the tribune stouffville ont- thursday march 6 1947 lemonville our school children and teacher are having a holiday owing to what do vol know mom pop little annie and tik tox start out and going along nice ly when about dusk a strong light was flashed and a couple of bandits wocked roacb stood out guns readv the car mrs robson is visiting m toron- stopped to for a few weeks with her son and put em up this ls a holdup da what do you know ella cinders clad t0 hear mrs gra 1s ing slowly mr fred timbers is expected and blackle all tied up kidnapped what do vou know a couple of l- hunters came out of the bush and h tosests said stick em up they cleaned mrs urenery spent b up the works money jewels guns aud bakkhs swbetvek mom says i wouldnt have cared about the jewels and stuff if theyd left me sat urday and sunday in toronto and attended the kiwanis music festi val held at eaton auditorium on saturday night bakkks swkktkxkk 1 gallon 5 gallons 10 gallons 25 gallons 52 gallons ioc gallons xo refund on containers subject to change without transportation prepaid on gallons i with order shipments of 10 gauoiis wee or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office sugary taste easy to use xo coupons george e bakek ilunb manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario church hill 1501 snow snow and more snow our 725 roads are all blocked 1350 congratulations to mr and mrs 3125 avhiard maclean on the birth of a if3 oo baby girl at newmarket hospital 2j feb 19 p i sorry to hear mrs ralph reaman n tirn i nali tne misfortune to fall and tear notice the ligaments in her knee she will have to have it in a cast for eight cash old horses s13 we will pay you s1500 for your old horse at your farm phone agincourt 18j12 collect chas cambebb agincourt rr2 home this week fred timbers and floyd steckley docked at new york on wednesday enroute home from their trip to the british isles they will reach stouffville today or friday liawx bowling a post card from mrs james rat- cliff to friends in town indicates that she is enjoying delightful wea ther and the lawn bowling greens at st peterburg certainly she is missing a sight here at home that she may never see again those lovely ten foot drifts markham and pickering town ship councils scheduled to meet on monday afternoon were both can celled on account of the storm pick ering council will meet on monday march 10th card ok thanks to the many friends neighbors and relatives 1 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the lovely cards letters fruit and inquires made during my stay in the hospital also the sixth line baptist young peoples society the mennonite church and young peo ples society for the lovely baskets of fruit and flowers and especially the ratcliff families for their acts of kindness since my accident grant wideman notice to creditors and others estate of stanley alfred noble all persons having claims against the estate of stanley alfred xoble late of the township of pickering in the county of ontario labourer who died on or about the 22nd day of july 1916 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned adminis- kixsman of victoria waits german trial greatgrandson of queen victoria prince philip von hessen awaiting a german denazification trial is shown as he eats in his basement quarters at the german civil intern ment camp in darmstadt the prince is a soninlaw of italys ex- jn victor emmanuel aurora resident dead mrs arthur atkinson of aurora treal weddings browx harmon cedar boughs snapdragons and roses formed the background for a pretty wedding at the brides home on saturday when betty marion daughter of mr and mrs george harmon became the bride of morlcy ray brown son of mr james brown and the late mrs brown j rev xorman rowan performed the ceremony and helen fockler cousin of the bride played the wedd- ing music given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown 1 of white sheer with white roses holding her full length veil she wore a gold locket the gift of the groom and carried red briarcluf roses mrs muriel tunney sister of the j bride was matron of honor and wore a gown of pale blue taffeta with floral headdress and short veil she carried pink roses gladys harmon acted as brides- maid wearing pink taffeta with floral headdress and short veil she carried pink roses allen brown brother of the groom acted as best man bernard tunney was usher j for the reception at which fifty guests were present the brides mother received in turquoise wool with black accessories and corsage of red roses and the grooms sister- inlaw mrs jack browir assisted in printed crepe with black acces- i sories and corsage of red roses the couple left on a trip to mon- our weekend specials died at her home there on march 2nd in her 77th year deceased was the mother of mrs ewart pinder and miss marjorie atkinson who j survives her together with the hus- band interment was made in aur- ora cemetery on tuesday afternoon too late too bate when the crown learned that the man whom a charge of not filing income taxes in 1913 1944 and 1945 had been dead for more than a year the charge was withdrawn in this instance oscar m brooks tratrix of the deceased on or before rr long deceased j jvryj lliould have been the defendant full particulars of their claims im- presumablv hefaiieriro file returns mediately after the said date the ad- ne tauea to hle retulns ministratrix will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to such claims of which she shall then have notice dated at markham this 3rd day of march 1947 louise elizabeth booth administratrix by her solicitor j a cattanach i 453 markham ontario and the department had just got around to laying a charge this leads us to say that it is about time parliament did some thing to protect the average citizen from income tax officers laying charges overdue for years the accused in these cases has litte chance to defend himself on such dilatory assaults abtoxa the altona womens institute is postponed for the next meeting there will be further details next week unpirted dates per lb 19 pitted dates per lb 23 turkish raisins per lb 25 allens apple juice 220 oz tins 25 jiffy porridge pkg 17 marmalade wetheys pineapple 24 oz 39 catellis cooked spaghetti 2 tins 25 ixl tapioca pudding 2 pkgs it carload groceteria stolkpvl ont our capital correspondent written exclusively for the stouff ville tribune by m l sschwartz cxioxvibbe miss ila c weighill atcm of unionville has had a class of ten pupils trying their examinations at the conservatory of music three of the ten passed their piano exam inations with honors seven passed with honors in theory five of them firstclass and three making one hundred percent dairy cows wanted for export close and backward springers holsteins and ayrshires phone or write to l kahn sons claremont 8or2 44tf wqceryrmimes choice quality