the tribune stouffvhie ont thursday may 29 1947 uhf tnuffntllp urtbunr established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspcpers association member of the audit bureau of circulations paidinadvance circulation as of march 1st 2553 issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per vear in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a- v nolan son publishers notes and comments the market and are not producing the rightprieed products for the market which does exist- the retailer in turn is being offered increasing quant ities of goods in wider ranges and with better delivery dates the old wartime bugbear quota doesnt mean much any more manufactures are showing an increasing disposition to incorporate new individual selling features for largescale customers persons who have wisely saved their money over the year are likely to reap a benefit soon if the forecast in the post is correct real estate is still sky high because building materials are not yet sufficient supply yet they are better than a couple of years ago with labor costs so high fewer wouldbe home owners are holding off for a more favorable market which is sure to come mm stffcfiff j friday saturday may 30 31 unexpected guest hill bovd ungle princess dorothy laaour only a single instance of misuse the daily star is quick to defend the liberal govern ment and the baby bonus following a report from kitchener that baby bonus money is finding its way into the beer bottle instead of the milk bottle the star says a kitchener dispatch in a toronto paper carried the heading one out of 10 buying drinks on baby bonus also kitchener childrens aid secretary takes first check on spending of family allowance grants the fact is that 10 special cases requiring investigation were referred to the kitchener childrens aid society by the federal authorities in one of these cases misspending of the allowances on liquor was established that one case was the only case a completely erroneous impression is given by the suggestion that because of this single instance one out of ten is buying drinks on the baby bonus the tribune published the item from kitchener because it served as a warning to those receiving bonus cheques but the star sca in the warning a possible reflection on the government sponsoring the bonuses this paper saw nothing of the sort signs of price drop mounting inventories the new development thats shaking wall street into a case of nerves now have can adian business on the defensive the financial post claims the flexibility of this countrys distribution machine is coming in for a sharp testing period there is increasing evidence that production in many consumer goods has turned the corner it is either keeping pace with demand or is starting to pile up faster than retail outlets can dispose of it the canadian inventory position is definitely much better than in the united states observers point out there extravagant price rises have produced many serious situations while there are some critical lines in the canadian picture key merchants tell the post that on a unit basis most of their inventories are still below 1939 normal and that because of much more moderate price rises in this country eventual pricecutting and distress selling will be unlikely save in certain lines and that unlikely until fall some manufacturers in specialty lines will take a beating merchandising men say they have overestimated turns spotlight on taxation a live opposition is very necessary to good government here in canada one could be lulled into thinking those in power are doing a wonderful job and if they are it is partly or largely due to the attacks made by opposition members of the government for instance hon john bracken has turned the spotlight on the budget and reveals facts the public should know in his national broadcast he rather ripped off the trimmings from the budget and brought to light something the tax payer probably knows but does not realize fully he said 1 three years after the war and the liberal gov ernment is taking from us nearly as much in taxation as in any year during the war 2 in the next two years the government will take from us just about five times more in taxation than any canadian government ever took in peacetime and remem ber this in spite of the fact that active war expenditures are over gratuities are nearly all paid armed forces have been demobilized subsidies for war goods have been dis continued 3 the governments billion dollar complex still lingers out of 28 departments of government 17 will spend more this year that they ever spent before 4 true an enormous war debt must be serviced and war pensions paid but until totally unnecessary govern ment extravagance ceases taxes will be high as you see it the exeter times advocate tells of a marble or alley tournament arranged last saturday morning for the kids attending exeter public school under direction of the recreational council the contestants were divided into three or four groups some for girls and tremendous interest was shown one way to keep the kids occupied and out of trouble isnt it probably many people will think that some more worthwhile kind of amusement would be thought of no doubt that is right for instance who could do the best job cutting a lawn making a flower bed or preparing a garden plot none of which would be half so interesting as playing marbles which when we consider the matter is just as sensible as trying to push a puck between a couple of goal posts which your oponents endeavour to stop you its all a matter of skill no doubt and everybody admires clever people even if they are smart playing marbles sirens provided at govermext expense from shagwack farm muskoka if a newspaper report of the con vention of the ontario liberal association is correct the hon farquhar oliver is the smartest sideroad politician who ever turn ed off the pike the hon george drew and the hon tom kennedy can fold up their conservative bag of tricks climb down off the demo crat and let the kerosene torch illumine the keenest liberal features that have been seen in these parts the newspaper report said also included in the policy is provision xew regulations for subsidized veterinary services make more eligible establishment of breeding units and foil old age pexsiox sirens provided at government expense its as clear