the tribune stouffville ont- thursday may 15 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock for sale registered yorkshire boar 16 months old number of gilts and 1 hog purebred 34 months 1 new twoman potato planter few bags sebago and katahdin seed potatoes howard harper goodwood ph stouff vihe 5910 12 articles for sale for sale set of chromeplated help wanted card of thanks i wish to thank the various ser- prewar team harness also elec- j wteja 2te ph i vices peop of whitchurch trie fencer quantity of lumber houses vj a week ph township for the lovely ring i re- g ii forsyth ph 3101 stouffvihe 6104 ceived carson tindall wanted tame mother cat nurs ing kittens immediately will re turn cat pay for the kindness phone 015 a h uckerby 9 chunks for sale also kitchen cabinet with porcelain top chas brown phone s20 jersey cow for sale also duck eggs we wish to buy a good brooder house s dunning clare mont phone 1610 horses for sale six mares and geldings from five to seven year old quiet and well broken j barry phone stouffville 261 hand washing machine for sale beatty washer with copper tub gasoline engine may be at tached mrs chas dennie ph- stouffville ss0s easy electric washer near- lv new for sale also monarch metal ice box 75 lbs cap hobson rr 3 second farm north of gravel hill wanted woman or married couple to help in rural store- ph mr edward logan and family 9310 stouffville 22 wish to thank all the kind neigh- j bors and other friends and societies wanted girl for general store rev d davis and rev l e atkin- at victoria square mrs willows son for their sympathy and assist- phone 750s iantje received during our sudden rrrr rrrzzcr b ereavement help wanted 40850 month- 1 ly for experienced girl or woman we of international motors wish to assist with housework alli tna all those who so gener- modern conveniences separate 0u gave of lheir t ast jhurs- cu2otjl6 w m salada tea bags co opsei vf white and grey enamel kit chen range water tank reser voir and warming closet coal orj wood robt ratcliff ph stouff- conveniences leeping quarters if desired even- foytifhelp us raise the building we are erecting for a new service shop land warehouse i signed wdatkinson ville 4sq9 10 pigs for sale ft weeks old phone agincouri 130j13 bay mare for sale len rush liallantrae ph 6828 7 coll ie pups for sale 3 mos old arthur prouse phone clare- mont 6r3 six pigs for sale 5 mos old also brood sow 50 bags of potatoes m mazure 10th con on sideroad near gravel pit durham cow for sale 5 yr old due to freshen ross watson ph claremom 1003 4 young work horses for sale quiet well broken jos barry ph 261 10 pigs for sale 10 weeks old 5 pigs 6070 lbs also 9tooth stiff toth cultivator and tractor ha kirton ph claremom 1520 veranda flat screen for sale green 6 foot size new will sell at old price 8750 present re tail price is 81050 h banner- man stouffvile kitchen suite for sale practic- allv new 4 chairs drop leaf table china cabinet phone 8105 mrs george middleton stouffville for sale kitchen buffet natur al finish electric stove table model 2 burner with oven also findlav oval cook stove and small mail box mrs ken betz phone 1403 8 piece dining room for sale phone 9305 suite ings free liberal time off mr r c baker claremom ph 44 position open for steadv and reliable man preferably one with mr wm dennie and familv wish knowledge of poultry start af extend their sincere gratitude 82500 a week all replies treated and appreciation to all the kind confidential apply box r stouff- j fiends and neighbors especially ville mrs a heatonfor acts of kind- wanted experienced teacher pff s and ss 12 whitchurch good salary paid apply art steckley secre- tarvtreasurer ph s516 beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent sad bereave- iment in the loss of a dear wife and mother green house for sale with boiler and flat dp cober mark- 212 ham rr 2 22 small size cabinet deforest crosley radio for sale in first- class condition phone 8424 j beach ballantrae 2tf eleven pigs for sale 8 weeks old also twin calves week old bull and heifer earl keith ph 1305 for sale hereford bull dur ham bull yearlings also 10 tons mixed hay w white ph 1612 claremont mans bicycle for sale in good condition also one roll of one inch mesh chicken wire never used mrs ern legeer phone alt albert 4120 22 for sale 26 i steel beams lift 10 1 reinforced hoist beam with at i tachments 6 ft 6 a number of white leghorn epumf piiiotc tnr caio o tnuii ra piqi jasonne or ivei osene rump toronto spindle carving co applications for constable the collins family wish to ex- applications for 2 part time con- ess t0 their neighbors and friends stables during the monthes of tneir slncere thanks and apprecia- june july august and septem- tion of theh many acts of kindness ber 194 mans the undersigned noon saturday may 24 1947 applicants will state age experi ence if any and what salary and car allowance expected john crawford twp clerk vandorf ont hay and grain dutch beet seed for sale also gladioli bulbs picardy bagdad wasaga yellow 60cts doz mixed variety 20 cts doz ross vague ringwood phone stouffville 5716 514 vicland seed oats for sale cleaned at plant under govern ment supervision j barry ph 261 stouffville lost and found lost stable broom on the sixth concession by wintersteins barn norman steckley strawberry