the tribune stouffville ont thursday april 17 1947 make these classified a9vs your market place live stock for sale s register calves for sale 1 holsteia 1 guernsey also 2 sows due in may- les mccullough clare- mom ph 1605 card of thanks horse for sale 5 years old gelding lloyd pugh claremont phone 3 rl3 good young team for sale choice of six george h baldwin rr1 goodwood phone clare- month 1710 automobile star sedan sue saturday april 19 15 acres cylinder for sale in good condi tion- e j davey coal and wood ranges new beach coal and wood ranges with or without reservoir or high shelf s6850 up ranges have ad vanced 10 but we will sell our stock on hand at the old prices toronto radio sports 211 yonge st toronto two horses for sale eleven years and six years old thomas philip brougham phone picker ing drtr old rooster for sale m mazure 2nd farm east of gravel pit bray hatchery has chicks avail able some breeds immediate de livery australorps new hamp- shires lsxnh etc also some started heavy breed cockerels rea sonable prices prompt shipment ask for particulars agent m watts stiver bros stouffville four clydesdale mares for sale young registered also 50 yorkshire pigs eight weeks old forfar bros ph stouff 9212 1932 ford coach for sale in food condition phone markham r21 six to eight pm six pigs for sale six weeks old gordon fockler ringwood ph stouffville 5705 cow for sale 5 vears old due may 1lth ph stouffville 5210 3 young yorkshire sows first litter due middle may 1 sow due june 5third litter tamworth boar 11 months old this is one of charlie boyingtons purebreds apply r hobson 2nd farm north of gravel hill east side ducks and goose eggs for sale for hatching ph stouffville 7907 good work mare for sale 1500 lbs- work single or double seven years lehman bros ph s704 for sale set of extension rims for a 2230 tractor ernie carruthers ph claremont 1503 milkers and coolers buy now at old price new woods gcan automatic coolers s2s4 port able vat s0 delaval milkers com pletely installed with motor 233 up electropail heaters h and si hp new century motors hol- stein cows taken in trade toronto radio sports 1 yonge st toronto dutch beet seed for sale also gladioli bulbs picardy bagdad wasaga yellow goc doz mixed variety 20c doz ross vague ringwood ph 571g 481 card ok thanks of standing timber mostly beech fred beelby and family vf clare- maple and elm on lot 12 con 5mont wish to thank their many rela- east gwillimbury twp property tives friends and neighbors for of mr secloras sale at 2 sharp j their kind expressions of sympathy terms cash ken clarke prenand for their beautiful floral offer- tice auctioneers ings in our recent bereavemenf in saturda yapril 19househod the sad loss of a dear wife and mo- furniture lathes chucks andjther especially thanking rev j tools electric washer small gasopiclachlan of whitevale united line engines etc on wilson st i church for his consoling words dur- markham propertv belonging tpj our recen bereavement the estate of the late mr and mrs tu v- george butterfield sale at 130 card of thanks terms cash no reserve ken i wish to take this opportunity clarke prentice auctioneers to thank all my kind friends 5 farm tmptesemfandtral m hower and plants on mr household furniture at lot l occasion of my eightieth birth- 28 29 con 9 pickering on this day and during my illness this last unlitlla gojf farm is erected a bank barn 45x70 j wntei solid brick s roomed house good spring creek running through the propertv the estate of the late floyd mckay sale of chattels at pm terms on chattels cash mrs samuel wideman card of thanks the womans association of 5th line church uxbridge desire to thank wholeheartedly all the ladies pastry and otherwise ihi iissisitu ai the booth at mr e 11 l i nortons sale this effort enabled us to make a nice contribution to cur fund mrs r e nesbitt pres quantity of spring rye wanted for seed phone ss05 stouffville 492 used milker units for sale sell cheap delaval hinman woods universal mccormick deering also complete machines sh elliott son 1g0 king st weston phone 1015j 493 bale of property at 3 pm 10 ofi purchase price day of sale bal- t ance t o be arranged in thlr days property sold subject to a reserve bid a s farmer aucl tioneer tuesday april 22 dairy cattle ac tractor delaval milker farm stock implements hogs hay grain furniture at lot 33 con d scarboro twp property j wanted at once married man to of murray richardson sale at ij operate farm tractor machinery terms cash no reserve farm help wanted miscellaneous s sucking pigs for sal man fretz ph 060 nor- feet that feel like wings of song use lloyds corn salve right along 50c at storeys drug store slender tablets are effective 2 weeks supply si 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store cobblers potatoes for sale 75c per bag also some from cer tified seed edgerton pegg ph- claremont 1414 feed cabbage for sale waller vague ph stouffville 2s13 sow for sale due april 20 second litter also pekin drakes and few pekin ducklings s j dunning phone 1610 claremont fox terrier for sale male good watch dog one year old airs james brown stouffville east end work team and 3yearold filly for sale edgar evans phone srll claremont two wheeled trailer for sale complete with two deck box and stock rack ira d rusnell phone 