the tribune stouflfville ont thursday september 26 194g loss wptb questions bible questions and answers land answers q 1 understand in handing in these coupons the amount in meat is aiowed to go overseas to hungerstricken countries i know its njt much but if we all saved a few it would add up wouldnt it i dont believe a lot of us really realize what hunger is as we are so fortu nate in canada i thank god 1 live in a country of plenty i know you will see that these coupons get into the coupon collection a you are quite right the less meat we use in canada the more meat can be shipped over seas thank you for sending in the meat coupons they have been turned over to the collec tion authorities if there are any other people who tan spare meat coupons they may be turned in at any local ration board oilice and a receipt will be given for the coupons sur rendered q when one gives six months notice to tenants occupying a flat in the owners house as shared accommodation should the notice to vacate be given on the first of the month even when the tenants pay their rent on the tenth can one give notice any month a the notice should be given on the day of the month when the rent is paid on a specially printed form available at anv wptb rentals office yes under new rental regulations the six months notice for shared accommodation may be given amy month of the year under former regulations this notice could not terminate in the winter months now it may terminate any month q- my daughter is entering tor onto university sept 21 on sept 19 five sugar coupons in her book come due how many of the coupons am i allowed to take oft a- as this extra sugar is not re garded by the ration adminis tration as canning sugar but as extra table sugar allotment from sept 19 on you would be entitled to take only one of these coupons q i would like to know the ceil ing price on powdered lactic acid milk 1 paid 1 a lb at one store and 1 35 at another and amen question what mean answer it means be it so or so it is it is an affirmation of a preceding statement which the speaker solemnly makes his own it is also used as a proper name for jesus as affirming gods promise see revelation 314 j q is italy mentioned in the bible a yes three times and italian once see acts is 2 271 hebrews 1321 acts 101 q please explain psalm 51 what is hyssop a we quote the text purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me and 1 shall be whiter than snow this is a part of davids prayer for forgiveness hyssop is a plant that grew in walls and crevices of rocks and was used to sprinkle water and blood in the ceremonial purification of the temple q i have understood that hea ven is a spiritual condition am i right a heaven includes a spiritual condition but it is more than that- jesus said in john 11 13 let not your heart be troubled ye believe in god believe also in ale in my fathers house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you 1 will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also heaven is also a place q is death the end of every thing as lots of people say a thats an old question job asked it more than three thousand years ago and he answered it too by inspiration if a man die shall he live again all the days of my appointed time will i wait till my change come thou shalt call and i will answer thee thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands job 11 14 15 jesus said marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damna tion john 528 29 so you see this first death is not the end of anybody dalys orakgepkoe tea feel that 35c difference is too much a powdered lactic acid milk is a pharmaceutical product and has been removed from price ceil ing regulations each individ ual drug store may now set their own price and we suggest that you continue to make your purchases at the store where you can buy this product at si a lb potato crop outlook net too hopeful housewives and buyers who re call the scarcities of potatoes which have prevailed periodically during recent years will be glad to know that the ontario potato crop shows some promise of a slight increase over last year says r e goodin potato rieldman of the ontario de partment of agriculture but the overall picture in the eastern can ada provinces is not as hopeful he adds the dry weather which was responsible for drying up pastures in ontario and lessening the out put of dairy products also had a marked etfect on potato crops locally digging of late potatoes in the baliantrae section is expected to provide a good yield at least a good average early tubers turned out very good and late digging should be satisfactory reports from new brunswick state that their crop will be away below normal and that dry weather until about the second week in august retarded the development of the potato crop in prince edward island ontario consumers usually require about 3500 carloads per year from these two eastern pro vinces but with a short crop and heavy demands for export to south ern countries it is doubtful if nor mal supplies will be forthcoming during coming months to ontario markets last year it was necessary to import substantial supplies from the united states to meet consumer demands here potato acreage in ontario was stepped up considerably this year but a large portion of the increase was by growers of the early crop in southern ontario the yield per acre of early potatoes was very sat isfactory but practically all that early crop has now been harvested marketed and consumed late potato growers throughout the var ious areas of the province have not yet started to harvest their crops on a large scale but growers report that yields in some areas are dis appointing practically all eastern ontario and parts of northern and central ontario reports mr goodin are particularly poor supplies are now being provided by growers of intermediate crops many of whom are anxious to harvest their pota toes so as to sow fall wheat on the same land considering all circum stances the market should strengthen for quality potatoes under ordinary marketing condi tions weather has not to date been favourable to development of late blight so consumers may purchase their supplies for winter storage with confidence the tribune is your best classi fied adv market enters more than 2500 homes every week for a bettercmjma a call to reconstru ction on humanitys home front k the needs of a canada at war placed new r and wider obligations on the salvation army its traditional work on the home front the reclamation of individual lives broken by folly or misfortune was maintained the wider task at home and abroad wai added the army now faces the ftermath of war new problems in individual lives