plants for sale fairfax peter savoretti phone 6s22 stouffville strawberry plants for sale malcolm ramer ph 9213 stouff ville 12 real estate house for sale on the main street good location and condi tion early possession arranged box w care of the tribune stouffville 524 pullets for sale 9 weeks old del- bert booth ph 8007 200 orchard grove hollywood white leghorn pullets 12 weeks old s125 each willis taylor phone 211 2yearold yorkshire hog for sale from registered stock willis taylor phone 211 bray hatchery has cockerels nonsexed and pullets in some breeds for immediate delivery new price list is ready after end of may they will be hatching only to order for junejuly delivery size up your needs get in touch with us order now agent stiver bros m watts government approved chicks at re duced prices for this week and next day old new hampshire barred rock new hampshire x barred rock light sussex x ringwood implements for sale 2furrow mccormick deering tractor plow for sale willis tay lor phone 211 tractor tire for sale size 60016 new ken noxon ph stouffville 8912 1934 ford tractor for sale 8350 a e booth stouffville implements for sale bin der mower cultivator set har rows walking plow and riding plow wagon and rack also potato digger and other articles herb mitchell ballantrae ph mt albert 1617 12 implements for sale barred rock new hampshire x new favourite threshing machine light sussex nonexed 995 pul lets 1795 cockerels 795 assorted heavy breeds nonsexed s95 pullets 1695 cockerels 695 cock erels white leghorn x barred rocks 195 white leghorns 95c two week old add 600 per hun dred three week old and 1100 per hundred shipped cod this advertisement must accompany your order to receive these special prices also older pullets eight weeks to laying top notch chickeries guelph ontario old horses 8 15 we will pay you 8 1500 for your old horse at vour farm phone agineourt 18ji2 collect chas campbell agincourt rr2 1tf chaff blower grain elevator clover mill attached international ensilage cutter international binder 7 ft international binder and loader m farquharson gonnley phone s 6103 23 stiff tooth cultivator for sale ihc- tractor hitch and four sets of points a findlay stove with warming oven and reser voir and one viking separator good as new one pair of head light reflectors and glasses for 1937 chev phone claremont 85 r21 sixroomed house in west end for sale apply allen clossen ph 309 stouffville in memoriam for sale lyi acres of land also 9room house and small barn 2car space stable below located in goodwood apply tribune office stouffville 22 for sale 50 acres of land east half of lot 33 con 8 markham v mile allen from stouffville j mertens ph 7905 stouffville allen in fond and loving mem ory of our dear son howard allen who passed away may 14 1946 our lips cannot tell how we miss you our hearts cannot tell what to say god alone knows how we miss you in a home that is lonesome today in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear howard that we do not think of you they say time heals all sorrow and helps us to forget but so far has only proved how much we miss you yet god gave us strength to face it and courage to bear the blow but what it meant to lose you son no one will ever know sadly missed by mother and father feed grain for sale up to four tons oats and barley good heavy sample r tindall lot 2 con 3 uxbridge miscellaneous strawberry plants for sale premier variety 8150 per 100 phone 5s27 stouffville 13 quantity manure for sale ell- wood elson altona an income when you need it most the only noncancel lable guaranteed renewable con tract covering all accidents and all sickness with hospitalization enquire special agent w j steer 216 wanless ave toronto 23 dry limb wood for sale cut and delivered ratcliff bros phone 4s20 stouffville 22 about 8 acres of good garden land to rent for the season for 82500 located on front of the wm pearson farm 3rd of ux bridge write the owner mrs frank miller 325 main st tor onto 22 house for sale 7roomed brick garage electric well situ ated near no 2 highway con venient to church school and university at pickering village apply harry spang or phone 6201 stouffville property for sale 4200 buys a fourroom bungalow with bath builtin cupboards and sink picture window hot air furnace heavy wiring new possession june 15th apply j greenwood main st north unionville in loving memory of a dear brother and uncle howard allen who passed away may 14 1946 in tears i saw you sinking and watched you fade away god knows how much i miss you as it dawns one year today i think of you in silence and oft repeat your name but all that is left to answer is your picture in a frame your memory is my deepest treasure in my heart you will live forever lovingly remembered by sister reva brotherinlaw allan and nephews bobbie and billie strayed one suckling white pig came on premises may 12 on lot 5 con 5 whitchurch owner can claim by proving property and paving expenses o m fretz stouffville rr4 personal slender tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store forget your feet walk on air give them lloyds corn salve care 50c at storeys drug store cemetery notice a meeting of the plot holders of the churchill cemetery will be held in the church on the evening of friday may 16 matters of importance and general