342 stouffville 502 connor hand washing mach ine and wringer in good condi tion for sale mrs fred gilham markhampickering townline op posite henry reesors claremont rr 2 fiveyearold clyde mare for sale also black 5yearold mare a r wideman markham rr 2 ph markham 2s r5 bob calf for sale also boar pig year old quantity of potatoes cobblers and kathadins good sample oliver zellers ph 2110 collie reesor pups for ph 0005 sale j b guernsey bull calf for sale will register also general purpose black mare roy moyer dickson hill ph 5509 stouffville 30 chunks for sale e a lloyd lot 4 and 5 10th con phone stouffville g703 for sale single shot 22 calibre rifle in good condition phone stouffville 550 small paint spraying outfit for sale webster complete with or without paint tank also a babys bottle warmer phone stouffville g321 kitchen table drop leaf four windsor style chairs for sale cream enamel 2000 cullen 1 mile east on hagerman sideroad milliken 400 bushels good turnips for sale also 200 bushels chantney carrots l burrows rr1 stouff ville ph 49 r49 markham quantity cedar new fence posts for sale or will trade for old house p c rummenie goodwood fourteen pigs for sale 6 weeks brooder house for sale all new material large enough for 1000 chicks on skids ward hall- man phone 5516 old also good clean limbed clyde p sale cedar posts poles x s grlgf kdasfti awo ilugtl ijlogg 1 n 1wj uiaiemont nninns paraninc boots onh bargains for this week and next cockerels day old barred rocks new hampshires new hampshire x barred rocks light sussex x barred rocks light sussex x new hampshires barred rock x new hampshires new hampshire x light susex 495 two weeks old 1095 three week old 1295 four week old 1495 five to six week old 1795 assorted breeds 50c per hun dred less large egg quality add 100 speciallv selected add 200 per hun dred to above prices also pullets and nonsexed chicks at bargain prices this special bargain for next week only day old barred rock new hampshiresnew hampshire x barred rocks light sussex x barred rocks nonsexed 1295 pullets 2195 cockerels 495 this advertisement plus 10 de posit must accompany your order top notch chickcries guelph ontario 492 ish onions parsnips beets and carrots out of pit evenings only harry boose claremont 503 bedroom suite for sale bed springs and mattress dresser open stand cream and mauve also aladdin lamp almost new and odd dark dresser apply to mrs george middleton baker ave ph stouffville 8105 orchard grove chicks a breed for every need hollywood leghorns white rocks sussex x red leghorn x rock 1 we maintain high quality breed ing flocks double bloodtested for pullorum disease grove chicks are guaranteed to live order now phone stouffville 7701 address a d grove markham rrji dairy cows wanted for export close and backward springers holstelns anil ayrshires phone or write to l kahn sons claremont 85r2 44tf rop sired harked kocks for profitable chicks from high producing large egg strain order hillview farm rop sired barred rocks every breeder pullorum tested and government banded started pullet and started mixed chicks when available price list on request dealer for jamesway poultry equipment and dr sals- burvs renosal for eoccidiosis harold hill gormey rr no 2 37f psere stouffville 152c rubber tired wagon for sale with hay rack cockshutt tractor stifftooth cultivator 9 tooth m d tractor double disc harrow 16 disc wide jack johnson lot 23 con s markha 503 boys tweed springaw7sfor sale 7s year size good as new also new williams sewing mach ine drop head good mrs a summerfeldt ph 5713 3 hp gasoline engine for sale international also watering trough for outside use robert jackson claremont rr 2 ph 14 r22 nearly new renfrew cream separator for sale size 600 ho ward pugh claremont ph 4 r3 car for sale 1930 chew coach all new tires and tubes just over hauled john scott ph stouff ville 3005 girls blue suit for sale size 14 phone 9009 stouffville sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers z wednesday april 23 con signment auction sale of house hold furniture farm implements poultry etc at prentices auction rooms franklin house mark ham village sale starts at one sharp terms cash no reserve see posters ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday april 26 highclass household furniture including electric washer near new elec tric range near new heintzman diano chesterfield suite also com plete houseful of furniture mod ern diningroom suitedishes uten sils garden tools etc corners of manse rd and kingston high way west hill in the twp of scarboro property of the estate of the late fred norton sale at 130 pm no reserve termscash property sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday apr 26 household furniture garden tools etc the estate of the late george pugh will be sold at the residence cor ner main and albert sts stouff ville sale at 1 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer monday april 28100 acre farm stock and implementshay grain 1020 tractor and equip ment at n lot 33 con 2 vaughan iv miles west of yonge st property of stanley kaisley no reserve owner seriously ill sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday may 3300 cords or more of hardwood and some slab wood mostly beech and maple all wood quarter and cut in 4 ft lengths and