the tribune stouffville ont thursday march 20 1047 cream cream cream for best results ship your cream to stouffviiie creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 1sg01 j eodocos003000000000000codooocoo hoik to pass sew area to take effect jax 1 1ms report of employers xeeoed members of the aurora high there are at the presem time in school board and chool trustees canada thousands of veterans who from schomberg met with reeve ns4esk zt mittee and representatives of his kno a varled committee to discuss the proposed trades aui businesses these vet- aurora high school area inspectors eranj are using their re-establish- duifin and howitt ot the depart- ment credits to make themselves ment of education and county aud- better workmen and thus to gain itor jack bounty were also present for themselves great job securitv it is hoped to nave the new area higher wages and greater happiness pased at the tune session of yorkh their work county council to fake effect on january 1 litis fear that th one of the most increased successful pro- jects in the work of rehabilitation r i the area would servicemen and women of its tne training being atrorded through schools operated by can- danforth automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 parts accessories machine shop service xoe ioxao w w d holden sons take the school area out present classification for obtaining ontario grants approximating adian vocational training basic around 75 per cent appear ground- knowledge is being imparted in con- less- bus services required for the centrated form to alert voting work- area were estimated at around 10- era who have had the vision to see 000 per annum at present it is cost- lhal mastery of a cl j ing around 0 per pupil for this io r service paid in eadi instance bv the the c of s individual school section with a apprenticeship are being telescoped government grant so that taxpavers inl months of intensive work in in the rural areas might well expect these schools and through a pro- a tax reduction gram of training on the job in the actual process of production alfalfa hay wanted best price for good quality sample reesors marmill limited markham phone 96 phone 18401 stouffville ioexoi iok eggs wanted by reg grading station cases supplied grover 8970 free weekly pick write or phone p hutton up prompt returns 40 kenworthy ave toronto 13 youfifcnfoy leave stouffville standard time to toronto touxbridge a 715 am a 350 pm b 925 am b 820 pm daily except sun hoi 1225 pm 240 pm c sat only 705 pm b 1140 pm b sun hoi only bus connections at toronto for buffalo detroit chicago north bay new york montreal fares are low round trip tax included toronto 180 buffalo 7x0 montreal 1730 detroit 1235 new vork 2083 chicago 2095 tickets and information at rotcliff pipher stouffville motors stouffvelle phone 170 oil burners for any type heating plants the guaranteed installation of a wca oil burner ill banish your heating worries for this winter and for many more installations made in about three weeks from date of order seventeen years experience with oil heating systems sold and installed by arthur r gray ilmdioivn ontario phone schomberg 5022 schomberg whose continuation school will he absorbed by the new plan will gain considerably as at present the school section pays 001 mills per year- aurora now at 2g mills will not increase it is expected but will likely show a small de crease to the ratepayers king whose general secondary school tax is now 104 mills should also show a decrease figures for whitchurch were not available but there should be no tax increase if the plan is adopted whitchurch west will be part of aurora and newmarket for high school purposes while the east side of the township will form a school area with stouffville the bound aries have been decided on and the new area will become effective in january 1948 mr brandon said and providing the bylaw passes county council in june which is a foregone conclusion the chairman reported vandorf march 13 mr and mrs howard davis of toronto visited mr and mrs aylett on sunday miss jessie britton and miss grace beech of toronto accom panied miss ruth oliver home on sunday afternoon mr and mrs kenneth bacon visited relatives in stouffville on sunday mr cullingham has been a patient at york county hospital for two weeks congratulations to mr and mrs norman heintzman who have a baby girl born on friday feb 28th at york county hospital vandorf school was closed four days last week following the snow storm and opened again monday morning this week the aurora sideroad has been completely block ed with snow since last monday march 3rd itwas opened as far as james wrights to aurora on satur day traffic other than motor is travelling via wrights fields until saturday the milk was taken by sleigh through eight different farms including olivers craw fords mctaggerts austins rich ardsons jim porters ewart bin ders and g timbers the fourth concession was also cleared on sat urday all the available man power in the community was working many of them until 230 am there was sunday school and church service at wesley on sun day morning as usual vandorf has lost another well known and highly esteemed citizen in the passing of mrs george staley mrs staley retired as usual about eleven oclock on saturday night her little girl betty became alarm ed when her mother didnt answer her so she went next door and called mrs robert brown a train ed nurse mrs staley had suffered a heart attack she was born 51 years ago at bethesda her maiden name was elma grace pointon she lived later on the third and the fourth concession of whitchurch spend ing her entire life in this commun ity she attended wesley church and sunday school regularly she was a member of the womens institute and the womens associa tion she had a friendly nature and was a good neighbor and a devoted wife and mother her husband pre deceased her a few years ago all the family were present at the funeral service including five children miss erla staley of streetsville erma mrs r man- nen of copetown james robert and betty of vandorf four step sons lome clifford and ernest staley of brantford and howard staley of toronto three sisters ruth mrs walpole and miss cora pointon of toronto and ella mrs millard of sault ste marie rev ernest moddle conducted the funeral service at wesley church on tuesday afternoon in terment was made at heise hill cemetery the pallbearers were peter mackey stephen eade ernest eade colin pattenden robert brown and loy carr deepest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing relatives the actual training is only half the story the final chapter in a veterans rehabilitation will be written only as he is given an opportunity to put these new skills which he has acquired to work an opportunity to gain experience and confidence in his chosen voca tion if you have need of additional help in your business or factory why not get in touch with the can adian vocational training organiza tion and see whether they have a veteran who has received training or could receive training on the job to fill your needs beef prices to encourage a steady move ment of cattle during the next few months when marketings are usually light wartime prices and trade board has announced an up ward adjustment in the ceiling price of red blue and commerical grades of dressed beef which be came effective mar 3 and which were reported in this paper at that time but the exact date was not certain and local butchers made no change in price this controlled increase will be two cents per pound at wholesale carcass basis and three cents per pound to the consumer on standard or primary retail cuts these in creases apply to the three top qual ities only and prices on all other qualities of beef will remain un changed the amount of the increase allow- l ed in the new schedule it was do it right with sealtite sealtite rockwool home insultation blowing method district agent frank armstrong phone 28 cedar stajax stouffville 168 jloie c fan yowi 7laaey sales agent t h paisley stouffville phone 267 emphasized will permit cattle buyers to pay approximately 15 cents per pound for tep quality cattle basis the toronto market hid purina chick startena v the starter with w-fa- ingredient power remember last falls egg market everything points the same way for this year anyone who has a flock of well grown fully developed pullets- in production next fall is going to be in the money how about your flocks will you be wishing or cashing it depends partly on the kind of chicks you start partly on the way you start them partly on the way you grow them we can supply purina chick startena the starter with ingredient power to get your chicks away to a flying start chekrtabs to protect their health drop one tablet in each quart of drinking water and a good purina growing feed to grow them out big and strong once theyre past the starting period use these helps to better pullets and next fall youll not be merely wishing youll be cashing old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse at your farm phone aglncodrt i8ji2 collect thas cambem ajrlnconrt rr2 let us fill your coal bin now with fuel for next winter good anthracite or soft coal as you desire stiver bros purina products arc made not to sell at a price but to produce best results at lowest cost