the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 30 1947 p5 m if ss a the wat- hello homemakers what kind of breakfast should you have a substantial breakfast or none at all this is not a question to be answer ed by now everybody has been fed and is off for the day guess i should go shopping right away nor is the answer to be found in i must reduce it has been proven that good health is maintained by a substan tial meal at the beginning of the day and this is true every day in the year summer or winter break fast should account for at least one- fourth of the protein and one- fourth of the vitamins and minerals required daily some people have developed the habit of omitting breakfast in an effort to lose weight but that is the wrong way to reduce their energy even keel if they divided the food they eat among three meals a day rather than two planning a well- balanced diet with three meals a day is not a difficult task if a few simple principles are followed but with only two meals there is a dan ger of omitting some of the impor tant foods which furnish the much- teins breakfast can be planned from five items namely fruit an egg needed vitamins minerals and pro- cereal or toast butter or jam and beverage which means milk for children during conservation of wheat products serve either cereal or toast but not both even this economical meal will be wellbal anced and hearty in many ways your body is like the engine in your car it takes forms it into energy the energy with which you accomplish your days work it is just as reasonable to expect your car to start on an empty tank as to suppose your body can furnish energy for the mornings activities without proper food a good breakfast can work won ders in the way you feel try it and see how much it adds to your con tentment and the ease with which you perform your forenoon tasks for a happy healthy start on the days activities serve breakfasts like these 1 half grapefruit or orange bran flakes with milk french toast milk or hot beverage 2 prunes or orange juice poached egg on toast muffin and jam cocoa or milk 3 baked apple oatmeal porridge and raisin milk or coffee ocr good neighbors by rjdeachman would be manufactured at a mone fuel in the form of food and trans- danforth automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 parts accessories machine shop service ftlotc c fat yjawi frlesiey sales agent t h paisley stouffville phone 267 marm1ll the quality name of poultry live stock feeds clo laying meal for your laying birds breeder mash if you are selling your eggs for hatching 16 and 24 dairy feeds for your milch cows calf meal or pellets for those growing calves piggy meal and excello hog grower to make hog raising more profitable we have a limited supply of blue coal nut and stove size all coal orders are strictly cash central feed store mrs soap the question box x k says why do the new substitutes lose their suds action quickly and make the water look so dirty answer the suds of the wash ing compounds disappear as the materials dissolve in the water the compounds do not hide the dirt in the solution as the soapsuds do mrsjm says what is meant by the inclusion of a detergent in the washing compound answer it should mean that more borax or washing soda has been added to dissolve grease and oil a small quantity of a detergent on materials goes a long way so you should not use it as lavishly as soap mrs b j asks what is the dif ference between a woolen wash product and a laundry soap for washing fabrics answer the difference is the gentel action of softening water as you know wools and nylons do not absorb water easily therefore it is advisable to use a woolwash because they contain a wetting agent the cleansing will be more thoroughly done mrs j t asks how can you tell if a new washing compound con tains an alkaline detergent it is true that you should not wash wool and nylon in such a compound answer you can recognize it by i the slippery feel it gives to the water solution and by the failure to make standing suds alkaline products tend to destroy animal fibres so it is not wise to wash good wools and pastel coloured clothes in this solution mrs t m asks will crickets in our clothes closet eventually die without doing harm answer a crickets chirp indoors is a signal to start taking action because they eat holes in clothes provide other food such as a tea spoon of oatmeal or piece of apple on which you have sprinkled some ddt powder anne allan invites you to write to her co the tribune send in your suggestions on homemaking problenls and watch this column for replies what warmlydresski womex wnil wear it takes threequarters of a fleece clipped from the back of a sheep to make the cloth for a womans coat in approximate figures three quarters of a fleece means six pounds of grease wool which con tains natural grease and oil and acquired dirt when scoured this wool weighs 11 pounds and this when spun yields four pounds of yarn the yarn woven and finished makes three yards of cloth 60 inches wide which weighs 34 pounds it takes approximately eleven fleece to make ten mens worsted suits the wool for one mans suit will weigh 87 pounds in the grease and 435 pounds after it is scoured and clean when combed into wool tops preparatory for spin ning this wool weighs 344 pounds and after it is spun into yarn it weighs 32 pounds this makes 3 yards of woven and finished cloth 60 inches wide which weighs 29 pounds during the first eleven months of 1946 canadian woollen and worsted mills produced 22130174 yards of cloth this was 7370763 yards or 50 per cent more than was produced for civilian use in the same period of 1945 mayfair restaurant breakfast from s am to 10 am dinner from 1130 am to 200 pm supper from 500 pm to s00 pm closed ox sunday for remainder of the winter season i but isnt there one fly in the ointment wouldnt there be a danger to the united states in pro viding russsia for instance with additional capital for the expansion of russian industry and the improvement of the standard of living of the russian people i doubt it russia is desperately poor her standard of living incredibly low why today does frances stand fumbling on the verge of commun ism production low the people hungry russia is a communistic nation and communism has an attraction for those who have abandoned hope if russia could raise her standard of living if she could trade freely with the rest of the world then communism would change it would become in the long run something of which the rest of the world need not be afraid