the tribune stouffville ont thursday february 20 1947 make these classified advs your market place live stock articles for sale sale reg geese and ganders for sale for breeding also ducks pekins rouens muscovevs ph stouff ville 5220 used washing machine sale good beattv phone mt bert 1605 for al 1932 de soto sedan for sale heater spot light 4 new tires runs real good fully winterized applv aylmer e carter locust hill rr1- acme cook stove for sale also philco radk 9 tube ph stouff ville 195 heifer for sale due to freshen april 18th first calf phone stouffville 7907 one durham bull calf for sale four days old also 11 pigs ready to wean lester mccul- lough ph 1g05 claremont one holstein bull for sale fifteen month old phone 2106 stouffville twoinone cook stove for sale with waterfront in fair con- dition ph stouffville 25s02 32 gmc stake truck for sale cash or trade for small truck or car seriel no 619sx phone s504 stouffville for sale woods milking mach ine hp motor 50 ft pipe 7 outlets with solution racks used ten months will exchange for cows- henry say rr 2 agin- court ph 54 j4 incubator for sale 300 ei hot water incubator new condi tion p benns lot 15 con 5 uxbridge twp 432 black yearling heifer for sale 3 durham heifers rising 2 1 ayrshire 2 vears cow due in april black gelding bay gelding 6 years m crittenden clare mont ph 8 r23 holstein cow for sale third calf due to freshen now robert hook stouffville ph 7802 five purebred yorkshire sows for sale 8 months old due to farrow last of april- w j dennie lot 30 con 4 markham lis mile south of gormley live stock for sale 10 fresh cows and close springers also 3 fresh heifers and young holstein bulls one registered holstein bull sired by hogs little joe pigs 40 plg3 7 and 8 weeks old 60 pigs from 60 to 100 lbs young boars fit for service horses several good work hor ses for sale john spang jr ph stouffville 6715 422 one 1929 chev sedan for sale serial no 4051330 james l ogden phone 5827 a spring mattress for sale good ph stouffville 1704 findlay oval stove good condition also other household articles lot 17 con 4 markham mrs edward harper one purebred bull calf for sale eligible to register from a cow which has graded good blood price reasonable o l heise victoria square phone stouff ville 6120 432 cook stove for sale modern de sign used only 15 months good sized fire pot warming closet and water reservoir white enamel finish 58500 also 3 quebec heat ers 2 medium and 1 large size s10 12 and 25 respectively also red maple furniture consisting of dining table 2 leaves four small chairs and one arm chair 6750 mrs wm extence phone mark ham 81 r23 1932 plymouth 7 passenger sedan for sale excellent motor and tires appearance bad 150 less ceiling mole motor sales ph stouffville 372 dav old cockerels bargains while they last for this week and next barred rocks light sussex black australorps light sussex x new hampshires new hampi 1937 fordson tractor for sale with magneto suitable for repairs will sell all or part 250 ft new flexible cable 38 suitable for barn rope c matthews lang- staff ont 422 white shirts blue shirts striped shirts ladies and mens sport shirts stetsons made to measure norman m maclean phone 3008 stouffville ont 422 milkers coolers shire x barred rocks light sus- n del milkers completely v i v installed 23300 up new woods 6can coolers 284 portable vat 80 electropail heaters 1320 watt 1675 3000 watt 2475 holstein cows taken in trade toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st toronto sex x barred rocks 495 new hampshires 475 assorted hea- vies 445 white leghorns 100 per hundred two weeks oids add 600 three week olds add 1100 per hundred this advertisement must accompany your order to receive these prices top notch chjckeries guelph ontario 422 two durham cows for sale one freshen in april other full flow also 12 muscova ducks h nes- bitt atha rd and 7th concession 15 pigs for sale eight weeks old just weaned a choice lot mur ray ramer ph 9213 stouffville bray hatchery has dayold and started cockerels and a limited quantity started chicks and pul lets pretty well sold out of chicks but they may have some available this month wed suggest you contact us soon and order now for later spring delivery agent m watts stiver i bros new beach coal and wood ranges with or without reser voir or high shelf 6100 up toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st toronto 1929 ford sedan good tires color and finish 19500 mole motor sales ph 372 german shot gun for sale 12 guage phone 9407 stouffville rop sired barred rocks for profitable chicks from high producing large egg strain order hillview farm rop sired barred rocks every breeder pullorum tested and government banded started pullets and started mixed chicks when available price list on request dealer for jamesway poultry equipment and dr sals- burys renosal for coccidiosis harold hill gormley rr no 2 37tf phone stouffville 1520 miscellaneous washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 rell son 2 shallow well pressure systems 25 cycle selfoiling pump jack lift pump for 25 ft well 15 pedlar pressure bowels for wood 15 pedlar pressure bowels for steel 6 taco ressure bowels for either 2 deep well pumps pressure s2 or 120 tank march del 1 shallow well pressure system for april del 2 used cistern pumps