the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 26 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock bay gelding horse for sale age lako2cows due to freshen this month roy cordingley lot 24 con 4 uxbridge 63 articles for sale i sale register help wanted canoe 12 for sale with two paddles in very good condition phone 18401 bob calves wanted holstein or heavy breeds rhone 4703 stouffile for sale two holstein heifers due about june 24 also young holstein bull serviceable age few bags kathadin potatoes apply lot 22 rear con 0 pickering llovd j white 72 bra- chicks immediate delivery most varieties dayolds and some started pullets nonsexed and cockerels contact us soon for prices august chicks should be ordered now too agent m watts stiver bros 150 leghorn pullets for sale 3 months old arnold harper phone stouffville 5102 ten pigs for sale six weeks old m mazure tenth concession 2nd place east of gravel hill wood silo for sale right geo smallev phone 2101 ood priced stouffville computing scales for sale s45 also egg crates and a few chicken crates phone 343 fan for sale 12 heavy duty 25 cycle 1500 battery radio port able type with new batten russel m gray brougham 2burner electric plate for sale with insulated oven phone stouffville 27203 3 prs ladies shoes for sale navy 7a white 6a brown and white saddle oxfords gie also ladies beige tweed suit is and bows 3 niece suit longs breeches anil coat size s stouffville 2501 yorkshire boar for sale s mos old advanced registry also one sow bred two months phone claremont s rl4 alex schneider eight pigs for sale ready to wean norman fretz ph stouff ville 6g0s wanted bob ffville 5g09 calf phone sum- 400 light sussex x new hampshire pullets for sale five months old j degenmier rri goodwood ph 9413 stouffville after 6 pm cocker puppies for sale after six law ballantrae call yorkshire sow for sale with 10 pigs phone stouffville 8g08 willis taylor ten pigs for sale 6 weeks old bruce baker ph stouffville 206 2 or 3 bird cages wanted ph 159 stouffville best cash offer buys good as new maroon and blue studio suite couch and two chairs chrome with walnut finish frame owners moving friday bolton slack main st opp station fence rails wideman ph for sale stouffville herb 5504 electric stove general elec tric hotpoint for sale last pre war model 3 burners swift cook er side oven ph stouffville 3912 mans bicycle ccjm for sale in good condition ph mtalbert 4120 boys bicycle for sale in condition for further particulars phone stouffville s420- chickens number of light sussex x new hamp pullets for sale 3 mos old mrs d burnett ph stouffville 6412 for sale ayrshire cow due electric philco radio cabinet s1200 call after 5 pm thos davis claremont ph 1s04 buzz saw for sale hydraulic manure loader buckrake on chrysler car also another chry sler car ready to put buckrake on new tires one power lawn mower 3furrow plow ace bot tom earth scoop on ferguson ford tractor geo constable ph claremont 700 personal angelique grey hair restorer effectively returns natural colour and beauty to g hair 1 at constipation biliousness indi gestion quickly safetly relieved with kipps herb tablets 25c 75c at storeys drug store empire cook stove for sale cream and green new grates gordon mortson stouffville ph 4016 battery radio for sale rogers majestic with short wave in good condition stewart vague phone 5716 ringwood mower for sale mccormick- deering 5 ft oil bath with trac tor hitch in good order maple lodge farm ph 4707 stouffville outboard motor evinrude sportsman 25 hp in good condi tion phone 168 chas ward real estate pasture available for 15 or 20 head shade and running water east of uxbridge r e brandon ph 19 rl2 markham 62 good building 26x18 and lot for sale in west end suitable for converting into house water installed allen clossen phone 309 stouffville 7tf public notice i f w bud akney dp hereby declare that i am not responsible for any debts incurred in my name by anyone also the sale of any livestock farm produce or imple ments on my farm cannot be made without my permission f w akney old horses s 15 we will pay you s 1500 for your old horse at your farm phone agincourt 18j12 collect chas campbell aglncourt rr2 1tf holstein cows and heifers wanted for export fresh close and backward spring ers highest prices paid roytindall f54 phone 365 stouffville cars for sale 1929 chev sedan car for sale also some collie pups roy see- beck ph 81r21 markham 1931 durant sedan for sale applv r e reaman mtalbert ph 11 os chrysler 1935 sedan fqr sale 6 plv tires good reliable car every way 375 apply h douglas mile south of town on 9th for sale winterized house trailer sleeps two ice box and water tank cupboards heavily wired 60000 also 1932 pontiac coupe good condition jack ries ringwood for quick sale mole motor sales phone 372 1941 chrysler royal sedan 1941 bufck sedan 1941 dodge coach 1947 chev sedan 1939 pontiac coach 1937 chev coach all these cars good condition in exceptionally hay and grain potatoes for sale les wide- man ph stouffville 1104 quantity of old potatoes for sale e a lloyd ph 6708 farm for sale 250 acres barn 50x110 good stone house silo other buildings good wheat land selfdrained lte miles east of claremont terms possession anytime phone 3617 cecil story 72 lost and found lost truck tarpaulin between stouffville and no 