the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 20 1916 feeding pullets with marmill growing mash saves money analysis protein 18 fat 3 fibre 7 a growing mash plays an important part in the feeding of poultry it is the connecting link between the feeding of a baby chick and a laying pullet and as such must carry on from where the starter ration left off and fit the bird for the ion- contin uous high production in the fall and winter marmill growing mash is the connecting link on many hundreds of farms this mash made up of only carefully chosen highquality ingredients and manufactured and balanced to give the highest possible digestibility of ingredients will give your pullets the strong welldeveloped bodies and large frames necessary for pullets which are to start laying at six months of age and continue through the winter central feed store tkts xvii down the xa1is across canada and especially inj some of the larger cities- montreal neither the government nor the steel industry know whos getting a big missing percentage of to- days record canadian production and toronto for example in re- of common building nails at times cent weeks has taken on an an- you cant find a nail in stouffville or guished note true construction msrkham demands are excessive hut pro- it leaves the construction indus- duction was never higher recently trv questioning whether enough reached 105000 kegs a month or effort is being made to lexate and 1200080 a year and stop this possible major lotk in the build a house 30 kegs housing are finding devious ways to 50 a keg or more than ten times into unauthorized export i the legitimate canadian price the call for nails for building canadian black market quotations reportedly run from s15 to 24 a keg seldom seen the farmers are the backbone of the nation city people who take the time to think about where they net their food say that often enough kegs will but thats only saying what the i block of farmers have done for them theres supply pipe line serving essential stores or small factory authorized one pan 0 t picture theyve left construction the average builder exports have seldom in peacetime oat what theyre not doing for the and contractor would like to see been smaller are unauthorized exi farmers the cost of living has gone ottawa trace a few actual large ports growing uo but the increase in products nail shipments with if necessary i recent newspaper interviewers coming from the farm has been far adequate rcmp assistance to have found ottawa officials siispici- i the increase in other pro- iwptb and steel control enforce- ous but rather uncertain about ducts city people will pay higher rrent investigators one suggestion transborder nail smuggling to meet prices for their luxuries taking the is that a lot of nails earmarked for largescale demand at anything up increase in price for granted but if they have to pay more fo-necessi- i ties perversely enough theyll complain i im not saying all this is due to i city peoples cussedness its prob- i abiy due to their ignorance of the scenes behind the food on their i table city people can strike for higher pay and a forty hour week i but can you imagine a farmer quit ting work for the week because his forty hours are up in any case even if city people were better informed about farm life there wouldnt be much they could do to help us except per haps to roll up their sleeves and registered holstein cattle fully arc vale sunny boy chieftain j relieve the shortage of form help accredited federally listed 1gs235 not bred actually theres only one body of 1 holstein heifer brookdale bon- horses men that can help us directly and heur lady xo 000733 sire lo- grey percheron gelding g yrs old that is the government and the cust brae bonheur kngl13952 black percheron gelding 10 vrsold government has to be made to bred dec 22 1915 t lonelm grey percheron golding10 yrs old realize our needs what they are texal anthony itsho chestnut gelding gp 7 yrs old land their importance it would take 2 holstein heifer brookdale bon- j grain and hay a farmer to see that this was teur queen no00073 sire lo- about 200 bus oats quantity hay accomplished thats why we could cust brae bonheur king 113952 1 quantity alfalfa seed jtise fellow farmers in parliament bred jan 7 1910 to lonelm tex- quantity clover timothy seed and why the coming elecions will i have us farmers on our toes rooting auction sale beg holstein cattle farm stock implements furni ture staxihxg hay and grain crop the property of aemilius wilson lot 2r concession 4 vaughan township saturday june 2znd al ideal 130202 implements etc 5 holstein heifer black hart mh binder 0 ft truck carrier i for whitchurchs earl toole to beauty twin no 58361 sire mh mower 0 ft cut mh horse represent us in the house of corn- king colanthus alcartra johan rake 10 ft ihc 15tooth cultivamons heres hoping 13131s bred dec 5 1915 to tor springtooth complete with 3j ojd josh loneim texal flighcraft 100321 horse and tractor hitch oiver corn holstein heifer white hart i cultivator with disc peter hamilj aiirtiam cai c