one with 10 ft pipe and cylinder used self oiling pump jack shallow well pump del every month order now for spring del electric motors m to 1 hp 25 and go cycle above del installed and serviced plumbing new and alternations material supplied as comes through geo h harmon phone ts0t stouftvillr ont for sale 1 convertible folding bed type gocart and 1 plain go- fart one at 10 and the other at 5 1 radio will sell cheap or trade for something useful len keeping stouffville east end one craft master saw sinch table 19x29 1 jointer planer 2 1 jig saw 1 sander l horse power motor combination grin der buffer and drill 5 belts shafting and pulleys set on por table benches in new condition phone 5903 stouffville wanted wanted convertable perambu lator in good condition phone stouffville 6505 man wanted for general farm work steady s months or year b silverthorn phone 2115 stouff ville orchard prove chicks a breed for every need hollywood leghorns white rocks sussex x red leghorn x rock we maintain high quality breed ing flocks double bloodtested fo pullorum disease grove chicks are guaranteed to live order now phone stouffville 7701 address a i grove mnrkunni rr2 wanted 2 to 10 acres with house on or near highway all cash if price is right please give full par ticulars g a winterfield 59 osier ave toronto 123 wanted car of heavy construc tion 192931 model to make into buck rake ross mckav union- ville rr no 1 phone stouffville 5212 caulking painting and glaz ing windows and doors phone stouffville wis 132 thursday feb 2060 head of reg accredited negative to blood test jersey cattlexln this herd there are several out standing quality cows fresh springers and good quality heifers and yearlings also 70 purebred york shire hogs including sows and young pigs and entire farm stock and implements including tractor and tractor equipment at lot 94 concession 1 king on yonge street first farm north of stop light as you turn to new market dont miss this sale if you are interested in jersey cat tle sale at 12 oclock sharp jas brommer sales manager a s farmer and f n smith auction eers gormley and newmarket friday feb 217farm stock implements ten head clydesdale horses poultry one hundred fat roosters rady for market pigs at lot 4 con 4 east gwillimbury property of howard linstead sale at one terms cash l s mount clerk a s farmer auc tioneer saturday feb 22 horses 14 vaccinated heifers 20 yorkshire sows 75 shoats fowl hay grain turnips and potatoes the proper ty of lome snodden lot 6 con 4 reach twp known as the frank hortop farm sale at one oclock terms cash no reserve farm rented ted jackson auc tioneer 422 tuesday feb 25 fordson fer guson tractor new in 1945 on rubber 40 head hereford and shorthorn cattle and baby beef yorkshire hogs at lots 7 and 8 con 7 whitchurch property of alger maye sale at 130 lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auc tioneer thursday feb 27 big double sale wednesday and thursday feby 26 and 27 on thursday the 27th will be sold high class reg and fully accredited hol stein herd all cows on rop also good horses near new threshing machine on roller bearings mh super 101 tractor on rubber and steel cockshutt row crop trac tor on rubber and full line trac tor machinery milk cooler milk ing machine hay and gain household furniture the proper ty of f d hubert at lot 12 con 4 north york dbwnsview 4 miles west of yonge street vi mile north of wilson ave and 4 miles south of no 7 highway on con 4 north york wednesday february 26 extensive sale of furniture household effects antiques of all kinds knicknacks tools james- way incubator and several brood ers property of mr watson and mrs goddard at prentices auc tion rooms franklin house markham village terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm sharp as this is a large sale it will start on time see posters ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday feb 26 at same time and place will be sold for mr hubert 41 head of reg fully accredited cows all an rop several fresh and springing 20 heifers these cattle are large and of good quality write f d hubert downsview po for cata logue lloyd turner clerk a s farmer gormley auctioneer saturday march 1st farm stock implements pigs hay and grain horses tractor equipment at lot 18 con 4 east gwillim bury va miles east of queensville and half mile south the property of kennedy bros sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer gorm- iey ph stouff 7312 saturday march 1 import ant sale of high class dairy and some registered guernsey cattle ford ferguson tractor farm stock implements grain etc on lot 15 con 4 markham twp just east of highway at buttonville property of egmiddleton terms cash no reserve as proprietor is giving up farming sale at 1 pm sharp ken clarke prentice auctioneers monday march 3 auction sale of fat cattle feeders milch cows farm stock implements hav grain roots furniture etc at lot 19 con 2 whitchurch mile east of aurora property of walter taylor sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday march 130 head of holstein cattle horses imple ments hay and grain at lot 20 con s markham the property of alvin s wideman termscash sale at one pm a s farmer auctioneer wednesday march 5 impor tant sale of high class dairy cattle allis chalmers tractor tractor implements farm