seeking readjustment new demands on equip ment made inadequate by war and expanding need reconversion today the salvation army calls to you its unfailing supporters to contribute your dollars now to make possible the work of human and physical reconstruction to aid in building for a better canada give generously on humanitys home front many thouundi of onadiim nuterulljr benem from ihe xrtoml services of the sinttion army ia itj i murrnity homes inj childrens homes hospital childrens summer camps old foils homes mining friends service prison ind police free loour sernce court vtork mens hostels hugh bannfrman chairman stoufivillc f home front crowds leave the theatre in breathless amazement a significantly vital and timely picture presented in the interests of pub- lic service for presentation to all v over the age of sixteen and for high school students segregated audiences women only at 27pm doors open at 130 c30 men only at 9 pm tickets on sale at tjo friday and saturday only sept 27th 28th no seats reserved limited engacement warning against political quacks by lewis milligan the other evening we were talk ing about reading in bed and there was some discussion as to what were the best bed books one man said he preferred detective stories another the readers digest and another liked something restful- anything that would divert his mind from the hard realities of life and put him gently to sleep for my part i prefer quiet essays like those of a c benson such poems as tennysons lady of shalott matthew arnolds thyrsis or to dip into alice in wonderland but there is something to be said for the heavier kind of literature as a soporific take adam smiths the wealth of nations for instance who in the world would ever think of tak ing that to bed witn him as an in ducement to sleep and yet on occasion i have found it very sooth ing like a prosy sermon than which there is nothing more con ductive to slumber as a variant when all others fail i can recom mend the wealth of nations as a certain cure for sleeplessness it is so wordy and longwinded that one is lulled by the monotony into sweet oblivion try it but to appreciate the wealth of nations one needs to be wide awake for it had a worldwide in fluence in and since the authors day and it has special application to the social problems of our own time for instance in dealing with quesnays economic system which calls for strict state control in agriculture adam smith contends that such a system would lead to social decline rather than progress and prosperity he likens the poli tical body to the physical body and says some speculative physicians seem to have imagined that the health of the human body could be preserved only by a certain precise regimen of diet and exercise of which even the smallest violation necessarily occasioned some degree of disease or disorder proportioned to the degree of the violation that is an example of adam smiths wordiness he contends that experience shows that the human body frequently preserves the most perfect state of health under a vast variety of diets and exercises even under some that are believed to be far from wholesome smith goes on to apply this argu ment to the political body he says that some political doctors seem to think that society can only thrive and prosper under a perfect social order whereas the natural effort which every man is continually making to better his own condition is a principle preservation capable of preventing and correcting the bad effects of a political economy in some degree both partial and op pressive he clinches this argu ment by saying if a nation could not prosper without the enjoyment of perfect liberty and justice there is not in the world a nation which could ever have prospered in other words adam smith is saying that this is an imperfect world that human beings are far from perfect and that this very imperfection is an incentive to individual effort and improvement if on the other hand the state undertakes to provide perfect security for the individual from want and all the ills of life the individual becomes flabby and effortless and society goes back ward adam smith concludes in the political body however the wis dom of nature has fortunately made ample provision for remedying many of the bad effects of the folly and injustice of man in the same manner it has done in the natural body for remedying those of his sloth and intemperance this does not preclude the necessity for measures of social and economic reform but it does warn against the adoption of the econo mic curealls that are being pre scribed by political quack doctors and theorists in these days claremont locker system standard size locker 900 a year cutting room and chilling room available free to customers cartons and containers for fruit and vegetables at normal charge taylorloyst phone claremont 19w or 19j butter production still declining butter production in ontario in august ran some 15 per cent behind the corresponding period in 1945 reports ce lackner director of the dairy branch ontario depart ment of agriculture he expects however that recent rains will help to stimulate production although recovery from the long dry spell is liable to be slow butter quality however continues to be ahead of last year and cream quality in july indicated the smallest percentage of undergrade cream for this month on record all the samples in the butter keeping quality competition have been graded and the last tests are being completed says mr lackner the butter entered in this competi tion now remains in cold storage until next march when it will be regraded and further tests made preliminary tests indicate that much valuable information regard ing butter for storage will be avail able to the contestants at the end of the holding period regardless of whether they are prize winners or not the final two months in the quality workmanship and yeast and mould competitions started on september 1 so close are these competitions that no plant is having a runaway for top honours gfs- 3 just like a telephone switchlword there are only ao many lines so many operators and when the ward is full somo calls arc bound to be delayed we regret such unavoidable delays but in the last two years alone calls have increased nearly 50 were installing equipment to handle this increased telephone volume just as fast as it becomes available but shortages of essential materials are still slowing up our expansion pro gramme this delay is fclv all along the line it is felt by you when your operator is unable to answer immediately when this happens please remember she is serving more people than ever before and that she will answer you just as quickly a she can