if russian people could have closer contacts with the rest of the world much of her fear would dis appear if the russians could see the type of products which we can produce in canada and in the united states and which britain and other nations can produce they would realize that after all capita lists were not the imps of iniquity they have been taught to believe but only honest people trying to do a great deal more than they have done before and do it in a better way rheumatic pains quickly relieved and kidneys stimulated by rllmacaps storeys drug store stooftville ontario in one repect we are singularly fortunate canadians have the best neighbors of any country in the world despite their faults and sometimes they are glaring i wouldnt trade the americans as neighbors for any other people on earth 1 write with restraint for deep down in my heart i hold by inheritance a strong attachment for the scots in their own opinion and in mine they are gods chosen people still the americans are peculiar once an editor in the near south with whom i discussed national relations and other problems told me that the canadians were a more homogeneous people than the americans in startled wonder i asked him why it is said he quite obvious what do the people down here know about the people in kansas minesota colorado or oregon in your country the wheat crop in the west is a vital factor in the prosperity of the east but what relationship exists between xorth carolina and xorth dakota your foreign trade per capita is far larger than ours it is hard to make world citizens out of americans you are naturally that way we simply do not give a hoot for the outside world i was shocked but isnt it true though to complete the picture in the general interest of canada i would like to bring the maritime provinces closer to us sometimes i feel that prince edward island looks cold standing out there in the gulf all by herself i would like to put an arm around her bring her closer to the rest of us pardon this momentary digression the intention was good even if it did disrupt the sequence to the american people the world has given a magnificent opportunity the united states as it stands is the greatest creditor nation of the world it has the power to exert a tremendous crea tive influence in human affairs her destiny is that of a great trading nation will she accept that role if in this the united states fails i fear that the fate that once before befell her will come again and that with renewed violence it would be tragic if the nation which should be the most beloved should become the most disliked equally tragic is it if out of perversity the united states continues to plan for new depressions with all their cursed tendency to pull others down what the world needs now is a nation which is not afraid to ex change goods with other countries the world is full of nations trying to expand their export trade there is only one nation in the world which is in a position to buy and buy freely that is the united states the free entry of goods from other countries would reduce her own cost of production it would expand the real earnings of the american people lift her standard of living act as a febrifuge in the heated veins of labor true the united states would have to loan capital abroad but if reasonable care is exercised and if the world can be made free from wars for the next fifty years as i hope it can and the interest rate is a reason able one and the americans are prepared to take goods in exchange for goods sent out and as interest on loans made the result would be a rapid rebuilding of the shattered nations a general increase in the standards of living wolves trap 2 trappers 14 beasts besiege cab1x head for the nearest tree if you see a wolf pack thats the advice of manfred smith cobalt district trapper who disagrees with the contention of j w curran publish er on the sault dailv star of sault ste marie ont that a wolf will not attack a man smith says that last week he and his trapping partner roy john ston spent a night in an abandoned cabin out from cobalt while a pack of 14 timber wplves kept a howling vigil 20 feet away he and johnson sighted the wolf pack at dusk the men were follow ing their trapline on portage bav in nearby coleman township when they saw the wolves gliding across the ice toward them there was no time to assemble a rifle which had been dismantled and stowed in one of the packsacks smith said the men wheeled and dashed toward a cabin they knew was about 150 yards away with the wolf pack in ftdl cry they reached the cabin a scant 0 aids ahead of the wolves said smith the trappers had left fire wood in the cabin the last time they used the shelter but there were n blankets and the men spent a cold night from time to time they looked out and saw the wolves circling the cabin the beasts kept howling al most continuously as dawn broke the howling stopped and the wolves slipped away a veteran bush country trapper smith said that at this tinie of year timber wolves are especially hungry he said bushmen who encounter wolf packs should run at top speed for the nearest camp or if its too far climb the nearest tree then if a man remains quiet the wolves eventually will go away he said do you grow vegetables if you wane to get the most out of your vegetable crop this year give vigoro commercial grower a rial the experience of many growers proves its more profitable to use for early maturity top quality and high yields crop qualities that spell extra profit try vigoro commercial grower ti m a product of swift anything living but will not touch i think a wolf pack will attack what is shot and left smith added stouffville motors international trucks sales service and parts mccowfrontenac products firestone tires and tubes car and truck chains and accessories of all kinds we do cleaning and simonizing at reasonable prices now is the time to do that motor and brake job so come in and talk it over with us towing done nothing too big or too small ontario motor league service phone stouffville 170 h ratcliff w pipher youfyoy leave stouffville standard time to toronto tolixbridge a 715 am a 350 pm b 925 am b 820 pm dally excent sun hol b 1225 pm c 240 pm c sat only 705 pm b 1140 pm b sun hoi only bus connections at toronto for buffalo detroit chicago north bay new yqrk montreal fares are low round trip tax included toronto 180 buffalo 760 montreal 17j0 detroit 12t3 new york 2083 chicago 52095 tickets and information at ratcliff pipher stouffville motors stouffvflle phone 170