stock imple ments hay grain etc on lot 22 con 6 markham twp north of unionville on highway property of r brillinger terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 1230 noon ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday march 6 sale of grade dairy cattle farm imple ments new woods milker horses hogs 50 ton baled hay grain etc on lot 23 con 4 north york twp 2z miles north from donsview po or start south from kellers garage from no 7 highway pro perty of maurice k gilmore terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 1 pm ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday march 6 farm stock implements hay grain pigs at east half lot 31 eon 9 markham property of elmer bentley terms cash sale at one no reserve giving up farming a s farmer auctioneer friday march 7 sale of grade dairy cattle mostly fresh and near due springers mccormack deering milking machine and other dairy equipment at lot 23 con 2 north york twp on bay- view ave iy miles straight east of yonge street from newton- brook po property of sam herdman terms cash no re serve sale at 1 pm proprietor giving up milk business owing to ill health ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday march s extensive sale of federal listed accredited herd registered holsteins inter national tractor on rudoer threshing machinetractor imple ments farm stock hay grain etc- implements have been purchas ed new since 1940 on lot s con 5 vaughan twp north of edgley property of n lewis sale at 12 noon sharp terms cash no re serve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday march 8 real estate consisting of house and lot on main street stouffville be longing to the burkholder estate also household furniture stoves pianos etc to be sold on premises two doors west of school terms for chattels cash quick posses sion mccullough button solicitors atkinson and sellers auctioneers saturday march 8 imple ments pigs horses household furniture at lot 6 con 5 whit church the property of jm mc- intyre sale at one pm terms cash no reserve as farm is sold a s farmer auctioneer salam real estate lost and found building lots several good lots on harold st for sale l c murphy ph 1s1 stouffville 432 40 acres of land for sale ideally located close to mussel- mans lake at ballantrae excellent barn brick house with hot water heating some fruit this is one of best locations for serving the lake and is located on highway to toronto 25 miles reasbns for selling ill health immediate possession apply to h mitchell on premises ballan trae or stouffville rr2 403 lost khaki horse blanket be tween stivers mill and ring- wood finder please contact john grove ringwood or leave at roy groves store ringwood property for sale property of late john davis uxbridge township 2nd concession school section no 6 corner lot 1 acre good soil 7roomed house barn glasgow close to stouffville hydro mail route and school handy apply mrs a noble 86 gerrard e toronto 432 personal card of thanks mrs george abell wishes to thank all the kind friends and neighbours for gifts and congratula tions on the birth of the twins card of thanks we wish to take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and relatives for the cards words of sympathy and kind assistance rend ered us at the time of our bereave ment in the loss of a loving hus band and father found pair leather mitts own er may have same bv proving property at stouffville bakery and paying for advertisement astray yellow and white scotch collie dog long hair plaid collar answer to buff please notify m crittenden claremont phone s r23 lost bottom part of a water mans fountain pen black be tween dr freels office and boad- ways drug store finder please contact stouffville phone 905 help wanted housekeeper wanted for two male adults work very light to commence march 10 m t leavens stouffville ph 5004 wanted married man working manager no children unless boy old enough to help for 100 acre modern dairy farm near toronto start march 1st must be willing to board helper house with bath hydro milk garden state age and experience good wages to right man br leech 241 yonge st toronto wa4501 tuesday march 11 sale of card of thanks tos to ma fiends and neigh- p ki m who so kindly remembered implements etc on lot 4 con 5i by lettel par ca and in scarboro twp on markham twp townline east of cedar grove property of ernest reesor sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctio neers tuesday march 11 farm stock and implements hay and grain at lot 31 con 3 markham the property of landon steckley terms cash sale at one pm a svarmer auctioneer wednesday march 12 exten sive and important sale of large herd of dairy cattle fresh and near springers tractor also trac tor implements farm stock imple ments hay grain roots etc on lot 62 corner of king and vaug han townline and yonge street known at the bunaby farm pro perty of edgar thomson sale at 1230 noon sharp terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday march 15 sale of ford ferguson new tractor and plow dairy cattle farm stock implements furniture etc on lot 8 con 7 markham twp m mile south of no 7 highway property of mr dufton sale at 1 pm no reserve as farm is sold terms cash ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday march 15 farm stock implements john deere