the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 20 1946 obp touff trill bribunr established 18s8 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments better off in the country the financial post will have sympathy for municipali ties like stouffville where mr gordon duffin speaking for the dept of education suggested that our high school be closed and the students shipped daily to aurora the post says lets spread out more canadians should live well out in the suburbs on lots of one acre at least this is in contrast with the attempt of the ontario dept of education to close off such high schools as markham and stouffville where the school is the very life and centre of the community for miles around- in the case of stouff ville the district is just completing the payment of its high school a modern structure which is recognized as a conr munitv centre yet the dept of education through mr duffin would scrap it for the sake of what mr duffin terms larger schools it is pretty well conceded that to close out the high school would close out this centre as a place that radiates a community life that no other agency could replace the post is preaching the very opposite doctrine and governments have been supporting the idea of decentraliza tion all in reverse to the attempt of mr duffin and his department to centralize education one way to build up the country life is to help the present rural high schools to develop in a manner which stouffville school has been doing over past years people in cities will not readily move to places like stouffville if the educational facilities are not here but in a town miles and miles away costs more to retire now until a few years ago scores of thousands of canadians could- contemplate secure retirement on life savings of 10000 to 20000 a farmer could sell his farm or a small merchant his store invest the proceeds at 6 and this income plus that from what he had already saved would allow him to live in comfort the rest of his days he cant do that now and with interest rates still declining he will be in greater difficulties tomorrow twenty thousand dollars invested in good securities gave a man an income of about 100 per month before the war to get the same income now requires an investment of 40000 in the meantime those planning retirement face a double squeeze the tremendous increase in income tax makes it more difficult to accumulate savings and the sharp rise in the cost of living makes a greater income from those savings necessary hardest hit is the middle class farmers small business men and salaried people with their own security plans menaced by high taxes and low interest they are asked to contribute the bulk of the billion dollars a year ottawa is now spending on social legislation largely to benefit some body else safer indoors the chance of not being struck bv lightning is approx imately 365000 to one says dr g d mccann westing- house engineer whose specialty is lightning most lightning casualties occur in small towns and rural communities acc ording to dr mccann the city dweller is relatively safe chiefly because he seldom has far to go to reach shelter- be cause steel skeletons of skyscrapers serve as electrical con ductors tall buildings of a city afford almost complete pro tection the ordinary city dwelling is a pretty good haven- thunderbolts strike hundreds of such buildings and homes every year but the tops and sides shed the lightning into the ground almost anywhere indoors is preferable to being out in the open when a storm is raging musical alarm clock the harsh ringing of the alarm clock in the morning will soon be replaced with the softer tones of sweet music to awaken one from slumber according to a report in the boston post the new radioclock is expected to be placed on the market some time this month and it may be set the night before so that the music will start automatically at the appointed hour in the morning of course this will sound more pleasing than the shrill buzzing of the alarm the only drawback may be that in some instances the music might awaken and then lull one back to sleep again want income tax exemption of 2000 frontenac county council has approved unanimously a resolution calling upon the federal government to raise the maximum income tax exemption for canadians from 1200 to 2000 a year- resolution said since the mem bers of parliament saw fit to increase their indemnity by 2000 per year and since this increase is tax free all citi zens of the country should be allowed to earn a similar amount without taxation council calling for 2000 exemption for married tax payers is right although there are stronger reasons in support of it than the one pointed out in the above resol ution editors mail disapproves machine tactics stouffville tribune dear sirs while visiting at the home of my cousin mrs robt mills bloom- ington i was handed an edition of the tribune carrying the news item and your editorial on the pro posed high school area plan allow me to congratulate you on your firm stand in opposition to the machine tactics of the ontario dept of education secondary schools ire most essential to community life there should be more of them instead of less incorporated into and with the high school should be a vigorous course in adult education never in the history of our country has there been a greater public thirst for knowledge scientific progress dur ing the past ten years make it very necessary that all classes of the public receive the best possible explanation on uptodate research where then could there be a stronger social organization than one with a high school and its invaluable staff as the center of community education you are also to be commended for the set up of your paper the diver sity of topics and current news to gether with a wealth of reporting local contributors to these latter you and they deserve great credit very sincerelv yours a g c a 20th century pkxtecost late this sunday night we feel led to praise god for his goodness to us here on pikes peak today in this modern age there is a terrible spiritual coldness indifference and even a falling away from the faith on every side of us throughout our land but thanks be to god there is