7 on townline reward phone mark 75r4 w a reesor strayed holstein bull six mon ths old from lot 15 con 9 whit church around june 20 archie nesbitt phone stouffville 5805 keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf attention farmers and horsemen get in the money now raise colts in big demand inspect at your convenience cricket beautiful bay 16 hand hunter stallion standing at the white picket farms claremont ont cricket is the first stallion pro duced in canada from registered hunter stock under the plan which the light horse improvement society have been carrying on for a number of years to produce a dis tinct breed of canadian hunters he has been inspected approved and registered by the society and is also registered in the live stock records stud book he was pro duced by the sifton stable to his manners are position wonderful friday june 27 important ex tensive sale registered accredited herd dual purpose shorthorns reg clyde horses near new implements new mh tractor on rubber farm stock and imple ments at lot 46 con 1 vaughan estate of the late a j mitchell terms cash- no reserve farm sold sale must open prompt at 12 noon for catalogues applv to farm manager king at richmond hill franklin and prentice bros auctioneers saturday june 2s extensive auction sale of waterloo thresh ing machine ihc tractor one way disc power mower and bin der power machinery imple ments reg and grade holstein cattle blood tested furniture hay grain etc on lot 12 con9 vaughan twp on no 27 highway 1 miles north of no 7 highway near woodbridge propertv of price evans terms cash no re serve farm sold as this is a large sale it will start sharp at 1130 am dst see posters ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday june 28 extensive sale of registered and grade cat tie power machinery stock im plements furniture the property of p t evans lot 12 con 9 vaughan no reserve farm sold sale starts sharp at 1130 as it is very large sale refreshment booth watch sale list in next issue ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday july 5 auction sale of farm stock implements dairy cattle standing hay cro poultry household furniture etc on lot 21 con 2 pickering twp miles north of kingston rd near liver pool arms hotel property belong ing to john a fairbaini terms cash no reserve as proprietor is forced to give up farming due to ill health sale at 1 pm dst ken clarke prentice auction eers markham ph 206 milliken ph 52w3 saturday july 5 household furniture electric fan electric toaster fancy dishes glassware etc the property of the estate of the late mrs h gray on peter street north markham terms cash sale at 2 dst sellers atkinson auctioneers public auction sale of 96 girl or woman wanted for general housework plain cooking july august at ballantrae com fortable quarters evenings free 00 per month call at weekend mrs hollinrake ph s402 stouff ville or collect call to toronto hyland 1020 before the weekend salam tenders wanted tenders tenders will be received for the purchase of church sheds at vic toria square approximately loox isft sheds to be removed bv august 10 1947 all broken shin gles and wood to be cleaned up in workmanlike manner highest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted tenders to be in hand of secretary or trustee board not later than saturdav julv 5th at 10 pm h s collard sec 72 gormley rr no 2 miscellaneous oil burner installation and service rca victor auto radios with amazing warproven miniature tubes radio repairs donald giffin edgelev phone maple 74r23 s2 card of thanks i wish to thank my many friends and neighbors for cards and gifts also the womens institute for their lovely box sent during mv re cent stay in the hospital mrs stanley lewis rawleigh products on hand now ddt in liquid and powder fly killer 24d weed killer and many other products phone 342 or call at house will call on customers soon ira d rusnell 3tf excavating work done tion co 6503 and grading veterans construc- phone stouffville 47tf custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 1tf tractor repairs we are equipped to give you prompt service on tractor repairs henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tf stouffville phone 25402 rev f g huson and mrs huson desire that the members and ad herents of gormley and bethesda churches kind neighbors and the many friends to please accept their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for cards fruit flowers delicacies and many acts of kindness while mr huson was in the hospital and during the days of his convales cence at home also for the liberal love offering received at the sun day afternoon service at pikes peak tent meetings implements for sale mh corn cultivator for sale tworow norman reesor phone slr3 markham rubbertire wagon for sale apply harold hornshaw white- vale ont ph markham 55r5 we wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and nei ghbors for- their help and kindness shown during our recent bereave ment mrs carter and family we wish to take this opportunity to thank our relatives friends and neighbors for the gifts and dona tions of money which were greatly appreciated also the claremont fire brigade and the many friends that assisted at the time of out fire mr and mrs chas symes walter symes acre garden tractors we have on hand iv and 3 