the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 26 1947 business directory dental stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 8103 fuller brush products markham pickering uxbridge and scott townships phone 6502 stouffville write to vic pennanen stouftville or call at house on main st e near 10th concession mail orders cod or express collect lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical day and night service neil c smith lds- dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 16t stouffville sunday school lesson old peoples home at whitby fire trap j the old peoples home at whitby i was called a fire trap bv some niem- ireson zor june 29 jbersof ontario countv council golden text he cod will teach yen jn ssssion a w last u of his ways and we will walk his paths isa 2 3 j reeve p w duffy of mara town- the iessrfi as a whole j s stated that if a nre broke out in the epite to the romans in the home it would be extremely paul asks the question what ad- difficult for an ablebodied man to vantage then hah the jew he get himself out of the building let replies much every way chiefly alone an elderly person he added because that unto them were com that he did not see how occupants honor graduate of royal college j mined the oracles of god rom j of the building could get from the e s barker lds dds dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office over marie jacks beauty parlor phone 27402 markham every tuesday medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and mai phone 19g coroner for york county 1 2 the whole world is indebted third floor at all and in his opinion to the nation of israel for preservjthe inmates would be burned to ing for us the word of god the death bible god chose this people to be his wiinssses in the earth usa 43 contending that it was a shame to have 130 persons in a building 10 their history demonstrates the t with little or no fire protection value and the authority of his duncan mclntyre whitby deputy word as we ponder his dealings j reeve charged that if a fire occurr- with them both in mercy and in ed and subsequent investigations judgment we learn great and resulted the ontario county would important lessons as to our own be in a position to be thoroughly responsibility both as individuals ashamed and as nations we see in their be- reeve andrew muir pointed out havoir the blessedness of obedience that the countv hires four men to and the folly of selfwill they be come thus an outstanding object lesson for all times emphasizing the truth of the divine government i occupants of the and warning against any attempt deserving of our auctioneers sellers atkinson ph ag 201 w2 ph stouff 290 licensed auctioneers 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special izing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales per sonally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted prompt service reasonable rates phone 290 stouffville ken clarke prentice auctioneers licenced and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual services for the price of one milliken po ph agincourt b2w3 markham po ph markham e06 ko sales too big or too small prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 hours daily 0 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvllh monday and friday 9 to 12 am insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville a s farmer licensed auctioneer tork county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address gormley po h o klinck phone 3307 stouffville fire auto burglary sickness anc accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 years experience strength and service unexcelled to thwart the will of god said through the hebrew people to whom he had revealed himself he preserved for the world the truth of the unity of the godhead as opposed to the imaginary deities of the pagan nations israel too gave to mankind the conception of the kingdom of god as a regenerated society where the divine will was to be accomplished and all nations brought into bless ing but best of all it was through this chosen race that the primeval gospel message was handed down through the ages of the savio the virginborn seed of the woman who in clue time was to bruise the head of the old serpent the devil j and satan and redeem lost men fitting them for the paradise of god verse by verse psa 119105 thy word is a lamp and a light psalm consisting of twentytwo sections arranged acrostically in the order of the hebrew alphabet is a glorification of the word or prevent criminals from escaping and to offer fire protection in the county jail in my opinion the home are more protection he micah g 1 hear ye now what the lord saith he has spoken in his inspired word he calls upon all men everywhere to listen and to heed his voice he alone can fore tell the future even as he alone can redeem mankind verse 2 the lord hath a con troversy with his people and he will plead with israel for centur ies got had warned israel and entreated them to turn from the sins which could only ruin them if persisted in but they refused to hearken and continued in their folly in fighting against god they were fighting against their own best interests verse 3 testify against me tenderly god called upon israel to explain their unfilial conduct he had been as a father to them why had they turned away from him i what had he ever done to deserve isuch callous treatment in what wearied them that they testimony of the lord which fp 2 is illuminated the darkness dispelling f g alsop life auto fire sickness and accident insurance phone 5002 stouffville ont stouffville machine cr tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery f m pugh phone 3805 stouffville insurance fire auto burglary in the last twenty years the mutual life of canada has paid their policyholders twentytwo dividends a record equalled by no other canadian company prompt and courteous service d a beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business phone pickering 5 r22 address brougham ont machinery repairs r g clendening funeral director barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer ex barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office wcpollardkc- port perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 ignorance and superstition and indicating the path god would have men take as they pass through this scene that word is both a beacon light shining on high and a foot- lamp or lantern to guide the feet aright isa 2 2 in the last days this term invariably indicates the days of messiah when after mans long years of failure to govern himself the lord shall appear to set up his kingdom in power and thus subject all nations to himself verse 3 out of zion shall go forth the law when the king returns to earth as predicted in many prophecies he will set up his throne