the tribune stouffville ont thursday may 30 1946 make these classified advs your place live stock articles for sale help wanted number of pigs for sale around 100 lbs phone stouffville c606 for sale or rent five pigs eight weeks old for sale alvmer carter lscust hill rr4 two bull calves strayed one black and one red and white owner please phone stouffville 4905 fresh holstein cow for sale second calf willis taylor phone stouirville 6c08 irish setter registered male 6 months old for sale murray nebitt ph stouffville 5s05 poultry and fowl phone claremont is wanted 510 stove mcclan- range g lids re- employment wanted by ring wood christian church servoir and warming closet mrs young man is years in town or sheds for sale applv jacob m albert allen phone stouffville i country experienced apply 8921 emery stand for sale large size also lineshaft is feet long by li inch and 20 gallons of tar roofing in drum mrs j silver- thorn ph 7404 radio for sale stewart warner house radio battery set general electric portable battery set also serenader portable battery set all with new batteries steinire stube electric console apply russell m gray brougnam box m tribune office grove phone 2s05 or phone fred steckley 5707 5- public school teacher wan ted for ss no 6 uxbridge glas- gow protestant applicants state experience and salary expected j duties begin sept term apply to henrv slack secretary stoufli ville rr 3 52 for rent or sale 50 acres north west quarter of lot no 24 in the ninth concession of the township of pickering posses sion at once applv mccullough button stouffville 32 personal 350 leghorns for sale in spen- horse collars wanted 24 inch pipe collar s a stouffcr phone stouffville 4706 wanted man for farm work clifford king rri stouffville lf vo suffer from arthritis neur- phone 4714 did condition and laying heavily ccm racer bicycle for sale phone toronto midway 3597 i 52 j almost new also a ccm mans bicvele phone claremont s5 r2 jersey cow for sale springer thos grove phone stouffville 4s10 grey percheron horse and threehorse power gasoline engine for sale in good condition robert l nesbitt rr 1 clare mont one brown clydesdale mare in wicker baby carriage for foal for sale nettle audley coroi sale in good condition mrs nor- ners pickering i man neal phone g614 fox hound pups for sale from piano for sale large upright also stock of the sutton byer hunt a twohorse power electric mo- club walter g byer phone tor 25 cycle apply w simpson 0205 locust hill ont wanted experienced married j man on small dairy farm all mod- era machinery and equipment good wages free house electric- itv and garden apply box ti sufferers from exzema should use itic or rheumatic pain write us for information about colch- ina the remedy that is doing so much good international agency 22 college st toronto 53 national clothing collection send what you can to your local collection centre june 1737 sa1ada t smm jnbb tribune office tar1na the wonderful remedy that is doing so much good in stouffville and vicinity write us international agency 2 college st toronto 53 card of thanks mr geo e cook and family wish teacher wanted teacher fori to extend their heartfelt thanks and ss no 12 whitchurch duties to appreciation for acts of kindness commence sept 3rd 1956 apply j messages of sympathy and beautiful to arthur steckley seetreas floral offerings received from their 33 teacher wanted for ss no 2 markham locust hill i applicants state qualificaions andj salary expected e j wilby sectreas locust hill 42 j additional locals mr and mrs gar lehman and mr and mrs j o reaman toron to motored to windsor and detroit for the holiday weekend patsy and bud lehman spent the weekend in toronto with loan and joel reaman phone stouffville s516 two sows for sale nearly due chas brillinger pho 6702 bicycle for sale ph stouff ville 5207 3yearold gelding colt for sale good size also a shed 20x40 contains some good planed and rough lumber eli lehman ph claremont 150s rubber tired wagon for sale 16x600 tires norman burton claremont 33 gmc 1 ton panel truck for sale serial no 1022 s3s5 witzke audley coroners pickering two pure bred red short horn bulls for sale sight and j 3 ply sedan serial no twelve mos old one reg york shire sow bred april 27 border collies eight weeks both sex seed buckwheat seed potatoes general electric motor for kathadin alex gray clare- sale vi hp volt 110 cycle 25 mont ph 8 r3 markham call at stanley slacks claremont 1597g 827500 briggs audley cor- oners pickering couple wanted for uptodate dairy farm to live in wife to help with housework steady job accommodation and all conven iences top wages phone mark ham 49r2 or write homey farms stouffville rri kind relatives friends and neigh bors during their recent bereave ment in the loss of a deal wife and mother miscellaneous strawberry plants for sale