horse empire garden tractors also bob- farm horses full line of horse alawn lawn mowers come in and drawn implements harness and see them henry ogden son massey harris dealers 4tl stouffville phone 25402 many other articles at lot 24 con 2 markham m mile north of richmond hill and east a mile and a quarter first farm south the property of i d noll on sat urday july 5 description of of property 96 acre farm 18 miles from city hall toronto electric ity in 3 large barns an 80 ft chicken house 70 ft implement shed bank barn all roofs in good condition 8 room brick house 2 bathrooms with shower baths in door plmbing never failing stream through centre of proper ty with 29 acres of fall wheat 21 acres of oats 25 acres of hay above crops are looking in first- class condition farm sold sub ject to reserve bid terms on pro perty 10 on day of sale cash within ten days balance left on first mortgage on iv interest immediate possession sale of farm at 3 pm chatties horses 1 brown gelding 10 yrs black pereheron 10 yrs bay clyde 10 yrs bay colt 2 yrs also full line implements harness equipment terms on chattels cash sale at 1 pm no reserve owner moving to usa a s farmer auc tioneer wanted coming events notice annual decoration service at churchill cemetery on sunday june 29 at 3 oclock rev e morton will be the guest speaker william mckeown 72 sectreas peachs memorial service the annual memorial service at peachs cemetery will be held on sunday july 6th further details next week wexford institute dance the wexford womens institute are holdinc an oldtime dance in the wexford arena on friday eve june 27th from 9 oclock to 1 pm ken rose and his orchestra come and have a good time wanted small size ice boxes ph stouffville 713 accommodation teacher and wife require suitable living ac commodation apply e t pherrill john st thornhill or ph thorn- hill 23 83 wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up telephones stouffville 255 markham 43 r3 claremont 9rl4 uxbridge 27 we pay phone charges gordon xoung ltd toronto ad3636 auto tractor for sale in ax condition p f bramwell stouf fville rr4 small wagon for sale hard rubber tires horse and tractor hitch also a steel tired wagon medium height good and a fe male purebred toy manchester terrier pups black and tan very small 12 weeks old allen reesor lot 3 con 4 scarboro markham ph 2gr3 md oil bath mower for sale three years old one new ideal mower md in good running condition also 1020 md tractor with variable speed governor in good condition mh 13hoe drill 3 years old apply wesley clark rr4 gormley ph richmond hill 47rl model s case tractor on rubber starter lights 3furrow cockshutt tractor plow phone 600 stouffville mh transplanter for sale good working order and priced right bell son phone 281 stouffville wanted commode chair apply geo austin albert st stouffville pasture wanted for 12 head of cattle fred j bagg union- ville ph stouffville 4106 carpenter work wanted shingling and insul brick siding alterations and repairs j l ogden ph 5s27 stouffv 72 washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouff 281 bell son wanted for export holstein springer cows and heifers we pay the highest market prices phone or write to l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 garden party wednesday evening july 9th under auspices of the melville wa at the home of mr and mrs alf miller 1m miles north of unionville on the sixth toronlof markham amusements games good and dis- come and bring your family and friends if a rainy clay the party his sire nougat is an imported will be held july 10th french coach stud approved j inspected and registered by the i service will be held at light horse improvement and hl sunday canadian hunter society and in the live stocks records stud book he has sired many good hunters throughout canada his dam lona g a thorough bred 3533 was a performance jumper winning important events at the royal winter fair pennsyl vania devon new york rochester detroit michigan and others of international importance cricket is himself an excellent jumper and on several occasions has hunted with the hunt club to owners of sound healthy mares any breed the fees are 1000 at lime of fcervice with return privileges mares boarded 50c a dav if desired inspection invited call at th stables any time or phone clare tron 322 for further information june 29th at 230 pm rev archie doner will be the speaker a male quarette will sing simeon hoover secretary bought markham business raymond h brillinger has pur chased the entire business of d e jones of markham known as the markham elevator of which he takes possession on julv 1st he emends to handle all kinds of coal wood cement grains seeds and feed when available and other public meeting to consider regulating use of lands in village of stouffville ratepayers of stouffville are advised trat they may attend a meeting called prior to the regular council meeting on thursday even ing july 3 for the purpose of con sidering a bylaw to regulate the use of land in stouffville the proposed bylaw provides that no land within the limits of the village shall be used except in com pliance with the provisions of the proposed bylaw no building shall be erected for dwelling purposes costing less than 2500 no building shall be erected for residential purposes on a lot less than 50 