piled 2 miles straight north of the town of newmarket near the old canal locks on lot 104 1st con east of yonge st east gwillimbury twp very easily access to road and highway property of john madson- sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve see poster for full particulars ken clarke prentice auctioneers must be able to make at least minor repairs good wages modern living accommodation uxsprihg farms limited ux bridge ont phone 103r2 wanted salesman wanted to contact prospective purchasers of oil burning equipment apply to rcblewett a 49 caretaker wanted for ss no 22 markham mongolia ap ply to clarke bunker secretary 492 wanted married man with family of four wants farm work capable of taking full charge house essential fdrowe clare mont rr1 help wanted single man wanted for farm work not necess ary to be able to milk ca hood milliken ph agincourt 51 w2 seed grain for sale oac no 21 barley also a few vickland oats 1 gilson 6 hp gas engine 1 brantford g hp oil engine lome jones ph claremont so rl2 502 septic tank cess pools and outside toilets cleaned drains cleaned and repaired chas dad- son bloomington excavating and grading work done veterans construc tion co phone stouffville 6503 47tf time to paint inside nainting spray or brush work done promptly rov heaton phone 7315 46tf help wanted married man wanted for farm work separate house good wages all privileges phone 9320 stouff ville 502 wanted convalescent accommodation for aged lady tray service only necessary will be glad to pay well for comfortable room and attention li hall millikenont phone 45 j2 agincourt 502 seed oats commercial no 1 ajax variety positively free from all impurities quantitv white dutch clover seed dicksons hill mill phone stouffville 263 caponizing dont delay about making arrangements to get your cockerels done this year when writing state breed number of cockerels and date hatched r w abell 311 sumach st toronto phone ra 4584 474 last call for orchard grove chirks may hatched leghorns mature rapidly into great winter layers we also have heavy breeds order im mediately for may delivery since we hatch only to order phone orchard grove farm stouffville 7701 trucking now is the time to order sand and gravel to get prompt trucking service haulage of any kind dirt removed new dump truck w hopkins phonel902 stouffville spray painting expert workmanship free estimates given jack deary gormley out ph stouff 6321 50sept 31 nails nails nailsj cakes store leinonville phone 9310 stouffville notice stouffville motors wish to announce that they have secured the ser vices of an expert tractor man and are open for all kinds of tractor work in memoriam seed grain for sale ajax oats vickland oats and oac no 21 barley also hay and straw edge- vale farms w timbers sons phone 7906 49tf no 1 vickland seed oats for sale test 465094 germination 99 price 100 bushel levi forsyth son 492 wanted pair of light wagon shafts ph stouffville 9302 real estate three building lots for sale nice westend location on albert street north sidewalk and water passes frontage apply wgarrett phone 265 492 house and lot on montreal street six rooms electric and water installed excellent gar den can be seen on saturdays the woodland house second from main street ihc seed drill for sale 13 disc fertilizer attachment two 3furrow plows mh like new also 1 tenfoot rake phone herb hisey 37613 stouffville 492 for sale turkey eggs from brood breasted bromze turkev hens 35c each applv allan lockie zephvr ont ph mount albert 4s14 igo 1020 tractor for sale with high speed governor in good condition wesley clark gormley rr 2 ph richmond hill 1704 house for sale near toronto acre land eight roomed house all conveniences hot water heating block veneer garage dufferin and wilson near dehaviland airport apply to phone s501 mrs myers rr 4 stouffville 502 house and lot for sale in the village of stouffville belonging to the estate of w h jones de ceased this property consists of a rough cast house on the west side of albert street and is known as village lot no 69 plan 59 stouffville for terms apply to john h cleaver stouffville and earl davis stouffville rr no 2 executors of w h jones estate 502 carpenter work wanted shingling and insul brick siding alteration and repairs j l ogden ph 5s27 stouffville 502 rear wheel for bicycle wanted complete size 28x1 ronald burnett ph 4r2 claremont wanted to buy car any make or model any condition sanders garage phone stouffville 0505 would like to trade quan tity of vickland oats for ajax oats for seed frank whetter ph 9320 stouffville 492 hay wanted we pay top prices for good cow hay preferably clover or alfalfa homey farms 10th con markham ph 49 r2 coming events cedar grove community club is holding a victoria day dance at rainbow gardens markham on friday may 23 music by harmony kings orchestra lucky spot prizes admission 50c 506 euchre the oddfellows will hold a euchre in their hall on friday april 25th- lunch provided also prizes start 830 admission 25 cents carter seed oats for sale 200 bushels jos crawford good- wood 200 bus oac barley for sale mixed 200 bus ajax seed oats few bags of potatoes large and small cobblers and kathadin border collies alex gray clare mont jones in loving memory of our dear father w h jones who passed away april 14 193g