also a real pentecost among us here even now in this little corner of gods great harvest field there has been gathering upon a few of our hearts for some time now a great soul burden which has be come real intense until it seemed that our hearts must break under the burden for lost souls here in rethesda but god has heard out cry and today pentecostal fire has fallen upon us god in his mercy has sent among st us two spirit filled messengers in the persons of rev and mrs mc kinney who have faithfully pro claimed gods truth and the holy spirit has manifested himself in each service in this evening ser vice the holy spirit was outpoured upon us in an unusual way it seemed for hardness of heart cold ness and indifference were literally melted away and the altar plank and fronts seats all around the pulpit were filled to capacity with men women and young people groaning and pleading for gods mercy followed by a blessed time of rejoicing and testimony as to how that god had saved and sanctified in the old fashioned pentecostal way we praise god for this who can doubt that pentecost is here among us we praise god for a dear old saint who is not able to meet with us rev i brubacher of stouff ville who is praying daily that god will give us victory in the lives of fifty seekers in this evangelistic campaign god is answering prayer may god bless brother brubacher richly and grant to us more such prayer warriors may penticostal fire continue to fall upon us until gods kingdom enters every home in our commun ity and every life becomes a temple of god amen the average price of a hair cut in canada is 45c according to a statement issued by the barbers union as compared with the us where the average is 7312 on both sides of the line union representa tives say the price is too low it would be refreshing to find some union organization satisfied with their lot incidentally the price in stouffville is not exorbitant and should not drive any family into buying a pair of clippers such as it is reported to have done in some of the states the madill reunion will be held in memorial park stouffville wed nesday the 2gth of june wptb questions and answers q when we have a shortage of food in canada why do we give ration cards to the thousands of united states tourists who come to this country this en ables them to buy supplies here and also in their own country a this question has come upj several times so we repeat the answer if you visited the unit- j ed states you would be given temporary rations for the dur ation of your stay in that coun try naturally we must return this courtesy and allow visitors from the united states temp orary rations when they are staying in canada the tourist trade brings millions of dollars into canada every year and you can readily understand that people would not visit a coun try where they could not ob tain food supplies q i am planning to spend three weeks at a summer hotel and would like to know if i must take along my ration book a we are sorry we answered this question incorrectly a day or so ago persons remaining at a summer hotel for two weeks or more must take along their ration books for each two week period the hotel manage ment will remove 1 sugar 1 butter and 2 meat coupons q i am a returned veteran and have just bought a house i understood veterans could give three months notice to the present tenants but they refuse to move what can i do to get these people out a sorry you cannot do anything if a veteran owned a house be fore he enlisted in the armed services he may give the pre sent tenants three months notice to vacate and take pos session of his home at the end of that period however as you purchased the home after your return you are in the same position as any other purchaser the tenants are protected by freezing order and while this order is in effect you cannot give them notice we have ad vised all veterans to consult the rentals administration before purchasing any property q i am planning to open up my home on the highway this year as a tourist centre will i be able to get extra supplies of butter meat and sugar in order to serve home cooked meals a first you must visit your nearest prices board office and secure a business permit there is no charge for this permit when you secure this permit the ration administrator will advise you whether or not you are entitled to extra rations q we will be from time to time on our farm this summer how many meals must i serve before i am en titled to extra coupons hiring extra help a extra ration coupons are only issued for a total of twelve meals or over if extra help is hired for two weeks or more the ration book of the person employed must be given to you a feature of the ontario- quebec division conference of the canadian weekly news paper- auuion held at lon don last week was the present ation of three awards for dis tinctive journalism in the weekly field in this picture are three whose papers received awards left to right e w hwon of the fort erie timesreview who received thc- icgge trophy for be- editorial pace chas h xoiaa stouff ville tribune winner of the jos clark memorial trophy for the best all round weekly published in towns of 1500 and less in ontario and quebec provinces drwikon of the shawinigan falls standard yinner of the stephenson trophy for the best front page and some of it may come your way yesterday farmer neilson got over 800 cash when he sold his grain through the processes of trade and com merce some of that money may come to yov banking service enabled him to obtain his money quickly the farmer doesnt have to wait for his money until his grain reaches the consumer this is important to you no matter where you live or what your work farmer neilson and thousands like him spend money for household and farm equipment food clothes radios paint and a hundred other things this helps keep people busy all over the dominion your bank advances credit also to help farmers plant cultivate and harvest crops of all kinds to buy and raise live stock banking service is something like the good oil in fine machinery you never notice it but it is a prime factor in your prosperity in the canadian way of life smi h this adverfisemenf is sponsored by your bank