on mt zion and from thence the word of the lord will go forth to all nations this will be literally fulfilled in the coming day of jehovahs power verse 1 neither shall they learn war any more until christ returns there will be wars and rumors of war in spite of all well- meant efforts to prevent them but when he takes the kingdom he will cause wars to cease to the ends of the earth he will work in the hearts of men causing them to hate and judge the sins that make for bloody conflicts between nations when his laws are written upon mens hearts they will live in peace one with another l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night phone stouffville 9801 consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st ad 0go5 city and country homes farms small acreages industrial business properties harvey moyer is your local representative phone 8309 stouffville ambulance service markham ontario phone 9000 hollinrake bartrem barristers solicitors 49 wellington st east toronto el 6196 money to loan on mortgages stouffville office saturday morning by appointment residence phone mo 6235 office phone elgin 7021 samuel d borens barrister solicitor etc 308 temple bidg 62 richmond street west toronto ontario albert brett co accountants and auditors toronto markham erin fnone markham 211 28tf taxi service telephone stouffville 37903 for prompt taxi service all our passengers are fully covered with insurance for passenger hazard passengers carried anywhere k laushway stouffville ontario idols in place of the one who had wrought so wondrously on their behalf verse 4 i brought thee up out of egypt and redeemed thee out oi the house of servants god had looked upon them in pity and com passion when they were down trodden slaves serving in egyptian brick kilns he had redeemed them from their cruel bondage and brought them to himself through the instrumentality of moses aaron and miriam but alas they had forgotten him even as they proved recreant to the memory of these great leaders verse 5 o my people remem ber now that ye may know the righteousness of the lord he would have them recall the deliver ances of the past when in their helplessness they were about to be destroyed until he intervened to save them and to thwart the evil purpose of their adversaries in his love and in his righteousness he had wrought on their behalf but they had forgotten his many mercies and had chosen the path of selfwill so that now he could do no other in righteous retribution than deliver them over to the will of their enemies he who would so glady have come to their relief had they but turned back to him in repentance was forced by the very holiness of his own being to act as though he were their enemy verse 6 wherewith shall i come before the lord and bow myself before the high god it is the question every man ought to face will it be sufficient to come before god with sacrifices and offerings such as were prescribed in the law these had their place in the levitical economy but they could never take away sin or fit a man to come into the presence of the infinitely holy one hob 104 verse 7 shall i give my first born for my transgression if i gave the dearest on earth would that suffice to put away my sins is it this that god requires verse s he hath shewed thee o man what is good to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy god this is the path of life to give god his right ful place and yield heartobedience to him remember he spoke to a people already in covenant relation ship on the ground of sacrifice the heart of the lesson the entire world is indebted to the hebrew people for preserving for us the holy scriptures through which alone we may learn the mind of god and the way of life then too we may learn from israels sad failure the folly of taking the path of selfwill and so becoming expos ed to the displeasure of god while he does not desire the death of the sinner but that all should turn to him and live he gives to men the power of choice to yield to him in faith and obedience or to turn from him and so take the road that leads to endless ruin israel remains today jehovahs witness in the earth the history of this nation is the proof that the scriptures are divinely inspired and therefore infallibly correct in every detail the present prairie farm re habilitation act will be continued as applicable to the established pfra area in the tiiree prairie provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alberta said hon james gardiner minister of agriculture adding that canada has now reach- ed the time when larger irrigation j projects are being proposed to pfra it has been suggested that because of the benefits already apiarent in the area to which pfra has been applied the principles of the act should be extended by legislation to all other parts of canada it is considered however that there are certain works outside the drought area which if undertaken would be of assistance to all canada through making possible increased development of farm lands which if left to provincial or municipal responsibility might greatly retard canadas development lawn mowers repaired sharpened electric acetylene welding w j smith located at international motors phone res 3002 shop 290 sfloeeodedoooeooeeooj soodoofl gormley cement block co rock face blocks a specialty we now have for immediate delivery both s and 10 plain and rock face cement blocks these blocks are steam cured in kilns to give you good sound blocks without chips and cracks order now to avoid disappointments in the spring and summer any information or estimates glady given phone stouffville 7320 toronto ma 7709 gormley ont massey harris implements parts and service we have on hand 13 spring tooth horse cultivator double discs new and used binders mowers dump rakes potato sprayer milking machine water pump 10 j4 inch grain grinders 6 inch electric grinders walking plows cement mixers roofings and sidings henry 0gden son stouffville ont phone 25402 a more profitable when shes protected from insects c tormenting flies can cut your cattles weight and milk yield through restlessness shell livestock spray is the sure way to rid your herd of insect pests the easy way the safe way guaranteed harmless to livestock and humans clear the air at milking time with shell livestock spray morning and night then spray it directly on the cattle before putting them out to pasture and before bedding them down insects and flies are re pelled round the clock before they bite be sure you always have shell livestock spray on hand 160 an imperial gallon and shell ddt barn spray on stalls corners inside surfaces and eaves manure piles forms a longlasting film of death get the jump on flies this year by spraying their breeding places with longlasting shell ddt barn spray dries hard stays put wont blow away lasts all season 225 an imperial gallon