the tribune stouffville on thursday june 20 1946 our capital correspondent vice personnel and their depen dents and other factors will not allow this plan to operate exten- i sivelv for a long time on the basis it is recognized on parliainentjof present observation- in this hill that the demands for cuts in capital the canadian rates of corporation the just department in ott- and personal income taxes as well as i awa has revealed that convicts in other socalled taxes are widespread canadian prisons cost the govern- but at the same axes are widespread canadian prisons co time wellinformed mem now 257 a sources in ottawa emphasize in no j day as against 30 about twenty years ago and per cent of the prisoners in uncertain language that in face of j pjientaries in 155 wer repeat the end of the war qute a long ers as compared with io per cent time ago now yet the estimates forj 1035 the fiscal year reveal a daily bud- get of about 7000000 on ordinary the importance of seieree in this expenditures of the government modern age was emphasized in no indeed in breaking down figures uncertain way in the house of for the average man or woman to commons when canadas minister understand readiiy it is apparent if reconstruction honcd howe that some unavoidable depart- jnd that it was hoped to provide mental costs may reach high j good salaries for canadian amounts with defence calling for scientists making this statement s4s00s011 in the demobilization while explaining the plans of the and reconversion process though national research council he add- thia implies a reduction of consul- e that there was a shortage of erabie proportions from last years good scientists throughout the 232 132178 reconstruction and world so that any scientist could supple requiring over 23oo0o0oo leave a government position and war service gratuities and reha- step into another post at a much bilitation credits rising to 326000- 1 greater salary in industries the 000 from last years 240000000 taxational research council had a other words when it s born in i staff of 300 in 1939 but the peace- mind that the dominionprovincial j time staff now would be approxi- conference could not reach any jtnately 1500 accord and other factors had in- creased ordinary departmental hake no mistake ir thinking expenditures it can be clear why that these increases are a signal for the federal government may not a general rise in prices ince they be able to satisfy a great many are definitely not said in ottawa demanded changes to reduce taxes donald gordon chairman of yvar- of various sorts in this years time prices and trade board in annual budget to the extent of these j commenting on the recent increases popular requests which are no allowed in furniture clothing etc crops best ix ykaijs ix ontario cointv crops are in the best condition in years in ontario county accord ing to the ontario agriculture depts weekly crop repor early potatoes are making goo5 progress and a fair acreage of cor has been planted both in ontario and york counties- little pigs are in big demand in york county and command prices up to 10 apiece apple troi pros pects are said to be good longer hill any secret on parliament ever since the canadian govern ment has announced that more immigrants will be allowed into canada from abroad according to a specific plan there have b en many wrong impressions drawn from this announcement as a matter of fact this is only a modified policy for more immigrants to 12 allowed entry and it will not even have a chance to show itself until the beginning of 1917 the announce ment has merely pointed out a short term measure on immigra tion as orderslncouncil were passed to widen the grounds of admissibility especially where there is an assumption of responsi bility for their maintenance by canadians moreover there is no attempt in ottawa to estimate at this time the number of additional immigrants who are likely to come l dont believe in the isolation of the catholics stated senator t d bouchard in the capital in referr ing on an order by mgr e lim oges bishop of mont laurier requiring roman catholics in his diocese to resign membership in rotary clubs because these were neutral organizations let him mind his own business interjected a member in the house of com mons when another member pro tested against a statement attribut ed to lord inverchapel nev british ambassador to the united states who was quoted as saying he hoped the new design of the canadian flag would retain the union jack incidentally britains new high commissioner to this country sir alexander clutterbuck who suc ceeded rt hon malcolm macdonald refused to comment on the flag issue upon his arrival in ottawa to take up his new post do you know ration book xo 6 will be distri buted on september th the first five canning sugar coupons became good on may 2nd tive more will fall due on july 4th fol iate- fruits sugar is scarce the whole world over and canada only receives her share from the com bined food board american visitors may obtain temporary ration cards at the border where special ration offices are now oper ating xo ration cards are need ed by american tourists who are stopping at canadian hotels this season canadian travellers must give up their ration books to hotel operators if they are staying four weeks or longer it is illegal to sell hot dogs or hamburgers on meatless tuesdays and fridays the breaking of counterfeit coupon rackets has been the biggest under taking of the price boards enforce ment branch in one week in may the canadian meat board shipped one million pounds of can ned meat to uxra on june 6th the butter ration increased to six ounces a week vegetable axd friit outlook is promising i ontarios untold thousands of fruit trees generally came through i the winter in fairly good condi- tion while vegetable growth retarded by cold dry and windy weather after unusually good early conditions for seeding has been relived by frequent rains and warmer weather the ontario department of agricuture said 1 in a report for the first five j months of 150 a few districts show less of 1 apple and cherry trees resulting from early defoliation in 1945 frosts in late april and early may i caused more bud and foliage injury to the lower pans of trees j in districts on low ground except for a few crops notably cauliflower and early celery producing areas in western i ontario show nearaverage pros- pects commodities in eastern ontario all