premier variety les ogden ph stouffville 5s27 24 card of thanks mrs cwstjohn and family wish to convey their thanks and appreci ation for the messages of kindness and beautiful floral tributes re ceived from relatives and friends during the brief illness and loss of a loving husband and father for sale about 200 ft ix2 34 fir 15 4x4 sharpened posts and about 120 ft wire fencing all for 1000 c andrus stouffville if you want junejuly bray chicks northern electric modern for fallwinter production we strongly advise you order them now to get breeds and delivery date you wish hatchery will fill orders in order received contact us soon stiver bros stouffville rop sired barred rocks for profitable chicks from high producing large egg strain start ed pullets four weeks and up order hillview farm rop sired barred rocks price list on re quest harold hill gormley rr 2 stouffville ph 1520 l2mos 4 durham cows for sale and a part holstein cow due to freshen last of may don bacon clare mont phone 160s note we want to buy bol calves 42 theres no gamble about 1916 its going to be a poultry year the poultry industry is the logical one to expand today as birds are econo mical users of our short etrain sup ply it isnt too late to fill up the brooders with tweddles the husky healthy fast growing chicks no waiting at tweddles for your chicks we can give prompt delvery on all the popular pure breeds 2nd hybrid crosses in nonsexed pullets or cockerels prices greatly reduced for june also eight weev to twen ty week old pullets free catalogue tweddle chick hatcheries limited 42 fergus ontario style refrigerator for sale perfect condition extra good size priced s150 geo davies phone 35908 stouffville s piece diningroom suite for sale in good condition also a wicker baby carriage phone markham 50 r3 two wheel car trailer for sale with stock racks also light wagon democrat with tongue and shafts like new anl massey- harris no 21 5ms ft cut mower good about 5 square of metal roo used ph stouffvil 9212 wanted returned man desires ride to toronto daily leave stouffville 7 am apply jas eddington mansion house stouffville piano tuning agent for ragnar steen piano expert potatoes for sale suitable for table or seed from certified stock e mantle goodwood quantity of potatoes foe sale phone stouffville 3615 geo cober unionville rr 1 accommodation for a limited number of cattle to pasture near claremont running stream appl to j- coom phone18 sheep shearing i am prepar ed to shear your sheeo on short notice stan hall slouffviue rr 2 42 whitewashing barn spraying tb clean ups tree spraying a balcon 3 wellington st w aur- oyaont 3js small barn or driving shed wanted c a mcdowell phone stouffville 2124 252 wanted to buy gurnsey bull serviceable age lester mccul- lough ph claremont 1p05 wood softwood slabs also cord wood geo derusha ph clare mont 4 r3 17tf live poultry wanted also dressed ducks geese and turkeys highct market prices paid we buy leghorns we pay top prices per lb for hens in good condition and come to your place to get them there is no need for you to travel long distances with your poultry on the promises of high prices only to have it grad ed into two or three grades they know you will not haul it all the way back home percy hewlett stouffville 343 notice prices advanced on beach coal and wood ranges on aprlst we will sell our stock at the old prices while they last six models to choose from toronto radio sports ltd 211 yongc street toronto concrete blocks weatherproof faced designed to resist frost and fire before building see the home block on highway ne goodwood 54 notice we sell 465 can woods and frigi- daire milk coolers and delaval milkers we have in stock at the old price but cannot guarantee any definite delivery or price on further orders buy now and save money toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st toronto 52tf highest prices paid wanted for export all kinds of cows and heifers springers or due to freshen later phone or write max heidt rr4 port perry phone 19sr2l 21 mos notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of ralph lott late of the town ship of pickering in the county of ontario laborer deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named ralph lott who died on or about the 26th day of march ad 1910 at town ship of pickering are hereby re quired and notified to send post prepaid or deliver to the under signed solicitors for the adminis trator full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 15th day of june ad 1946 after which said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims ir which the said shall then have had notice dated may 25th 1946 gordon c yake administrator 111 adelaide street west toronto ont mccullough button solicitors for said administrator 53t stouffville ont notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of