business will be dealt with albert clark trustee ross hood trustee board by the week available in good home sirs robt irwin albert st stouffville caponizing dont delay ar rangement to have cockerels done this year when writing state breed number of birds and date hatched r w abell ring- wood ph stouffville 344 24 quantity of used lumber for sale from building 18x36 thos ogden 10th con markham rop sired harked rocks for profitable chicks from high producing large egg strain order hillview farm rop sired barred rocks every breeder pullorum tested and government banded started pullets and started mixed chicks when available price list on request dealer for jamesway poultry equipment and dr sals- burys renosal for coccidiosis h hill gormley ph1520 tf37 sii etla xd stallions grand champion midnight of pitts- ford no 1410 enrollment 3751 fees registered mares 815 non- registered mares 810 reserve grand champion black knight of pittsford no 1650 enrollment a755 fee 15 all fees payable at time of service with grooms fee 100 standing at the farm of win morris con 1 lot 7 ux bridge township 11 cars for sale 1929 ford for sale good rubber lbrakes and traction also mc- cormick deering cream separ ator thos ogden 1 mile south of stouffville on 10th truck for sale chev clossen phone 309 m ton a 1912 dodge special delux coach for sale cliff hollidge stouffville motors 1931 dodge car for sale phone 0s2s len rush ballantrae car for sale 1940 chev which has been in a wreck and will be sold as is no guarantee sealed bids will be accepted up to friday may 16 at 6 pm can be seen at stouffville motors ph 170 implementsfob sale riteway milking machine 10 grinder 3horse electric grinders potato sprayer mowers binders plows 17 cub ft home freezer empire garden tractors pump jacks cement mixers ashphalt shingles and roll roofing h obgen son phone 25102 seedixg time now is the time to look to your farm machinery new machinery is coming in very slowly we have a good supply of used imple ments good as new mh and mcd seed drills 11 and 13 two tractors case on rubber starter and lights and john deere on steel good supply of corn culti vators single horse cultivators and team cultivators also spring ooth cultivators 13 and 17 mcd and mh hay tedders mowers new ataco rubbertire wagon rust proof 60016 tires new two tractor double die two potato planters hoover and mh bex raylin phone 192 stouffville custom farm work business for sale includes two tractors and all necessary equipment for both also trailer for hauling machin ery buzz saw buck rake and snow plow and loader one trac tor has hydraulic equipment all the work we can handle and pre sent owner will give necessary work and advice geo constable claremont box 43 wanted carpenter work wanted shingling and insul brick siding alterations and repairs j l o ph 5s27 st ffville 13 small house or apartment wanted to rent with convenien ces apply to r f farr willow- dale childs wagon wanted in good condition phone ss09 wanted pasture for 6 head of cattle elwood elson altona free to good home lively fluffv part persian kittens house- broken j miller the ever greens cashel corner notice to creditors estate of floyd linton mckay all persons having claims against the estate of floyd linton mckay late of the township of pickering in the county of ontario farmer who died on or about the 17th day of september 1916 are hereby noti fied to send to the undersigned administrators of the deceased on or before the 30th day of may 1947 full particulars of their claims immediately after the said date the administrators will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to such claims of which they shall then have notice hill in loving memory of a dear father and mother who passed away may 10th and 12th 1942 jack hill stover in loving memory of russel on his 25th birthday may 16 russel roberts stover wo only son of mr and mrs r h stover reported missing from operation over enemy territory april 1415 1915 in those mansions grand and glorious our loved one watches and waits with our saviour for our coming just inside the eastern gate though our hearts may break with sorrow jesus gives us strength and faith for we shall meet him some bright morning just inside the eastern gate mum dad rheta bette and burton tenders wanted tenders for a building sealed tenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned up to twelve oclock noon satur day may 31 1917 for the sale of fully enclosed frame building 90 ft x 15ft with counsel standard steel roof nearly new at lot 21 con 3 east in whitchurch township further particulars in hand of the undersigned the high est or any tender not necessarily accepted excavating and grading work done veterans construc tion co phone stouffville 6503 47t custom plowing discing and cultivating grant morley phone stouffville 5112 1tf implements for sale and refer it to ringwood farms herb hisey phone 37613 2 massey harris plows 1 10 binder powder takeoff 1 horse rake 10 1 w30 tractor 1 massey harris manure spreader 1 international manure spreader 1 farm wagon truck wooden wheels 1 woods electric chopper 25 cycle all these implements are in very good shape some of them being practically new ringwood farms limited phone 37613 ask for herb hisey 13 l this 30th day mapplv to geo e richardson rri april lii gonnley chairman