show average with early cabbage and spinach above average alfalfa hay wanted best price for good quality sample reesors marmill limited markham phone 96 aeagzzsbh m at wt skssmu here under this modified immigra- air minister gibson has announc- tion policv which does not apply to ed in ottawa that sept 30 has been cases from the orient stressing set as the deadline for rca1 that shortage of transportation demobilization it cost canada a facilities the need for bringing serl total of 783141 to administer the i family allowances act from july i i to dec 31 1945 with this informa tion being disclosed here at the same time as that there were 1ss temporary and 3b permanent em ployees of the administration a carload of grade b potatoes three hundred 100pound bags had to be dumped in this capital on account of the strike in the united states in face of the worlds severe food shortage because these potatoes were rendered unfit for food canadian coal mines increased pro duction by sl percent in march as compared with march 1945 states a report in ottawa there are 13 diplomatic officers and 07 non- diplomatic persons attached to the soviet russiariembassy iri ottawa this compares with 21 lipomatic officers and 76 nondiplomatic staff in the united states embassy or 12 diplomatic and 22 nondiplomatic persons in the french embassy in ottawa senator tacrerar said ilax for middlktox picnic july 1st at or1llia a number of the readers will be interested to know that on satur day june sth a meeting was held at the home of mrs a spears whitevale to arrange for the pre war middleton picnic to be held at orillia on july 1st the meeting was well attended from huntsville peterboro toronto whitby and markham sports are being arrang ed also prizes for the oldest man lady youngest bab oldest and newest married couole and baby prize the park at orillia is good for accommodation in former years the attendance averaged from 300 to 500 the officers are mrs c s carruthers markham hon pres mr g middleton goodwood hon pres mr a middleton toronto pres mr g hewett peterboro vise pros mrs g middleton huntsville sec treas after the meeting mr and mrs a spears who are on the sports committee served a delicious tea of which was appreciated canada fourth largest the fact thai canada a land of 12000000 people has risen to the enviable position of fourth among the industrial powers of the world has been a constant source of astonishment and amazement to the peoples of other lands to the people of this dominion however the fact is one of which they are proud though canadians too often have to sit back and look at their nations industrial picture from a general point of view to let the greatness of it sink in send the tribune to absent friends locust hill cemetery memorial service sunday june 23 230 pm guest speaker rev h d mccormack ba of unionville the public is invited to this service will you accept a contract to see your child through college gef it from cordon brown your friend at canada ufa he knows you must have great hopes and plans for that youngsters future but he wonders if you know how easy it is to start putting those plans into operation right now with a canada life contract under thje canada life plan which precisely fits your needs you can with a small annual invest ment arrange to provide your son or daughter with a university education whether you are present at that time or not why not ask your friend at canada life to give you the complete story canada life 4 dduraice 0waft cvwhzsf mmwmi tenders for coal and coke federal buildings province of ontario sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed ten der for coal will be received until 3 pm edst friday june 28 1916 for the supply of coal and coke or the dominion buildings through out the province of ontario forms of tender with specifica tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the purchasing agent department of public works ottawa and the supervising archi tect 3g adelaide st east toronto ont tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and in accordance with department al specifications and conditions at tached thereto coal dealers licence numbers must be given when ten dering the department reserves the right lo demand from any successful ten derer before awarding the order a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in canada made payable to the or der of the honourable the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian nation al railway company and it constit uent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and in terest by the dominion of canada or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if require to make up an odd amount such security will serve as a guar antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract j m somervi1le secretary department of public works ottawa june 7 1910 in ottawa that it was quire possible for the canadian tourist trade to reach an annual total of s500000000 the chairman of the parlia mentary radio committee is ralph maybank winnipeg liberal a permit has been issued in this cap ital for the construction of a s27000 storage building for the national gallery of canada stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 5820 jljlt mln mercury and lincoln cars rucks v mercury mercury truck j i case farm implements sales and service little motors phone 187 markham the province of promise vjsaamimvs rich mining country is still a hard and chanceful land copper cliff and sudbury porcupine and kirkland lake still entice the courageous whoever is anybody in ontario mining has been around here in this northern re gion of mineral resources beyond calculation after gold nickel copper the platinum metals and silver today new sub stances are constantly being discovered camps and tonus iviih mineralsounding names are springing up nothing that is of use to man uill stay hidden longer than he takes to come for it puhluhed hy tiik brewing industry ontario a oitxi- iv om in i9k5 the province of ontario recorded i522o illmining claim in the pre vious year 2000000 nalaric ami wages went to the 10000 people engaged in the provinces goldmining industry and 30000000 in nickel copper during the war the mine of the sudhury haiun feupplird the united nations with all the nickel anil platinum metal- jfy required for victory yield- mf ing 1800000000 pounds of nickei2o0o0o0fxkpminfu of copper i52v00iinren of filter and 1750000 ounces f platinum metals