as mud that the grits didnt mean horns for rural fire trucks what we want is a smart vet and some good beef sires in muskoka and we dont give a hoot which party get them tiere first were willing to pay our share of the shot this young fellow oliver forty- three they say knows mighty well hes got to catch the vote of the kids before they leave the farm we oldsters who are doing the farming now are nigh on to sixty the canadian federation of agri culture asked for compulsory schemes and security sirens bah our sight isnt any too good either ottawa scores of people now deprived of oldage pensions be cause they own small pieces of property are made eligible by new as for shagwack farm we are pensions regulations tabled in the not going to be taken in by any such aping of cityslicker trickery our marginal income cant support any such luxury even though the sirens are free in the first place supply free sirens might start a backtothefarm stampede but the women folks would never stand for it anyway who wants the men lollygagging around with sirens when a thunderstorm is coming up in harvest sirens ruined sailing in some parts didnt they it sounds like a smart election dodge and it might elect a party that also recommends extension of the franchise to eighteenyearolds but it wont work for our part commons may 20 the changes are to be effective as from may 15 a pensioner may now receive direct relief payable by the province or municipality in which he resides without having his pension reduced or cut off entirely the new regu lations also permit the pensioner to receive casual gifts of small value and contributions for any special care presented to the house by health minister paul martin the more generous regulations will add an estimated 500000 to the dominion governments share of oldage pen sions the dominion pay 75 per cent of the oldage pensions up to 25 a month now being received by 309000 men and women over 70 junior farmer picnic and dance the annual picnic and dance of the york county junior farmers is again being held at musselmans lake on friday june 13th where the afternoon program of sports will commence at 2 pm dst as usual the big excitement of the afternoovi will be the softball tourna ment between the six junior farmer clubs with mjxed teams of four girls and five boys a scout will be on indians presenting brief seeking greater powers undoubtedly the townships of markham and whitchurch and other municipalities around us first belonged to the indians who roam ed this district 300 or more years ago and on the law of first come first served they owned the earth hereabout however it was taken from them by force and other means and because of that situa tion our governments have recog nized the indian claim to compen- monday and tuesday iii lie 10 california ray milland barbara stanwyck hand to look over the players tosation in one form or other select a boys team and a girls line- 1 thus the reason for indians from up to represent the county at the six nations reserve on the grand central ontario field hay at lhe rr near lirantford pacing be- x n fore the joint parliamentary com- ontario agricultural college on on indi nftah oday a june rth i brief calling for greater powers of the interclub tugofwar which selfgovernment and full control of proved so popular last year together i the lands allotted them under their with a number of picnic stunts will j treaty complete the afternoon program i claiming special status under the the lunches will not be pooled but treaty as allies of the crown the various clubs or groups will make up their own tables hot or rather than subjects the six nations indians contended that certain rights and privileges not granted to subjects should be ac- association but bring your owii them cold drinks will be provided by the cups commencing at 9 oclock the merry melodies of glenn smiths merry makers will provide dancing plea sure for all present in the beautiful ly decorated cedar beach gardens years of age and 7100 blind persons across canada the other 25 per cent is paid by the provinces which by reason of the regulations will have their pension costs increased the eligible age for oldage pen sions is still 70 plastic globe is an exhibit at the british industries fair which opened its doors at both london headed by teacher reginald hill member of the band and a school teacher on the reserve headed the delegation other members included joseph hill william pine sam lickers hilton hill james martin and chief counsellor enos maracle the party was accompanied by 30odd indians from the reserve three of them colorfully garbed in deerskin tunics moccasins and feather hats summarized the brief made the following points 1 lands full control of their lands and exemption from land tax ation 2 trust fund power for the sre tlknd final authoht for inlin cwncils fund wffis governments lt tt bt m power to spend money from the no ani aml fund without consent of the council 0ther sections of the 11page 3 selfgovernment a degree of j brief dealt with detailed recommen- mittee autonomy insofar as it may be reasonable and just to the people of the six nations and to- the dominion government education needs i education abolition of denom inational schools increased teach ers salaries civil service status for teachers school nurse and improv ed sanitary conditions increased educational supplies 5 social welfare establishment of a social service division of the 1 idian affairs branch 0 enfranchisement the right to vote without having to surrender righi as indian- 7 band memberships full and and birmingham thousands of prospective buyers attend show dations for amendments to certain clauses of the indian acl later delegates will be crossexamined on their brief by members of the com- alcoholism prances public enemv no i paris may 28 alcoholism has become frances public enemy nol since the germans left says a min istry of public health official the official identified only as a dr bour said that france is by far the most alcoholized country in the world on his first official visit to ngaruawahia sir bernard frey- berg right governorgeneral of new zealand is welcomed king koroki shaking hands ad elders of the maori tribe ancient ceremonial was linked with modern pageantry for the occasion send the tribune lo absent rierds the old home town i tu w l by stanley