blondie twin no 5s2497 sire ton 13 disc- drill steel land roller aul i ium sale colanthus alcartra johin 1313 is 3 drums set fleury isec drag household furniture bred dec 5 19 15 to licmelm te- harrows sot seed harrows sec dishes redding garden tools etc xal highcraft 100321 i set harrows 3 sec fleury walking 5 holstein heifer johanna creator plow no 21 tudhope anderson triune nog389g sire elm croft texal triune 159317 bred march 16 1916 to lonelm texal monitor 157267 holstein heifer johanna fobes pietje no 60s737 sire un- sping sir fobes pietje 1520s1 bred jan 26 1916 to lonelm the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at goodwood s holstein heifer stradonc- bon heur segis no 613900 sire mapletress segis boy 16s19g bred april s 19 16 to lonelm te xal monitor 157267 9 holstein heifer devine beets xo602029 sire wayne burke palmyra 150100 bred dec 14 lf15 to ridgedale emperor segis 175110 30 holstein heifer mollv colantha dutchlandno56s63s sire ward- ville dutchland segis 131211 bred dec 10 1915 to ridgedale emperor segis 175110 hi holstein heifer rag apple of arnhem no 621613 sire locust lodge rag apple inka 157s24 bred jan 21 1916 to lonelm texall monitor 157267 32 holstein heifer maplethorn silva hess no 623s24 sire maple hedge rag apple king bessie 15s71s bred mar 21 46 to lon elm texal rag apple king 144- 695 33 holstein heifer cedar brook rag applellartog dolly no5s0- 370 sire edgewood rag apple victor 114711 bred may 1 46 walking plow no 41 2furrbwj fleurv good luck gang plowtrac- tor 2wheel potato sprayer farm saturday june 22 wagon gear set low farm truck i wagon flat rack flat tan wagon 1 followin property rack flat top sleigh rack fanni sflgpjfeitiffi es u5i ing mill with bagger hoosier wa- late thos baston tonsculller root pulper about 175 dining room tables secretary 9 rugs 2 hall racks couch i iui juut complete tongue oak quantity oak plank- 2 parlor chairs clock ing buggy pole trees aid yoke hanging lamps club bag 2 scythes cradle quantitv binder xumb01 bedspreads crib twine 3 steel drums molasses bed springs mattress barrel 2 large steel pulleys 3 dresser washstand horse blankets brooder house irniiot so complete c records s10 ft number chicken coops set phnoiiapli windmill fans brantford good j veranda seat iron dood well pump wocden vat chair extra heavy logging chin rakes shovels hoes neckyokes chains doubletrees forks etc and numer ous other articles poultry about 50 white rock and leghorn laying hens standing crop 13 acres mixed standing kay to be sold by the acre 33 acres of standing oat crop to be sold by the acre or sofa an stool cemetery flower stand bed library table large mirror ironing board 2 wringers set curtain stretchers robe number crocks glass barrel carpet sweeper lunch box large quantity cooking utensils number fruit jars bath tub food chopper organ pair hall curtains dresser bed springs mattress 11 acres of mixed grain standing i xu hanging lamps o- i ii leather rocker quebec stove large oil lamp clock crop to be sold by the acre quantity of mangels to be sold by the row above mentioned standing crop will be sold in lots to suit purchasers furniture etc iron bed springs and mattress wooden bed springs and mattress buffet oak number boeing chairs r arm chair number of pictures yj number fruit jars knitting mach- s msi o lonelm texal rag apple 1 2 dressers king 144695 34 holstein heifer brookdale bon heur turisen- xo61s239 sire lo cust brae bonheur king143952 bred mar 7 1915 to lonelm texal anthony 1731 f 35 holstein heifer baroness pont ine segis girt no 6659 sire mapletress segi bov 16s496 not bred 36 holstein heifer birchhills chief tain rag apple ann sireorch- term cih sale at i pm 1rrm i m krn and clirkc prcn lice auctioneer milliken ont phone ed kyle keith thomas joe darlington on the ivjigrccs bracket lamp flags large quantity pictures quantity stove pipes number drapes curtain rods kitchen stove i dining room chairs table oilcloth bissel carpet sweeper la vi mower small lamps iw bowl pitcher lantern ine mcclary range goetf baker dumber mops 3 antique wreaths in glass cases aiuminum kelte hakabm large preserving kettle 2 small tables commode chair set heavy team harney brass gf suirtfle cloths pwshs sprinkling can 2 folding seats l rra rnr- garden cutivator including all set plow harness 4 hore collars j carion eiulpment j number cushions pillows bedding i number wool single buggy harness quantity of other harness dst harp no reerve er wool cotton blankets 1 numerous other articles sale at one terras cash i x iteerve property sold a s farmer auctioneer how to freeze peas and strawberries its june in january might welt be the theme song a home- makers who have access to coid storage locker plants cr home freezing units and freeze heir own garden fresh vegetables and fruits being able to bring summr flavour and variety to winter menus more than condensates for the small effort expended in prearing and freezing food the newly revised bulletin freezing fruits and vege tables published by the domin ion department of agricuture con tains the latest information