james henry ratcliff late of the village of stouffville in the county of york retired merchant deceased notice is hereby jiven pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named james henry ratelift who died on or about the 11th day of april 1916 at village of stoulfviue are hereby required and notified to send post prepaid or deliver to the under signed solicitors for the executui full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the tth day of june ad 1916 after which said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have had notice dated mav 25th 19 16 james hamilton ratcliff executor 209 wanless avenue toronto mccullough button solicitors for said administrator 53t stouffiile ont piano tuning agent for ragnar steen thurlwill we are prepared to do tuning repairing demothing cleaning kindly leave replies at the tri- bune office 3j5 kathadin and green mount ain potatoes for sale certi fied seed 4c lb jaclark phone 5101 40 bags kathadin seed pota toes for sale also strawberry sweed rhubarb apply to bruce taylor ph 7602 seed buckwheat for sale seed potatoes kathadins also 2 steers suitable for beef ringers w e wideman stouffville rr3 phone s605 lost and found ladies wrist watch lost at musselmans lake reward fin der please call phone 9402 stouff- ville three young cattle gone astray ph stan hastings 3715 old horses 15 we will pay you 1500 for your old horse and allow truckage to sullivans corners agincourt chas cam bell 32tf rr 1 todmorden washing machines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 2s1 reti a sox i sewing machine service any make cleaned and mechanically rebuilt in your home guaranteed for one year w c code 85 morgan ave thornhill 3- phone 1 r2 seasonable goods in stock wc woods electric and gasoline oat rollers wc woods and beatty bros electric feed grinders beatty bros electric pressure systems beatty bros hand and rotary pumps fairbanks morse semiro tary pumps fairbanks morse self oiling pump jacks cockshult grain grinders and root pulpers wagner century and general electric mo tors delaval and woods milking machines woods milk coders we have a fair stock of these goods on hand now however the demand is great so we advice that you order now bell son farm equipment dealers phone 281 stoufrvlllc ont surge milker parts at reduced prices a complete stock of parts for surge milkers ahvay- n hand better runber parts for jess money your milker serviced bv experts at mail charge bell son phone 3rsi stouffville ont 4tf mom and pops 50th wedding anniversary continued at john and zillas victoria square women washing dishes john doing chores mom and pop slip away in the new car pop isnt this car a beaut mom i like my fur coat they enter baker store geo is very busy mom and pop meet a neighbor who is telling them how well they look geo well this is mom and pop in person introduces mom and pop to mrs from tor onto mr and mrs chatsworth mr from st anns miss from hamilton mrs from peterboro and several others mom we want 100 gallons geo how can you take 100 gallons bakers sweetner pop i can put that much in the back of my new car but we have 3 cars geo you are going up to jims at timmins how is jim mom hes much better hows margaret geo ill call her say i sold over 100 gallons to mr coutu at timiskaming in que bec lie runs a summer resort pop well go and see him ive always wanted to see his place geo do you know him pop sure im told he has one of the best amusement places in thatnorth country mom pay geo and lets get going the kids dont know where we are ship us 75 gallons to tim mins geo next week geo what so soon mom sure we have our bottle we put on the table with a bak ers sweetner label on it people want to know what it is and they try it and the first thing we know theyve begged a a gallon or two from us and thats the way it goes- geo bon jour mom and pop youve got good health keep it 500 worth bakers sweetner is as sweet as 1400 worth sugar 25 ozs 25c 10 ozs 35c gal 65c one gal 1255 gal 5 00 10 gal 950 containers extra 25 oz lc 10 oz 10c gal 15c gallon jugs or cans 25c each extra no shipment less than 150 we pay express charges up to 100 miles if money order accompan ies order for 6 or more gallons no cheques geo e baker phinb manufacturing chemist stouffville ontario mrs j o totton of richmond hill is spending a few days with her mother mrs s m warriner church street mrs ern madill and daughter laura spent a few days in manilla visiting at the home of her sister mrs wilmot shea stakes have been driven in front of the les rowbotham property on main street in preparation for the erection of new store frons shortly mrs t somers from pei is here visiting with her mother mrs edw walls tenth st fuller brush products sales and delivery anywhere in markham pickering uxbridge and scott townships v pennanen main st