there is never a day that passes by but our thoughts reach out for you never a joy that comes our way but we wish ypu could share it too we miss your love your cheery ways please god just let him know that we down here do not forget we miss and love him so lovingly remembered by daugh ter and family perry in loving memory of my dear brother herbert t perry who passed away april 12 194a in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear brother that we do not think of you your weary hours and days of pain your troubled nights are passed and in our aching hearts we know custom work i am prepared to you have found sweet rest at last do your custom tractor work reasonable rates jack brillinger ph claremont 14r21 503 200 bushels feed turnips for sale hugh miller claremont ph 3r3 seed grain for sale 200 bus oac 21 barley 125 bus tim othy seed grade no 2 and no 1 purity 450 bus hugh miller claremont ph 3r3 503 sparton seed barley for sale government grade no 1 140 per bus samuel winger phone maple 62 r22 lovingly remembered by sister ida and family in memoriam hill in loving memory of our dear mother etta hill who passed away april 18 1944 a tribute of love and remembrance to a mother one of the best the joys that she missed on lifes highway may she find in gods garden of rest lovingly remembered by mary russel and boys mon pop the bunch jthe lone ranger spies andy custom hatching turkey i a spomman down south and eggs a specialty also ladino ugfcss kk- a clover for sale j h fyisby ukibmais aiiows rr 2 markham phone 6209 stouffville 502 vickland seed oats for sale art steckley ph 8516 pm 502 vicland seed oats for sale lot 23 9th concession markham j johnson phone 6001 stouff ville 493 140 acre farm for sale con 10 lot 21 markham fair buildings solid brick house hydro would take small farm in exchange h x foote stouffville rr no 1 concrete block all sizes im mediate delivery ontario con crete block gonnlev ont lost ond found notice will the party who bor rowed my building jacks please return to banford garage gorm ley and oblige g w baker newmarket water pressure system 350 gallon per hour automatic com plete with tank and all equipment go cycle 13950 delivered outboard motors all sizes 1 to 10 hp various makes new 1947 from 7950 new garden tractors electric and gas operated washing machines power lawn mowers boats of all types and canoes power tools electric and kerosene operated refrigerators riflesand shotguns auto trailers radios of all types and kinds transportation prepaid anywhere in ontario christians electric hardware oshawa new and used farm equipment for immediate delivery cockshutt 8a tractor plows new deering 13 hoe drill used kid kangaroo gang plow nearly new ihc spring tooth cultivator used cockshutt hammer mill new quebec sulky plow used fleury 21 walking plow used cockshutt hay rake new ihc hay rake used l cockshutt 30 grinder new cockstiutt conde milking machine new delaval cream separator used good supply of electric pressure pumps hand pumps pump jacks etc- in stock cockshutt transplanter used bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 notice we will continue our repair and business from eli lehmans premises on 8th con pickering until further notice please note ph 1510 claremont fred e byer deere a white dralei vickland seed oats for sale cleaned at plant under govern ment supervision j barry ph stouffville 261 tenders wanted painters tenders for painting and decorat ing school building school section no 15 pickering township will be received up to may 15th 1917 ap ply to secretary for information the lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted miss a forgie secretary continuation public schools 502 box 41 claremont ont massey harris implements on hand for immediate delivery ritewav milking machines 10 inch grain grinder drag harrows snring tooth harrows mowers binders plows 17 ft home freezer 4 ft oneway disc asphalt shingles and roll roofing hnrv ogden son stouffville ont ph 25402 time table changes effective sunday april 27 1947 full information from agents canadian national railways sportsman allows lone ran ger to get in touch with mary and they meet at invisible scar- letts andy is very fond of mark and to the delight of the bunch per forms some wonderful tricks pop lets celebrate mom we just received a bakers sweetner receipe book and i want each of you to choose yomr dish pop celebration tea punch page 7 little annie page 9 jacksons point butter scotch pie ella cinders page 15 thornhill rich golden cookies blackie pge 8 musselmans lake lemon ice cream tik tok page 55 ok apple pickle mark trail nage 48 pine apple jam invisible scarlett page 16 bakers sweetner chocolate syrup lone ranger page 38 super cream tomato soup tonto cocoanut pie with strings lone ranger he means cocoanut pie page 10 mom everybody has had a say now then everybody get busy weve got lots rakers sweet ner sugary taste easy to use no coupons s 150 725 1350 3125 6300 12650 prices notice rash 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 25 gallons 52 gallons 106 gallons no refund on container subject to change withou transportation prepaid with order shipment of 10 pallons or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office george e baker plimb manufacturing chem- stouffville ontario n