on what and itow to freeze directions are simple and sjiecifie and will give excellent results to the hmemaker freezing food for the first time as well as to more experience hand at this method of food innervation printed below are directions for freezing peas and str iyberries these products may not he at their peak in many sections of ihe coun try yet but the direceiiorts may be followed until a copy of the bulletin is received containers for packing vegetables and fruits for freezing m include heavily waxed cylindica cartons with slipover or slipin lids oblong cartons with bag liners honey or jam tins except for rhubarb or glass sealers particulai v those with wide mouths in freezing selection of vege tables and fruits is most iinnortant only the highest quality picked at the right stage of maturiv that is those at the perfect stage for table use should he chosen variety is also important as all varieties of j every vegetable or fruit do net give equally good results freezing peas select peas which are garden fresh harvest early in tie morn ing choosing only tender young peas shell directly into cld water discarding overlarge or hard peas wash and drain blanch peas three minutes blanching is really pre- cooking by placing vegetables in a piece of cheesecloth or wire basket with a lid to keep vege tables from floating and plunging into rapidly boiling water count blanching time from ts moment water returns to boiling point to speed the operations use two kettles having at least two gallons of rapidly boiling water in each blanch about one pound of vege tables at a time place vegetable in first kettle for thirty seconds only to heat through then transfer at once to second kettle time blanch ing from the moment the water returns to the boiling point chill mas rapidly by plunging into ice water or cold running water then drain pack in contain ers using the dry or wet pack for the dry pack fill the con tainers with drained pes leaving half an inch head space to allow j for expansion during freezing place lid on container and label clearly freezing strawberries choose firm fully ripe berries wash sort hull slice or leave whole pack in containers using the j dry or wet pack for dry pack allow oae pound i cups sugar for each four pounds about 12 cups prepared straw- i berries sift the sugar ov the ber- ries in alternate layers ir contain ers or mix sugar and bs ries in a bowl stirring and crushiig slight ly let stand until sugar is dissolv ed then fill containers leaving half an inch headspace for wet pack place berries in containers and cover with medium srup made by dissolving one cup of sugar in one cup of warm water chill syrup before using this amount of syrup is sufficient to fill two to three pint containers label all containers clearly this makes for easier indertification later ix business 130 years f w read and sons sold their store busines in bobcavgeon last week the concern had been in the family there for 130 years quite a record anywhere in ontario attend the flower show next tuesday evening danforth automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 farts accessories machine shop service thursday nite is foto n3tf 200 200 4s dancing wednesdays and saturdays lake mussulmans cedar beach gardens one of torontos finest orchestras the place to enjoy your private or club picnic is at cedar beach park one of canadas little beauty spots for hot air furnace oil burners and equipment for hot water furnaces 25 and 60 cycle now available and installations made by trained service men r c blewett sales and service agincourt 320w agincourt grover 6993 showing soon oil burning space heaters the stove that is really something with silent yet perceptible determination and an awareness of the urgency of the great need for foodstuffs the canadian farmer has accepted the responsibility which is his to maintain and increase the output of farm products so important in our national economy and so essential to relieve the critical shortage in world supplies provided as lie now is with purpose nobler than selfinterest he sets himself to the task with loftier ambition and renewed energy eager he is for fhaf conscious recognition within himself of having a definite and necessary part in the national velfare in its domestic and export ac tivities zealous is he that his contribution may be worthy and adequate by his side ever ready to help make more effective the farmers effort is the canadian implement maker whose cooperation in furnishing the most efficient machines enables him to multiply his output and extend his activities so that today he produces more with less manpower and in the most economical manner yet attained never were the opportunities in agriculture- more promising never was the canadian farmer better fitted or better equipped to make the most of those opportunities in the future as in the past masseyharris will endeavour to develop supply and service equipment that will make it easier for the farmer to fulfill his plans and aspirations y k 5s5gs ma sse h kk r s com pa ny i x imitea a r m oft he farm