east stouffville ontario 446m phone 6502 new man gets wilcox lake garbage douglas harris lias been awarded the contract for handling garbage at wilcox lake this season by whitchurch township council at 350 for the season two collections will be made each week as in for mer years since garbage has been lifted as a local improvement at this lake the contract has been handled by the same man each year mr percy ash who was not anxious to continue dance in the community hall claremont friday may 31 bruce goulds orchestra 35c per person dairy cows wanted preferably backward holstein springers for better prices and prompt pickup phone l kahn sons 4tf claremont s5 r2 hygienic supplies rubber goods mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pricelist 6 samples 25c 24 samples 100 mailorder dept t78 nov-rub- ber co box 91 hamilton ont lloyds corn and callous salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses 50c at storeys drug store look younger restore natural colour to graying hair with anegli- que grev hair restorer 1 at storeys drug store for sale mh tworow corn scuffier re conditioned quebec sulky plow good condition cockshutt no 3 ilammw mill nearlv new bell son phone 2s1 stouffville thursday nite is foto nite 20020015 notice township of markham the township of markham de sires to draw to the attention of the public the following provision of the act respecting planning and development enacted at the last session of the legislature of the province of ontario namely every person who subdivides and offers for sale agrees to sell or sells land by a description in accordance with an unregistered plan of subdivision shall be guilty of an offense and liable to a penalty of not more than 50000 recover able under the summary convic tions act 45 chas hooper reeve chos hoover clerk we solicit your business farrs elevator claremont phone res 38j office 38iv we have a car of gluten car of fencing no 1 alfalfa seed red clover and all grass seeds special pig grower farrs own mix master chick starter is doing a real job try farrs 31 dairy ration guaranteed to give results western whole or chopped grain always on hand order your nut or stove coke for next winter for your requirements in baled hay and straw see maple lodge farms phone 1707 slouffvilie rri sale register saturday june 1 auction sale of summer cottages lots furni ture garden tools on the lafce front at rosebank lot 31 the property of dyson c cowan sale starts at 1 oclock wm maw auctioneer 42 saturday june 1 auction sale good modern furniture walnut dining suite electric washer garden tools etc on part of lot 28 con 4 scarboro on the ken nedy highway between milliken clarks corners property of p johnson sale at 2 pm dst terms cash no reservo proper ty sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday june s peal estate and buildings a rumley tractor 4025 goodison threshing ma chine 36is blower cutting box massey harris in the village of goodwood west of cnr tracks the property belonging to m j whittleton calgary alberta buildings situated on property are 36x10 with steel roof also another building 15x42 with cement foundation sale at 2 oclock terms on chattels cash terms on property 10 of pur chase price day of sale balance within 30 days see bills for further particulars or phone a s farmer 7312 saturday june 8 auction sale of household furniture dishes garden tools etc on kingston rd at dunbarton property of mrs mansfield no reserve termscash sale at 2 pm dst ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday june 1119 head of hereford cattle registered here ford bull horses implements grain at lot 32 con 4 markham the property of harold j hill- terms cash sale at 2 oclock lloyd turnerclerk as farmer auctioneer wednesday june 12 house hold furniture electric washing machine antique articles in glassware china dishes in the village of markham on main st just north of no 7 highway pro perty of g b c sharpo sale at 130 pm lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday june 19 auction sale of 1938 cliev sedan piano household furniture walnut dining suite garden tools etc on highway next to united church in the village of victoria square property of rev h j mackay terms cash no reserve sale at 2 pm dst ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday june 22 auction sale farm slock implements household furniture etc all the standing crop to be sold by the acre on lot 25 con 3 vaughan twp north of maple property of amelious wilson terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 2 pm dst ken clarke pren tice auctioneers nows the time to have your lawn mowers tunedup every mower completely torn down and reconditioned cleaned sharpened repaired 3 special machines used in these operations satisfaction guaranteed international motors w d a1kixsox mcdrer agent stouffvmlr