of the board of apri annie m mckay and william m duncan green river ontario by their solicitor iacauanach mark- hrm ontario 13 new and used farm equipment for immediate delivery cockshutt sa tractor plow new deering 13 hoe drill used kid kang gang plow nearly new cockshutt hammer mill new quebec sulky plow used fleury 21 walking plow used cockshutt hay rake new cockshutt 30 binder new delaval sterling milkernearly new delaal cream separator used cockshutt stifftooth cultivator for tractor nearly new cockshutt tractor disc harrow nearly new- good stock of beatty and fair bankshorse water pressure systems hand and power pumps pump jacks etc on hand bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 stewards wesley united church or to a e starr rr 3 newmarket secretary of the hoard of stewards wesley united church 22 farm equipment woods 6can automatic coolers 281 delaval milkers completely installed with motor 8219 up elec- tropail heaters 81675 new cent ury motors i and i hp fence controls regular 81295 special price 81000 used electric grinder half price 812500 new cockrum grinder onethird off 5000 new beach coal and wood ranges 0850 up oil space heaters 810695 holstein cows hay and straw taken in trade 52tf toronto radio sports 211 yonge st toronto keys we are prepared to duplicate all types of keys prompt service stouffville radio electric phone 366 1tf mom pop and the bunch invisible scarlet suggests all butf mom and pop travel under as sumed names invisible scarlet as miss fade away little annie as annie shrimp tik tok as mr tantamount ella cinders as miss ash blackie as dusty lone ranger as buffalo bill tonto as tommy they stop at a big wild west hotel pretty well filled with a molly crowd cow punchers gamblers travel lers and tourists pop takes his jug of bakers sweet ner and puts it on the dining table a bunch of cow boys at a big tablet asked dusty to bring over the jug of bakers sweetner so dusty and shrimp put bakers sweetner in their tea coffee one dirty low down rascal pinches the jug from dusty and shrimp the cowboys grabbed the culprit and gave back the jug to dusty while some of the boys took the bad man and ducked him under the tap the cook asked mom how to make rhubarb pie with bakers sweetner mom alright i will give you the quantity for 2 rhubarb pies wash rhubarb and cut in pieces aboufl in long 6 cups full li cups baker sweet ncr cup sugar put on just enough flour to take ups the moisture dissolve sugar in bakers sweetner its delicious sugary taste easy to use no coupons 1 gallon s 150 5 gallons 723 10 gallons 1350 25 gallons 3l25 52 gallons 6300 106 gallons 12650 no refund on containers prices subject to change without notice transportation prepaid on cash with order shipments of 10 gallons or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office george e baker ihnib manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario 1 1 i i coming events tenders sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon saturday may 31st 1917 to supply and apply 54 crushed gravel on whitchurch township roads 2000 yards more or less required the lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted john w crawford twp clerk vandorf ont coal tenders tender are called for by the stouff ville roard of education for de livery into the school bins for the coming season of approxi mately seventyfive tons of stoker coal- quotations are required for both first and second grades un treated lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted h o klinck sectreas send friends the tribune to absent concrete tile for sale 4 and 6 inch 5 cts and 9 cts delivery extra lome baker 510 newmarket ont ph 112j water pressure system 350 gallon per hour automatic com plete with tank and all equipment 60 cycle 13950 delivered outboard motors all sizes 1 to 10 hp various makes new 1917 from 7950 new garden tractors electric and gas operated washing machines power lawn mowers boats of all types and canoes power tools electric and kerosene operated refrigerators rifles and shotguns auto trailers radios of all types and kinds transportation prepaid anywhere in ontario christians electric hardware oshawa ontario 525 washing machines over hauling and repairing don by experts on any make of mach ine for furthsr particulars ph stouffvihe 281 beix a sow richmond hill high school pre sents blossom bounce in the rh arena friday may 10 watch an nouncement in this paper next week cedar grove community club is holding a victoria day dance at rainbow gardens markham on friday may 23 music by harmony kings orchestra lucky spot prizes admission 50c 506 roller skating nightly at wilcox lake pavilion the pavilion is open for the season the goodwood baptist church will hold anniversary services on sunday may 25lh at 3 pm and 730 pm rev norman rowan will be the guest speaker for the day special music will be provided by two girls from the toronto bible college everyone welcome 22 aurora horse show saturday june m prize list on request a e l maughan secretary wanted for export holstein springer cows and heifers we pay the highest market prices phone or write to l kahn sons claremont 85 r2 wanted dead lioimm ami cattle telephone for free pick up telephone stouffville 255 markham r9 claremont 9rl4 uxbridge 27 we pay phone charges gordon touno ltd toronto ad363c