the tnoune stouffville one thursday march 27 1947 greenwood the ypx met last sunday even ing at the home of alus ilean sad ler the cgit will meet this satur day afternoon at the home of miss jean pascoe the national film board were showing pictures on wednesday night assisted by local talent owing to the roads the red cross can vassers were unable to get around hence a collection was taken and will be forwarded to pickering mrs stanley returned to her home after sending a couple of months with her daughter mrs fawcett of the lake shore mr and mrs percy clarke were in hampton last sunday with rela tives the drama was presented at kin sale last friday night to a fair audience despite the inclement weather they have three of four invitations to give it in the near future the community extends their sympathy to mr k matt and family in the loss of a wife and mother mis matt died in the hospital after a lingering illness the funeral took place to salem cemetery last monday mrs walker returned to her home in the village last week aftei spending the winter in the city with her family j mrs f byers and marjory were in brooklin last tuesday visiting with morley and mrs kivell the wms- for the circuit will meet at the home of mrs a mor- den on thursday april 3rd at 230 mrs anderson is in charge of the program mr and mrs k beeblv spent last sunday with john and mrs middle- ton the many friends of mrs green were pleased to see her at church last sundav morning mr and mrs k webb and family moved to their new home last week whttevale crkam pkodlceks takixg vote ox mr and mrs alfred kayes makketixg plas friends were happy to hear of the nurin the month of atil the birth of their baby daughter and lunn lne aomn ot aph tne to seeing cream producers of ontario will are looking forward margaret isabelle soon have the opportunity of voting on mr and mrs stanley evans willi whether they favour bringing their be leaving the village the middle of i product into a marketing scheme april to take possession of the j under the provisions of the farm farm they have bought near wood- products marketing act the plan ville they have sold their house toui the scheme follows very closely mr and mrs leslie randall who that of the hog marketing scheme have been living with his his par- j which was put into effect about a ents- i year ago it provides for setting up mr wm sadler visited friends a board to be known as the ontario on sunday and attended the lnited am producers marketing board church service he made an expert- this board will have power to regu- ment bv sowing sweet pea seeds ate and control the inarketing of late in november the seed- have cream produced in ontario and wintered well and there will be nufaetured into butter and w manv bouquets for friends t increase and improve the umrner i marketing of cream for butter man- ri i i t ufacture provision is also made for in the thw fen hce up county groups and dis- vas a suece in evlv vav mr lrict mmittees of producers and olvi the representatives of these district iaticg committee is empowered tot negotiate and settle agreements respecting a minimum prices b forms of contract c conditions of sale d grades and quality e price differentials between grades f weighing and testing g trans- j poration further provision is made in the scheme for arbitration in thej event that the negotiating commit tee fails to reach an agreement the vote of the cream producers of ontario on this scheme is schej duled to take place between march 31 and april 30 three alternative methods of voting are provided all cream producers are required tc register to be eligible to vote they may register in person at the comi ty agricultural representatives office and vote at the time of regis tering on anv day between march victoria wants vote ox switch to daylight time bunker who has a summer home l east of cherry wood and who is a i naturalist gave over an hour of epic committees nine in number covering the whole province will each year elect the members of the marketing board thescheme also provides for the licensing of all bunker must possess unlimited patience and perseverance to ob tain such marvellous pictures of bird life which opened the eves of every person in the audience to what is happening in our fields and woods during the nesting season free seeds fob pexsioxers old age pensioners in scarboro will be provided with garden seeds free of costs according to a decis ion of the scarboro towrishid coun cil close to the citv authorities are endeavouring to encourage these people to grow their own vegetable- and thus make their pension money go farther also garden work i healthy occupation and good for the pensioners as it is for other people creamery operators at a nominal license fee of 100 and also licens ing all cream producers on the bais of a fee of onetenth of a cent per pound butterfat on all cream delivered to a creamery there will he also a negotiating committee of ten pve to be appointed annually by the marketing board and five bv the creamery operators the negot- vietoria county council went on 31 and april 30 the second method record at the current session as be- is by registering and voting with j ing opposed to the imposition of the deputyreturning officer in daylight saving time until it has charge at public meetings which are be endorsed bv a provincial or being held m each county this dominion vote method of voting will apply only members concurred in a resolu- up to april 19 by which date all the tion from kem c that since public meetings will have been changes to davliglit saving time held after april 19 any produces j the urban centres represent the of cream may register by mail with wishes of onlv a sma minori of his agricultural representative who will send out to the producer a ballot which must be marked signed and returned to the agri cultural representative not later than april 30 1947 any ballots received after april 30 will not be taken into consideration i people in ontario that we there fore petition our provincial gov ernment to enact legislation pro- i hibiting the changing of lime until i such time as provincial or domin ion vote has been taken endorsing the same and that copies of this cabtwbight to battle warble fly port perry mar 21 cartwright township council recently voted funds for the purchase of warble fly powder in sufficient quantities to treat all livestock in the munic ipality commonly attacked by this scourge the powder will be dis tributed to all farmers who wish to avail themselves of this free treat ment one pound of powder is said to be sufficient to treat 20 head of cattle resolution be sent the minister of agriculture and to all the county councils in ontario which thev reeentlv purchased from mr s dix hy folks easters just around the corner let- us smarten up your easter garments fs moxey for haxgers dressup thats why vouii want to see the wonderful ar ray of suits coats toppers at goldens pbelvde to spatfup stouffville cleaners will pay lc each for wire hangers bring them in vfevi yi tied in bundles of ten iv bo this iught we have a complete line of he most modern equipment for dry cleaning and finishing your suits and dresses your loveliest gowns daintiest sweaters and blouses percy f hewlett owner and cleaner was for many years owner and operator of a successful cleaning plant in the united slates selling out and moving to canada in 1942 mr hewlett studied scientific dry cleaning spotting and finishing of all fabrics including synthetics at one of the american schools receiving his diploma from same being fully qualified in all branches of certified dry cleaning opening get acquainted prices suits cleaned and pressed 75c dresses plain cleaned and pressed 75c suits sponged and pressed 50c dresses sponged and pressed 50c other wearing nppnrcl of nil kinds reasonably priced accordingly the above prices cover certified cleaning of your garments and not the production work quickly turned out by many of the low priced plants in the city we use the french resheen process which replaces much of the original new look to your suits and dresses any spots not coming out in the regular drying cleaning service are removed in our spotting department at no extra charge is hours service the phone number is stouffville 343 we will have a truck on pickup and delivery as soon as possible please stop in and give us a try ixtcifrd down market si one block mh f pn offlrr top your spring suit with one of these new hats trimmed with a cluster of ribbon choose it in navy black biege brown or rose blouses congenial company for your easter suit plastic handbags over your arm for easter they add a bright touch in colours black brown navy tan boys tweed pants super for school or dress ages 6 to 18 years mens top coats good selection of colours and fabrics sizes 3fi to 44 mens allweather coats gabardine material good fitt ing style with fly front buttoning to neck lined for extra protection sizes 34 to 42 chokers squirrel mink and kolinsky luxurious accent for spring suits and coats beautifully fashioned in 2 3 and 4 skins furs are cheaper at the present new easter coats for the young set size 3 to mx students suit new wool tweeds sizes 33 to 37 young lads suits wool tweeds in browns and grey 24 to 32 harry goldens clothing store stockfvule oxtakio