le jkmfftniue two sections sixteen pages ol 59 no 3 the tribune stouffyille ont may 22 1947 section two ur ottawa correspondent domestic scenes ivith netv ontario liberal leader exclusive v have be for the sti i able to t j j mcc lufiville tribune by m l schwartz re- official quarters in the capital bet hi cause o fthe inaccurate statements j being made about it at the present ie time that the falsa impressions as at created that no such reductions are being earned out following the liq- iv- nidation of remaining wartime tle- parirnents i a- timi iimes buin i man responsible for collecting nations m inies for running country might prove a timely up for business in general a this time although the fight tu legalize the production and ale of olemargarine in this country was lost during this session yet it is hinted in welinl formed quarters in ottawa that this fight has not ended with once again it appears in ottawa as if pro ceedings in this session of the can adian parliament are now moving along at a rate which may allow an adjournment perhaps as early as the middle of july with this being forecast by veteran observers along parliament hill a bill being opportunity introduced at the first to legalize the manu facture and sale of this product proj bably in the next session if nothln official is done before hand to i chieve this purpose when several high officials of the british exchequer paid a visit v ottawa in the wake of a satement i by the united kingdom chancellor die present amount paid and con- he exchequer hugh dalton that britain will be unable to meet the full twelve billions of blocked sterling debts owing to the sterling bloc it was hinted in some circles that the real object of this visit was to renogotiate a new loan or cre- ditions surrounding same for old age pensions in canada may be changed considerably this has be come evident since it is known that the government has recognized the need for revision of payments or conditions of same both for old age for the united kingdom how- and tht blind with the objectives j ever lhls loos mn seem l0 be the of the program outlined in the dom- at tne m0 though it is inionprovincial conference in aug true that the si 250000000 credit bv 1915 being still an essential part lcanada has been disappearing rath- i of the- federal governments plan moreover it is significant that a spokesman for the government in i ottawa has made it clear that the machinery for achieving these ob jectives in social security must be attained within the framework of a federal state it i- understood backstage in the capital that greater secrecy has been advocated for party caucuses these being usually looked upon a- lohg parliament hill as merely family affairs though often dis cussions in these caucuses are fore runners of important government actions or at least exert powerful influence on such decisions it is however necessary at times to pre serve strict secrecy about happen ings at these gatherings of govern ment followers because each can speak his own mind and matters are discussed in advance of legislation the government believes that during tlie transitional period from war to peace we should guide the farmer and the consumer back into a sound relationship under which they can deal with one another er quickly being more than half finished and may be gone by the close of 1017 in addition it is in dicated that the british statement was really aimed at the sterling bloc creditors and not necessarily at canada it is understood in ottawa that the object of the british financial experts visit to the capital may be merely to discuss repayment of existing credit scheduled to start in 1950 and other interests involved in trade matters the storm which has raged about canadas world figure skating cham pion ever since she accepted an au tomobile as a gift has reached right into the house of commons where gossip indicates that there is really nothing unusual about barabara ann scott case it is pointed out that other amateurs in sports his- i tory have received costly gifts and still remained amateurs such as sonja henie stella walsh percy williams miss fanny rosenfield miss ethel catherwood and many others each one of those mentioned had accepted gifts like cars and other expensive items and then pro- emphasized agriculture miniw gardiner in the house of commons we shall endeavor to protect both from any middleman who tries to take advantage of seasonal supplies either to get his product too cheap or to sell it too high the fact is however that the farmers income is higher over the last three years than ever before even with lower marketings of some products in 19- 10 as compared with 1915 the gross returns are increasing the canadian government is en deavouring to cut down on its em ployees as much as possible and as quickly as this can be done without causing any harm to the machinery of government both inside and out- pic games without receiving the publicity given to the miss barbara ann scott case indeed it is held that this publicity has done more harm to the amateur standing of the worlds figure skating champ ion than anything else the election committee of the house of commons has decided a- gainst allowing the name of a can didates party affiliation to be prin ted on the ballot paper in federal elections likewise a new seal for the ballot boxes has been fecom- mened by jules castonguay chief electoral olfcer of canada has