4th for daily transportation of pudils of ss no 6 whitchurch township to and from ss no 7 for the school year 19471948 ad dress all tenders and apply for par ticulars to garnet evans rr nol gormley lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted personal custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 1tf auction sale of household furniture at lot 13 con 9 1v miles cast of claremont 9th of pickering on sat aug 2nd the property of john maccallum glass doors diningroom z an apology it has been called to my attention that certain statements made by me concerning miss edith holly are incorrect and untrue and in justice to her good reputation i hereby withdraw anything i may have said against the said edith holly as untrue regretting that anything i said may have offended her or the family leona chase strayed friday july 25 six shropshire lambs from con 7 lot 16 township of pickering hugh miller ph 3 r3 claremont mom and pop pop say mom im going up to see if geo has plenty of rakers swektner mom a trivial excuse to get away from work is better than none pop pop well you know mom with so j dominion washwell electric wash- much canning preserving soft er 60 cycle new drinks picnic he might belgood stock of both direct and belt new and used farm equipment for immediate delivery cockshutt stifftooth cultivator with power lift and tractor hitch new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt 2 and 3 furrow tracton plows new cockshutt no30 grain grindersnew cockshutt and fairbanks morse hammer mills new otaco rubber tired wagons new masseyharris 6 ft binder no 5 used chorboy garden tractor near new potato digger used fleurybissell tractor disc harrowa new woods silson milk coolers new delaval milking machines and cream separators new woods shur shock electric fen cers gilson snowbird gasoline washer real estate best offer accepted on a six- roomed 2 story house 25x25 to be taken down or can be moved as is from property wm taylor lot 27 con 5 markham building lots choice building lots still available on lloyds ave 52xl30 phone 6703 stouff- ville one building for sale 1sx24 100 new cement blocks also 10 pigs 7 weeks old donald mccul- lough claremont ph 1612 auction sale of household furniture the property of a t hood son ballantrae thurs aug 7 2 dressers felt mattress arrow mattress springs good as new kitchen cabinet diningroom sidebarod 2 iron beds and springs kitchen table and 6 chairs card table 4 chairs good as new small tables 2 rocking chairs three acres and house near- ing completion in markham twp for sale immediate possession also 5 acre place near goodwood and good residence with acre and quarter of land in goodwood willoughby farm agency h moyer ph 8309 wanted sod wanted we do our own cutting and hauling apply to lorefice bros ph evenings to agincourt 130 jl3 113 used hand washing machine wanted must be in good condi tion bruce r macdonald union ville rr 1 watkins dealers require salesmen for pickering markham and king townships apply to e a erickson uxbridge rr no 4 132 50 to 100 acre farm wanted to rent long term lease desired good buildings and hydro essen tial apply to box h tribune office eggs wanted highest prices free pick up cases supplied w g hartley reg no ml west hill ontario 134 renfrew cookrite stove coal or wood reservoirs nearly newand pipes chesterfield suite buffet with mirror round extension table with 4 leaves 10 kitchen chairs large chest drawers 2 washstands 5 piece toilet set white sewing machine 2 coal oil lamps victrola and records buffet alladin lamp shade large ice box 2 large mirrors 4 bedsteads and springs spring filled mattress 2 cotton mattresses pillows and blankets new 5 tube electrotone radio new batteries 3 or 4 dozen sealers window blinds 2 cowhide robes dishes pots and pans crosscut saw couch and mattress and other ar ticles too numerous to mention rale at attention farmers and horsemen get in tne money now raise colls in big demand i inspect at your convenience 3 camp chairs 3 piece chesterfield cricket beautiful bay 16 hand ironing board medicine chest hunter stallion standing at the pm john scott clerk a s farmtr auctioneer kiddie table and chair electric floor lamp electric mantle lamp electric toaster organ stool electric hot plate 2 burners meat grinder egg beater 4 butcher knives 3 meat forks toast fork 2 bread knives glass water set fruit dish number of glasses 2 sauce pans number odd dishes and platters 3 potato mashers ricers 2 potato whippers cake tin 3 pie plates 3 cookie jars pictures tables knives forks and spoons mail box 12 dish pans wash bow 2 tubs floor brick 15 lbs broom double boiler large preserving pot medium preserving pot 2 potato preserving pols 2 pudding dishes roasting pan iron frying pan 2 tea pots mixing bowl 2 tea kettles axe washboard 4 potato pails 2 garden hoes snow shovel round mouth shovel 2 feather pillows quilts 2 large floor covers trims cab salr mart 130 term cash a 8 farmer auctioneer white picket farms claremont ont cricket is the first stallion pro duced in canada from registered hunter stock under the plan which the light horse improvement society have been carrying on for a number of years to produce a dis tinct breed of canadian hunters he has been inspected approved and registered by the society and is also registered in the live stock- records stud book he was pro duced by the sifton stables toron to his manners are good and dis position wonderful imp his sire nougat imp 157 an imported french coach stud has sired many good hunters throughout canada his dam iona g thoroughbred 3533 was a preformance jumper winning events of international importance cricket is himself an excellent jumper and on several occasions has hunted with the hunt club to owners of sound healthy mares any breed the fees are 1000 at time of service with return privileges mares boarded 50c a day i if desired short like he was last year mom yes threshing apple sauce apple butter cider pickling bet ter get a goodly supply pop mom come on along we wont be long mom no pop ive got these cher ries raspberries and the family reunion to look after diabetics like bakers swcetner no bitter taste in tea coffeebak- ing cooking preserving canning fat people like it z particular people like it sugary taste no coupons easy to use bakers sweetner receipt booklets tells how easy to use bakers swcetner 500 worth bakers swcetner is as sweet as 1400 worth sugar 20 ozs 25 25 ozs 30 40 ozs 45 80 ozs 80 1 gallon 150 5 gallons 725 10 gallons 1350 25 gallons 3125 52 gallons 6300 106 gallons 12650 no refund on containers price subject to change without notice transportation prepaid on cash with order shipments of 10 gallons or more up to 100 miles to nearesl express freight or transport office george e baker phmb pharmaceutical chemist stouffville ontario drive pressure pumps hand pumps pump jacks etc in stock bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 under new management bells radio electrical appliance repair shop prompt and efficient repair service on all makes of radios home appliances etc radio cabinets refinished only genuine parts used and all work guaranteed pick up and delivery if desired at reason able rates wesley wright mgr phone 281 stouffville ont farrs elevator claremont ph res 3si office 38wi we have molasses order early two cars of pig grower on hand oat and wheat chop scratch feed 16 dairy be sure and start your hens on the right laying mash master feeds are proven and guar anteed hardwal plaster insulating wool and batts roofing b c shingles and asphalt shingles prepared feeds master and maple leaf binder twine come to claremont field day august 4th moocxmoocomooooi ioc for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 4707 stouffville rjli 3qboi 300 wanted i dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up telephones stouffville 255 markham 43 r claremont 9rl4 uxbridge 37 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd toronto ad3636 oe 30e30i aoi c 30e30e aoc specialized repair service r youx tractor could talk xl it could tbu you what ails it but it cant so yowd better do some checking now our shop can take cabe of you see us b4 itstoo late we aim to please international w d atkinso mcderr agent cs3qe3q t motors stoufpvhir toboe aonoi