feet frontage by 100 in depth and the distance from the street shall be regulated the bylaw shall not apply to any existing building or buildings the full text of the bylaw may be iseen any time before the meeting by ratepayers desiring to examine its contents by applying at the office of the village clerk the council approves of the by law and many ratepayers have urged its enactment which will be carried out provided the same sup- accessories to the needs of farmers is accorded up to the time of he solicits your patronage and passing thereof your guarantees courteous prompt delivery service and friday junh 2s last dance of season at claremont in community hall bruce goulds orchestra admission 35 cents this public meeting is called to give one and all an opportunity to voice any objection they may wish to make bv order a v nolan reeve new and used farm equipment for immediate delivery ihc 13 hoe drill good condition kid kangaroo gang plow near new ihc- singlefurrow plow good condition cockshutt stifftooth cultivator for tractor nearly new quebec sulky plow good condition beatty bros gasoline washer new cockshutt mowers new delaval cream separator new kid kangaroo gang plow new spray motor barrel type new cockshutt no 30 grinder near new cockshutt no 3 hammer mill new several shallow and deep well water pressure systems hand pumps pump jacks etc on hand bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 farm equipment woods 6can automatic coolers 284 delaval milkers completely installed with motor 249 up elec- itropail heaters 1675 new cent aury motors and hp fence controls regular 1295 special price 1000 used electric grinder half price 12500 new cockrum grinder onethird off 5000 new beach coal and wood ranges 6850 up oil space heaters 10695 holstein cows hay and straw taken in trade 52tf toronto radio sports 241 yonge st toronto births anderson mr and mrs warren anderson sinclairville new york nee grace bell daughter of mr and mrs c h bell mill street stouffville are happy to announce the birth of their daughter gloria june on friday june 20 1947 at the brierbush hospital stouffville angliss at the brierbush hos pital stouffville on thursday june 19 1947 born to mrand airs william angliss nee dorothy stewart goodwood ont a son evans mrand mrsedgar jevans of claremont ont are happy to announce the arrival of their son donald edgar at the brierbush hospital stouffville on tliursdav june 19 1947 he1se to mr and mrs russell heise gormley a son kenneth barry on saturday june 21 1917 a brother for david logan mr and mrs alex logan nee lillian shannon rr2 stouffville are happy to an nounce the birth of their son keith edward at the brierbush hospital stouffville on saturday june 21 1947 lewis to mr and mrs fred lewis claremont rr 3 on june 21 1917 a daughter miller mr and mrs milliard r miller nee lois e grant unionville are happy to an nounce the arrival of their daugh ter mary elizabeth on monday june 16 1917 smith at the brierbush hospital stouffville on tuesday june 24 1917 born to mr and mis jack smith stouffville floral stouff ville ont a daughter jacqueline ann vvinterstein mr and mrs eugene winterstein pickering ont arc- happy to announce the birth of their daughter carol elaine at the grace hospital toronto on monday june 23 1917 war veteran killed on altoxa road leaves dutch bride henry gautheir 30 of rosebank was fatally injured early monday morning when the car in which he was riding overturned on the al- tona rd north of the rouge river driver of the car gay oulette 32 also of rofebank has been charged with dangerous driving- he waf re leased on 2000 bail mom and pop scarlet fade away say mom im slimming since using bak ers sweetner mom sure keep on using bak- ers sweetner and youll be streamlined ella ash thats right scarlet thats why i like bakers sweetner it helps reduce buffalo b1lll gee mom thats why i like bakers sweetner so 1 can eat what i like and still take up a couple of notches in my belt mom if youre thin or fat it wont hurt you if youre fat it helps reduce dusty shrimp come in puff ing how about some bakers sweetner strawberry pie mom mom too late buffalo bill finished it dusty the big hog eats half a pie shrimp i dont blame him its good pop whats cooking mom mom get out my way pop see you at dinner pops hungry and looks around ooooommmmm sees french cocktail boquet susans indian relish ladys cole slaw dressing bakers sweetner pepper relish fresh pineapple jam rhubarb jam harry lauders horn o- plenty pie stouffville baked rice pud ding strawberry short cake scottys vanilla fudge scottys butter scotch mammys creole green beans moms delicious boiled beets bettys smooth coffee ice cream tantamount and bride come in mrs tanamount gee mom 1 wish i could cook like you tan tamount winks at mom and says so do i mom mom no trouble to cook if you use bakers sweetner and follow the bakers sweetner receipe booklet sugary taste easy to use no coupons diabetics and summers like bakers sweetner 1 gallon 150 5 gallons 725 10 gallons 1350 25 gallons 3125 52 gallons 6300 106 gallons 12850 no refund onvcontainers pricei subject to change without notice transportation prepaid or cash with order shipments of 10 gallons or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office george e baker phmb pharamiceutical chemist stouffville ontario