been accepted being of the same sort used commonly by railroads to seal box cars in the past the ballot box- farquhar oliver mpp for grey south who has been chosen pro vincial party leader by ontario liberals in convention at toronto is a man of broad interests in addition to his devotion to pub lic life and service mr oliver finds the greatest satisfaction in his family and his farm upper left mr oliver likes no thing better than to visit his four nieces at their home just outside durham- here mr oliver is seen with two of the girls donna and jessie crutchley upper right a hardworking practical farmer whose 550 acres are his livelihood not a hobby mr oliver is well informed on the problems of farmers and of urban folk too in this picture mr oliver is shown with a colt a recent addition to the farm lower left manager of tiie oliver farm near priceville is mrsoliver she supervises the work of two hired men on property that has 75 head of shorthorn beef cattle 12 to 15 cows mrs oliver is keen ly interested in all aspects of community life lower right mroliver in a more forma pose gives s30 11111 ix mistake foi s2 hlt gets it hack five minutes after he had stepped out of a toronto taxicab dr v j byrarit of kirkland lake realized he had given the hackle a 50 bill in mistake for a s2 bill and told him to keep the change the excited delegate to the on- tario medical association conven tion in toronto immediately tele phoned police but he should have waited and saved a nickel 1 hymie ilayman war veteran and i independent cab owner appeared j at the police licence buseau and re ported the mistake the doctor and the cabbie got to other and the cabbie is 10 richer side of ottawa this is becoming more and more evident along parl iament hill as canadas civil ser vice is gradually being reduced in number in fact the latest official disclosure here shows that the civil jcnr according to stanlev f service has been brought dovngi chie of transportation new translation oe bible proposed a new translation ot the bible says a report from scotland into contemporary english which would avoid all archaic words and forms of expression with the second personal pronoun singular employed only for prayer has beer proposed a by a special com mittee of the church of scotland es had padlocks radios in train service maw be ex tended and experiments along this i line are now being made by the din- who from a peak of 112000 in may of yias made this disclosure to the 1915 to 129000 at jan 1 1910 al- board of transport commissioners though subsequent expansions j ottawa brought it up again for a short per- 1 there is a storv backstage in iod until it was once again reduced ottawa which claims that there may to 121000 in the five months pre- j elections in quebec province ceding april 1st last i within a year likewise it should be reported that it is obvious here that the gov- ernment plans now to continue to hundreds will testify to the e cut down its employees by gradual results obtained in tribune cla stages with this being stressed in fied deer upsets car a deer that jumped onto the high way 10 miles east of woodstock saturday night collided with a car driven by louis kishenbaum 29 of toronto throwing the vehicle out of control into a ditch where it overturned kisherbaum was taken to hospital for treatment of minor cuts scarboro mason buried with rites funeral services were held for robert cassford thomson 7 at his home in unionville on friday with rev w s butt and rev m a maclell officiating one of the towns most popular citizens he was the greatgreat grandson of the first white woman to settle in scarboro mrs mary thomson a member of scarboro lodge af and am he was buried at st andrews cemetery scarboro with masonic honors mr thomson is survived by wife alva richardson 0 his h kwof i uxbridge kinsmen third annual f spring meet horse show v elgin park uxbridge saturday may 24 horse racing games refreshments evening performance in music hall simcoe couxtv parmer killed under tractor hiiiiard maclean 27 honeywood district farmer was killed on mon day when he was pinned beneath the cultivator which overturned on a grade on the farm of his father- inlaw wallace tweedy near mul- mur iake macleans body was found by allan mulligan who had gone to the field to relieve him at noon maclean had been driving a tractor with an attached cultivator and had apparently tried to jump when the machine started back down a grade tractor and culti- vator both overturned and the young farmer was killed almost instantly it is believed coroner dr wj mclean shelburne said no inquest would be held maclean is survived by his widow and two childsen j 00 years ago in canada mail was delivered by couriers who collected the postage in cash the first sewing machine resulted in a riot among em ployees of master tailors there were only a few struggling newspapers and only the beginning of a railway under such conditions and during a period of acute national instability be canada life was born though many financial institutions failed in the great depression which followed the canada life founded on a sound and conservative basis weathered the storm it has pro gressed through 100 years of wars epidemics and depressions in tho meantime life insurance has become the accepted means by which canadians safe guard the security of their dependent s the canada life ass u r a n c e c o m p a n y p m m0nahan clu manager gordon brown