canned tomatoes ts at tin 16 10 at tin uk edlo pkg case of a aa 24 tins aot weekend soccial only standard quality peas j 10 st 235 dillons jolly good pitttd dates leadinc brands grapefruit ju ce leading brands apleiiiice 2 1 25 t leading brands case of 24 tins 295 orange blended juice 2 25 aylmer pure 3range marmalade 31 domino delicious flavour tea z 40 79 fresh ground as sold hqhmello lioffee rend 39 quaker xxxx 3readfl0u8 c 69 z 249 domino for better baking bakin powliek f 15 pkc lit of so wctheys peach 1am all brands in tins plum jam 25 salada tea bags 7u9 catelli ready cuts macaroni neilsons jersey brand cocoa 8 19 all brands choice quality prune plums royal city choice quality peas carrots plain or quick quaker oats mother parkers coffee v 28 manle leaf matches crown or beehive corn syrup hoi tin 4 1b tin 29 49 values effective until closing saturday march 8th all merchandise sold at your domin ion store is unconditionally guar anteed to give 100 satisfaction fpultsyegetables oranges florida new following the disclosure that prime minister mackenzie king had suffered from pneumonia and that he had been seriously ill for some time before it had become generally known rumours have circulated widely in ottawa that a new leader for the party may be named by a national convention sooner than it had been contemplated though this will depend on various circum stances indeed it is said that the rather slim majority in the present parliament now held by the gov ernment may hasten such action since a general election might come earlier than it had been originally anticipated in any case these topics are hot subjects of whis pers right now behind the scenes along parliament hill and head lines may be in the making in the opinion of veteran observers here finance minister abbott has started something with his an nouncement on certain relaxations of rental controls for commercial properties of accommodation in resort hotels and boarding houses and houses purchased between oct 31 1914 and july 25 1945 since these decontrols have encouraged pressure groups who have been seeking a chance to boost rentals on private housing accommodation across canada however the view in ottawa is that for the time being anyhow no drastic changes are likely to be forthcoming even if it is reported that the authorities here are being flooded by requests from organized property owners and smaller landlords for immediate relief but it is hinted at the same time that there is no assurance that some sort of relaxation in this regard may not be affected before the end of 19 17 hydro shutdown the public will please take notice that the hydro will be off on sunday march uth from 2 to 4 pm this is an emergency and the shut down will be effective through out the stouffville ringwood markham area jack burns markham hydro supt the initial price of 135 a busliel was not a gamble in any sense said in the house of commons hon james gardiner agriculture min ister in discussing canadas wheat questions placed on the order paper for later reply in other words the speaker has suggested that oral questions might be confined to those involving urgency and he has proposed that members intending to ask such questions should pro vide him with a copy of the ques tion in advance as well as the min ister involved there simply are not enough boxcars to go round but the trans port controller is doing his best to r see that those available are equit- pnce it was arrived at by taking ably distributed so that no industry nvo- ma of wheat has to shut down for want of sup cnlrnlat innntff and ihes said transport minister ch mirkatjrtt w 7 in parliament in explaining mnrfhpim j u the extremely critical situation in consfderat on t h shi in this country owing to lat l le fac that one the shortage of thousands of box- mjia l a alre been cars and the necessity of moving srfjftfrtltsivhmt feed pulp and paper and hi m r toct ll would other commodities with a flood of w 8 wifj an 0 years demands for such boxcars from nri rt east then should the various sources forcing the trans- j ii9 i price port controller bsliberty to r hthc c create a strict priority system z ll dropped moreover stories about getting fhfl 1 i the u year i such supplies from the united en money ob- states can be discounted since the doz crop valencias lg size lettuce 2 for california iceberg lai onons 3 lbs ontario no 1 cooking tained for the wheat to pay the farmer 135 a bushel without any person in canada outside the farmer paying one cent of it on the other hand hon john bracken leader of the official opposition declared in parliament among other things that the gov ernment is selling the farmers 1916 wheat crop for 100000000 less than it would bring at the world market price the estimates of the wartime prices and trade board from april 1 191ito march 31 1917 totalled si 3250000 according to a report in this capital and the actual expendi tures from april 1 1910 to dec 31 1910 the latest information avail able have been no less than a total of 938173130 breaking down these totals it is found that the uptb has spent the following amounts in the last mentioned period salaries 000388817 tra veiling expenses 75800587 print ing and stationary 35881955 tele gram- s10i91902 advertising205- 00027 and sundries including local ration boards and ration coupon banking costs 1230 10788 these actual expenditures olfer an idea of the cost of maintaining the opera tions of the vvptb during a nine- months period ending dec 31 1910 a great many questions have been asked and answered so far in this session of parliament with these being unusually interesting indications of the kind of informa tion being sought by members from all sections of this country consequently it is timely to report that the speaker of the house of commons dr gaspard fauteux has made a statement in parliament which seems to endeavour to cur tail the present practice of asking many oral questions on the orders of the day insiad of having the boxcar shortage is continentwide and it is equally acute in the united stales however some industries are doing everything possible to continue operating without shut downs such as newsprint makers who are merely trying to continue and storing their products in avail able places awaiting shipping opportunities later though news papers may feel the pinch sooner or later chili diks kxkoutk to hosiitab cyril poster twoyearold child of mr and mrs herb foster of zephyr was taken suddenly ill last saturday and was rushed to the sick childrens hospital in toron to however the child died before the hospital was reached little cyril had been ill only four days besides the parents three brothers and one sister survive modkbx axi obi tvmk dancing to be held in the new massey- harris premises market st stotilvim-i- on tues mar 11 iiiikii hiii be served ly the ladles of ihr oks