tractor model d on rubber geo white threshing machine 2816 on rubber grain thrower straw cutter clover recleaner complete including large number new john deere implements guernsey cattle horses pigs poultry lot 28 con 7 pickering property of fred e byer atha station sale at 12 oclock sharp altona womens institute will provide lunch noreserve farm sold a s farmer auctioneer gormlev phone stouffville 7312 l turner clerk monday march 17 important sale of good dairy and high tesc- ing cattle farm stock imple ments etc on lot 7 con 7 markham twp property of mrs macpherson terms cash no re serve as owner has leased her farm and is quitting farming sale at 1 pm sharp ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday march 1510 head of cattle horses implements hav and grain at lot 11 con 9 pick ering 2 miles east of claremont the properly of arthur prouse sale at 12 oclock no reserve as farm is sold john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday march 19 farm stock implements tractor fur niture at lot 1 con 10 markham two between markhamsearboro townline the property of alberl grigsby no reserve farm sold terms cash a s farmer aucl tioneer- foster homes needed in york county i mrs p dike john and edna have you room in your heart and in your home to board a baby or a child under the age of sixteen the need is urgent please apply childrens aid society of york county 112 st clair avenue west toronto mo 35s1 quiries during my illness i wish to extend my sincere thanks and ap preciation mrs james coates claremont card of thanks i wish to take this opportunity to thank all the friends relatives and neighbors who in any way assisted also for the letters cards and gifts also the bethesda wms and the bethesda mennonite church for the baskets of fruit sent me during my recent illness lydia pike card of thanks mr walter brillinger wishes to thank the stouffville fire brigade for their prompt call for help when his residence was threatened with fire card of thanks mr and mrs roy hopkins and family wish to thank their many friends relatives and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy and for their beautiful floral offer ings also those who so kindly gave blood donations during our recent bereavement in memoriam norton in loving memory of a dear father joseph norton wh passed away february 23 1942 we have only your memory dear dad to remember our whole life through but the sweetness will linger for ever as we treasure the image of you ever remembered by daughter josephine and soninlaw george in memoriam nighswander in loving mem ory of a dear father ralph nighs- wander who passed away feb 12th 1942 z alas in the dreary winter i stood by a narow grave and i saw within a dear dead face id have given my life to save but i knew my thoughts could not waken that soul in its silent clay so i laid clown my heart beside him and silently wandered away sadly missed by ellwood isola anc family in memoriam davis in loving memory of a clear husband and father john a davis who passed away febru ary 13 1913 not just today but every day in silence we remember nellie and family farm equipment for immediate delivery woods electric grain grinders and oat rollers cockshutt hammer mills and grain grinders cockshutt farm sleighs delaval woods and- cockshutt conde milking machines woods milk coolers philco 60 cycle household refri gerators cockshutt wheelbarrows beatty and fellows shallow and deep well electric pumps coleman oil burning water heaters electric motorselectro pailsbench saws bench grinders cream separators etc etc we still have a few items unsold of our 1947 implement quota better drop in before it is too late bell son farm equipment dealers ph stouffville 281 mom and pop are invited to visit little annie and tik tok but are storm stayed at ozark ikes ozark ike says it sure is lucky for me i got my bakers sweet- ner before the storm pops ripping rarin and uneasy so mom says dont get so excited little annie will understand the delay pop again rips and roars and says how will we ever get out of these hills with snow piled up to the telephone polos mom says keep your pants on pop well get there pop says yes when 1 gallon 150 5 gallons 725 10 gallons 1350 25 gallons 3125 52 gallons 6300 106 gallons 12650 no refund on containers prices subject to change without notice transportation prepaid on cash with order shipments of 10 gallons or more up to 100 miles to nearest express or transport office sugary taste easy to use no coupons george e baker plimb manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario card of thanks i wish to take his opportunity to sincerely thank my neighbors ix memoriam and many friends for their letters morris in loving memory of and cards and to the bethesda our clear betty who passed away ladies aid for the lovely box of feb 11th 1913 j fruit i am thankful too that pray- we who loved you sadly miss you ers have been answered in my be- as it dawns another year i half during my recent serious in our lonely hours of thinking i operation and stay in the hospital thoughts of you are ever near lalso for the kind faithfulness of our jever remembered bv mother dadpastor rev f huson and billy i ralph allin itt3r- r3x 4 out of 5 women who win prizes for home bak4ng fl robin hood flour ir gy r ft- n x v idt zl